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CEP Lesson Plan

Teachers: Ruotong Katherine Kang

Level: Advanced 2
Date/Time: Wed 11/16/16
Goal: learn to structure a cover letter in e-mail
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. compare a well-written cover letter to a less qualified one
2. summarize the outline of a good cover letter
Theme: Cover letters
Materials: tests, txtbooks, handouts
Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage
Activity 2: Cover
2.1 Pre-Stage:
letter - outline
- What we just read was a blog post.
- Not everyone is a blog writer, but there is one
genre in the internet that we write the most.
What is it?
- What do you use e-mails for?
- Nowadays, e-mail is a great tool for us to look
for career opportunities. Inevitably, we will
need them to send out resumes, cvs as well as
cover letters.
- Since most of you mentioned in your needs
assessment that you would like to learn how to
write cover letter. Today we are going to do
- My first questions, why do we need cover
2.2. During Stage:
- I have two cover letters for the same position. I
want you to read these letters, compare them
and discuss with your partner, which one is
better-written and why?
- Now read only the good one. I want you to
summarize what information is there in each
part of the e-mail. Not just paragraph, but all
components in the e-mail. In other words, I
want you to work with a partner and come up
with the outline for this cover letter. Write on
board with specifications, see the outline file.
2.3 Post-Stage:
- These are things you need to know in terms of
the contents and structures of cover letters.
- We will talk about the language component
next class.
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

S,T Time






Lesson Evaluation Procedures: Give out sample cover

letters and ask ss to bring them on Monday. HW:
outline of a cover letter - find a position that you are
interested in on internet/newspaper

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