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ace | Sols} CONCOR (Engineering Division) ‘No.CON/EP/GIM/I150/M-S0/T-I1/2010 30.05.2013 Sub: Hindrance Register of works site During one of the inspections of engineering works, Vigilance Division observed that the Hindrance Register has not been maintained properly. Project Management Consultant (PMC) on enquiry informed that hindrances encountered during the execution ‘of works have been noted down but usually senior consultants fill up at later date in the register. Non-filling of hindrances in real-time, i.e. during execution of works, may lead to filling of concocted hindrance. This may lead to contractor seeking undue compensation for delay on part of CONCOR or contractor getting away for default on their part. Hindrance Register is a vital document. All hindrances with date of occurrence and removal are to be noted in the Hindrance Register. Record of hindrance will help to take decision while granting of Extension of Time (EOT) and remove hindrance by the Site Executive. Hindrance Register should be opened & maintained properly and available at Site of Execution of work at all the time. Hindrance appearing in the register may be considered, as one of many ways & means to know the factual reason of delay to sort out complications arising during currency of contract and thereafter. All Executives are advised to see the upkeep of Hindrance Register during their inspection at Site. Alll concerned should acknowledge receipt of this instruction. GGM/Engg/CO AMs, Manager & DGM/Electrical, GM/Civil, St.GMs, GGM/ (E/P) and Sr.GM/Vig. Copy to : CVO — for kind information please.

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