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RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review for Domain F

Literature Review for Domain F

Brendon Boitano
National University
December 2, 2016
TED 690

RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review for Domain F

In this paper I discuss how the artifacts I used in my PDQP meet the Teacher
Performance Expectations in Domain F. Domain F contains two TPEs, TPE 12
professional, legal and ethical obligations, and TPE 13 Professional Growth.

RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review for Domain F

Domain F contains two Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs) that are very
important for my growth as an educator. TPE 12 deals with professional, legal and ethical
obligations, while TPE 13 deals with Professional Growth. I went through many artifacts
trying to find my best work to meet both of these TPEs. I believe that the two artifacts I
chose for this domain best meet the standards required.
Artifact # 1 in my PDQP meets the requirement of TPE 12 in dealing with
professional, legal, and ethical obligations. This artifact is my certificate that I did for
mandatory reporter training that was required by my school district. This was a free
online training that was designed to address the specific issues and concerns of School
Personnel with regard to mandated reporting requirements. This training taught me many
things including what the law requires of me as a mandated reporter, how to spot
indicators of possible child abuse or neglect, how to talk to children about suspected
abuse, how to make a report, what happens after a report is filed, and special issues
related to child abuse reporting in the school environment. (CDSS, 2011) I believe that
this artifact meets the requirement of TPE 12 in the fact that it requires candidates to
identify and appropriately report suspected cases of child abuse, neglect, or sexual
harassment. (CTC, 2013) As a teacher TPE is very important because we must know our
professional, legal and, ethical obligations. This training was a good start to helping me
understand all of the obligations that come along with being a teacher.
Artifact # 2 in my PDQP is from my first year of BTSA. BTSA stands for
Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment. It is an Induction program that is a State-led
program in conjunction with the California Department of Education (CDE) and the
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). (SDCOE, 2016) These two documents as

RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review for Domain F

my one artifact deal with my growth as a professional. Both of these documents are parts
of formative assessments for California Teachers fact verification. The second document
includes my self-assessment. The purpose of the self-assessment is to provide
opportunities for me to consider my prior knowledge and skills acquired in teacher
preparation while assessing my teaching practice for strengths and areas for growth. This
is part of the data-collection phase in the action research cycle. My goal is to demonstrate
progress towards mastery of CSTP. Teachers in California have a professional
responsibility to provide students with safe and caring learning environments, where
students differences are celebrated and supported, and they acquire the knowledge,
skills, strategies, and concepts they will need for successful participation in an
increasingly technological and global society. The CSTP provide a set of interrelated
guideposts for teachers across the professional continuum (pre-service, induction, and
beyond) to examine their practice, seek support and resources for continuous
improvement, and affirm their talents and accomplishments in support of California's
children and our nation's future. (CTC, 2009) Due to the fact that my goal is to
demonstrate my progress to the CSTPs and the CSTPs talk about my professional
responsibility, my BTSA documents serve to meet TPE 13 which require Candidates
evaluate their own teaching practices and subject matter knowledge in light of
information about the state-adopted academic content standards for students and student
learning. They improve their teaching practices by soliciting feedback and engaging in
cycles of planning, teaching, reflecting, discerning problems, and applying new
strategies. Candidates use reflection and feedback to formulate and prioritize goals for
increasing their subject matter knowledge and teaching effectiveness. (CTC, 2013)

RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review for Domain F

California Department of Social Services, 2011, Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter
Training California. Retrieved on December 4, 2016 from

Commission on Teacher Credentialing October 2009, California Standards for the
Teaching Profession (CSTP . Retrieved on December 4, 2016 from

Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Revisions Adopted, March 2013. California
Teaching Performance Expectations. Retrieved on November 27, 2016 from

San Diego County of Education, 2016, Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment
Induction. Retrieved on December 4, 2016 from


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