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Instructional Support Plan

Name: _________________

Grade: ________

Assessment Year: __________

Instruction: Differentiation in teaching

Increase use of concrete examples
Provide lecture notes for assessments
Provide study guides
Write homework on board and check agendas
Prioritize grading and feedback
Check for understanding frequently
Seat up front to minimize distraction
Allow use of audiobooks
Give prior notice for reading aloud
Use visual aids or headphones
Favor synthesis over memorization or recall
Break down projects into smaller assignments
Allow typing for all writing
Allow dictation for all writing
Use of calculator or math tables

Assessments: Differentiation in testing

No scantron
Allow typed responses
Allow for retest (once only excluding Final Exams)
Multiple-choice responses in test booklet
Increase amount of time allowed to complete tests and quizzes up to 50% more time
Accommodations must not fundamentally alter assessed standards, but may demonstrate mastery of such
standards in alternate ways with alternate supports. Maranatha High School does not offer academic
modifications of any kind.
If you have any questions about differentiation or concerns about a particular student or accommodation,
please speak directly with the LAP Director as soon as possible.

Learning Assistance Program Director: __________________________


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