Titre Amesim and Diesel Fuel Injection Systems: Technical Bulletin N°113

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AMESim and

TitreDiesel Fuel
Injection Systems

Technical Bulletin n113

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AMESim and Diesel Fuel Injection Systems


AMESim and Diesel Fuel

Injection Systems
1. Introduction
Mechanical injection systems represent for the engineer one of the most advanced
applications in the 'Fluid Power Control' field. In fact, these systems ensure, by
means of very rapid dynamics (several milliseconds) the injection of a quantity of
fuel with incredible precision. This action is repeated millions of times during the life
of the injector.
The control of these systems has been achieved only by a fine understanding of the
physical phenomena having significant influence. At the functional level, we can list
the following aspects:
Influence of fluid characteristics:
B = B(P, T) bulk modulus, function of the pressure and the temperature
= (P, T) density, function of the pressure and the temperature
= (P, T) viscosity, function of the pressure and the temperature
The following points are associated with these fluid characteristics:

Rigorous respect of the relation between B and to ensure mass

Evolution of these properties in aeration phase

Pipe transient

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Flow rate in the control orifices taking into account evolutions of flow
conditions (laminar -turbulent) (cavitation influence)
Certainly, engineers designing these injection systems did not wait for the
availability of current numeric simulation tools to develop them. However, it is
undeniable that, nowadays , simulation takes a significant part in the design process.
This is represented by different aspects:
By ensuring a finer analysis of experimental situations;
By a capitalization of acquired knowledge;
By an enriched framework of acquired experience to aid in the conception
of new systems (case of the common rail).
If the role of simulation is well identified today for the conception of complex
systems, the latter are also, by their requirements, a formidable test bench for
simulation tools.
The idea of developing a library of elementary 'Fluid Power Control' functions
representing the state of the art in this domain [2], was quickly integrated by users.
To apply this library known as HCD [4] (Hydraulic Component Design library) to an
injection system constitutes a form of challenge whose interests are obvious:
Development time of injection model reduced by staggering proportions
(several months to several weeks);
Maintainability of models greatly facilitated, thus increased life-length and
Analysis approach based on state of the art 'Fluid Power Control'.
The following description of the mechanical injection model based on the HCD
Library illustrates these arguments.

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2. Description of the fuel injection system modeled

Figure 1: Diesel fuel mechanical injection system

The mechanical injection system presented in Figure 1 is composed of the following

principle elements:
1 The In-line injection pump
2 The delivery valve
3 A hydraulic pipe between the delivery valve and the injector
4 The injector
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For the reader who is not familiar with this type of injection system, we advise
consultation of document [3].
The following paragraph presents the modeling of each of these elements. They are
developed using the elementary hydraulic components library (HCD) [2]. The diesel
injection model, which consists of both mechanical (1D) and hydraulic parts is
constructed without user code line writing [4] and [6]. The user concentrates on the
construction of the system under study using graphic objects belonging to his
professional language.

3. Models of each part of the system

3.1 Fluid properties

Models of fluid properties take into account the same following phenomena:
- Variable compressibility, function of the pressure and the temperature
- The consistency between density and compressibility in order to ensure mass
- The variable viscosity, function of the pressure and the temperature
All these characteristics are standard in AMESim. Concerning the properties of the
fuels used for the injection, an agreement between IMAGINE and Robert BOSCH
permits us to use the following fluid properties.

Figure 2: fluids properties

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The two figures show the evolution of the characteristics of one of these fluids
according to two pressure ranges:

Between -1 and 1bar to demonstrate the evolution of the properties in aeration

phase (pressure inferior to the pressure of saturating vapor)
Between 0 and 1500 bar to demonstrate the significant evolution of fluid

Between -1 and 0 bar for Figure 3 and between 0 and 2000 bar for Figure 4.

Figure 3: fluid properties between

-1 and 0 bar

Figure 4: fluid properties between

0 and 2000 bar

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3.2 In-line Pump

The in-line pump is composed of a cam brought into action by the motor. This cam
actions a piston which ensures the pressurization of the fluid. A return spring at
piston level ensures piston-cam contact. In the in-let phase, a filling pump ensures
the filling of the volume left free by the piston. The flow-rate delivered by the pump
is a function of the rotary speed and the angular orientation of the pump piston.
Depending on the angle of the piston, a more or less large orifice links the
compression chamber to the filling source. The volume injected by the pump partly
depends on this section of passage between the compression chamber and the
filling source.
The model of the in-line pump is given in Figure 5. This model includes 3 connection
ports. 1: mechanical linking port with constant source of angular velocity defined by
the motor; 2: hydraulic linking port to delivery valve; and
3: hydraulic linking port
to the source of filling pressure.

Figure 5 : in-line pump model

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Cam "


Piston "



The profile of the cam is introduced in the form of a table.


The piston with the compression chamber is modeled by four

HCD components. A leak between the compression chamber
and the reservoir is taken into consideration. The return spring
is incorporated to the piston. It ensures the contact of the
piston with the cam.
Modeled by a constant source of pressure.

Section of passage between the filling source and the compression chamber:
This section is introduced by two variable orifices depending on
the position of the piston "
". The first orifice represents the
overlap/negative overlap of the filling orifice by the pump piston.
The second orifice represents the overlap/negative overlap of
the helicodal grooves of the piston in front of the filling orifice.
The piston position is taken between the cam and the piston by
the icon "position sensor
". The sections of passage of
these two orifices as a function of the piston position are
defined by the tables "
The pump model defined in Figure 5 can later be grouped into an icon representing
the pump. For this purpose we use the supercomponent function of AMESim. This
representation facilitates the reading of the global model and reduces screen

Figure 6: In-line pump supercomponent

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3.3 Delivery valve

The delivery valve is composed of two check valves. The first is directly linked to the
pump, ensuring the flow of fuel when the pump pushes the fluid needed for the
injection. During the in-let phase of the pump, this check valve isolates the pump
from the injection valve circuit. The second check valve is used to absorb the
pressure wave in the line linking the delivery valve to the injector. Like the first
check valve, it allows the flow of fuel during the pressure build-up phase of the
pump. During the pump in-let phase, the pressure wave of the down-stream line is
absorbed by a calibrated orifice.
The model of the delivery valve is given in Figure 7. This model has two connection
ports: A hydraulic linking port to the pump and a hydraulic linking port to the line
linking the delivery valve to the injector.

Figure 7: Delivery valve model

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first check valve


This check valve model is represented by two serial

orifices. One corresponds to a poppet valve, the other
is represented by a variable orifice "
". Its passage
section is modulated by the position of the valve. This
model takes into consideration the valve inertia. A
return spring ensures a closing force.

second check valve

This check valve has two parallel orifices. A poppet

valve model is used to ensure the function of a noreturn valve. A calibrated orifice parallel to the poppet
valve ensures wave absorption in the down-stream
line of the delivery valve.

Figure 8 demonstrates the icon of the delivery valve with its two linking ports. It
groups the models defined in Figure 7.



first check valve

Figure 8: Delivery valve supercomponent

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3.4 Hydraulic pipe

The hydraulic pipe between the delivery valve and the injector is a complex
distributed submodel suitable for situations where wave dynamics are likely to be
important. The models used have a frequency dependent friction. The
compressibility of the fluid and expansion of the pipe wall with pressure are taken
into account by an effective bulk modulus.
Pipe friction is taken into account using a friction factor based on the Reynolds
number and relative roughness.
The inertia of the fluid is taken into account and wave dynamics equations are used
with frequency dependent friction. The submodel has 2 external state variables and
6 internal pressure state variables.

Figure 9: pipe characteristics

3.5 Injector

Starting from the fuel feed line, the injector comprises a dead volume which
accommodates the filter. The fuel then goes into the hydraulic line and arrives in a
second volume behind the injector needle. The pressure build-up in this volume
causes the opening of the needle which is pre-loaded by a spring. The opening of
the valve allows thus the passing of the fluid to a third dead volume known as the
sac. The sac is linked to the combustion chamber via 6 calibrated connection ports:

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AMESim and Diesel Fuel Injection Systems


The model of the injector is given in Figure 10. This model comprises 3 connection

port 1: a hydraulic linking port to the combustion chamber;

port 2: a hydraulic linking port with a null pressure source (the flow-rate of
leakage escapes by this port);

port 3: a hydraulic linking port between the injector and the line previously

Figure 10: Injector model

Figure 11 demonstrates the injector icon.

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Figure 11: Injector supercomponent

4. Simulation
Simulations are carried out at a stabilized rotary speed and a rack and pinion
position (which imposes the angular orientation of the pump piston). These two
parameters constitute the two entries of the model. They are defined at the level of
the in-line pump model.
The following five graphs demonstrate respectively:

Output pressure pump

Output delivery valve pressure
Injected volume
Needle displacement

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AMESim and Diesel Fuel Injection Systems


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AMESim and Diesel Fuel Injection Systems


Using standard AMESim library components, we have modeled a mechanical diesel
injection system. We used the Hydraulic Components Design (HCD) library for this
This application demonstrates the richness of AMESim in model terms. The designer
can thus concentrate on his job whilst relying on a tried and tested library.
The extension of this library, one of our permanent centers of occupation, is also
made possible for the user by AMESet [7], which allows the generation of one's own
models, with a structuring which ensures quality and standardization.

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AMESim and Diesel Fuel Injection Systems



C.W. Richards, "Numerical Challenges Posed by Modeling Hydraulic Systems",

Forum on design languages 98, Lausanne, Switzerland.


M. Lebrun, C.W.Richards, "How to create good models without writing a

single line of code", International Fluid Power Congress SICFP'97, Linkping
Sweden, May 28.29 1997




HCD manual


"Hydraulic fluid properties", Technical bulletin N104


"The Supercomponent", Technical bulletin N109


AMESet manual

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Copyright IMAGINE S.A. 1995-2002

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