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NAME: Blake Heller DATE: 11-30-16 TIME: 10:20-11:00 AM

SCHOOL: Balliet Elementary School LESSON#: 4 FACILITIES: Balliet Gymnasium
CLASS SIZE: 12 GRADE: Third UNIT/THEME: Skill Theme: Movement Concepts
GENERIC LEVEL: Practice Pre-control/Control
EQUIPMENT: 1. 10 Hot Spots 2. 12 Cones 8 small 4 Large 3. 6 Name Tags 4. 5 Picture/Visuals
5. 12 Big Balls 6. 12 Yarn Balls 7. 12 Tennis balls 8. 12 Beanbags
FOCUS OF LESSON: Practice Throwing and Catching
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
P) Practice throwing and catching a yarn ball safely 3 times in a row. (NASPE, (S1. E3.3, MA
2.5) (Task: Stations 1-4 Assessment Stations 1-4)
C) List 2 skill cues learned in the lesson today of throwing and catching. (NASPE, (S3. E3.3,
MA 2.5) (Task: Stations 1-4 Assessment Closure)
A) Select your number 1 favorite part of the activity when we learned how to throw and catch in
class today, when asked by the teacher. (NASPE, (S5. E1.3, MA 2.5) (Task Station 1-4
Assessment Closure)
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Demonstrate affective teaching behaviors by providing two motivational objectives
during the closure.
2. Provide three different positive specific feedbacks to the students during each activity.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class? Large environment with a large amount of people. These students are in a
class where there are tables and a stage out for kids to run into on the side. Make sure you stay in
the boundaries so the students do not go into the other lesson taking place on the other side of the
Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S., & Parker, M. (2013). Children moving: A reflective approach to
teaching physical education (9th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Couturier, Lynn, Stevie Chepko, and Shirely Ann. Holt/Hale. National Standards & Grade-level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2014. Print.
McManis, Dale. Massachusetts Comprehensice Health Curriculum Framework. Malden, MA:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dept. of Education, 1999 Print.




Warm up with Chris taking turns with different
stretches- Have students get to spots and being
warmup: reach toes knees waist reach (10x), Twist
side to side (20x), Jump out and in (10x),
Frankenstein legs up, Run around the four big
orange cones. While students are running around
the gym both Chris and I will be setting up our
sides of the gym.
Separate the class in half, half the students stay with me
and the other half go with Chris.
Good morning boys and girls. My name is Mr.
Heller. Introduction, Does anyone watch
baseball? I want everyone in class to pretend that
they are baseball or softball players catching a ball.
Meeting place: This is our meeting place for the whole
semester every time we meet here in Phys. Ed. Class after
the warmup.
Safety: Tell all the students that there are four cones
around the court and those are the boundaries. Have every
person in the class point to all four cones. Tell the class
that these cones are here so no one gets hurt and we will all
stay out of the other lesson that is going on.
Signals: Let the class know for today the start signal will
be ready go and the stop signal will be 3,2,1 Freeze.
Lesson purpose: Throwing/Catching
The purpose of our lesson today is to learn how to properly
throw and catch in class. Here is a picture of a pitcher of a
baseball player throwing a pitch. The other picture is of a
wide receiver in football catching a football with his
Skill Cues
ThrowingStep with opposition
Cock arm back
Follow through like buckling your seatbelt.
In life there will be many opportunities where you will
have to throw certain objects whether itd be for a
particular sport or even if you are trying to throw an object
into a trash can. Step with opposition cock arm back
follow through like buckling your seatbelt.


CatchingArms out in front of you

Hands ready
Elbows bent
Bring your hands together when the object approaches
Checking for Understanding- Who can tell me what the
pitcher is doing in the picture with his arm? What is one
important thing to remember when catching? Demonstrate
to the students you throwing with the correct motion with
multiple angles. Ask for a volunteer to show you what it
looks like to throw and then catch with a different
volunteer. Next, ask all the students to show you what each
look like prior to moving into the activities planned for the
day. Ask the students what one skill cue is for each.
Activity: Command Style
Station 1: Throwing
Station 2: Catching
Station 3: Throwing and catching in partners.
Today in class we will be practicing throwing and catching
activities. During the activities planned for the lesson, each
station will be labeled so it is very clear to the students to
see the words to help with their vocabulary of the throwing
and catching. The way this lesson will be taught is a
command style since I will be telling the students what
they will be doing during the lesson. Each station, the kids
are getting their O.T.R. They will be labeled with a picture,
the same pictures shown during the introduction so they
can remember the visual of throwing and catching. These
visuals will be labeled and placed on the ground next to the
activity. The students will be split up into 3 groups of four
and they will be rotating every 8 minutes to the other
station. Before they rotate I will say 3,2,1 freeze before
moving onto the next activity.
Transition: Same instant activity as before. but pretend to
be catching a ball that is above their heads instead of in
front of their chest.
Station 1: Throwing (Labeled)
Kids will be placed next to a wall throwing a beanbag
against the wall.
Have student stand beside me as we both attempt to

throw beanbags at a specific target.

As the learner progresses have them gradually get
farther and farther away.
As they throw they must make sure they land with
their lead foot on a hot spot and once they release
the ball, their trailing foot must land on the hot spot
next to the one they are already on.
Hot spots will gradually move farther back each
time by one foot.
If too easy then move them further back. If too
hard them move closer and make the target bigger.
If the students throw the beanbag and hits the target
3 times in a row they can advance and move further
Reiterate the skill cues.

Station 2: Catching (Labeled)

Kids will be given a yarn ball and they will toss a yarn ball
up to themselves and they will catch it.
Station 3: Kids will be paired using yarn balls, then bean
bags, and then tennis balls to have a catch using the skill
cues taught in the introduction
Explain initial activity


Motivational Objective
I want the students by the end of the lesson
to throw and catch correctly. I want each
student to be able to understand and
demonstrate what each skill cue looks like
so they will be able to do it during the
Students will return to meeting place
Have the students collect the equipment to
make my life easier so the teacher doesnt
need to pick up the equipment after the
lesson. Have students place the equipment
right next to the meeting place and sit down
on their hot spots.
Practice throwing and catching a yarn ball 3
times in a row perfectly both correctly and



safely, specifically at the meeting spot at the

end of the lesson.
Check for understanding
Select your number one favorite part of the
activity when we learned how to throw and
catch in class today, when asked by the
Ask students if they had fun today, show
thumbs up or down.
Check for understanding



List one movement concept and skill cue

learned in the lesson with throwing and
Go back to the visuals and quiz them to
check for understanding
Have a checklist in place for the teachers
use only.
Have the students do an exit slip before
beginning their recess.

Students will be observed on whether they performed each activity correctly during the activities

1. Throwing
2. Catching
Yes 1 2
Partial 1 2
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1 2
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1 2
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1 2
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1
No 1 2
Yes 1 2
Partial 1
No 1 2


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