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1. A gets a rag and soaks it in kerosene with intent burn the house of B, His
enemy. A puts the rag in a combustible portion of Bs house and when in the
act of striking his match in order to burn the rag soaked with kerosene, A is
arrested by a policeman who happens to pass by. What is the crime
a. Attempted Arson
b. Frustrated Arson
c. Consummated Arson
d. None of the above


2. A, with intent to burn, lights a rag soaked with kerosene in the combustible part
of Bs house. But before the fire was extinguished by B, it had already burned a
small portion of the house. What is the crime committed?
Attempted Arson
Frustrated Arson
Consummated Arson
None of the above

3. What is the crime of crimes committed, if theres any, when the crime of
ARSON was employed by the offender as means to kill the offended party?
a. Arson
b. Murder
c. Arson and Murder
d. None of the above


4. What is crime or crimes committed, if theres any, when the owner burned his
property but the fire spread to other properties and there was a person inside
who was killed?
Arson and Murder
None of the above

What is the crime or crimes committed, if theres any, when a person burned
a house in order to conceal of murder?
a. Arson
b. Murder
c. Arson and Murder
d. None of the above


The investigation of all fire incident and arson cases shall be referred to or
turned over to the
Bureau of Fire Protection, in Reference to the Provisions of?
a. Section 5, RA 6975
b. Section 50, RA 6975
c. Section 50, RA 6975
d. Section 15, RA 6975



What is the nature of the crime when in arson, a person dies?

a. Composite crime or special complex crime
b. Complex crime
c. Heinous crime
d. None of the above
These are circumstances or evidence taken together to constitute an
unbroken chain of events pointing to one fair and logical conclusion, that
accused started the fire which gutted the house of Private Complainant.
a. Testimonial evidence
b. Direct evidence
c. Object evidence
d. Circumstantial evidence



Destruction of property other than the use of fire

a. Malicious mischief
b. Arson
c. Homicide
d. Robbery

Destruction of property with the use of fire

a. Malicious mischief
b. Arson
c. Homicide
d. Robbery

What is the crime committed if a person burned any train, airplane, vessel or
watercraft, or conveyance for transportation of persons or property?
a. Malicious mischief
b. Destructive arson
c. Other cases of arson
d. Robbery

12. What

is the penalty of the crime committed in the preceding question?

Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua
Reclusion Temporal in its minimum period Reclusion Perpetua
Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period Reclusion Perpetua
Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period

13. What is The Penalty when a person sets fire to his property under
circumstances which expose to danger the life or property of another?
a. Prison correctional
b. Prison Mayor
c. Reclusion Temporal
d. Reclusion Perpetua
14. Arson is committed by a syndicate if it is planned by a group of?
a. Two Persons
b. Three Persons
c. Three or more Persons
d. At least four Persons
15. What is the law Amending the law on arson?
a. PD 1316
b. Art 320 of the RPC
c. PD 1613
d. RA 7659


A is very angry with B. One morning, A saw the private motorcycle of B parked
in the street under a

Mango tree, with intent to create damage to the motorcycle of B, A approached the
said motorcycle and repeatedly hit it with a hammer. Not contented, A burned the
Motorcycle. What crime was committed?
a. Simple arson
b. Arson of Small value
c. Malicious mischief
d. Destructive arson

A is very with B. One Morning, A saw the private motorcycle of B parked inside
the garage of BS House. With intent to create damage to the motorcycle of B, A
approached the said motorcycle and repeatedly hit it with a hammer. Not
contented, A burned the motorcycle and the fire slightly damaged the house of
B. What crime was committed?
a. Arson
b. Arson of small value
c. Malicious mischief
d. Destructive arson


A, with malicious intent burned the house B knowing that it was not occupied
at the time of the crime. After the fire was out, a charred body of the housemaid
was discovered inside the house of B. The Investigation disclosed that death of
BS housemaid was the Consequence of A burning the said house. What Crime
was committed?
a. Arson with Homicide
b. Arson and Murder
d. Homicide

4. A raped and intentionally killed B inside a hut. Afraid of the crime committed, A
decided to burn the hut with intent to conceal the evidence of the crime. A is
Guilty of what crime?
a. Arson only
b. Murder only
Rape and murder
d. Rape, Murder and Arson
5. A was driving his vehicle when it accidentally rammed inside the house of B. Due to
impact, the car caught fire and eventually exploded which caused The burning of
the house of B and resulted to the death of two persons inside the house. A pleaded
that all was only accidental and not his intention. A must be indicted for the crime
a. Unintentional arson with Homicide
b. Reckless imprudence resulted to damage to property and reckless
imprudence resulted to homicide
c. Damage to property
d. Complex crime of arson and murder

II Write TRUE if the Statement is TRUE and Write FALSE If the

statement is FALSE
6. In investigating fatal fires, it is important to determine whether possible insurance
fraud involved._________(TRUE)
7. Identify concealment is not included in the motives to commit Arson Homicide
8. Arson Homicide Investigation is the process of methodical determination whether
the crime of arson resulted to the death of the fire victim.___________(TRUE)
9. Psychological Compulsion and terrorism are sometimes associated to Arson
Homicide crime.__________(TRUE)
10.In investigating Arson Homicide cases, the examination of corpus delicti and
The identification of the offender is very important.__________(TRUE)
11.If the main Objectives is the burning of the building or edifice, but death results
by reason or on the occasion of arson, the crime is simply only.__________(TRUE)
12.If, on The other hand, the main objectives is to kill a particular person who may
be in a building or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the means to accomplish
such goal the crime committed is arson only.__________(FALSE)

13.If the objective is, likewise, to kill a particular person, and in fact the offender
has already done so, but fire is resorted to as means to cover-up the killing, then
there are two separate and distinct crimes committed Homicide/Murder and
14.As it was not shown that the mean motive was to kill the occupants of the house,
the crime would only be arson. The homicide being a mere consequence thereof,
hence absorbed by arson.__________(TRUE)
15.If the fire is considered suspicious, or there are reasons to believe that a crime
was committed in the fire scene, the Fire Ground Commander Should Handle the
immediate investigation. Coordination.__________(FALSE)

III. Enumeration.
16.In proper order, enumerate the six (6) phases of arson Homicide Investigation.
[Note: Equivalent to 5 points only. Incomplete will be given zero (0) point]
1st Phrase, The fire incident
2nd Phrase, Examination of the body
3rd Phrase, Origin and Cause of fire
4th Phrase, Follow-up Investigation
5th Phrase, Filing of Criminal Complaint
6th Phrase, Arrest and Trial / Court Duty
22. Enumerate the documents needed for case filing. [Note: Equivalent to five (5)
points only. Incomplete will be given zero (0) point]:
Investigation Report [Crime Report];
Criminal Complaint and Complaint Affidavit;
Sworn Statements of witnesses [Presence of the witnesses during PI is
Photographs [documentation] of collected pieces of evidence;
Fire Scene Sketch;
The Collected Evidence itself [for presentation to the prosecutor during
Endorsement letter to the fiscal

Name: ___________________________________


I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the correct answer.


It is the active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light

of combustion.
a. Fire
b. Combustion
c. Heat Transfer
d. Chemical Reaction
It is described as a self-sustaining chemical reaction yielding energy or
Product That Cause further reactions of the same kind.
a. Combustion
b. Chemical reaction
c. Heat Transfer
d. All of the above
3. The process of combing a substance with oxygen (usually air) in the
presence of heat.
a. Combustion
b. Chemical Reaction
c. Oxidation
d. Heat
It is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the
combustion process.
a. Oxygen
b. Fuel
c. Heat
d. Fire
A form of energy cause by random movement of molecules.
a. Fire
b. Heat
c. Energy
d. Fuel
This type of reaction is called the Chain Reaction .
a. Chemical Reaction
b. Chemical Energy
c. Chemistry
d. None of the above
7. Fire Triangle is composed of
a. Heat, Oxygen, Fuel
b. Oxygen, Fuel, Chemical Reaction
c. None of the Above
Fire Tetrahedron is a reaction of
a. Heat, Oxygen, Fuel
b. Oxygen, Fuel, Chemical Reaction
c. Fuel, Chemical Reactions, Heat, Oxygen
d. None of the above
It occurs when a body is heated as a result of direct contact with a heat
a. Convection
b. Conduction
c. Conductors
d. Chemical Reaction
10.It is Transfer of heat by the movement of fluids or gases, usually in an
upward direction.
a. Convection
b. Conduction
c. Conductors
d. Chemical Reaction
11.This Kind of Heat Transfer is also called Radiated Heat.
a. Convection
b. Conduction

c. Conductors
d. All of the above

12.Stages of Fire Development

a. Chemical Reaction, Ignition, Growth, Decay
b. Growth, Flash, Decay, Fully Developed, Decay
c. Ignition, Decay, Growth, Fully Developed, Decay
d. Ignition, Growth, Flashover, Fully Developed, Decay
13.It occurs when the four elements of fire tetrahedron come together and
combustion begins.
a. Chemical Reaction
b. Ignition
c. Growth
d. Flashover
14.The transition between the Growth and Fully Developed Fire Stage.
a. Filly Developed
b. Ignition
c. Growth
d. Flashover
15.A phase when all combustible materials in a room ignite at once.
a. Ignite
b. Growth
c. Flashover
d. Fully Developed
16.It is where heat is produced at maximum rate.
a. Ignition
b. Fully Developed
c. Growth
d. Flashover
17.When a fire begins to form above the burning fuel.
a. Ignition
b. Fully Developed
c. Growth
d. Flashover
18.Occurs when the fuel is consumed by the fie in a fuel controlled fire (Fuel
regulated fire) When the oxygen becomes depleted in a ventilation
controlled fire(air regulated fire)
a. Ignition
b. Fully Developed
c. Decay
d. Flashover
19.It is a stage of fire that minimal chance of survival is noted.
a. Ignition
b. Fully Developed
c. Decay
d. Flashover
20.An explosive force that occurs during the decay period when a sudden
introduction of oxygen is brought up in an air-regulated fire.
a. Ignition
b. Flashover
c. Backdraft
d. Rollover
21.A. condition where flames move through or across the unburned gases
during a fires progression.
a. Flashover
b. Backdraft
c. Rollover
d. Thermal Layering of Gases
22.It is tendency of gases to form into layers according to temperature.
a. Thermal Layering of Gases
b. Rollover
c. Flashover
d. Backdraft

23.This is a product of combustion that causes death to the fire Victim.

a. Smoke
b. Heat and Light
c. Flame
d. All of the above
24.These are the energies that are formed through the process combustion.
a. Heat and Light
b. Flame
c. Smoke
d. All of the above
25.It is Visible Luminous body of burning gas.
a. Heat and Light
b. Flame
c. Smoke
d. All of the above
26.Smoke Consist of.
a. Ashes, Gases, Aerosols
b. Air, Ashes, Gases
c. Air, Ashes, Gases, Aerosols
d. None of the above
27.This is a warning sign of imminent flashover
a. Flashover
b. Backdraft
c. Rollover
d. Thermal Layering of Gases
28.Explosion that occurs when oxygen us suddenly admitted to a confined
area that is very hoy and filled with combustible vapors.
a. Ignition
b. Flashover
c. Backdraft
d. Explosion
29.This occurs when all combustible materials in the compartment are
involved in fire.
a. Ignition
b. Fully Developed
c. Decay
d. Flashover
30.It is the transfer of heat energy through light by electromagnetic waves.
a. Convection
b. Conduction
c. Radiation
d. All of the above
II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the answer is correct and F if the answer is
________ 1 . Radiated heat passing through a window can ignite an object.
________ 2 . Conduction is a movement of heat through a fluid medium such
as air or a liquid.
________ 3 . Conduction is the point transmission of heat energy.
________ 4 . Heat is a form of energy caused by random movement of
________ 5 . Oxidation is the process of combining a substance with oxygen in
the presence of heat.
_________6 . Combustion is the active principles of burning.
________ 7 . Fire Described as a self-sustaining chemical reactions, yielding
energy or products that cause further reactions of the same kind.
________ 8 . During the combustion process, the oxygen is drawn from the
atmospheric air in order to completely burn the fuel.
________ 9 . Ignition occur when the four elements of fire tetrahedron come
together and combustion.

________ 10 . Convection is the transfer of heat by movement of fluids or

gases usually in an upward direction.
________ 11 . Flashover is the point between growth phase and fully
developed phase.
________ 12 . Smoke is the visible, luminous body of burning gas.
________ 13 . Heat and light are energies that are forms through the process
of combustion.
________ 14 . Smoke is a product of combustion that Cause death to a fire
________ 15 . Flashover is noted to have minimal chance of survival.

16 . Decay is the phase where fuel is nearly exhausted.

17 . Backdraft has unexplained change in colour of smoke.
18 . Backdraft has visible flame.
19 . Rollover situation calls for aggressive cooling of atmosphere,
immediate exit, or immediate ventilation.
________ 20 . In Backdraft when a sudden introduction of air will explosively
feed the fire.

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