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95th J

For Members

of The 95th Inf_ Div. Assn.

., _I_IP_4

February 1960
-..o,v,.,*. Kutz's Korner
JOURNAL Di...,.,A.G.
FEBRUARY 1.960 ;_ _ We all know definitely-that tl_e life
' blood of any organization is its membe r-
Official publication of the ;_ ship. The more of this ingredient an
NINETY-FIFTH INFANTRY organization possesses, the merrier
DIVISION ASSOCIATION :: the crowd, as well as the potentialities
P.O. Box 1274 Chicago 90, Illinois of greater things for every one. So, ac-
NATIONAL OFFICERS c ordingly, a plea is made for eve ry one is
President cooperation toward a greater 95th InIan-
FRED M. PETERSON K/377 try Division Association in the coming
260_ Alden, Dallas_ Tex. x,_a_-_
First Vice-President At the present time, the Association proudly boasts of a
5119 W. Oakdale Ave., Chicago, Ill. membership consisting of approximately Z, 400. Of this hum-
Second Vice-President bet, many unpaid members have been carried on the roster
FRANK HALPER A/379 because of their earlier affiliations. It is exceedingly hoped
7243 S Spaulding, Chicago, Ill. that they will immediately return as paid-up members. The
WALTER J.LASKOWSKI Med/378 2,400 figure is a good one when it well surpasses the 10%
467 Highland Ave., Elmhurst, Ill. mark of a division basically consisting of about 12,500 men.
Treasurer However, considering the number of men that were process-
THEODORE NELSON Div.Hq.Co. ed thru and became apart of the 95t11 at one time or another,
1317 W. 72nd Place, Chicago, Ill.
PAST PRESIDENTS this figure would fall below the 10_o point.
r GERALD F. RAMSHAW 1951-52 Taking into account the wholehearted and fine record eS-
WALTER J. LASKOWSKI 1952-56 tablished by the 95th during the life of its activation in train-
FRED M. PETERSON . . 1956-59 ing and in combat, and applying similar tactics in accom-
t EXECUTIVE COUNCIL plislaing our present goalof increased membership, it would
LEONARD F.KOCH B/379 be no problem at all to double or triple the active list of per-
3520 Madison, Bellwo0d, Illinois sormel in the Association. It only takes a few minutes of
LESTER WOLF L/378 one's time plus a few cents postage to write to one or sever-
8032 S. 86th Ct., Justice, Illinois
E. MARINANGELI 320th Med. Bn. al of your closer buddies. In a communication like this, it
422 Chartres Street, LaSalle, Illinois wouldbe wise to explain some of the advantages of joining; for
ALEX BELLINO G/378 example, maintaining the close and rare comradeship culti-
6821 W. Addison St., Chicago, Ill. rated, curiosity of seeing each other at sometime in our
STANLEY LEWKOWICZ Hq./359FA lives, meeting each others' families, discuss related sub-
2619 N. Mozart St.,Chicago,Ill.
RAYMOND R. VLEIGER K/377 jects concerning our occupations or businesses, recounting
2751 N. Troy St.,Chicago,Illinois our serious and humorous incidents in the militaire, etc.,
WILLIAM P. SHARKEY K/377 or the employment of many of your ideas which maybe more
6622 S. Campbell Ave.,Chicago. convincing. The most effective means of keeping in contact
10 W. School St.,Mt. Prospect,Ill. is thru the Association whose main objective is to hold the
GEORGE J. BUBINAS F/377 95th family together.
4613 S. Whipple St., Chicago, Ill. Now is the time for ali men of the former 95th Infantry
ADOLPH A. KUTZ Div. Hq./AG Division to come to the aid o--* their Assocation - so let's
R7180 Merchandise Mart, Chicago GO I GOI GO I and boost the 95th Infantry Division Associ-
3053 N. Racine Ave., Chicago,K/377
Ill. ation to greater numbers during the year 1960. Your Asso-
FRANCIS E. SAFARIK Div. Hq./AG ciation - the offspring of its parent military organization -
912 N. Ridge, Arlington Heights, Ill. should continue to hold your pride l
4902 N. Rockwell, Chicago, Ill.
ANDREW MIRABILE M/378 Additional copies of this extra JOURNAL edition will be
5336 W. Drummond, Chicago, Ill. sent on request as long as supplies last. Send one to your
05th buddy who is not yet a member of the Association.
Some of the 95th gang with an
impromptu serenade.

11th 95th REUNION

Its that time again, all you ex-95ers. The time to start making those plans to attend the
annual reunion of the 95th Infantry Division Association. This year will mark the 1 lth get
together of those Iron Men of Metz as well as other points in England, France, Belgium,
Holland, Luxenberg, and Germany, not to mention the battles of Bullis, Louisiana, and
California, and Shelby.
This year our reunion willbe held in the capitol city--home of our commande r-in-chief--
namely, Washington, D. C.
Make your plans and come prepared for a terrific weekend of fun. Besides the regular
events of the re-union such as our Friday party, our Thursday early bird get-together, our
business meeting Saturday, the coffee hour, the Saturday night dinner dance, and our Sun-
day Metz Hour service, there is all of Washington, D. C. to see.
Many of the 95ers are not only going to bring their wives as they always do, but are
planning to bring the children to show them the various sights of our capitol.
As you can see, this should be one of our best reunions ever--so start makin E your
plans as early as possible.

Fridaynight gab session at

menls party.

ERWIN A. GRIEP (I/378), Pine River,

Minnesota. I have a jewelry store in Pine
Messages ]torn River. Anyone fishing in this part of Minne-
to ezpresswhothem-
_'ish sota, stop in--Griep0s Jewelry.
selves or give C. G. TREVINO (I/379}, P.O. Box 188,
zeportson their Alice, Texas. Am married and have two
buddies daughters, 6 and Z years old. Have the big-
gest filling station in Alice. Sure enjoy the
Journal. IOd like to hear from our Platoon
Leader, Lt. Craft, from Ohio.
JOHN C. McDOWELL, JR. (Hq. Znd Bn., ARVIN C. FOWLER (I/378), G.N. Signal
379), 151 College Avenue, Charnbersburg, Department, Havre, Montana. Iom still a
Pennsylvania. Would like to have anybody cook (belly robber or grease burner as we
from 95th drop in to say hello, were called). Have been on the same job for
C.F. QUINN, M.D. (320 Med. Bno), Texas the past eleven years. Would like to hear
City, Texas. Saw Dr. Torn Shields in San An- from the fellows I served with in Co. 1/378th
tonio inApril. He is practicing inFt. Worth. Inf.
A. J. "AUGIE" AUGUSTINE (E/379), 3649
Ashgrove Drive, Grove City, Ohio. I have
recently been transferred from Milwaukee, COUNCIL PROJECTS
Wisconsin to the above address. I am still

working for The Burroughs Corporation. My As you know we already have the 95th stan-
present assignment is that of Burroughs Deal- dard so Clarence Jankowski K/377 is now
er Representative in the Ohio, West Virginia, scouting for our own U.S. flag to have all 50
Virginia, Indiana, and Kentucky area. My stars ..... we also have Frank Halper A/379
best regards to themembers ofthefinestfight- in charge of the llth Reunion program book
ing Division, and best post war organization ..... Andy _Lirabile M/378 is the guy respon-
in the world. I feel sure that others join with sible for the reunion pictures in this issue
' me in.thankingtheOfficers of the organization ..... projectin works is a95 bumper sticker
for the continued excellent job that is a tradi- to glue on car ..... our thanks to them a-ndall
tion with them. the rest of the Council who work unselfishly
to make our 95th Association work.


Maj. General Harry Twaddle _
reviewing doughs of the 377th
Infantry Regiment. Does any-
one recall the time and place
of the event?
also contributed funds to help defray this ex-

The man who has undertaken this task is

_ _ another
Association of ourmembership.
staunch 95thAssociation
The membershipmem-
bers, Fred Heffner of I Co/379. Fred has
been working very hard at this task and at
_ pense.
last report the directory should be ready for
HA-_S OFF mnailingin the near future. The 95thAssoci-
TO ation is indeed thankful for such staunch sup-
_ H__ porters as Fred Heffner.

Watch for more information about our corn-

At ourlast annualmeetinga resolution was ing Re-Union which will be in the next issue
passed that a directory of Association mere- of our regular 95th JOURNAL.
bership be published and distributed to the


In conjunction with our 1 lth Re-Union we are having printed a souvenir program book.
Many of our ex-95ers have businesses all over the country and would really enjoy having
any of their 95th buddies drop in. If you are one of these or if yoxi just want to say hello
to the gang here is your chance to do so. Send us the information you would want in an ad i_
(or send us your stationery or your business card) together with a check or money order
by July 15th, and you too can get your message in our souvenir book.

The Ninety-Fifth Infantry Division Association

PRICE OF ADS _ v.o. BOX 1274

One Page ...... $20.00 CHICAGO 90, ILLINOIS

Half Pag ....... $10.00 ADVERTISING CONTRACT

Quarter Page___$ 5.00
My signature constitutes an Authorization for you to insert ......... page in your
Patronage ..... $ 2.00 Program. I enclose check or money order in the amount of $............ covering
payment in full of cost of advertiserhent, TOGETHER WITH DESIRED COPY.



All advertising con- A U G UST | 9 , 20 , 21 , I 960

tracts, together with
PAYMENT and desired to occupy the space of .......... page, for the sum of $ ............
COPY, must reach our
P. O. Box NO later than



MAIL BOX LESLIE W. BERG (E/379), LaBolt, South

WALTER O'CONNELL (Div. Hq), Reeds- Dakota. Still farming, and will have lots of
ville, Wisconsin. I am now serving as Mani- help in a few years, as we have three boys.
towoc Co. Supervising Teacher. Have attended two Reunions, and sure would
VOLNEY BR/EN (Hq/Z Bn/379), 9Z8 Pine have liked to be at the 1959 one but I couldn't
Street, Benton, Kentucky. Was unable to at- make it work out that way. Keepthe JOURNAL
tend the Reunion this year because ofbusiness coming. I really enjoy it.
reasons, but will be there next year. H.E. CORDELL (Hq/3 Bn/378), 809 W.
LESTER J. HIMBER(F/379), Z506W. Gun- Main Street, Van Wert, Ohio. Sorry I could-
nison, Chicago Z5, Illinois. I am working for n't be in Chicago for the Reunion, but August
the Chicago Sun-Times in the Stereotype De- is too busy a month for me. Hope you had a
partment and have met quite a few ex-95th crowd and lots of fun.
men in our trade. We all agree the 95th was I%4/CHAEL MONACO (C/358 FA Bn), 1408
the best. Mace Avenue, Bronx 69, New York. I am
FREDERICK N. KREBS (Hq/3 Bn/378, married and have three boys. Am a contrac-
t801 Jones Street, St. Joseph 19, Missouri. tot inbuilding homes, schools, and alteration
I am employed at the Goetz Brewh_gCompany work.
here, but due to the busy season, was unable ELWOOD T. NICOL (B/3Z0 Engrs), 1349
to attend the Reunion this year. Hope to next Lee Drive, Edwardsville, Illinois. I'm an
year. operating Engineer. Married, and have three
WALTER F. RICE (H/379), Z30Z - 36th children, Z girls and one boy.
Street, Tampa 5, Florida. On May Z, I gave JAI%4ES WHITE (95 QM), 1195 Van Nest
one of my daughters, Annette, in marriage. Avenue, Bronx 61, New York. I own and op-
We have two other daughters, Janice and Patsy, erateTruckRentalCorp, at 43Z0 Boston Road,
& who aren't married, and also a ll-year old Bronx 64, New York. We make three weekly
son, Wendell. trips to Chicago. Af,y former buddies inthe
JACK R. WILSON (AT/378) Central Fire Traffic field please contact me.
Hdqts., Greenwich, Connecticut. I turned in RAYMOND J. WROBLEWSKI, CWO (95
my Army uniform and put on a Fireman's. Signal, ) c/o Army General Depot, APO 189,
I've been a paid Fireman for 13 years now. New York, New York. Still kicking around
I got to the N.Y. convention and met Dick with the Army and now situated inPirmasens,
Martin again, but could not get back for the Germany and not too far from Metz, France.
dance that night. If any of the boys from Would like to correspond with "old buddies"
AT/378 are ever in the vicinity of Greenwich, of the 95th Signal Company. Since leaving
Connecticut, I would be very glad to have the 95th Division, I have re-visited Germany
them stop in. I am Z8 miles from New York for the 3rd time. Have also been to Korea,
City. I wish another convention would be held Japan, Hong Kong, Turkey, and most Euro-
in the vicinity of New England. pearl countries this side of the curtain.

Partof the crowd gathered and

waiting for the entertainment
to begin.

MAIL BOX I worked one year for the V.A.. and since
that time I have been practicing law in Dixon.
I%IASARU B. WAKABAYASKI (Regt. Hq/377), Kentucky.
1135 Wabash, Denver 8, Colorado. Have been
DENNIS I. SIMONS (F/379), 607-23rd Ave.
in Civil Service for many years at Lowry A.
S.. Grand Forks, North Dakota. Have three
F. Base, painting aircraft.
children; presently living in the "heart" of
Ahmedi Avenue, Milwaukee 7, Wisconsin. I the Red River Valley of North Dakota, a po-
tato producting region. My business is Farm
have three children--2 boys and 1 girl--and loans.
I work at Milprint, Inc., in Milwaukee.
E. L. GOODWIN (Staff/379), Box 276,
FRANCISA, BROWN (G/378), 528 Morri-
Gotebo, Oklahoma. Presently am Vocational
son Drive, Pittsburgh 16, Pennsylvania. I
Agriculture instructor in the Gotebo schools
last transferred
October. I am from Detroit
a salesman to Pittsburgh
for the Nation- in Kowa County near the Ft. Sill Artillery
Base. This is my 8th year here. Just wond-
al Gypsum Company; am married and have
two little girls, Penny, who is three, and ered if there are others in Vocational Agri-
culture besides A. A. Baciotti (B/379) and
Melani, who is two. My wife, Mary Jane,
W. R. Carter (F/379)? Paciotti is at Alex-
has her hands full as theyare two livelylittle andria, Minnesota and Carter is on the staff
misses. Indiantown Gap is slightly outside
my sales area, but one of these days I hope as District Supervisor at South Carolina.
to drive over that way with my family and JOHN C. KING (B/360 F. A. ), 628 N. East,
Olney, lllinois. Haventt Seen any ?Sers for
show them where I joined the ?Sth early in
1944. approximately four years.
MAX L. BABYLON 547 A.A.A. Bn. Bty.
THOMAS L. WITHERS(gZDF.A. Bn, Btry D), 10368 Palmer, Kansas City 34, Missouri.
A), Dixon, Kentucky. Enclosed is my appli- Please note change of address. New house i
cation for a new membership in the Associa-
tion. I was with the division from the time it and larger because of increase in our' family. ',
We had a baby boy 9/12/58. I am still work-
was formed until many of us were sent to
ing onpassenger and freight elevator for Otis
Camp Chafee after the was. Since the war, Elevator Company.

HUBERT L. ROGERS (Hq/l Bn/379), Rt.

_,_-_0_. Z, BOX 155, Grayson 4, Kentucky. I work for
_)__N%'T L('_" _._ Grayson Rural Electric Co_-Op. I have a
_]_-----_ _t:.':." _ .... _ small Nursery and Greenhouse and a small

•//__ cabinet shop.


95th INFANTRY DIVISION ASS'N. Do Not Write in This Box

P.O. Box 1274 [] New Member
Card No.......................
Chicago 90, Illinois [] Renewal
Amount .........................
[] Reinstatement
Date Rec'd

Here are $3.00, my annual membership clues for calendar years 1959 [] i960 []

NAME ....................................................... Unit Served ..........................

Please Print (Last) (First) (Middle) (Co. or gtry.)

Address ..................................................... Army Serial No......................

City............. ....................... :-..................... Zone........ State .................

Make Remittance Payable To
95th INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION Signature .................... _..................

100% Paid Membership Goal- Mail Your Check Today! ',

..................................................... ................................. - .....................................

913 Solar Road, NW, Albuquerque, New Mex-

D _-_ ico. Here's $5 00 for 1959 dues and some
0U _-_ _ HOWARDHave J.two
extra. BARLING
boys (Div. theHq.oldest
now, Finance),will
a. = start to school this fall. I see H.B. Spradlin
;_ _ _" WOJG Tin. once a year. He is an examiner
c._ eo. with FDIC out of Dallas and I'm on his list.
-o Z Regards to Kutz and everyone else. Hope
o (3 _ you have a good convention.
g I Z
-4 KENNETH E. GINNIS (E/378), 14 East
N> _ _ Side Drive, Concord Z, New Hampshire. I
c O " _ am working for the City of Concord as a grad-
_ _ _ er operator, and also have my own moving
-- X _ business. Sorry I couldn't get to the Reunion
o. _ _ Z this year. Business detained me. All my re-
_ ), gards to the men of E/378.
O _,
- _ BERNARD P. KNOPP (F/378), Bennett,
_n O
Nebraska. Was figuring on being in Chicago
for the Reunion but couldn't make it, so am
sending you $3.00 for one year's dues. Would
_I_0_ _- Z like to hear from some of the gang.


Street,M Pawtucket, Rhode (A/3791,
Island. 36
_ wife and I spent our Z5th wedding anniversary
in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We have two
_ I'_'_ daughters, the oldest is married and a regis-
' _ tared nurse, and the younger is a senior in
(D _-3 Pawtucket West High School. We expect to
_ $ be grandparents the latter part of October.
SD O _DJ HAROLDERFER(F/377), 1949 ParkBlvd.,
b-J Camden 3, New Jersey. Still paling around
{) (D with Bill Roy of Co. F whom I met in Saarlau-
tern in December 1944 when I joined Ed Hor-
_I_ vath's company of "Horrible Foxes". Hope
to see a convention in this area soon.

GEORGE C. FARMER (Hq/379 Chaplain),

¢_ 1054 - 37th Street S., St. Petersburg 11,
' Florida. Sorry that my duties at St. Peters-
berg High School (where I'm a Guidance Coun-
selor and Teacher)prevented mybringing my
wife and two daughters (Mary, 7, and Joy, 4)
to the Tenth Reunion. Hope you had a fine get-

EDITOR'S NOTE: This newsletter "extra" is primar-

• plans and other Association activities and is not a sub-

. stitute for our regular JOURNAL publication. The

_ 9_ • next JOURNAL issue will be published toward the end

o _
G ._ of March as per regular schedule.

•\ ,

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