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A movie review: Luther

Light strikes close to a young German law student named 'Luther'. He decides that if he survives he will
become a monk. He is saved and so he becomes one. A superior, Johann, sees that Luther is an
exceptional man and so he becomes his spiritual father. He sends Luther to see Rome. Disillusioned
because of corruption in Rome Johann sends Luther to Wittenburg to learn scriptures and preach
Theology. Luther becomes an outlaw and a problem for Spanish emperor Charles V and Frederick the
Wise as Germany is under Roman catholic Church. Frederick becomes his protector and Luther ends up
changing the whole world in his lifetime.
In 1483, Martin Luther, Protestant Reformation, was born in Eisleben, Germany. Luther was the first
translator of Bible and printed it in German language. He changed the Christianity. His family was strict
German Catholic family. He became a monk and a theology professor against the familys wishes. Luther
wanted to lead monastic life after becoming a monk. He had chosen to be committed and devotion to
fasting, hours of prayer, and frequent confessions. His effort to dedicate himself to this cause would lead
to understand of his own sinfulness. His own spiritual self-examination began to lead him into religious
The false idol of a Pope was beginning to create doctrines whether they meshed with scripture or not, as
long as they were bringing money into the church. With the selling of indulgences to allow for the
passage of deceased relatives into Heaven or to save your own soul from sins, we were given the biggest
con ever. These people were peasants, unable to read the Bible for which they devoted their lives. They
were duped into giving their savings to the church that wouldn't give them the decency of letting their
own ideas and interpretations ferment. Luther saw this blasphemy and sought to rid the religion he held so
dear of it. When asked to come before the Pope, he seriously thought he'd be able to prove his point and
reform a broken system, instead he was given the truththe Pope wasn't interested in change, he was a
proponent of the tyranny himself.
It isn't that the idea of Catholocism is false; it is just that it is broken by the greed and business of
humanity. God should speak to us without the need of a proxy. That middleman seems to only cause
hatred and doubt for when one strays from the norm. Luther saw that everything bad about Catholicism
was against the scripture of God himself. He could prove his words if only they had given him a chance.
According to this film, Luther did not incite the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church did so
themselves. If only they had listened and looked past the money and the power, they could have united
their religion, as Luther wanted, instead they allowed him to be their enemy and gather strength.
Sometimes that strength used his name in vain with words such as "learn to despise props and
pretensions" as one man strips another of his crucifix, but it is that passion and misguided anger that

erupts from a polarized event such as the attempt to prove Luther a heretic. We would not have religious
freedom without the gumption and confidence of this theologian. Whether one agrees with what he did or
not, you cannot deny him gratitude for that.
Does Luther succeed as a piece of work? I must say yes; I couldn't have been made as passionate about
the cause as I was without their being some success on the part of those involved. Nothing is really done
spectacularly or jumps off the screen screaming genius; no this is a very straightforward and solid film. It
does what it sets out to do and never tries to be flashy or inventive because that was not the purpose. The
filmmakers set out to tell the tale of a man that is a hero to many, whether they align with his ideas or not.
Had Luther not stood up to the Catholics, we in America may still be partaking in the Inquisition, burning
friends of yours at the stake for being Lutheran, Methodist, Mormon, Muslin, etc. The beauty of freedom
is that you don't have to agree, just agree to disagree. One can be passionate and outspoken, but you don't
have to listen. You have the freedom to walk away, not the freedom to repress.
As with the story and movie itself, the acting is quite solid too. Joseph Fiennes shows once again that he
is the go-to guy for Shakespeare and period pieces, (has he ever done something else?). The moments
when he wrestles with his inner demons are intense as are the quiet reflections as he tries to compose an
argument in his head so that he can be true to his ideals, true to his faith and God, yet still go against the
rules while attempting to keep his life. Of specific mention besides Fiennes would be Peter Ustinov,
Jochen Horst, and Bruno Ganz. I'm not sure whether my praise is for Ustinov's performance or for the
resilience of moral fortitude on the part of his character Frederick the Wise. He may not agree with the
strong words of his professor Luther, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he should be allowed to continue
to preach. When Ustinov breaks down after seeing the way the Papacy thought they could bribe him, I
couldn't think of a more memorable scene. And when he is given the German translation of the Bible
the most fierce weapon imaginable for the Church as it allowed the commoner the ability to read God's
words himselfyou can't help but smile at his absolute glee.
Horst is great as a fellow professor in Wittenberg who at first questions this young unconfident monk.
Soon though he buys into the rhetoric and becomes his staunchest supporter to the end of being a bit too
overzealous. He takes the mantle of Luther to violence and revoltmaybe this was the obvious next step,
but Luther would have never gone there himself. And of course there is Ganz. This guy is solid and never
takes a wrong turn. As Luther's spiritual father, Ganz is the reason he is sent to teach and spread his ideas.
He always wanted his pupil to change the world and rid Catholicism of its poison, however, he never saw
the pain and suffering that change would lead to before the dust was to settle into harmony.
There's a lot of history in "Luther," and some very big ideas are addressed. Is it always benign to question
authority? How do people who have been oppressed behave when the lid is lifted? What are the dangers
of freedom, and of a "Let's wipe the slate clean" mentality? One brief scene attempts to address all these
questions: Luther's former teacher, a man who used to uphold Catholic doctrine, now suddenly converted
to what he sees as Luther's cause, humiliates a young priest for wearing a crucifix, and recommends that
churches be destroyed. Will the average viewer understand the import of such a brief scene exploring
such huge issues? Similarly, Luther's romance with a nun who escaped her convent in a herring barrel is
given very short shrift. And, Luther was one crest on a wave, not the entire movement. Jan Hus, for
example, deserves more prominent mention. Our film ends with the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
having to deal with a whole gang of new Protestant states in the German portion of his realm in 1530.

This was due to Luther and as I said before, Luther's legacy may be more political than spiritual. Luther is
not only good entertainment, it's very good history and that's an unbeatable combination.

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