Lesson 3 Volleyball Digging Setting

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Subject: PE

Class: Year 9

Unit: Learning to Play Ball Games # 2

Topic: Volleyball # 1; Digging and Setting

Number of Students:

Achievement Objective(s): AO5B1; Movement Skills; Aquire and apply complex motor skills by using basic principles of motor learning
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?

Assessment and/or Success Criteria

How do we know what we have learnt?

To understand what factors produce teamskills in relation to

To be able to dig and set the ball with the correct technique.

Students will report back in groups to show what makes successful volleyball teamskills, and then
use these in the game situation
Students will describe the technique of a dig and a set in the lesson evaluation
Students will be able to complete a dig and a set with increasing accuracy

Key Competency Focus

Relating to others; Students will need to share ideas after completing the guided discovery task to find out the most appropriate techniques for setting and digging.
They will also offer advice during pairwork on how to improve
The set must be used in a game situation to be followed on by another pass, therefore students must work as a team to keep the game going

Student Learning Activities

Teacher Activities

5 mins

>Sit down and respond to roll call
>To contribute if they have participated in volleyball before

>Teacher to ask students to gather sitting on the floor near the whiteboard
>Teacher to take the roll
>Teacher to write up Learning Outcome on board and basic session plan
and explain briefly to students what they will be doing
>Any questions/anyone unable to participate/any injuries?
>Has anyone had any prior experience in volleyball? (If so, what?)
Introduction to Volleyball:

Introduction to Volleyball:
5 mins
Rakau Activity:
>Students are to get into 5 groups
>Using the title of their stick, each group must come up with aspects relating to
their skill and volleyball and make a spider diagram on an A3 sheet of paper
Possible Responses: Physical Skills; serve, dig, set, spike
Tactical Skills: positioning on the court, using your 3 hits to your advantage
Communication Skills: calling for the ball, being positive and encouraging
Social Skills: being cooperative, supportive, respectful, patient, tolerant

Rakau Activity
>Ask the class to get into 5 even groups
>One person from each group is to choose a stick (rakau) from the
teacher (each rakau with have either Physical Skills, Tactical Skills,
Communication Skills, Social Skills, Personal Skills written on it)
>Ask one person from each group to report back
>Using the first letter from each skill (P, T, C, S, P) think of a way to
remember these
Possible Response: Positive Teams Can Produce Success

Personal Skills: fair, hardworking, positive

10 mins
Warm up:
Over the Net
>Students to get into their four teams
>Must keep the ball in the air
>When play is stopped half way, create a basic strategy (e.g. some stand at front,
some in the middle, some at the back, use peoples pumanawa)

3 mins
Video Clips:
Students are to simply watch the videos and learn the names of the two hits; a set
and a dig

7 mins

Focus Activities: Sets and Digs

Invidiual Skills; Guided Discovery
>One ball per student
>Students to practice one arm hits, progressing into sets and digs with their own
technique. Think about what works best.

10 mins

Practicing Digging and Setting

>Activity 1.
>Students to get into pairs and number themselves 1 and 2
>One ball between 2.
># 1 practices setting and digging to himself, whilst 2 gives improvement tips
(formative assessment). Swap.
># 1 throws the ball to # 2, who tries to dig or set it back to #1. Swap.
>#1 and #2 try to continuously set/dig the ball to oneanother
>Extension for talented: set or dig the ball slightly to the right or left of the

Warm up:
Over the Net
Preparation & Explanation:
Video Clips:
Have students come and gather around the whiteboard, sitting down
Show youtube clips of a set and a dig, individually. Teach the students
the name of the hit, but not the technique.
Focus Activities: Sets and Digs
Invidiual Skills; Guided Discovery
>Explain; students are to practice hitting the ball with one arm,
alternating (right,left,right,left etc)
>How many times could you hit it before it touched the ground?
>Go around asking students: what works best?
>Progression: Students to try using the set and dig technique to keep the
ball in the air

Practicing Digging and Setting

>Have students around whiteboard sitting down again. Discuss what

they thought worked for sets and digs. Put these views on a spider
diagram on the board. Keep this on the board for lesson conclusion.
>Explain correct technique. Use picture cards as well as teacher
Teaching Technique:
Dig: One hand should be laid over the other, with the palms facing
upwards. Place the thumbs flat on top of the top palm so they are

partner to increase difficulty

touching. Keep the arms straight, knees should be bent. When you get
contact with the ball lift the arms and straighten the leg
Set: The hands should form a triangle looking window, it requires a
push with the fingers. As the ball comes into contact. The legs should be
bent. On contact with the ball the arms extend and so do the legs, pushing
>Introduce activity 1 whilst students are sitting, then ask them to get into
pairs and follow the student activities
>Ask students to explain back to you the correct technique for setting
and digging (check for understanding)

10 mins

5 mins

Modified Volleyball
>Students are to get back into their four teams
> Students will attempt to use sets and digs in this modified game situation
>Students will try to score points by touching the floor of any of the three
opponents courts.
>Contribute to the discussion and recap of the correct techniques of a set and a

Modified Volleyball
>Same game as the warm up however students must use sets and digs to
keep the ball in the air.
>To score a point, the ball must touch the opposing teams floor
>Recap the teaching points: What are the two types of passing that we
have learnt today?
>Ask someone to demonstrate and explain a correct dig
Expected Response: One hand laid over the other, straight arms, knees
bent, thumbs kept in and out of the way
>Ask someone to demonstrate and explain a correct set
Expected Response: Hands should form a window, push ball with
fingers, legs bent, legs straighten as player comes into contact with the
>Add these views in a different colour to the spider diagram and compare
the differences and similarities to their initial thoughts.

Equipment & Resources: Sticks with titles, A3 paper, 5 pens, one volleyball per student, 2 volleyball nets, 4 sets of bibs, whiteboard, 2 whiteboard markers,
technique posters, Youtube videos (computer/projector)
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement where to next?
Teacher practice what have I learnt?
what will I changes will I make?

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