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The Complete Harani

Archeage Levelling

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Level 1 ............................................................ 4
Level 2 ............................................................ 7
Level 3 ............................................................ 8
Level 4 .......................................................... 10
Level 5 .......................................................... 12
Level 6 .......................................................... 15
Level 7 .......................................................... 18
Level 8 .......................................................... 21
Level 9 .......................................................... 25
Level 10 ........................................................ 31
Levels 11-15 Tigerspine Mountains .............. 38
Level 11 ........................................................ 38
Level 12 ........................................................ 44
Level 13 ........................................................ 51
Level 14 ........................................................ 58
Level 15 ........................................................ 66
Levels 15-20 Mahadevi ................................. 71
Level 15 ........................................................ 71
Level 16 ........................................................ 73
Level 17 ........................................................ 82
Level 18 ........................................................ 90
Level 19 ........................................................ 99
Level 20 ...................................................... 108
Levels 20-24 Solis Headlands ...................... 114
Level 20 ...................................................... 114
Level 21 ...................................................... 118
Level 22 ...................................................... 131
Level 23 ...................................................... 141
Level 24 ...................................................... 152
Levels 24-27 Villanelle ................................. 162
Level 24 ...................................................... 162
Level 25 ...................................................... 167
Level 26 ...................................................... 180
Level 27 ...................................................... 190
Levels 27-30 Silent Forest ........................... 199
Level 27 ...................................................... 199
Level 28 ...................................................... 206
Level 29 ...................................................... 220
Level 30 ...................................................... 234

Level 30-32 Ynystere ................................... 240

Level 30 ...................................................... 240
Level 31 ...................................................... 254
Level 32 ...................................................... 274
Level 33-34 Halcyona .................................. 299
Level 33 ...................................................... 299
Level 34 ...................................................... 316
Level 35-37 Hellswamp ............................... 333
Level 35 ...................................................... 333
Level 36 ...................................................... 348
Level 37 ...................................................... 362
Level 37-40 Sanddeep................................. 369
Level 37 ...................................................... 369
Level 38 ...................................................... 374
Level 39 ...................................................... 397
Level 40 ...................................................... 416
Level 40-42 Rookborne Basin ..................... 428
Level 40 ...................................................... 428
Level 41 ...................................................... 436
Level 42 ...................................................... 455
Level 42-44 Windscour Savannah ............... 466
Level 42 ...................................................... 466
Level 43 ...................................................... 474
Level 44 ...................................................... 491
Level 45-46 Perinoor Ruins ......................... 505
Level 45 ...................................................... 505
Level 46 ...................................................... 527
Level 47-48 Hasla ........................................ 540
Level 47 ...................................................... 540
Level 48 ...................................................... 561
Level 49-50 Karkasse Ridgelands ................ 592
Level 49 ...................................................... 592
Level 50 ...................................................... 610
Afterword ...................................................... 634

This guide is a free guide, and is not for sale, rent, or other means on any other site. If you have bought
it from any other site, you have been scammed and should immediately attempt to get your money
This guide is designed to bring you from levels 1 until the maximum level (as of the writing of this guide,
this is 50). It is not a guide designed to tell you how to play your class.
Levels given are approximate and will be flexible based off of Patron Status, amount of times you died,
and how strictly you follow this guide.

Levels 1-10 Arcum Isis

Level 1
After selecting your character and class, hop into the game and you should see someone with a yellow
exclamation point over his head.

This guy has your first quest to pick up. Either press F or right click of him, and then hit accept to
pick up Winds of Change.
Move east on the road to Ifahn, and turn in Winds of Change.

Take his follow up, The Road to Fortune-Telling. Just north of him are various dragon fruit.

To use a dragon fruit, stand over it and press f to gather. Quest items will always have a blue glow
attached to them.
Continue eastwards to a camp.

Turn in The Road to Fortune Telling to Hassan and pick up Quarry Cleanup from Leba.

A little further down the road is a signpost with a hammer over it.

Press f to pick up what will be called a signpost quest. This one is A Miner Inconvenience. They will
always auto-complete, meaning you dont have to turn them in.
Head south and use an unknown vein by pressing f.

Then, kill 3 Faulty Ore Detectors. You will hit level 2 doing this.

Level 2
When you finish killing the 3, the quest will auto-complete. Head east along the road to a stable.

Turn in Quarry Cleanup to Tamoor. Pick up Securing the Road to Mollio. Yuell has a green
exclamation point, which represents a story quest. Pick up A Missing Dog from her.

Securing the Road is our first optional quest. You can complete it in two ways killing mobs, or looting
items. Right now, it will give us 20 points of progress per mob, and 10 per gather. Later, it will be 10 and
5, and then 8 and 4, and then in the 40s, 5 and 3.
Kill 5 Clan Ambushers to update the quest and reach level 3.

Level 3
At level 3, we get a skill point. Unlike other mmos, where you are forced to have the same skills as
every other person who plays your class, here you can choose what skills to select. Press k to open
your skills menu. Left click on the new skill you want (theres only 1 available), and you will learn it.

Head east and talk to Toto on the road.

Turn in A Missing Dog and pick up A Grim Discovery. Talk to the unknown man behind Toto to turn
in A Grim Discovery and pick up A Missing Box.
Head East to reach Hatora, our first town.

Turn in The Mysterious Box to Tumon (Take the Follow up) and Securing the Road to Timu (Take the
Follow up) to reach level 4.

Level 4
Head to the north side of town. Right click on the old anvil to update Dangerous Contents.

Then talk to Murtaz to turn in What Happens in Hatora and pick up Burden of Proof.
You will get a large pack on your back, which lowers your movement speed. Walk over to the house with
fabric on it to your left.

Press f to build the house. Return to Murtaz to turn the quest in and pick up An Inside Job. Behind
him, talk to Resident Radia to pick up Minty Fresh Fields.
Head into the garden on Radias right. Then right click the item in your quest log.

You will be able to place it down nearly anywhere by then left clicking on the screen where you want to
plant it.
At this point, you will have to wait about 30 seconds for it to grow. When its finished, harvest it (it
should look like the other bushes, and when you hover over it there should be no timer). Return to
Radia to turn it in and pick up Home Security.

Head into the home on Radias right.

The quest will update when youre inside. Return to Radia to turn in Home Security.
Head back to the center of town and turn in Dangerous Contents to Tumon to reach level 5.
Level 5
At this point, we are now able to select our second class. Archeage, unlike other games, allows you to
mix and match any set of classes you choose to fit your playstyle. If you want to be a wizard who shoots
arrows and can heal, go for it. However, it is best to choose 3 classes that are similar such as all dps, or
all healing.
You also will have 2 skill points. These are for the 2 basic skills of the new class, so learn those skills.
Speak with Yuelli to pick up Shady Dealings. Talk to Mediana on the south side of town to turn in
Shady Dealings and pick up A Respectable Businessman. Head towards the west side of town and
speak with Clansman Tomiris to turn in An Inside Job and pick up Loss Reduction.

Head out of town and to the south. Kill 5 Giant Ants and loot them (press f while standing over the
corpse to loot).

Head west on the road to Propellant Expert Carlton.

Pick up Testers Wanted, and then head to the scaffolding. Stand at the base of a ladder and press f
to latch onto it. Press up or down to climb up on down.

When you get to the top, grab a propellant tank by pressing f.

This quest will auto-complete. For 5 minutes, if you press r, you will fly forwards. If you dont like this,
press c to bring up your character info, and simply right click on the propellant to unequip it.
Head southwest to the Parchsun Settlement.

Turn in A Respectable Businessman to Tattooist Orphe and pick up Contacting the Shadowhawks.
On the east side of town, turn in Loss Reduction and pick up Opportunity in Crisis.
Head out of the east side of town to a bunch of colorful cannons.

Right click the item in your quest log to update the quest. Turn it in to Peddler Favela by the cannons to
turn it in, pick up You First Contact, and reach level 6.
Level 6
A little south is Xosar standing by the rocks.

Turn in Your First Contact and pick up A Pleasant Conversation.

Head north and kill 5 Spotted Ostriches and loot them, or 5 Giant Mantises, or some combination, to
update Opportunity in Crisis.

Return to town to turn in Opportunity in Crisis to Maguren and Your First Contact to Tattoist Orphe.
Head back out to the area with the rainbow cannons and pick up Leomorph Transport. Youll get a cub
on your back. Slowly make your way east to the stable.

Turn in Leomorph Transport and pick up Time to Grow Up.

Right click the Vita seed in your quest log and place it down anywhere on the ground, just like we did
earlier with the mint. Wait about 30 seconds for it to mature, and then press f to harvest it.
Return to Yanami to turn in Time to Grow Up and pick up How to Raise your Leomorph.
Select the Leomorph in your inventory that you chose, and place it on the ground as if it were a plant.
Press f to entertain it, and then f again to feed it the Vita root. It will start to grow. At this time, head
over to the well and press f to draw water.

When you draw the water, you can get anywhere from 1 to 5 waters. Draw until you have at least 2
water. Then return to the Leomorph cub and press f twice once to feed it water, once to wash it.
It will then go into another growth stage. Wait 30 seconds for it to grow. The press f one more time to
play with it. It will go through a last growth stage, and then appear with fireworks. Press f to obtain it
in your inventory.
This Leomorph is going to be our mount a fast transport to get place to place. Talk to Yanami to turn in
How to Raise your Leomorph.

Head northeast along the road, and youll find a pack on the ground.

Press f to pick it up. You will get a quest Quick, to Safety! and the pack on your back. In all cases, if
you wear a pack, do not ride your Leomorph. It will move slower than you walk.
Head north and turn the quest in to Porter Berya on the left side of the road and reach level 7.
Level 7
Pick up Identifying the Ambushers. Head north to the pot.

Right click the item in your inventory to auto-complete the quest. Then pick up Search for Evidence
from the pot. Press f to dig up around the pot, and then return to Berya to turn in Search for
Evidence and pick up A Danger to Others.
Continue West along the road to Clansman Selim.

Turn in A Danger to Others and pick up Missing Objects. Head south and kill 5 Suspicious Clansmen
and loot them.

Return to Selim to turn the quest in and pick up The Crooked Back Clan. Then continue East and talk to
Visanas to turn in Jumping at the Chance. Pick up A Challenger Appears. Head to the Undefeated

Right click one of the three buttons rock, paper, or scissors. If you fail, try again.
Return to Visanus to turn in A Challenger Appears and pick up Luck for Hire.
Right click a lever to update Luck for Hire.

Turn the quest in to Visanas and pick up Betting the House.

Continue east on the road to a campsite.

Pick up the signpost quest and inside, turn in The Crooked Back Clan to Lieutenant Ladre (take the
follow up), and Betting the House to Mieru. Turn in Playing it Safe to Katra and pick up
Contamination Retaliation. You should reach level 8 doing this.
Level 8
Head north and kill 7 Redmane Gnolls (out of 8).

Then in the north are 2 Redmane Gnoll Leaders.

These mobs are considered bosses. The 1 star above their health bar means they are soloable. Make
sure you are at full health before attempting it. This will auto-complete Muddying the Waters.
Behind them, loot the Missing Map Pieces.

Collect 3 in the surrounding areas to update Vanishing Map.

Return to the outpost in the south to turn in Contamination Retaliation to Katra and pick up Meeting
Haman. Turn in Vanishing Map to Ladre and pick up Into Serpents Pass. From the monkey to her
left, pick up Ripples on the Water.
Head south into the water and swim to the center island.

Use a chalice to update Ripples on the Water. Return to the camp to turn in Ripples on the Water.
Then head south into the fields. There is a signpost here.

Take its quest and then kill 5 Giant Poisonous Scorpions to auto-complete it.

Continue south to Clansman Megran to turn in Into Serpents Pass. Then continue south to reach

Turn in Meeting Haman and pick up Honor Amongst Thieves. Talk to either lackey behind him. You
will be teleported and reach level 9 while teleporting.

Level 9
When you fall, head west.

Pick up Escape from Serpents Pass from the corpse and The Edge of Darkness from the Clansman.
Right click the turquoise portal to escape.
When you port out, turn in The Edge of Darkness to Megran. Pick up A Watchful Eye from Moreh
and Tripping Rainbows from Morehs son. Head south and kill 5 Grubs.

There will be rainbow smoke nearby.

Right click the item in your quest log to gather this smoke, and do so 3 times to update Tripping
Return to Moreh and his son to turn in Tripping Rainbows and A Watchful Eye. You will need to
choose a cloth or leather uppers chest. My suggestion if you are a healer or a magic based dps, select
cloth. Otherwise, grab leather. Tanks and melee dps at higher levels will pick plate, while evasionfocused classes like ranger or assassin will pick leather. Open the package in your inventory to receive a
chest piece, gloves, and sleeves. Equip all 3.
Pick up their follow ups. And pick up The Stole Goods Cache from Megran. Then follow the road south
into the canyon.

There is a grave marker on the road.

Press f to gather the necklace. Then continue to follow the road south and bend east.
Kill 5 Vengeful Skeletons or Bloodbores.

When you get to a little fork, head south to get to the wailing dead.

Turn in No Honor Amongst Thieves. Then head out the northeast side to get to a giant grub.

Get near it and right click the petals in your quest inventory. It will move, exposing a box. Right click the
box to update the quest.

Follow the road east to get to Jahir. Pick up Questionable Intent. Then head north to get to Mambe on
the road. Talk to Mambe to pick up Zebra Wrangling.
Head over to a Zebra (they are non-aggressive).

Select it, and then select the rope in your quest log (left item). Then use the jar (right item). The zebra
will then attack you, so kill it. Repeat this process 3 times.
Return to Mambe to turn the quest in.

Head northeast to get to windsleeves. You will be stunned when you walk in, and Questionable Intent
will auto-complete.

Inside, turn in Escape from Serpants PasS to Tattooist Orphe and take the follow up. Turn in Bloody
Business to Apothecary Kakki and pick up Journey Supplies. Turn in The Stolen Goods Cache to
Mustein on the east side of the village. Then pick up Tasss Test and Edosas Test from the two
people facing him.
Head south up the hill to the Unconscious Narayanas.

Select one and right click an item in your quest log. For me, the item in Tesss Test caused it to attack
me, and Edosas made it spin around and collapse again. Your mileage may vary. Return back to Edosa
and Tess to turn the quests in and reach level 10.
Level 10
Now, we can finalize our class. Press k to open your skill log, and select a 3rd class. This combination of
3 classes will give you a class name. You also should have 2-3 skill points, depending if you chose a
passive skill level 8. Select new skills to learn new skills.
Head west out of town to Merchant Mayer.

Turn in Journey Supplies and pick up A Shady Character. Pick up Wild Dreams from Rekas.

Then head south to a set of wagons.

Turn in Ruthless Tactics to Agna and pick up A Morbid Memento. Move next to a wagon and press
f to search it. Mobs will appear, but the guards for the most part will take care of them. Chip in and
fight a little.
Head west to Maus and turn in A Shady Character and pick up Taste of the Rainbow.

Head north to get to a bush with rainbow dust around it.

Press f to gather the dust. Then head north and kill 5 Centaurs.

Return to Rekas to turn in Wild Dreams and pick up True Value. Then head back into town.
Talk to Mustein to turn in True Value and pick up The Strength of the Windbelts. From the guy next
to him, pick up Windbelt Defenses.

Talk to Retired Illusionist Odorick to turn in Taste of the Rainbow. Then talk to Tattoist Orphe to turn
in A Morbid Memento and pick up The Path of Vengeance.
Head north out of town and kill 5 clansmen to update Windbelt Defenses.

In the middle, kill the first finger Trisha and loot her for a clue.

Head to the northeast, to the right side of the road leading north, to kill the Lieutenant (hes a boss).

Return to town and turn in The Path of Vengeance to Alotos, and The Strength of the Windbelts and
Windbelt Defences to Cemeron. Pick up Engineering and Introduction.
Jevon, in town, will get a green leaf over his head. This is a farming quest, so pick it up.

Follow the road north to get to Jandry and update Engineering an Introduction.

Continue north into the Tigerspine Mountains map. Here is a new story quest.

Head north to Baht to turn in Innocent Victims and pick up Dangerous Cargo.

Right click a carriage and a monster will appear. Baht will take care of it for the most part, but you can
chip in. Talk to Baht to turn in Dangerous Cargo and pick up Bahts Invitation.
Continue north to the garden with the guy with the leaf over his head.

Levels 11-15 Tigerspine Mountains

Level 11
Speak with Merchant Recruiter to turn in Introducing the Blue Salt Brotherhood and pick up A
Farming Necessity. On the outside of the fence on the right is a well.

Gather water until you have 5, and then talk to the Merchant recruiter again to turn the quest in and
pick up to follow up. On his right outside the fence, water a plant.

Turn in Caring for Corn to him and take the follow up. Speak to Nuhan on his left to buy a Potato Eye.
Right click it in your inventory and plant it anywhere it could be inside the fence or outside, your
choice. Turn in Planting Potatoes to the Merchant Recruiter and pick up Meeting the Daru.
Run southwest into the housing area and talk to the Mirage Isle Auctioneer.

Turn in Meeting the Daru and pick up Strange Traders. Return to the Merchant Recruiter to turn in
Strange Traders and pick up A Garden of your own. Head back to the Auctioneer and across from
him, talk to Josiah to update Placing your garden. Return to the Merchant Recruiter to turn it in and
pick up A Master of Trade. Then head into the fenced area to talk to Sahel to turn in A Master of
We will end our follow ups here, but the latter quests should be done at some point as they give you
goodies like a donkey mount and a larger farm.

Head northwest into Anvilton.

Turn in Engineering and Introduction and pick up Walking Tour. Inside the building on the right in
the picture about, update Bahts Invitation and pick up Joining the Shadowhawks. Talk to the Branch
Manager to turn it in and pick up Bladewing Delivery.
Head north to get to Molly, hiding in rubble.

Pick up Serious Business. Then, to the south, collect 3 Yata Manure. You may be stunned while
collecting it, but it doesnt harm you.

Return to Molly to turn it in and pick up To the Victor goes the Spoils. On the right, right click on her
workbench to update the quest.

From here, head southwest to an outpost.

Turn in To the Victor Goes the Spoils and pick up Fresh Fish Fast. Then go up the north hill to turn in
Walking Tour and pick up Clearing the Backlog.
By Yarut is an unassembled machine.

Right click it 3 times to assemble it and then turn the quest in to Yarut and pick up The Secret
Ingredient. Return back down the hill to turn it in and pick up Its alive.
In the middle of the outpost is a machine. Right click one of the knobs sticking out of it.

A mob will spawn that you need to kill. Turn the quest in to Rurahon.
Then head over to Technician Definna. Right click the item in your quest log to update Bladewing
Delivery, and then turn it in to her to reach level 12.

Level 12
Pick up Blunt Instrument. Then head south to the river. Kill 3 Archerfish and loot them for their Fillets.

Return to Mandane to turn the quest in and pick up Lunch to Go.

Head east out of the outpost and into a building.

Turn in Lunch to Go and pick up Hatlas Request.

Head to the center to Mav 49.

Use the item in your quest lock to hammer it, and then report to Maggra to turn it in and pick up
Promised payment.
Head north along the road to get to a signpost. Pick up its quest, and then kill 8 Dissidents to autocomplete the quest.

Head east to an old tower.

Turn in Hatlas Request and pick up A Lack of Manpower and Ore Wing #1435.
Head up the ramp and right click on an umbrella to explode it. Return to Kirhis to turn it in and pick up
Where did the wings go. Then head east, picking up the signpost quest.
As you head east and up, collect 5 wreckages.

Kill 8 spotted kobolds as you head up the hill to autocomplete the quest.

At the top youll find 2 tracks. Hop onto the one closest to you and run up it to get to the quest givers.

When youre at the top, turn in A Lack of Manpower and pick up Evacuation Protocol.

Continue up the hill and collect small parts. Note that kobolds will aggro you if you collect the parts
close to them.

Return to Amutar to turn in Evacuation Protocol and pick up Initiate Shutdown.

You will have received an experimental glider as a quest reward. Equip it, and then you can press shift+=
to glide. There is also an option that allows you to glide if you double tap spacebar, but this has to be set
in your options. Glide down to Anvilton and turn in Initiate Shutdown and pick up More than just a
Right click the stonemason workbench.

A crafting menu will pop up. Select stone brick and then the hereafter stone, and craft it to get 3
hereafter stones. Report to Lufil to turn it in.
Speak with Tristen to turn in Where Did the Wings Go? and pick up Thats not good. Then leave via
the south side of town and make your way west to the eyewitness.

Turn in Thats not good and pick up Not so eyewitness testimony. Search the dead spiders to update
the quest.

Turn the quest in to the eyewitness, pick up Kill it with Fire, and then continue west to a few monkeys
on the road.

Pick up Caught in the Web and Adventurer Ashei. Then head west to Shadowhawk Drobis. Turn in
Promised Payment to reach level 13.

Level 13
Pick up Counterintelligence and then head west. Kill 5 giant spiders.

Then, report to the Blue Cyprus Member.

Turn in Caught in the Web and pick up Wakey-Wakey. Head west to a stunned deer.

Select it and use the item in your quest log to wake it up. Return to the Member to turn in WakeyWakey.
Head northwest. Use the body on the outside of the water to update Adventurer Ashrel.

Pick up The Only Witness from Halima, and then kill 8 crocodiles.

Turn the quest in to Halima, and then return to the monkeys on the street. Turn in Kill it with fire and
Adventurer Ashrei and pick up Like Junk under the Bridge.
Head north and collect a floating chest.

Continue north to 3 people at the intersection.

Turn in Like Junk Under the Bridge and pick up Parts Requisition. Ignore Heuns quest.
All around are Waste Heaps and Junked Machines (each with a blue light marking them), so search them
until you have 3 missives and 3 fasteners.

Make your way west to an outpost.

Turn in Counterintelligence and Parts Requisition and pick up Into the Field, Hard Reboot, and
Recycling Policy.
Select the Old Scrap Dealer and right click the item in your quest log to update Hard Reboot. Talk to
the Old Scrap Dealer to turn it in.
To the east of the outpost, kill 8 junkyard machines and loot them for their parts.

Return to Tomiris to turn in Recyling Policy and pick up Making Great Friends.
Head west to a lot of people standing on the road.

Turn in Into the Field and Making Great Friends and pick up The Mayor of Tigerseye, A Duty to
the Forest, Blue Cypress Mission Statement, and Gold Thumb.
Head east to collect 3 polluted dirts.

Report back to the people to turn it in. Then head west to a sapling site.

Right click it to plant a sapling and then wait about a minute for it to grow. Right click it when it is full
bloom, and then return to the npcs to turn in Gold Thumb and pick up Gilded Waters.
Head west and kill 7 Twinhead Vipers to update Blue Cypress Mission Statement.

This quest will auto-complete, getting you to level 14.

Level 14
Head to the northeast corner of the forest where there are totems.

Right click the item in your quest log to update Gilded Waters. The swim across the lake to Maile.

Turn in Gilded Waters and pick up Sickly School.

Head into the water and swim down to pick up a quest from a treasure box.

Also, kill 3 Sickly Archerfish.

Return to Maile to turn in Stuck in the Mud.

In your inventory, you should have an item called a teleport book. Right click it and select Blue
Cypress Headquarters. Click the swirly gate to make a swirly gate of your own. Jump through it (you
literally have to jump) to get to the NPCs and auto-complete Return to Headquarters.
Speak to Upayama to turn in your quests and pick up Part of the Team. Then head east to get to the
north-south road, and then north to get to the Yata pasture.

Turn in Part of the Team and pick up Good for Digestion and Untamed Aggression.
Collect 5 grass in the pasture.

Head west and kill 5 violent Yata.

Return to the pasture to turn in Good for Digestion and Untamed Aggression and pick up Only the
Best and Testing the Yata.
Select an Untrained Yata and right click the item in your quest log.

The Yata will either attack you (kill it), or become an npc you can talk to. When you can talk to it, do so
and turn the quest in to Suryan.
Head west to Tigers Eye.

Turn in Mind the Details and pick up Word of Mouth. Then head into the city and talk to the Mayor
(he walks back and forth) to turn in The Mayor of Tigerseye and pick up Feigned Formalities.

Select his secretary and type /bow into your chat box (press enter to enable typing in chat), and then
turn in Feigned Formalities to the Secretary. Then pick up Friend in High Places.
Go east in the city to turn in Friend in High Places and pick up Raiding the Shrine. Then, up the stairs
talk to the traveler Ochibarr to update Word of Mouth and pick up Rumors of Treasure.
Continue east to an inn.

Head inside and then down the stairs. There are a few strangers that are easy kills, but beware the boss
at the bottom of the stairs. You can avoid him as you travel to the pile of books if you hug the wall.

Use the books to update Raiding the Shrine. Head out to turn it in to Baht and pick up Go to Ground.
Head west to Ashrel in the city to auto-complete Word of Mouth and pick up Honey, Not Vinegar.
Head out of the city and to the west to a camp.

Turn in Rumors of Treasure and Honey, not Vinegar and pick up Hot on the Trail and Patrolling
the Mountain.
Follow the road leading north until you get to a monkey.

Turn in Hot on the Trail and pick up Hal Hahpa. Then, head further north to get to the mist cat.

Kill the cat and then continue north to get to another npc.

Turn in Hal Hahpa and pick up Beyond our reach to reach level 15.

Level 15
You should have received a Treasure Hunters Scroll in your inventory. Right click it to return to the
camp. Turn in Beyond Our Reach and Patrolling the Mountain and pick up Jealousy and Ambition
and Hide and Seek. Head back up the north and a little to the left to get to a cave.

Grab the signpost quest and turn in Hide and Go Seek to Nubo just inside. Pick up The Lake Tide
from him.
Head north in the cave to get to the shabby treasure chest.

As you wander in the cave, only kill the kobold stonethrowers the others do not aggro and there are
more than enough to complete the quest.

Return south and then head to the northwest corner of the cave. Kill the Chieftain here.

Make your way out of the cave. If you need to, kill Kobolds until the quest autocompletes.

Return to the camp to turn in Jealousy and Ambition and The Lake Tide and pick up Exact Change.
Head west to a final camp.

Turn in Go to Ground and Exact Change and pick up To the City of Towers and Send Them
Head southwest and select a tiger. Right click the tiger trap in your quest log to capture it, and the right
click the box that drops to update the quest. Do this 3 times.

Return to the last camp to turn in Send them home and pick up Panning for Goldscales and Ten
Point Buffalo.
Head west and kill 3 buffalo and loot them for their horns.

Then move north to the river. Select and archerfish and right click the item in your quest log to stun it.

While in the air, goldscale will fall beneath it. Gather it, and then get out of there before the fish gets
back down.
Return to the last camp to turn in Panning for Goldscales and Ten Point Buffalo and pick up The
Golden Path to Mahadevi. Then head west to get to our next map.

Levels 15-20 Mahadevi

Level 15
As we run west into Mahadevi, well auto-acquire our first Self-Sufficiency quest. With all of these, do
not grind for completion unless told to do so, as they are usually covered by other quests.
Youll come to a few men on the road. Pick up More Rumors of Treasure and Tiger Oil from them.
Then go west and kill 5 tigers and loot them for their oils.

In the middle is a historic statue. Right click on it to destroy it.

Return to the people on the road to turn in More Rumors of Treasure and Tiger Oil and pick up
Tiger Oil Delivery.
Run west on the road to get to Supanya. Pick up Supanyas Final Request. Run south of the road and
kill 5 Suspicious Assailants.

Then return to the road and head west to get to Poachers Watch.

Turn in Supanyas Final Request, Tiger Oil Delivery, The Golden Path to Mahadevi, and To the City
of Towers to reach level 16.
Level 16
Pick up A Second Chance, Missing Cargo, Only the Best, and Protecting the Elephants. Then head
south. Kill 8 Poachers.

To the south, kill 5 Water Buffalo and loot them.

Upon looting your 8th tendon, the self-sufficiency quest will auto-complete and youll get another one.
Head towards the road and collect 3 boxes.

Return to camp to turn in Missing Cargo, Protecting the Elephants, and Only the Best. Then pick
up Mahadevis Most Wanted: Rashya and Ordering Delivery.

Head to a worn armor form in this camp it looks like a torso on a stick.

Speak to the General Merchant and buy 3 Shatigans Wedges. Then right click the worn armor
workbench to open the crafting gui. Choose your armor cloth for mages/healers, leather for
bows/assassins, plate for tanks/melee and craft some sleeves. The quest will auto-complete.
Move west of the camp and kill Poacher Rashya. She usually has 2 hounds with her, so select them first
and use the item in your quest log to neutralize them before attacking her.

Continue up the hill to a camp of Salphira Disciples. In a tent is the Armored Chest.

The mobs will respawn very quickly, so my advice is ignore them and just open the box. Then run away
back to our camp.
Turn in Mahadevis Most Wanted and A Second Chance and pick up Going Rouge. Right click the
item in your quest log to update Going Rouge.

Follow the road as it bends north to get to Volata. Pick up It Flows Downstream from him and head
east, down the stream. There will be gold dust in the water.

On the dock in the east, talk to Beyman to pick up The Sovereign Treasure.
Head all the way to the end of the stream and below the waterfall youll find the treasure.

Right click it to summon a mob. Kill it and loot it to update the quest.

Return to Beykman to turn in The Sovereign Treasure and Volata to turn in It flows Downstream.
Then follow the road west. Talk to Gurudin to pick up Out for Delivery. West of her, well get to a

Pick up Queens Orders and Missing Meisha. Then head west and kill 5 Poachers, looting them.

Meisha is to the south, by the water.

Return to the people to turn in Queens Orders and Missing Meisha and pick up An Eye for an Eye
and Oshimas Bargain.
Head back south and kill Captain Kashim (boss monster, nothing hard).

Kill 3 more poachers and loot them to complete the self sufficiency quest. Then return to Villu to turn in
An Eye for an Eye.
Head west into town.

Turn in Going Rouge, Out for Delivery, and Oshimas Bargain, and then pick up Terror in the
Temple and Youve Got the Mail.
Head north to the shrine, and right click the door to open it.

Head around to the back and gather the dragonscale on the altar be ready to run when the mobs
attack you after.

Head to Tavern Guard Armahed just south to turn in Terror in the Temple, pick up Mission
Accomplished, and reach level 17.

Level 17
Head up to the second level inside the tavern to turn in Mission Accomplished to Valdomero and pick
up A Shadowhawk at Last. Speak with Johevan to turn in A Shadowhawk at Last and pick up
Vicenzios Fate.
Head south to Kilaharan to turn in Ordering Delivery.

Continue southwest to get to Baliru in a building to turn in Youve Got the Mail and pick up Many

Head east to Muramushi to turn in Vincenzios Fate and pick up A Lucky Break

Head south to Hivana to turn in A Lucky Break and pick up Vicenzios Trail. Then head north to
Samiad to turn in Vincenzios Trail and pick up A City at Risk.

Head west and kill 2 Monks.

In the center of this circle is a pyre in the center, with some pottery around it.

Right click it to blow it up. Alternate between kill the monk and blowing up the pottery until youve done
each 2 and 3 times respectively.

Return to Samiad to turn the quest in and pick up The Origin of the Iron Crescent. Right click the item
in your quest log to update the quest.

Turn in The Origin of the Iron Crescent and pick up The Helm of Kyrios.
Head west to get to another worn armor form.

Buy 3 more wedges and craft yourself a belt.

Head west to the skill manager in the crafting quarter to turn in Many Secrets and pick up Playing

Continue west to get to the west gate. Turn in Many Secrets to Hellus and pick up A Chain of
Intrigue. Head out of the city to turn in The Helm of Kyrios and pick up The Middleman.
Head southeast to get to a man of the street.

Pick up A Fleeting Love and head south. Pick up the signpost quest, and then eliminate the alpha from
Kill 5 gorillas to the west to auto-complete.

Then kill the alpha (boss).

There is a quest on the ground, so pick it up.

Return to Kair to turn in Eliminate the Alpha and then follow the road southeast to get to a small

Turn in A Chain of Intrigue and pick up The Royal Decree of Amarendra IV and The Missing Child.

Head down the road to Keshaar and pick up Highly Suspicious. Head into the house next to him and
use the box.

The man inside will attack, so get him below 50%. He will then reset, and youre free to go. Report to
Keshaar to turn it in and pick up Keshaars Proposal. Head down the hill to propose to Suiya.
Turn in A Fleeting Love to Hassenia and then Dangerously Valuable to Ajarr. Then talk to Nadal to
update The Missing Child.
Look for a cavern between two houses facing Nadal and then run down to the bottom. Turn in The
Missing Child to Marun and pick up The Best Gift. Then head down a level and turn in The Royal
Decree of Amarendra IV and pick up Rats in a box

Select a cargo bag nearby to spawn 2 rats.

They wont aggro, so just kill them 1 at a time. Then find another bag and kill 1 more.
Talk to Gariv to turn in The Best Gift and then to Sehaat to turn in Rats in a box, pick up A Few
Good Men, and reach level 18.
Level 18
Continue down to the dock.

Pick up Got it where it counts, Bladewing Down, The Hydrophobic Fisherman, and Gift of the
Select a rowboat and right click it to acquire a rowboat of your own and auto-complete the quest.

This boat can be summoned on water. Just go swimming and right click it. Your movements determine
where the pointy end of the boat goes. So if you press forwards, the point end will move forwards. Press
right, that end will go right. Press f to get onto the boat or off it.
Row out to the boat in the middle.

Use the bladewing to update Bladewing down. Then, head into the water and kill 5 archerfish and loot

By the shore, gather 5 coral.

Return to the dock to turn in Bladewing Down, The Hydrophobic Fisherman, and Gift of the Heart.
Remember to unsummon your boat or youll have to run all the way back here next time you need it.

Run west along the beach to Tamilion.

Turn in A Few Good Men and pick up Eggs over Easy and the signpost quest. Note of the uppers
you get, you should only equip the chest piece, as that is the only one we will not be crafting. Then, head
into the water and break 5 eggs.

Return to Tamilion to turn in Eggs over Easy and pick up Crime Scene Investigation.

Continue west and kill 5 Seabugs (they dont aggro) to auto-complete.

In the western part of the beach, talk to Duruna to pick up Chasing Cures. Then kill 8 Tropical Turtles
and loot them (may need less, they can drop multiple items)

Return to Duruna to turn in the quest.

Continue west and at the far end, turn in Crime Scene Investigation to Fessimar. Pick up The Lust of
Shiny Things. Head to the shore and gather 5 pearl shells (again, they can drop multiple shells each).

Return to Fessimar to turn in The Lust of Shiny Things and pick up Caught in the Net.
Head into the water and attack a Seafolk Thief. When she is under 50% health, use the net on her to
capture her and put her on your back.

Return (slowly) to Fessimar and turn in Caught in the Net and pick up Brewery Business.
Head north to the brewery.

Pick up Worrisome Rumors and talk to Simhar to update it. Then turn in Brewery Business to Yupon
and pick up Blood and Gratitude. Pick up High Hopes, and then turn in Worrisome Rumors to
Anatta inside the tavern and pick up Serving Papers.

Head behind the tavern she is in and right click the papers while selecting Araham.

He will attack you, so attack him back until he resets. He will drop a stamp box, so right click that to
gather his stamp. Then right click the stamp to combine the items and update the quest. Return to
Anatta to turn the quest in.
Follow the road north and head back into the city of towers. Find a worn armor form (theres one in the
crafting quarter as well as the area we did our story quests in earlier), buy 3 shatigens wedges, and craft
some gloves.

Return south and kill 8 Poisonous Lizards and loot them.

Then gather 5 Lifes Breath Flowers.

A snake will come out of each flower, so kill it and loot it for the Lifes Breath. It usually drops 2-3 each

Return to the camp in the south and turn in High Hopes and Blood and Gratitude. Pick up Jujube
Delivery and Finding Uruna.
Head back into the city, find a worn armor form, buy 3 shatigons wedges, and craft your boots. This will
get you to level 19.
Level 19
Head west out of the city and at the intersection, pick up Liquid Gold and the signpost quest.
By the trees, right click on the hive of honey. You will get some honey by doing this, and a bee will

Loot the bee to gather more honey. Repeat this until you have 15 honeys and at least 8 giant bee kills
(that quest will auto-complete).
Return to Aishiwara to turn in Liquid Gold.

Head north to an outpost.

Turn in Jujube Delivery and then update Finding Uruna at Hadari. On the west side of town is a
warehouse door.

Speak to Uruna inside to turn in Finding Uruna and pick up Escapades. Right click the door again
from the inside to let her out. Talk to Hadari to turn in Escapades.

In the outpost, pick up Shairins Necklace. Head into the stream next to her and look under the rocks
(highlighted with blue lights) until you find the necklace.

Return to Shairin to turn the quest in.

Then pick up Injured Workers and A Job for an Exterminator.
Head west of town and right click 10 Overripe Rubber Trees to gather them. Make sure to check their
name, there are a few that arent ripe.

Then kill 5 giant ants.

Return to town to turn in Injured Workers and A Job For an Exterminator and pick up Proven Bug
Deterrent and Dubious Tastes.
Head back west and kill 5 Poisonous Centipedes.

Return to the outpost to turn in Proven Bug Deterrent. Then head into the city to the worn armor
form, buy 3 wedges, and craft some pants.
Head back to the outpost and run north to get to a camp, Rest Stop.

Turn in Dubious Tastes and pick up Shanking for Shanks.

Head north and kill 8 Water Buffalo and loot them for shanks.

Return to Asuran to turn in Shanking for Shanks and pick up Taste Tester. Right click the item in your
quest log to update Taste Tester.

Turn in the quest to Ashuran and pick up Ashurans Seafood Special. The rest of the city will have
quests so pick up Paying the Consequences, Mahadevis Top Chef, Pearl Shells, and The Gift of
Head north and kill 5 Giant Crabs for Ashurans Seafood Special.

In the middle of the crab area is a little inlet of water. At the edge are relics to gather.

Then start heading west. A wereshark Mikki is on the road.

Pick up Harani Dreams, and then head up the hill behind him. On top youll find various plants.

Collect 1 garlic and 1 mugwort from it, and then head down to Mikki to turn the quest in. Pick up A
Mikki Transformation. Select him and right click the item in your quest log to auto-complete A Mikki
Head west and kill Weresharks. They will each drop 1-2 items. You need 10 to update the seafood quest.

The head into the water and gather 3 shells.

Return to the Rest Stop to turn in Ashurans Seafood Special, Pearl Shells, and Mahadevis Top
Chef. Pick up A Taste for the ages, and right click the item in you quest log to update the quest.

You will faint for a little bit. But then talk to Diruma and reach level 20.

Level 20
Make your way southwest to a signpost and pick it up.

Across the road, pick up The Eye of the Kobold, Putting Food on the Table, and Astra Flower. Then
head south and gather 12 quarry stone (each drops between 1 and 3).

When this is done, kill 11 kobolds.

Finally, kill the Kobold Leader to auto-complete the signpost quest and update The Eye of the Kobold
when you loot him.

Return to the NPCs to turn in The Eye of the Kobold and Putting Food on the Table and pick up
Seeking Higly Capable Persons and A Letter from Chetin.

Head west and up a hill to a girl.

Pick up Hambas Revenge from her and then head west into the cavern. Kill Whitewing Astra as you
make your way deeper in the cave (dont grind them).

When you are deep, youll automatically acquire Removing the Astra Leader. When you get to the
southwest room, he is on the isle in the middle of the lake (boss monster).

This quest auto-completes. Head around to the back of the isle and gather an Astra Flower.

Return out of the cavern, killing any more whitewings you may need, and then talk to Hamba to turn in
Hambas Revenge.

Return to Anastar to turn in Astra Flower. Then head east to go back into the city. Speak with Arsakes
to turn in Seeking Highly Capable Persons, but ignore his follow up. This follow up is for a dungeon,
and dungeons in archeage are very hard and not very rewarding unless you have a mentor with you.
Head to the worn armor form, buy 3 wedges, and craft the hat. You will not need to worry about the
follow up quest it involves the dungeon.
Head west along the road to two people sitting down.

Pick up Everyones Grudge and The Constant Smuggle Struggle. Head south and kill 8 smugglers, and
gather 5 boxes.

Return to the NPCs to turn in your quest. Then, head west to get to our next map.

Levels 20-24 Solis Headlands

Level 20
As we run west, well get to our first camp.

Pick up Confiscated Goods from Moarine, turn in A Letter from Chetin, and pick up Only a little
poisonous. In the north of the camp, gather 3 flowers. These will force your movement speed to a walk
for 30 seconds.

Return to camp to turn in Only a little poisonous and pick up Old Artifacts and Old Wine. Then head
behind the building on the south side of camp to where there are jars. Use one to update Confiscated

Return to Moarine to turn in Confiscated Goods.

Follow the road west and youll get to a second camp.

Pick up the signpost quest and inside turn in Old Artifacts and Old Wine. Pick up Made with Real
Keys and Echoes of the Past.
West of the camp, kill 8 hyenas to auto-complete the signpost quest.

Then kill 8 Headless Knights and 8 Death Shrouds to complete Echoes of the past.

In the center of the undead area, pick up the quest from the rubble on the ground, Whats This.

When youre all done, kill 4 mimics and loot them.

Return to the camp to turn in Made With Real Keys, Echoes of the Past, and Whats This, and pick
up Bury it well and Breaking the Seals to reach level 21.
Level 21
Head north of the camp to 4 dirt mounds. Right click 1 to bury the relic.

Then head to the undead area to the west. There are 4 pillars around it.

Right click each one, and a mob will appear. Kill the mob and move on in a clockwise direction. The last
one is on top of a stairwell.

Return to camp to turn in Breaking the Seals and Bury it Well, and pick up Coming To a Head.

Behind the north pillar (the last one), is a little ramp leading up.

At the top, select the headless horseman and right click on the item in your quest log to give him a head.

Return to Bashudi in the camp to turn in Coming to a head and pick up Report on Pavitras Fall from

Head southwest to get to Travelers Spring.

Turn in Report on Pavitras Fall and The Middleman, and pick up The Mad Scholar, Portable Fire,
A Mothers Memory, and Strange Omens.
South of town is a hill overlooking it, so climb up it to pick up Fiery Welcome from Guard Kapur.

Head up the ramp and then climb to the top of the tower by pressing f on the ladder. At the top are
various fireworks.

Right click one and return to Kapur to turn in Fiery Welcome.

Head east and kill 8 fire elementals, looting their shards.

Return to Travelers Spring to turn in Portable Fire.

Then head west to an edge of water.

The cranes are very easy to kill, but hit very hard if you try to just grab the item, so Id suggest kill them
and then gather the comb.
Return to Shaira. Then, run south to a beach outpost.

Pick up the signpost quest, turn in Strange Omens, and then pick up Shellfish by the Shore,
Truesight Orb, and The Essence of Aggression. Head down into the springs until you see two boys.

Pick up High Stakes from them, and then right click a piece of wood in the spring (youll go flying).

Turn in the quest to Nanda and pick up Unblock the Spring.

Around the lake are various Travelers.

Select one, and then right click on the item in your quest log under Truesight Orb. They will either be
confused, or will start floating. If they float, kill them and loot their valuables. Do this until you have 8
valuables (they usually drop 2-3 each).
Head south and kill Armored Crayfish, looting them for claws. Each one will drop 1-2 each. Do this until
you have 12.

Move southeast to the Water Elementals.

Select one and right click the item in your quest log for The Essence of Aggression. The mob will fly for
a bit, and you will collect 4 essences. Then it will attack you, so kill it. Repeat this 3 times, and then just
kill 5 more to complete the signpost quest.
In the water to the northeast of those elementals is a large boulder.

Right click it to auto-complete Unblock the Spring. A boss water elemental will appear that you should
When done, head back up the springs to the beach camp to turn in Shellfish by the Seashore,
Truesight Orb, and The Essence of Aggression. Pick up Field Study and Crayfish Culinarian.
In the beach camp, use a cauldron twice once to turn it on, once to cook the fish.

Turn in the quest to Amola. Then run east along the mini-road to get to the biologists campsite.

Turn in Field Study and pick up Eco-Friendly Illumination, Find Botanist Nessalam, Influencing the
Gorillas, Invasive Species, and Mad Mandragoras.
Head southeast of the biologist camp and kill 10 gorillas.

Continue southeast and kill 10 Mandragoras.

From here, run north and kill 12 Goldtooth Goblins.

Finally, gather 8 Glimmer Plants by the trees in the goblin area.

Head northwest and up the hill to get to the ghost of Botanist Nessalam.

Turn in Find Botanist Nessalam and pick up Finding the Source. Then head east to the purifying

Right click the middle of it to gather the water, and a mob will spawn. Easy kill. Return to Nessalam to
turn the quest in and reach level 22.

Level 22
Pick up General Hassines Final Battle from Nessalam. Then head northwest and up a hill to get to
General Hassine.

Right click the item in your quest log to make him run around a bit and lose most of his heath, and then
kill him, looting him for a Soul Stone. Return to Nassalan to turn in General Hassines Final Battle and
pick up Honorable Discharge.

Head back up the hill and select a purified warrior. Right click the item in your quest log to dispel it.
Repeat this 5 times.

When done, right click on a spirit warriors grave.

Return to Nessalam to turn in Honorable Discharge and pick up A Message for Huslim. Then head
back to the Biologists Camp to the west and turn in A Message for Huslim, Mad Mandragoras,

Invasive Species, Influencing the Gorillas, and Eco-Friendly Illumination. Pick up Huslims Report
and Surprisingly Stinky.
Head south to the teapot fountain. While standing on top of it, right click the item in your quest log to
update Surprisingly Stinky.

Return to the Biologists Camp to turn in Surprisingly Stinky. Then return to Travelers Spring in the
northwest to turn in Huslims Report and pick up Garnering a Reputation.

Head north along the road, and when you have gained some height, head west into the barrens to get to

Turn in Garnering a Reputation and pick up Ghost Busting and Lingering Spirits.
Kill 12 enraged ghosts and loot them. You should get 5 suspicious objects. This grants a status called
overachieving. It is a waste to attempt to overachieve until level 37, but it pretty much means the
quest will grant you bonus XP.

Return to the foreman to turn in Ghost Busting and Lingering Spirits and pick up Missing Materials
and Investigate the Abandoned Altar.
Head east to get to the altar.

Right click it and a ghost will appear. Kill it and then return to the foreman to turn in the quest. Then
head north into the slums to turn in Missing Materials.

Pick up A Peaceful Resting Place and Poisonous Slime Migration. Kill 8 slimes to the east of the

Then head west to the beach and find a palm tree. Right click the item in your quest log to update the

Return to the slums to turn in A Peaceful Resting Place and Poisonous Slime Migration and pick up
Ominous Relics.

Head north into the city and head to the northwest corner. There is a bar in here.

Select Genea, and in you chat (press enter to start typing), write /stretch. Talk to Genea to turn in
The Mad Scholar and pick up Laying the bait.
Head northeast to an inn.

Turn in Laying the Bait and pick up Keeping Secrets from the girl at the table facing the innkeeper.

Head to the west side of town. To get into this part, I had to go a good deal south. Head up some stairs
to get to a statue.

Right click the statue, and then return to the inn. Turn in Keeping Secrets to the girl and then pick up
A Threat of Destruction from the innkeeper.
Head to the northwest corner of the city to a building with shadowhawks.

These guys die easy and hurt hard. There is an item in your quest log that will make them run around
and lose a good deal of health, but from my experiences, I recommend against it, and against trying to
just run in. Instead, gradually kill your way going inside and head up 1 level. You will get to a treasure
chest whichll auto-complete A Glimpse of Destruction.

Pick up Bahts Betrayal. Then head north to get to Bahts house.

Turn in Bahts Betrayal and pick up A Brother in Arms.

Head out of town to the south, and head down to Travellers Spring. Turn in Ominous Relics and pick
up A Threat in Saffron Fields.
Head west, and youll come upon a box.

Pick up Lost Luggage, and then head west to Halo Clan Leader. Turn in Lost Luggage and pick up
Appreciation of the Halo Clan. Then continue west to the Saffron Fields.

Turn in A Threat in the Saffron Fields and Appreciation of the Halo Clan, and pick up To Catch a
Saffron Thief, Stolen Saffron, Garden Variety, Trophies of Warning, and the signpost quest to
reach level 23.
Level 23
In the flower fields, gather 8 unusual plants. These can drop 1 or 2 each.

Around the fields, kill 12 saffron thiefs. These guys sometimes disappear, making them annoying. Loot
the stolen saffron from them (3-6 per loot). You will probably overachieve Stolen Saffron by accident.

To the west, kill 8 Halo Boar Matriarchs. This will auto-complete Unruly Beasts and unintentionally
overachieve Trophies of Warning.

Return to the npcs to turn in To Catch a Saffron Thief, Stolen Saffron, Garden Variety, and
Trophies of Warning. Pick up An Expert Testimony and Temporarily Buried Treasure.
Head west of the camp to get to the suspicious dirt piles.

Each one either has saffron or a dead body in it, so just keep digging until you get 3 saffron sacks. Then
return to Jomed to turn in Temporarily Buried Treasure.
Head back onto the road and head northwest to get to our next camp.

Turn in An Expert Testimony and pick up Capturing the Wind and Give and Take.
Head west and kill 10 Wind Elementals.

Continue west and kill 12 earth elementals. Each one can drop 1-2 energies. Note that there is a world
boss around him, do not even think you can take him on alone, hes meant for something like 50 people.

Return to the camp to turn in Give and Take and Capturing the Wind and pick up Reviving the
Trees. Head west to the earth spirit area to find a malnourished tree.

Right click it to feed it, and then return to the camp. Turn in Reviving the Trees and pick up
Checkpoint Reinforcements.

You will get a pack on your back. Head north along the road (dont use your mount, walking is faster), to
get to the palisade. Then, right click the item in your quest log to drop it.

Talk to Tara to turn in Checkpoint Reinforcements.

Head north along the fence to get to Guard Adesin and pick up Shady Activities by the sea.
Run along the road and head down to the dock.

Pick up the signpost quest, and then jump in the water. There is a bottle floating there, so pick up
Scrawling for help from it.
Head north in the water and down to get to the Seafolk. Kill 5 of them to auto-complete the signpost

Then head back to the dock. Go south (dont go up go into the cove), and youll find a corpse. Right
click it to auto-complete Scrawling for Help

A mob will appear. Kill it and loot it. It will drop an item Black Gravels Orders Container. Right click it
to accept a quest, Black Gravel Revenge.
Head deeper into this grotto and kill 10 Black Gravel mobs.

In the deepest part, kill Captain Yaruko (this quest will auto-complete).

Retrace your steps out of the grotto and up the hill to get back to Adesin to turn in Shady Activities by
the Sea and pick up Backup for Osmond.
Head north to get to Osmond.

Turn in Backup for Osmond and pick up A Monumental Plot. Head east and right click 3 wooden
chest to update the quest (each one will knock you over).

Return to Osmond to turn in A Monumental Plot and pick up Marching Orders. Then head east again
and attack a ghostly soldier until it is below half health. Right click the item in your quest log to update
the quest. Do this 5 times.

Return to Osmond to turn in Marching Orders and pick up Deliver the Monument Report. Then head
south to the camp at the intersection of the main east-west road to turn in Deliver the Monument
Report and pick up Urgent Matters.
Head West to get to Halo Hollow.

Turn in Urgent Matters to Seti and pick up Supply Running. Behind the houses to her west, talk to
Detective Mariana to pick up Must have been the wind. In a house near Seti youll find a red jar.

Right click it to update the quest, and return to the detective to turn in the quest and pick up Making
In the southwest corner of the village behind the houses, youll find the meeting place. Use the jar to
update the quest.

Return to Seti to turn the quest in. Run a little east, and then head north as soon as a cliff isnt blocking
your way to get to Sanjay.

Turn in Supply Running and pick up Double Threat, In the Shadow of Orcs, Rose to Propose, and
the signpost quest to reach level 24.

Level 24
In the fenced in area, talk to Ishashin to pick up Water Duty. Head East of the camp to get ot a well.

Return to the fenced in area and fill 3 water buckets, and then turn the quest in to the shepherd boy.

Head west of the camp and gather 5 white roses.

Then kill 8 wolves to auto-complete their quest.

Continue west into a barracks and kill 10 Ebonring orcs.

As youre in this area, make your way up the hill in any way possible. When you get to the top, there will
be a tent guarded by 2 Blacksail Crew Members. Kill one of them and then go inside to loot the chest.

Return to camp to turn in Double Threat, In the Shadow of Orcs, and Rose to Propose and pick up
Into the Pirates Den.
Run west through the orcs to get to Advance Scout Dekkan.

Turn in Into the Pirates Den and pick up Distraction.

West of him are several crates. Select one and right click it to blow it up.

Return to Dekkan to turn in Distractions and pick up First Strike.

Around the same area as the boxes, kill 15 pirates as they spawn up.

When this is done, scale your way down the cliff to the west. Look for a less sheer drop so you dont die.
At the bottom, look for the advance scouts on the beach.

Turn in First Strike and pick up Take out the cannons, A Little Seasoning, Strike at the Head, and
Pirated Relics.
Make your way along the cliff face until you find an area you can board the dock. The mobs have a very
low aggro range, but they do aggro so be careful.
Head up the dock to the cook.

Kill the cook (boss) and right click the pot to update A Little Seasoning. The follow the docks further in
to get to Vigo.

Kill Vigo (boss) and right click a box to update Pirated Relics.
Follow the docks up and around to get to the medic Whitney (boss).

Kill her, and then continue to follow the path of docks until you get to a ladder. Climb up it to get to the

The captain is an archer and hurts bad, and is also a boss monster, so just be prepared.
Make your way back down. There is a drydock nearby. Head onto it (theres a ramp in the water), and
destroy the 3 cannons by right click on each one 3 times.

Return to the npcs on the shore to turn in Take out the cannons, A Little Seasoning, Strike at the
Hand, and Pirated Relics, and pick up Cannon Officer Wyld and To Vilanelle.

Head back onto the docks the same way we did before and kill Cannon Officer Wyld.

Return to the NPCs to turn in the quest. Now, we have to make out way out of here.
We have two options. First, if you have a hereafter stone, use your teleport book and teleport to the city
of towers in Mahadevi. If you dont, swim to the elevated portion of dock to the north and then run

This will take you through a long tunnel, continuing uphill into Solis Headlands. From here, make your
way east (suggested to use a glider), until you get back to the main road. Then follow the road east all
the way into Mahadevi. Continue to run through all of Mahadevi and leave via the northeast to get to
Villanelle, our next zone.

Levels 24-27 Villanelle

Level 24
After our long run to get here, we can head north to the ranch.

Turn in To Villanelle! and pick up Rustling Commotion. Upon entering, you should also auto-acquire
Confronting the Thieves.
Inside, select a buffalo and right click the item in your quest log to put a bridle on it. Do this 5 times.

When it updates, a thief will appear. Kill it, but be careful he hits really hard.

Return to Juan after 5 sets to turn in Confronting the Thieves and Rustling Commotion, and pick up
Caught in the middle.
Head north to butcher Umei to turn in Caught in the Middle and pick up With Blade in Hand. Walk
over to a diseased buffalo, select it, and standing over it right click the item in your quest log.

Return to Umei to turn in A Knife in hand, select a cub of your choice, and pick up Juans Meat.
Before leaving, there are several cows nearby. Right click one to milk them. This is for raising the cub

which well do a bit later wait until we get near a well.

Return to Juan to the south to turn in Juans meat and pick up Relentless Suspicions.
Head north on the road, and youll find Inspection Head Timothy standing next to it. Turn in Relentless
Suspicions and pick up Passing the Checkpoint. Then continue north and take the first road leading
west to get to Jamni.

Turn in Passing the Checkpoint and pick up An Outbreak of Laughter and The Unheard Melody.
Right click the item in your quest log to update The Unheard Melody. Turn the quest in to Lutist Shao
and pick up Sounds of Nature.
Climb the hill to the west and near the top well get to Ikun.

Turn in Sounds of Laughter and pick up A Bet Among Apprentices and A Students Nitpicking. Then
head up the hill to the Achessi. Select one and right click the item in your quest log.

Note that it cannot be attacking you when you start playing. The lute will drag it to you and update A
Bet Among Apprentices 3 times. Then it will attack you, so kill it. Repeat this process 4 times. Then, go
into your inventory, find the lute, and repeat it 2 more times to unpurposefully overachieve the quest.
After this is done, kill 6 more Achessi.
Return to the students to turn in A Bet Among Apprentices and A Students Nitpicking and pick up
The Legendary Lute. Head behind them to a dirt mount and right click it to dig up the lute.

Head back down the hill to Lutist Shao to turn in The Legendary Lute and reach level 25.

Level 25
Follow the road northwest to butcher Groma.

Turn in An Outbreak of Laughter and pick up Crime, Rumors, and Accusations and No Visitors
Allowed. Continue west to a series of docks.

Pick up Quid Pro Quo and Gathering Evidence.

See that dock that goes into the water in the distance? Head up it to a nice little grinding area.

Loot the stolen goods, and a mob will appear 75% of the time. Kill it to update No Visitors Allowed.
Continue this process until No Visitors Allowed is 5/5. You should accidentally overachieve Crime,
Rumors, and Accusations doing this. If you cannot loot the stolen goods anymore, throw one out of your
inventory and keep doing it.
Then, kill 8 villagers and loot them for their ledgers.

Make your way along the docks and back to the beach. On the beach, kill 8 seabugs.

Return to Shuun and Goyan on the beach to turn in Quid Pro Quo and Gathering Evidence and pick
up Target the Pirate Boats.
Head onto the dock nearest them (a short one), and at the end is a cannon.

Press f to use the cannon. Press r to get ready to fire the cannon. You will get an icon you can drag
on screen. Drag it on top of a boat and left click to fire the cannon. The people on the boat will jump of.
Fire the cannon again onto them while they are swimming to update the quest 2 times. Do this twice to
update Target the Pirate Boats. Press t to let go of the cannon.
Return to Shuun to turn in Target the Pirate Boats. Then head back east to Groma to turn in Crime,
Rumors, and Accusations and No Visitors Allowed and pick up Time for a party.
Make your way east to the city and then swim over to the housing province. Go to the southeast corner
to finally get to a well.

Draw at least 2 water from it. Then select your cub in your inventory and place it on the ground. Press
f to play with it, and then f again to feed it the milk you gathered earlier. Itll enter a 1 minute
growth phase, so just wait it out. Then, press f twice to give it water and wash it. Wait another minute
for it to grow. Press f one more time to play with it. It will enter a short growth phase, and then a full
sabercat will appear. Press f to collect it to your inventory.
A sabercat is a battle pet. It will attack with you in lieu of you having a mount up. Some people like
these, but I personally hate them because they also aggro everything.

Head south to get to Supan and Baht.

Turn in Time for a party and A Brother in Arms and pick up Tools of Persuasion and Vincenzios
Head north into a house with a dying Helen in it.

Speak with her to turn in Vincenzios Family and pick up The Ashen Altar.

Go to the stone with the bones on it in the house and right click it to update The Ashen Altar. Return
to Helen to turn the quest in and pick up A Dying Wish.
Head west and the follow the road that loops south and then north to get to the first ale house. Gather
some Special Rice Liquor there.

The head east to a tall brewery house.

Climb to the second floor to gather the nostalgic ale.

Return to Supan to turn in Tools of Persuasion and pick up Liquid Courage.

Head northeast to Misar.

Turn in A Dying Wish and pick up Misar the Coward. Then head up the stairs to the east to get to the

Speak with Johevan to turn in Misar the Coward and pick up The Fight to Haman.

Head inside and up the stairs to the second floor to get to Haman. There are a few mobs here, but they
die easily. Make sure youre at full health before you talk to Haman.

Turn in The Fight to Haman and pick up The Tower of Lord Ashabel. Haman will turn into a monster
(boss) you need to kill. He hits very hard, so I advise using pots and kiting when needed.

You will have picked up and auto-complete Revenge on Haman doing this. Then up the stairs to the
third floor to turn in The Tower of Lord Ashabel to Baht. Turn in The Tower of Lord Ashabel and pick
up Lord Ashabel. Then head inside the room to find him.

Use the item in your quest log to drain almost 80% of his HP, and then kill him nice and easily. Return to
Baht to turn in the quest and be teleported out. Speak with Hanis to pick up Parting Ways, and then
enter the eastmost building to turn the quest in to Baht.
Head east out of town to two NPCs on the road.

Pick up Following the Scent of Alcohol from Meyer and then Stealing Shots from Maya. Head east
and right click 3 barrels on the road to auto-complete follow the scent of alcohol.

Youll eventually get to the brewery.

Right click a barrel with a blue light over it to update Stealing Shots. Youll get a small debuff that
slows you. Talk to Nao to turn in Stealing Shots and remove the debuff. Then pick up Ive been
Swindled! and Follow the Scent of Alcohol (yes, same name, different quest), and the signpost quest.

Head north and kill 12 crocodiles in the paddies to auto-complete the signpost quest.

In the northeast part well update Follow the scent of alcohol and auto-acquire Alcoholic roots.

Right click the leaves in the middle to summon the century root. Talk to it to turn in Alcoholic Roots
and pick up Fine Liquor.

Nearby is a piece of discarded liquor.

Grab it and return to the century root to turn in the quest and pick up Wisdom of the Century Root.
Head out the east end of the crater to get to Nochins cauldron.

Right click it to update Wisdom of the Century Root and then turn it in to Nochin. Then pick up Booze

Head north and kill 5 decade roots and loot them.

Continue north and kill 8 rusted machines such as bladewings and harvesters.

Return to Nochin to turn in Booze thieves and pick up Cursed Roots. Head back to the century root
(youll have to resummons it by right clicking the grass), and turn in Cursed roots to it.
Return to the brewery to turn in Ive been Swindled! and Follow the Scent of Alcohol to reach level

Level 26
Pick up Production Issues and head northwest in the paddies to the rice sacks.

Gather one and then pick up A Few Good Farmers. Ignore the quest Scary Stories, not worth the
Head into the paddies and gather weeds that are sticking up.

In your inventory, you should get a rice plant. Right click it to start a quest.

Return to Shichen to turn in Mistakenly Uprooted Rice and A Few Good Farmers. Pick up
Apprentice Farmer. Head back into the water and plan 3 rice seedlings (right click them in your quest
log, left click them onto the ground).

Return to Shinchen to turn in Apprentice Farmer. Then return to the brewery to turn in Production
Issues and pick up Peak of the craft.
Right click a barrel to update Peak of the craft.

Return to Hensha to turn in Peak of the Craft and pick up Unintended Side Effects. Then head south
across the bridge into town.

Turn in Unintended Side Effects and pick up Welcoming the Outsiders. On the south side of town
pick up Invasive Species. Then head west and kill 8 Sarrancias. Each will drop a seed, so right click it to
burn it.

Return to quao to turn the quest in.

Head southeast to get to two outsider npcs.

Turn in Welcoming the Outsiders and pick up Wont Take No for an Answer and combat preparation.
Make your west southwest and kill 8 Achassi Warriors ONLY. Archers hit for much harder.

At the edge of the road is a man with our 2nd Maya of the map.

Turn in Wont take no for an answer and pick up The Belly of the Snake and The Sarcastic Letter.
Stand near the stone pillar that Shuewon is standing by and play the flute in your quest log to summon a
snake. Kill it and loot it to update The Belly of the Snake, and then turn the quest in to Shuewon.
Head back northeast to the two outsider npcs to turn in Competition Preparation and The Sarcastic
Letter and pick up Terrible News. Then head east to the extremists.

Turn in Terrible News and pick up Mandolins of Entrancement, Dispossessed, and Hope in the
Head up the hill to the east and right click a mandolin to destroy it.

The Captivated Astra will attack you, so kill it. Then stand here and wait for 2 more respawns of the
mandolin they spawn twice before the Astra spawns once. Run up the hill more nothing aggros.
At the top of the hill, turn in Hope in the Valley to Kaon and pick up Taking Flight. Head into the cave
and youll find some dead Astras.

Select them and right click the item in your quest log to resurrect them. Do this 3 times. Return to Kaon
outside the cave to turn the quest in and pick up reporting hope.
On a ledge nearby is the commander, so kill him.

Head back down the hill to the extremists and turn in Mandolins of Entrancement, Dispossessed,
and Reporting Hope, and then pick up Status Report.
Follow the road northeast to get to our 3rd Maya of the map.

Pick up Lunch Delivery, and then continue northeast to get to Quans camp.

Turn in Status Report and Lunch Delivery and pick up Fetching Lumber and The Lost Love.
Go right next to a cage and right click the spirit trap in your quest log to update The Lost Love.

Turn in The Lost Love to Lin and pick up Eradicate the Foxes, truth of the Surprise Lunch, and
Werefox Transformation.

Head southwest and right click on 5 logs to gather them.

Then kill 8 halfmoon foxes.

When that is done, select one and right click the suspicious food in your quest log to throw it at it. The
fox will transform, and you need to kill it. (I think the transformed fox thinks its name is Maya, making it
the 4th Maya).

Then, kill 8 Halfmoon Werefoxes.

Return to the camp to turn in Fetching Lumber, Eradicating the Foxes, Truth of the Surprise Lunch,
and Werefox Transformation. Pick up Source of the Curse and Important Information.
Head east to an island.

Turn in Important Information and pick up Suspicious Appearances, The Cursed Disciples, and
Prayer to Aier.
Behind the island, start climbing up the wooden planks up the mountain. Turn on Symbolic Lanterns as
you make your way up until you have 5 lit.

This quest will auto-complete, and you will reach level 27.
Level 27
Continue up the hill to get to Aier Disciple Lisa.

Turn in Suspicious Appearances and pick up Lost Souls.

There are two paths one going flat to the left, and one going up in front of you. Go up the one in front
of you. At the top you will find a few disciple spirits.

Select one and use the left item in your quest log to trap it. Then select the soulless disciple and use the
right item in your quest log to update the quest. Do this 3 times, and then return to Lisa to turn in the

Head across the flat path now to get to a root apprentice. Pick up Rest for the Crazed Disciples from it.
Then go and kill 5 of the crazed disciples off the bridge.

Return to the root apprentice to turn in Rest for the Crazed Disciples. Then continue past the crazed
disciples and up the hill to get to the root wizard.

Turn in Source of the Curse and pick up Aiers Avatar.

In the middle of the area is an altar. Right click on it to auto-complete Prayer to the Aier.

Talk to a halfmoon fox to turn in Prayer to the Aier.

On the far end of the altar level of the hill is a building. Go around the back and inside to find Aiers

Select it and right click the item in your quest log to turn her into a monster and kill her.

Report back to the root wizard to turn in Aiers Avatar and pick up Take Flight to Torchfyre. Then
aim yourself northeast and open your glider to start flying.

Fly all the way to the north to Torchfyre.

Turn in Take Flight to Torchfyre and pick up Strength of the Nation and Skills of Persuasion.

Head south, and youll find a bottle in the river. Pick up its quest.

Continue south and kill 12 singing greenmen.

Return to Torchfyre to turn in Strength of the Nation and Threats in a Bottle and pick up Hope
among the ruins and Calling in sick.

Head west to get to the runaway guard. Speak to him, and then continue west.

On the west side, talk to the Funeral Ceremony Priest to turn in Calling in Sick and pick up Cleansing
Bleakfish Village.

Head towards the beach and right click an aged medicine chest. A mob will appear that you need to kill.

When you have 5, head onto the beach and kill 10 giant stonecrabs.

Return to the priest to turn in Cleaning Bleakfish Village and pick up Souls at Rest.

Right click the funeral pyre to update Souls at Rest.

Turn the quest in to the priest. Then head back to torchfyre to turn in Hope Among the Ruins and
Skills of Persuasion. Pick up For North Ishvara.
Then head northeast to get to Silent Forest, our next map.

Levels 27-30 Silent Forest

Level 27
Head north into the forest to get to Andersen facing a Peaceful Greenman.

Turn in For North Ishvara and pick up Appeasing the Greenmen and Taking Care of the Forest.
Near trees nearby, collect 3 Parasitic Mushrooms.

To the west of the road are several greenmen. Kill them down to 50%, and then use the item in your
quest log to update the quest. Repeat this 5 times.

Return to Andersen and the Peaceful Greenman to turn in Appeasing the Greenmen and Taking Care
of the Forest and pick up Stange Changes.
Follow the road north and youll find Henmark standing on a road near a lean-to. Pick up A Remedy
from the Forest from him. To the north of him, kill and loot deer for 8 antlers. Each deer can drop 1 or

Return to Henmark to turn it in. Then head north and up a hill (you can enter this camp from the north
side only).

Pick up Something to Hide from Paderson as you enter in. Then talk to Veren. Continue to talk to
Grand Haim and pick up Overgrown Flora. Talk to Grambere third and pick up A New Approach.
There is a small hill on the east side of camp, so climb up it to pick up Thoughtless Logging.
On your way out of camp, turn in Something to Hide and pick up Missing Researcher. Caliope is on
the bottom of the hill to the south of camp.

Turn in Missing Researcher and pick up Walking buddy. Together, youll walk up the hill back to
Pederson. Turn in Walking Buddy to him.
Head back down the hill to leaf piles.

Right click one to summon a grub. Kill 5 of them to complete the quest. These guys hit ridiculously hard
for their level, so Id suggest having pots on hand.
Continue north to Lilni.

Pick up Bleeding Lilies from her. Then wander into her garden, right click the item in your quest log,
and then left click anywhere on the ground. Return to her to turn in the quest.
To the east of her, kill 5 Harani Lumberjacks.

Head to the northeast and you should find a dead body on the ground.

Pick up Granbeasts Final Breath.

To the north well find the Red Poppies to gather.

Make your way west to gather the Nathans Mushroom.

As you head south, kill 8 hooded helltraps and reffalsias.

By the lumberjacks is a hallowed out tree. Head into it and gather a Eucalyptus Flower.

Then, back where the deer are, well find the Salmatra Flower.

Right click any of the 4 items in your inventory to combine them and update the quest. Then head back
to the camp to turn in Overgrown Flora, A New Approach, Thoughtless Logging, and Granbeasts
Final Breath to reach level 28.
Level 28
Pick up Grynd Haims Letter. Then head northeast to Opdals camp.

Turn in Grynd Haims Letter and pick up Caliopes Second Disappearance, Lack of Self Defense,
Freedom on the High Seas, and Hammering on the Roof. Climb up the ladder on the house next to
where you picked up the roof quest and right click on the roof twice to repair it.

Turn in Hammering on the Roof and pick up Return the Repair Tools. A little north in the village
climb up a ladder to get to Sylvia and turn in Return the Repair Tools and pick up Controlled Burn.
Head south of the village and kill 5 Enraged Treants.

In the middle of the clearing is Calliopes corpse to talk to.

Talk to Shou Yi in the east side of the clearing to turn in Freedom on the High Sea and pick up Lost
Axe. Then head south and right click 3 trees to update Controlled Burn.

To the north of the trees is a Peaceful Treeant. Talk to him to turn in Controlled Burn and pick up
Breaking the Forest Curse. Head back to the Giant Tree area and right click the area in your quest log
to update Breaking the Forest Curse.

Return to the Peaceful Treeant to turn it in and pick up Anger of the Trees.
You should have a debuff on you. To dispel it, just right click the Forests Blessing in your inventory.
Then head west to find the axe in the brambles in the center of the clearing.

Retun to Shou Yi to turn in Lost Axe and pick up The Second Piece. Then head north back to the
camp to turn in Caliopes Second Disappearance and Lack of Self-Defense and pick up Setting a
Trap and Pedersons Request. Head south between gates and right click on the item in your quest log
3 times to update Setting a Trap.

Return to camp to turn in Setting a Trap and pick up Drastic Measures. Then head south to our next

Turn in Drasting Measures and Anger of the Trees and pick up Chasing the Lights, Cart Before the
Horse, The Sleepwalking Son, and a green (story) quest, A Shadowhawks Request.
Head east of the camp and kill 8 wisps.

Tommy can be found by the river, so talk to him to update his quest.

Return to camp to turn in Chasing the Lights. Then head north and gather 3 abandoned logs in the

Return to the south camp to turn in Cart Before the Horse and pick up After the Clearcut.

Head a little west of the camp, and then right click the item in your quest log to plant a sapling.

This quest will auto-complete.

Make your way east and cross the road to get to a monument.

Pick up Lost Among the Waters and Fisherman Vingari, and then cross to turn monument to turn in
The Sleeping Son and pick up Caught Between.

Head around the monument to the back and youll find a soulstone (youll also complete an

Right click it and a mob will appear. Kill it and then return to the ghost on the other side to turn it in and
pick up Making Rosemarins Soulstone.
Head into the water and kill 10 Golden Archerfish for Fisherman Vingari.

In the water, by the back of the monument, well find multiple ashes.

Gather all 3 the south, mid, and north, to collect the 3 pieces you need. Then right click any of the 3
items in your inventory to combine them. Return to the ghost to turn in Making Rosemarins
Soulstone and pick up Marriage of Souls.
Head back across the water east to land and kill 5 Lakewater Elementals.

Return to the two people on the shore to turn in Lost Among the Waters and Fisherman Vingari and
pick up Jumbo Fish.
Return into the water and find an Archerfish (same one we killed before). Kill one down to 50% or less
health and then right click the item in your quest log to capture it. Return to the fisherman to turn it in.
Head south along the road. When there is a road branching south, pick up The Guardians Message
from Isaac and then head south.
At the end of the road are 3 NPCs.

Turn in A Shadowhawks Request and The Guardians Message and pick up Anthalons Invasion,
Breaking the Warlock Spell, and Corrupted Lifestones.

Head east and kill 12 maids and imps and loot them.

Make your way south into a tree.

When inside, right click the item in your quest log for Marriage of Souls. Speak with Benezar to turn
the quest in.

Head north into our next tree.

In the back is a chest. Right click it to use it.

Head east to our next tree.

Head inside and then follow the wooden planks leading up to a second floor. Use the chest there and
pick up Revenge for the Fallen from Avidin.
Head southeast to get to our final tree.

Kill stuff as you make your way around the bottom. The final chest is on the bottom level. Then, climb
the inner boards to get to Erik.

Loot him for his instructions. Then head back down and kill warlocks until you have 8 for Revenge for
the Fallen. You will auto-complete a hidden quest doing this. After 8, the quest will auto-complete.
Return to the NPCs to turn in Breaking the Warlock Spell and Corrupted Lifestones. Pick up
Evidence of Evil and Rescue Kevin. Then head back east to the tree on the southeast and head in.

Select Kevin on the inside and right click the item in your quest log to update Saving Kevin. Return to
the NPCs in the road to turn in Saving Kevin and reach level 29.
Level 29
Make your way east to get to our next camp.

Turn in Anthalons Invitation, The Second Piece, Pedersons Request, and Evidence of Evil and
pick up Bahts Final Gift, Cloaked Forest Threat, The Shouldnt Be There, Tick Tock, and To
Catch a Jabberwock.

To the south of the camp, select a jabberwock and right click the item on the left in the quest log.

The right click the net. This will update the quest once, and then the Jabberwock will attack. Repeat this
process again (dont kill the Jabberwock) to update it a second time. This time the Jabberwock will
Repeat this 3 times, and on the 3rd time, just run after you net him.
Head north of the camp and kill 5 Basilurs. Loot them for their Swallowed Clockwork.

In the middle of Rotos Stonegaze. This guy really should be a group mob since he is just that difficult.

He has a jump attack on you to close gaps, and he can turn you into a statue for a few seconds. I only
managed to defeat him by using a heal over time and potions while fighting him. Maybe try to get a
friend to help this guy, but otherwise, just have some skills and good luck. Loot him for his head.
Return to camp to turn in Cloaked Forest Threat, The Shouldnt Be There, Tick Tock, and To Catch
a Jabberwock. Pick up The Eye of Roros, Search for the Missing, Investigate Moonshade Village,
and Meeting Wendia.
Right click the eye of Roros 3 times and youll get various debuffs. Then turn the quest in.

Then head north to Fredricson.

Right click him to update the quest and return to Pederson to turn the quest in. Then head east to
Moonshade Village.

Inside that house, turn in Bahts Final Gift, which is the last story quest.

Speak with Jonathan behind the house to pick up Jonathan the survivor. Run up the hill behind him to
gather Holy Water from the spring.

Return to Jonathan to turn it in and pick up Holy Water Bath. Select him again and right click the item
in your quest log to turn him into a monster. So then go and kill him. This quest auto-completes.
Head north in the village and To Moonshade Village will update. Pick up The Tragedy of Moonshade.
There are spider cocoons right by the quest giver, so right click them and then kill the hatchlings that

Turn the quest in to Pedersen and pick up Missing Again. Then continue north to Werespider

Pick up Clinging to Humanity. Then select it and right click on the item in your quest log to turn him
into a monster. Kill him to auto-complete the quest.
Marssen is behind the last house to the north of the village.

Head a bit west to get to Jorgensen.

Pick up The Basilaurs Natural Enemy from him. Head west from him and kill 5 Cockatrices, looting
their blood.

Report to Jorgensen to turn in the quest and pick up Blooming Moonsbreath.

Head north and gather a Blooming Moonsbreath (its surrounded in Miasma).

Return to Jorgensen to turn in Blooming Moonsbreath and pick up Is this Edible. Right click the three
items in your quest log, which will give different effects, and then talk to Jorgensen to turn in Is this
Edible and pick up Jorgensens Request. Then head east to Pederson to turn in Missing Again.
Head east to a house.

Pick up Eternal Hide and Seek from him. Head outside and right click a cocoon, and then return to the
boy to turn the quest in. Lifes cruel kid.
Head east along the path to get to an outpost.

Turn in Meeting Wendia and Joergensens Request and pick up The Forests Ruin, Wendias
Request, Count Sebastians Anger, and Requiem for the Wraiths.
Head north and youll auto-acquire a quest Saving the Subjects. Head to an amber and break it apart.

80% of the time, a geist will appear. Kill it to 50% and then use the item in your quest log to subjugate it.
The other 20% of the time, a villager will appear who will help you fight. The amber quest will autocomplete.
When done, kill 4 more Geists.

Then, kill 5 Umbras Pawns and loot them for Soul Fragments.

Return to the outpost to turn in Wendias Request, Count Sebastians Anger, and Requiem for the
Wraiths and pick up To the Land for Eternity.
Head into the graveyard southeast of the outpost.

Right click the eternal rest stone and the return to the camp to turn the quest in.
Head north to get to Pederson on the road.

Pick up Another one down and then continue along the path northwest. Youll get to Edward at the
end of the path, so pick up A Musical Motif from him. Then head down the path to Edwards west and
jump into the lake.
Swim north in the lake and into a cave.

To help you, you have 4 Fish Bladders. Just right click it when your breath is low to gain 30 seconds more
breath. If you run out, there are some breathing reeds you can use that restore your breath in exchange
for trapping you for a few seconds.

When you get to the end of the cave, look up and you should see a surface.

Swim up to auto-complete the quest and pick up Inside the Gorgon Cave automatically. Then kill
Gorgon (boss) to auto-complete his quest.

Behind Gorgon, talk to Helmeirs Body to pick up The Death of Helmeir.

Then, use the altar behind him.

A ghost will appear. Take her quest, and then kill the 2 guardians she summons. My suggestion Be on
your mount and run as soon as the guardians spawn so that they reset, and then kill them. This quest
Swim out of the cave and out of the lake, and then head southeast to get back to Pederson and turn in
The Death of Helmeier and pick up One Who Knows the Truth. Head southeast to the outpost and
talk to Rafaak to turn in One who knows the Truth and pick up The Truth of the Forest. Return to
Pederson to turn in The Truth of the Forest and reach level 30.

Level 30
Head northwest along the road to a boy and a signpost.

Pick up Slay the Sarracenia and A Brothers Gift. North of the road, gather 3 reed plants. Note that I
had to press f to gather these right clicking did not work.

Then kill 8 Thrashing Sarracenias to auto-complete the signpost quest.

Return to Joshua to turn in A Brothers Gift.

Continue northwest to our final camp.

Turn in Count Sebastians Anger (hes in a tent), and pick up Incredible Eddibles and Rafflesia
Skulls. South, across the road on the dock, pick up Archerfish Eyes.

Hop into the water to kill and loot 3 archerfish.

Out of the water, head to a patch of sleeping rafflesia. Right click one and a mob may spawn. Kill it to
loot the skull. Rinse and repeat until you have the skull.

To the east of here, gather an Embrosia Seed.

Return to camp to turn in Rafflesia Skulls and Archerfish Eyes and pick up Duskdown Mushrooms.
Head north of the camp to gather 3 Duskdown Mushrooms.

Return to the camp to turn in Duskdown Mushrooms and to the dock to turn in Archerfish Eyes.

Continue to follow the road west to get to Bard Wynrand.

Turn in A Motif in the Forest and pick up Prince Reanders Love. Head into his garden and right click
the item in your quest log.

Turn the quest in to the Bard and pick up Wynrands Love Letter. Then head northwest to our next
map. Note that it is assumed that you have 25% of level 30 complete at this point. If you dont, you may
need to grind a little bit to get there, so just kill mobs.

Level 30-32 Ynystere

Level 30
As we run into Ynystere, well get to a wall, and auto-acquire Honor Guard of Ynystere 1. Turn in
Wynards Love Letter and pick up Rekindle the Beacon. On the ground, gather firewood and then
right click the beacon to make a torch. Then equip it as if it were a weapon.

Climb up the stairs and use an extinguished beacon to update the quest.

Turn the quest in to Dale and pick up Silent Forest Intruders. Make sure to re-equip your normal
weapon and then hop down. Head northeast and kill 8 North Ishvaran Lumberjacks.

Continue northeast until you get to two people on the road. Turn in Silent Forest Intruders to Grondal
and pick up Mournful Offering. North of them, kill and loot 3 deer and 3 boars.

Return to the people to turn in Mournful Offering and pick up March of Respect.

You will get a pack on your back, so dismount. Then walk your way north to the altar and right click the
item in your quest log to update March of Respect.

Turn the quest in to the caretaker of the shrine and pick up The Young Man on the Cliff. Head around
to the back of the shrine and youll see a rope hanging down.

Press f to mount the rope and then down to move down it. Youll need to do this for 2 sets of ropes to
get to the distraught man.

After talking to him, you can run up a path on the cliffs edge to get back to the caretaker and turn in
The Young Man on the Cliff and pick up The Past Resturns.
Head onto the monument and right click the necklace in your quest log by the statue.

A mob will appear, but for me she was bugged in that she was stuck in the statue and immune to all my
attacks. If you can kill her, do it. Then return to the Caretaker to turn in The Past Returns and pick up
Memorial Embers.
Continue northwest on the road to find Lord Sigurd on the road. Turn in Memorial Embers and pick up
Red Roses, Green Larvae from him. Head west and kill 5 green larva.

Then head southwest to a camp.

Turn in Red Roses, Green Larva and pick up Making an Entrance and Kill One, Save One. North of
the camp kill a Maniacal farmer and loot him.

Even though youll get a key, the quest will not update. To update it, go to the house and right click on
the cage.

Talk to the man inside to update the quest. Return to camp to turn in Kill One, Save One.

As you run southwest, youll notice a gate on the road.

Press f to destroy the thorns and then run inside. Youll come to Johnny.

Pick up Dye-ing Roses from him, and then right click 3 White Roses to turn them red.

This quest auto-completes. Pick up Secrets of the Rose from the ground, and then talk to Johnny.
Head inside and talk to Botanist Dehneuson to turn in Making an Entrance and Secrets of the Rose.
Pick up End the Experiment and then from a ghost boy closer to the manor, Elizabeths Star.
Head inside the manor and follow the red carpet onto the stage and up the stairs on your right. There
are Raffelsias all over the place, but we have a few life lines. Just select one and right click the weed
killer in your quest log to kill them. Dont be like me and use it all outside, use it inside.

The quest will auto-complete when you have 3. At the top level, take your first right into a library and
then across to get to Elizabeth (Boss).

Kill her and loot her. There is a young boy there that will help you if you bring her close to him. Speak to
him to turn in Elizabeths Star and pick up Tome of Transformation.
Head out of the manor and back northwest on the road. Kill a suspicious conjurer and loot him to
update Tome of Transformation.

On the main road to the southwest well get to Lord Holmen.

Turn in Tome of Transformation and pick up Purifying the Spirit and Holmens Test.
Head down into the ravine and kill 5 Deer.

In the ravine well also find a pile of silver logs to gather.

Return up the hill via the same path you came down to turn in Holmans Test and Purifying the
Spirit. Pick up Cleansing Ritual, A Meeting with the Prince, and Furry White Tyrant.
There is a river running by these people, so run into it and right click the item in your quest log to update
the quest.

Return to Shayan to turn the quest in. Then head down into the ravine again. Make a right to get to the
White Alpha Bear.

Kill it and then return up to turn the quest in.

Continue southwest to get to a ghostly city.

Turn in A Meeting with the Prince and pick up Thats not yours. Go up the ramp behind the quest
giver and make your way along the edge of the castle killing 3 roaming ghosts and looting them.

When this is done, you should be at Sorens rampart.

Turn in Thats Not Yours and pick up Invitation to Caernord.

Then take the road north to the city.

Speak to Paetra to pick up The Vanishing Villagers and head a little east. Destroy a suspicious vase to
update the quest.

Return to Petra to turn in the quest. Then head into the city and turn in Honor Guard of Ynystere 1
and pick up Honor guard of Ynystere 2 to reach level 31.

Level 31
Pick up Witness Protection 1 from the honor guard. Talk to Marchesa Marit to pick up Entertaining
Rumors. Outside of these you shouldnt pick up any other quests and just run north to get to Lithol.

Select him and in your chat box (press enter), type /bow. Then head north and into the manor on the
west to talk to Tora Magnusdotter. Turn in Invitation to Caernord and pick up The Most Dangerous
Delicacies. Then follow the road west to the entertainment district.

Speak to Jesebel to turn in Entertaining Rumors. Then on the west side of the district, talk to the
detective to pick up Tracking the Scent. Across from Jesebel, right click on a perfume bottle on the
table to update the quest.

Then leave the southwest end of the district and follow the northwest road to the docks.

Pick up Cargo Chaos. Then run east and open up a cargo box. A mob will spawn for you to kill.

Return to Sutina to turn in Cargo Chaos. Then head onto the docks. Make your way through some
seabugs to get to the shark at the top.

Right click it to update the quest.

Head southeast and talk to the Perfumer.

Turn in Tracking the Scent and pick up Sad Truths. Then return to the entertainment district and
selecting Jesebel, use the item in your quest log to pickpocket her. Then open the safe on the table
across from her to update the quest.

Talk to Jesebel to turn in Sad Truths. Then return to the Magnusdotter Manor to the east to turn in
The Most Dangerous Delicacies and pick up All that Glitters and Explosive.

Make your way south out of the city but pick up Mysterious Beautiful Woman from Theatre Head
Larssen on the road.
Outside of the town, right click of 5 Middens to update Explosive.

Follow the road southeast and kill 8 blue cranes and loot them. They will drop either 1, 2, or 3 feathers
each, so technically you can stop when you have 8 feathers.

When you have 8 feathers, right click on the feathers in your inventory to update Mysterious Beautiful
Woman. Then continue southeast to our next town.

Turn in All that Glitters, Mysterious Beautiful Woman, and Explosive, and pick up Tears of the
Earth from Factory Manager Uhr. Ignore the other quests.
Make your way north to a Chicken Farm Owner and a Worker. Pick up Mad Eggs and Save the
Chickens from them.

Head into a pen. Select a chicken and right click the net in your quest log to update the quest. Repeat
this 5 times.

Then kill 8 old eggs.

Return to the owner and the worker to turn in Mad Eggs and Save the Chicken.

Then follow the road east and gather 5 Pale Ruby Fragments from the Junk Ruby Barrels.

At the bottom of the hill youll find a new ruby processor.

Right click it to update Tears of the Earth.

Talk to Edwin at the bottom to turn in Tears of the Earth.

Pick up Double Check Everything and Into the Mines from them, and then head into the tunnel
behind them. Follow the path down to get to Hennie.

Turn in Into the Mines and pick up Stopped Before they Start. Nearby youll find a pulsing grub egg
on the wall.

Right click it to break it, and 75% of the time, a grub will spawn. Kill the grub and move the next egg. Do
this 8 times and then turn the quest in to Hennie and pick up The End of Grave Maw.
Head across the bride on Hennies right. There are 3 levers here one on the Hennie side, and two on
the other side. Just right click them to activate them.

When across, make a right (youll run past Islay), and at the end of the path is Grave Maw (boss).

What is nice is there is a little cavern nearby that you can run into and recover if you need to, he cant fit
into there. But hell become immune to your attacks until you run out of there. Loot him when hes
Return to Hennie to turn in The End of Grave Maw and Double Check Everything and pick up
Captain of the Fortress.
Retrace your steps out of the mine and back to the town, and then run south to the fortress.

Turn in Captain of the Fortress and pick up A Use for Spider webs. East of the fortress, right click 12
cobwebs to update the quest.

Return into the fortress to turn in A use for spiderwebs and pick up Worried about Elsaril. Then run
south to get to Elsaril.

Turn in Worried about Elsaril and pick up A Gesture of Peace, Damaged Tombs, and A Change in
the Herd.
East of here, kill 12 Forest Horrors.

Then right click 5 tombs to update Damaged Tombs. This quest will auto-complete.

Continue east and kill and loot 8 buffalo.

Return to the ncps to turn in A Change in the Herd and pick up Unholy Totems. Return to the buffalo
area and right click on a totem to update the quest.

Return to the NPCs to turn in Unholy Totems. Then head further south to turn in A Gesture of Peace
and pick up Ancestors Wisdom.

Select the Malika Leader and right click the item in your quest log to update Ancestors Wisdom.

Talk with Ashker to turn the quest in and pick up Source of the Illness. Then head across the street to
an empty hut and inside, youll find the wooden doll.

Return to the fortuneteller to turn the quest in and pcik up Tome of Bewilderment. Outside of the
Malika town, talk to Sabrina to pick up A Voice in the Smoke.

Head down to the water and pick up Vessel for the ancestors. Run along the shore to get to some
artists. Select one of them and right click the torch.

He will disappear and drop a doll crate. Gather that crate and return to Erie to turn the quest in.
Hop into the water and gather 5 remembrance flowers. Be wary there are seafolk here, and they are a
pain for casters as they can silence you frequently.

Return to Sabrina to turn the quest in. Then run north and Stanton will have a new quest to pick up,
Warriors Pride. Head back up to the fortress and start running west. Kill 8 Enraged Malika Warriors.

This quest will auto-complete. Then, kill a Malika Fire Witch by a hut.

Loot her for her Tome.

Then talk to Kai to turn in Tome of Bewilderment and pick up Kais Message.

By this point, Honor Guard of Ynystere 2 should be complete. Run back east to Cinderstone to turn it
in and pick up Honor Guard of Ynystere 3.
Head back west, and then southwest towards the Vale of Nuis Way. Youll come upon a priest.

Pick up Surly Trainees. Walk into the fields, select a trainee, and then right click the hymn in your
quest log. The trainee will attack you.

After doing this 5 times, talk to the priests and pick up In the Name of Training. Return to the fields
and select one and right click the scroll in your quest log. Return to the priests to turn it in.
Head west to two NPCs by the road.

Pick up A Lily for Nui and Lost to Time from them. Head onto the field and right click 3 simple altars.

Then attack 5 ghostly clerics. When they are under 50% health, right click the pipe in your quest log.
They will not stop attacking during this, so dont play the pipe if youre almost dead yourself.

Return to the NPCs to turn in A Lily for Nui and Lost to Time and reach level 32.

Level 32
Continue southwest to get Nuis town. Select Lester the Hermit and right click Kais Message in your
quest log to read it to him.

Turn the quest in to him and pcik up Collecting Memories, Encroacing Evil, and Sunken Treasure.
The praying girl statue can be found on the south side of town guarded by a mob.

The pottery can be found in the north side of town.

Head a little east into the horsefields to find the bearskin rug guarded by another mob.

Return to town to turn in Collecting Memories.

Then head east onto a hill and kill 10 Drowned Corpses.

The first one will drop an Ominous Fragment. Right click it in your inventory to pick up The Cause
before the storm.
When this is done, head onto the beach to turn in The Cause before the storm and pick up To
Bloodhand Base!

Head into the water and gather a wine cask.

Hop into your rowboat and row out to a little island.

Turn in Sunken Treasure and pick up Seafolk at Play. Ignore White Sea Demons the quest is too
hard for our purposes.

Kill 5 seafolk. I suggest attacking them from the island instead of in the water as then the npcs will also
fight with you.

Turn the quest in, and then row south to the marooned island.

To the Bloodhand Base! will auto-complete as you dock. Pick up Infiltration Eradication from Grimar
and start making your way up the hill.

Assassins hit hard on cloth, priests hit hard on leather/plate, so kill 8 of what suits you best.

Turn the quest in to Spy Torupin at the end and pick up Take out Sabeltan. Sabeltan (boss) can be
found to the north of Torupin (dont go up the stairs).

Return to Torupin to turn in Take of Sabeltan and pick up Rout the Bloodhands. Head up the stairs
and pick up Kimreis Potion from Spy Nasin.

At the top, kill a watcher to take control of a cannon.

Press f to use the cannon, and then r to ready a shot. Left click on the pillagers below to update the

When you have 5 dead, head left into the tower.

Make your way to the back and right click the swirly gate.

You will teleport to the top. Kill Kimrei, and then press f on any of the potions lying on the ground to
update Kimreis Potion.

When this is done, open up your glider and glide north across the ocean to get back to land.

Turn in Rout the Bloodhands and Kimreis Potion and pick up Clean up the Stragglers and Human
Cannon #23. Head north to the human cannons and jump inside one.

Press f and click somewhere on the opposite shore to launch yourself. If you dont quite make it onto
the grass, swim onto the beach and climb up a ladder (press f).

On the top, kill 8 more bloodhands, just like on Marooned Isle.

Then run east to a second fortress.

Turn in Clean Up the Stragglers and Human Cannon #23 and pick up Stolen Ship Parts and Drive
Out the Death Energy.

Head west and kill 8 stitched corpses and loot them. They can drop 1-2 parts each.

Then gather 5 Young Amaryllises by the road.

Return to the fortress to turn in Stolen Ship Parts and Drive Out the Death Energy and pick up
Realizing the time.

Make your way northwest to Jamus.

Turn in Realizing the Time and pick up Medicine Mushrooms. Across the street, gather 5 Roundcap

Then, kill 12 Mutated Ants and Mantises.

Return to Janus to turn in Medicine Mushrooms and Monstrous Insects. Note that the rest of the
armor is earned in our next zone.
Pick up Kill Hardor and Freedom to Wander. Then head further northwest and attack 5 wandering
souls. When they are below 50% health, right click the item in your quest log to update the quest. These
guys will attack while you are using the water, so dont use it if you are nearly dead.

In the back, kill Hardor.

When hes dead, use the glittering soul he was standing on to pick up Necromatic Totems.

Return to Janus to turn in Kill Hardor, Freedom to Wander, and Necromatic Totems. And pick up
Put your work clothes on.

Head north into the Hadir Farms. Talk to Ringus to pick up Brainwashed.

Then from Sutinas father, pick up A Fathers Message. Head up the hill on his right to gather the work

Then select a brainwashed farmer and right click the item in your quest log to update the quest. Repeat
this 3 times.

Talk to Erandson to turn in Put your work clothes on and pick up Fun with Fertilizer. Then use the
machine next to him to update the quest.

Report back to Erandus to turn the quest in. Then report to Ringus to turn in Brainwashed and pick up
Smash the Pumpkins.
This time, head up the hill to the left of Sutinas Father. Collect bread from a breadbasket.

Next, kill 8 Pumpkin Beasts.

There is a fenced in clearing north (and downhill) of the bread. Talk to Watchman Svellan to turn in
Smash the Pumpkins and pick up Now Rest in Peace. Select Watchman Ajina and right click on the
key to start the trial.

5 rounds of mobs will spawn, each with 3 mobs. These mobs die easy, so kill them all to auto-complete
the quest.

Talk to Ajina to pick up Hadirs End. Continue north along the path until you see a manor. Head up it
and kill Silieno.

Then inside the Manor, kill Hadir (boss). I was expecting him to be hard, but he is a super boss.

Head north to turn the quest in to Executor Nadan and pick up Escape the Farm. Right click the swirly
gate behind him to teleport out.

When you land, turn in Escape the Farm and pick up Walls of Banshees from Watchman Pinbos.
Unless youre really struggling on XP (under 50%), you can ignore the signpost quest which is just kill
mobs on the way up the hill. Head north up the hill.
On the top of the hill the quest will auto-complete. Use the box to pick up Stolzburg.

Then kill Stolzburg. This guy for me is the hardest boss I faced all game, and had a million health pots,
food, and spells running simultaneously in order to do it. He cant be kited due to his gap closers and hits

His quest will auto-complete. Where he stood originally will be a new quest to pick up, Belated

Head back down the hill to turn in Belated Discovery and pick up Cursed Weapons. Then head
Northeast and right click on 5 weapons to destroy them.

Head north into town to turn in Cursed Weapons and pick up Black Rose in the Royal Garden. Head
to the area where we opened up the chest for the little girl earlier and turn in A Fathers Message.
Then head to the east part of town into the royal palace to turn in Black Rose in the Royal Garden and
pick up Behind the Scenes. Then head up the stairs with Headless Swordsmen inside.

On the top, kill Duchess Ingbori (boss).

Be prepared, she hits hard as she is the ultimate boss of this zone. Then head downstairs and across the
road to turn in Behind the Scenes to Tura Magnusdotter and pick up To Halcyona.
Head south to Renaya.

Update To Halcyona at him.

The guides for Halcyona to the end are all done on my Nuian character, which assumes 0% XP for level
33 upon entry. You may very well already be level 33 at this point, so if you choose to do so, you can hop
right through the portal by right clicking it. However, if you are not, or if you want to serve on juries,
below is explained how to do so and in the process earn an extra 10% XP.
Use your travel journal to make a gate to Austera in the Solis Headlands. Jump through it to get to
Austera and speak with Witness Jura.

Head to the east side of town to turn in Witness Protection 1 to the judge.

Pick up Witness Protection 2 and head over to Defendant Marssen.

Turn in Witness Protection 2 and pick up Witness Protection 3. Then head out the south side of
town and youll get to a few suspicious men around a cannon.

Kill a guard and loot him, and also right click a cannon. Then return to Marssen to turn in Witness
Protection 3 and pick up Witness Protection 4. Select a citizen and right click the item in your quest

log to update Witness Protection 4. Each may choose to sign or refuse to, so you may have to get
more than 3.
When you have 3 signatures, return to the judge on the east side to turn in Witness Protection 4.
Make another gate via the travel journal back to Caernord. If you are not level 33 yet, or if you want to
be ahead of the game for the next zone (in other words, you can skip a few quests you dont like, 2.5% =
1 quest), we have a few options. First, in our inventory we have gathered a whole bunch of coin purses.
Shift + Right Click them to open all of the purses of a single grade. Doing all of these netted me 40% of a
level. Second, we can go out and search for dailies, as signpost quests renew every day. Third, we can
grind mobs.
When done, head through the world gate to Halcyona (you should have at least 3 hereafter stones still.
If not, buy some from the auction house which is found in any housing area), our next zone. Just note,
since we are Harani or Firrans, we need to turn in To Halcyona instead of Help from Halcyona. The
rest will be fine.

Level 33-34 Halcyona

Level 33
Halcyona is a relatively unique map. It had 3 phases of pvp available. For 4 hours, the zone will be a
safe zone. You cannot attack anyone, and nobody can attack you. After 4 hours, it will go into conflict
for 15 minutes, where you can pvp at will so long as youre not in the area of a Glorious Nui statue.
Then it will have a 1 hour 20 minute war period where pvp is available, and there are flags available to
How that comes into play with us is that if it is a war or conflict period, you may want to just wait for the
next peace period to level. Especially if you are a Nuian, as you will be resurrected at the far west end of
the map if you die to pvp.
All maps starting with Halcyona are shared between all races. The toon in the screenshots is my Nuian
toon, but the same steps are to be taken with all races.
If you are Nuian or elf, run down to the east-west road and then run to the east camp. If you are Haryan,
you will teleport directly into this camp.

Turn in Help from Halcyona and pick up The Missing Guard, Bear Hunter, and Signal the prison.

Head towards the shore and climb up the guard tower.

The Missing Guard will automatically complete and you can pick up A Death in the Tower. Right click
the fireworks in your quest log to update Signal the Prison. Then head back to the camp to turn in A
Death in the Tower and Signal the Prison. Pick up Question the Captives. In the camp, talk to a few
captives to update the quest.

Return to Wyrdwind to turn in the quest and pick up To Seareach Prison.

Head north of the camp and kill 3 bears.

Return to the camp to turn in Bear Hunter and pick up Fugitives in Halcyona.
Hop into the water and head towards the island in the distance. A boat is helpful.

However, while going across, you will want to get off your boat a bit and kill 3 sharks. Their quest will be
auto-picked up and completed when you have killed 3.

Head into the prison and follow the path to Wyrdwind.

Update your quest. Then pick up The Jailors Favor.

Walk left and go across the first jail cell into the water.

Right click the corpse to update the quest. There is a ladder to climb up to get out of the locked area.
Turn the quest in to Wrydwind and pick up The Prisoners Ring.
Return across the ocean to the camp and turn in To Seareach Prison.
Head west and youll come to a bridge. Jump off it to get to the Escaped Pirates.

Kill 3 of them (they seem to drop a shirt, cap, and pants every time). Wizards hit super hard. One should
drop a Growlgate Isle map that you can take to pick up a quest, but we wont be doing it to level.
Head west and take the first road leading north to get to our first town.

Turn in Fugitives in Halcyona and The Prisoners Ring in the first building on your left and pick up
Feeding the Hungry, The Horns of War, and The Beast of Solisia.
Go south of the camp and kill 5 bighorn boars.

Then kill a Buffalo Alpha.

Return to town and turn the quests in to Lucretia and Horace. Pick up The Frantic Fisherman and head
north in town to speak with Angler Lionel to turn it in. Across from him, select the fish crate to pick up
its quest.

Carry it back to the south entrance and turn it in to Horace. Dont ride a mount, mounts are slower than

Pick up A Message for Gibson. Then run southwest into the housing area across the main road. By a
mirage isle teleporal, you will find an auctioneer.

From him, buy the cheapest Shining Ocean Dream and Savory Soup you can find. Then return to the
town. Turn in Feeding the Hungry and pick up Todays Good Deed. Head west out of the town to the

Select one and right click to soup to update the quest. When you do this 3 times, return to Jerad and
pick up Help from the West.
Run west to get to Dorothy on the road and turn in Help from the West.

Turn in A Message for Gibson and Help from the West and pick up Small Hands, Protect the
Harvest, and Guard the Grain.
Head into the fields to the south to gather grain. You need 12, but each gather gives you up to 3.

Kill 12 boars in the area. The farmhands will help you if you get close to them.

Then kill 3 grain thieves. The lasso in your inventory will pull them towards you, which is good for a

On the ground in a corpse. Right click it to start a quest.

Return to Dorothy and talk to the caretaker, Dorothy, and the little girl to update and complete the
corpses quest. Turn in Small Hands, Protect the Harvest, and Guard the Grain. Pick up An
Orphans Fears, Poison the Pirates, and Rock Paper Scissors.
Press enter to open your text box in chat and write /rock. Then turn the quest in to the caretaker.
Head northwest into the pirates camp. Kill the first mate Ipson in the back near the hill (Hes an archer
boss-level mob and hits very hard).

Loot him to grab The Pirates Recipe. Then use the cauldron near him to update Poison the Pirates.

When that is all done, kill 8 pirates in the campsite.

Note that the logbook fragments are currently bugged in that you cannot get part 2. Just discard them
as you get them.

Return to Dorothys Camp to turn in An Orphans Fear and Poison the Pirates. Pick up Farming
Priorities, Gibsons Tale, and Allies Secret. Turn in Allies Secret to Caretaker Gibson.
Continue west to the brewery which is under a huge windmill.

Turn in all Farming Priorities and The Pirates Recipe and pick up Goldmane Liquor and Musical
Outside of the camp, select a field hand and right click the drum in your quest log.

Continue north and kill 5 goldmanes, looting their liquor.

Return to the brewery to turn in Goldmane Liquor and Musical Inspiration and pick up The Secret
Head northwest into a cleft in the mountains.

Go up the hill and at the top, use the distillery.

On the ground up here there are some scribbled research notes.

Pick up the quest from it. Then return to the brewery camp to turn in The Secret Sill.

Head west on the road to get to Senna Wyrdwind.

Pick up Magos the Centaur Chieftain from her and Defeat the Goldmane Tribe from her. To the east
of her is a man obscure by a tree.

Pick up Goldmane Stones.

Then head northwest towards another cleft in the hills. Kill 12 centaurs. For the first 5, right click the
item in your inventory, and then loot the bottle they drop.

The 12 kill quest will autocomplete.

In front of a tent is the chieftain (location is pictured, not the chieftain himself).

Return to Wyrwind to turn in Magos the Centaur Chieftain and the wizard to turn in Goldmane
Stones, pick up High Praise, and reach level 34.

Level 34
Head west following the north field to Farmer Raum.

Pick up The Talkative Scarecrow. Then head west to Ellens campsite.

Turn in The Talkative Scarecrow and pick up Ellens Alterations. Talk to Hayden on the south side of
town to pick up Hayden the orc, and then return to the mothing in the camp to turn it in and pick up
The Snakescale Shaman.

Head southeast onto the road to Sir Alonso and pick up The Missing Squire. Follow the road east and
youll see Sanchika on the south side to turn it in. Pick up Sanchikas Deception.
Head north and kill a groundling and loot it.

Check your inventory to see if you have a broom (it wont display on the quest logs). Then continue
north, kill one of the centaurs, and loot its horn.

Right click either item in your inventory to combine them, and then head back to Sir Alonso to turn it in.
Head west along to road to turn in High Praise and pick up The Snakescale Tribe.
Head west and collect 5 dry hale bales.

Return to the camp and speak with Ellen to turn in Ellens Alterations.
Head northwest to a cleft in the hill. Kill orcs to make your way into the fort and head up the hill.

These mobs do not proximity aggro, so you can deal with them 1 at a time. At the top, kill Shaman

Loot his orb. Fight your way down to get to the orcan chieftain Rogarr.

Loot his head and right click it in your inventory to start a quest.

Return to the Transport chief to turn in the head and The Snakescale Tribe and pick up the Halcyona
Head back to Ellens camp and turn in The Snakescale Shaman to Haydens mother, and pick up The
Magic Orb. Select Hayden and right click the orb in your quest log. Talk to Hayden to turn in the quest.
Follow the road southwest to get to the storehouse.

Head into it and up the stairs to auto-complete the quest. Talk to Bruce to pick up Ice Breaker. Climb
up two sets of ladders to reach the top. Right click an icicle to update the quest.

Return down to Bruce to turn in the quest and pick up To Suns End Village.
Talk to Engineer Malcolm on the road to pick up Repairs. Head west into the fields and kill 5 Giant
Groundlings (Giants only drop it).

Return to Malcolm to turn the quest in and pick up Hands on experience. Right click a golem near him.

Turn in the quest to Malcolm, and then run west to Suns End Village.

Turn in To Suns End Village and pick up A Chilling Revelation, Contain the Corpses, and Cleanse
the Graveyard. On the west end of the village beyond the buildings, talk to Campros to pick up An
Outside Perspective.
Head into town and talk to Kallus, Rothe, and Lunia. Return to Canoros to turn in An Outside
Perspective and pick up The holy Ingrediant.
Head east and gather a tears of dusk at the farm.

Kill the assassin that spawns. Continue east to turn the quest in to Tom. His daughter will have a quest
to pick up.

Head along the road back west and destroy boxes on the road, and then collect the bottle that spawns
in its place.

Return to town to turn the quest in to Canoros and pick up Light in the Darkness.

Head north out of camp and kill 8 undead in the graveyard.

Then use 3 coffins.

Leave the graveyard via the eastern exit and talk to Andre to turn in A Chilling Revelation and pick up
The Suns End Griffins. Talk to his assistant a little further east to pick up Healing the Horses.

Select a dying horse and right click on the potion to heal it. Note that these horses are actually dying, so
you should choose one that has a good bit of HP left or itll just die on you as youre using the potion.

Return to Kalbuna to turn in Healing the Horses. Then return to town to turn in Cleaning the
Graveyard and Containing the Corpses.
Head south of town and kill 13 griffins.

Return to Andre in the horse yard to turn it in. Head west out of town. Youll get to a signpost quest.

Kill 5 Cockatrices as you head northwest.

At the northwest point of the road (where it turns west), are several high priestesses. Use the item in
your quest log to transform one as well as her minions.

I would suggest dealing with her imp first, and then her. She is not a boss mob only a normal one, and
the imp is a small health bar type mob.
Return to the town to turn in Light in the Darkness to Canoros. On the east side of the buildings, talk
to Sain and pick up A Final Favor.

Head west to the Ossuary.

Head inside and down to turn in A Final Favor and pick up Sophies Resting Place. Select an empty
tomb (a glowing one on the wall) to update the quest.

Talk to the Ossuary keeper to turn in Sophies Resting Place and pick up Alert the Wyrdwinds.

Continue on the west road. On your left will be a pond.

Pick up Daru Engineering from Akuro. Use a well to update the quest.

Return to Akuro to turn the quest in. Across from him, talk to Tosare and pick up Daru Experiments.

Use the Machinery next to him to make a worldgate, and then use the worldgate to teleport onto a hill.

Make sure you have your glider equipped and glide off the hill.

Right click the signal flare while gliding. Return to Tosare and turn the quest in.

There is a river to the west with notes on the banks, so use one to pick up A Suspicious Note.

Speak with Tosare to turn the quest in. Then head all the way into the swamp encampment to get to

Turn in Alert the Wyrdwinds and A Spy in the Laboratory and pick up To the Hellswamp. Head out
of the camp and head west.

There will be an egg on the road.

Pick it up for A Rare Prize and return to the camp to turn it in to Seramba and hit level 35.
Open your coin purses and head west to Hellswamp, our next map. Yes, there is a huge chunk of land
here with no mobs and no quests, but youre fine.

Level 35-37 Hellswamp

Level 35
Beginning with this level, we are going to want to start overachieveing on quests. Many quests require
you to kill 8 mobs or gather 4 plants. To overachieve, you do 50% more than required. In other words,
kill 12 mobs or gather 6 plants. When you turn the quest in, you will get a good chunk more of
Not all quests can be overachieved. Some require items that you burn through, or involve searching a
chest, or involve talking to an npc. In addition, some quests are counterproductive to overachieve in. For
instance, quests that ask you to kill 15 mobs or kill 4 boss mobs. Lastly, signpost quests and quests that
complete automatically are naturally limited to the number of mobs.
Advice given in this guide will say which quests to overachieve on, and which not to.
All maps from this point on are pvp enabled. However, higher levels usually do not come here, and
people at level usually want the same things you do to level.
Head west into hellswamp and you will get to our first camp. You will automatically pick up Guardian of
the Hellswamp I as you run.

Pick up The Mayors Shipment from Militiaman Leader Knox. Youll have a pack on your back.

Head up the hill to the mayor and place the shipment down by pressing f.

Turn in To the Hellswamp to the Mayor and pick up The Mayors Favor. Then head down the hill and
turn in The Mayors Shipment to Knox and pick up The Ignomin Hive.
Head down the hill and talk to Escaped Prisoner Kairon to pick up Easy Money. On the west part of
town, pick up A Valiant Effort and Mels Letter.
Head west out of town to get to the Giant Bees.

Kill 12 to overachieve. Head north and kill 8 Guardian Giant Bees to overachieve.

Around the tree, loot 8 executed persons to overachieve.

Head north of the giant bees to Uno and Rho.

Turn in The Mayors Favor and Mels Letter, and pick up The Bloodhead Chest and Preemptive
Head north and kill 12 Bloodhead orcs to overachieve.

When in, head west. On the west side of the camp are some tents. Go inside one (you may have to kill
the guard), and loot the chest.

Return to Uno to turn in The Bloodhead Chest. Pick up Searching for Saul, Earning Rhos Freedom,
and Burn Out the Bloodheads.
Return to town to turn in Preemptive Vengeance, The Ignomin Hive, Easy Money, A Valiant
Effort, and Guardian of the Hellswamp 1. Pick up Guardian of the Hellswamp 2.

Head back to the west and north through the hive and the bloodheads. Kill 8 Bloodhead Ogres to
overachieve. Go for the ones that are not walking with Shamans.

Head north to Engineer Saul.

Across from him is the only jar you can torch without aggroing. Just use it from behind as far as you can,
and wait for it to respawn. Do this 3 times (overachieve is impossible).

Report to Sault to turn in Searching for Saul and Burn Out the Bloodheads. Pick up An Ancient
Machine. The Bloodhead Chieftain is not soloable, so you can abandon it if you picked it up.
To the north of saul, use the ancient machine.

Report back to Saul to turn in An ancient machine and pick up The True Power of Hellswamp. Return
to town to turn in The True Power of Hellswamp and Earning Rhos Freedom and pick up The
Power of Faith, The Source of the Powder, and Lost in the Woods.
Head east to a signpost on the road.

Kill 12 hatchlings to autocomplete the quest. They die in 3 hits.

Go south and kill 8 Werespiders to overachieve.

By the trees, right click on 5 glowing carapaces. You cannot overachieve on this quest.

Then head southwest and talk with Mila.

Turn in Lost in the Woods and pick up Childs Play and The Lair of the Lizards from the signpost.
Head north and kill 8 Venomfang Lizards.

Head south to kill 8 Mottled Mandragera to overachieve.

Return to Mila to turn in Childs Play and pick up A Familiar Machine. Head south to activate the
Ancient Machine.

Return to Mila to turn in A Familiar Machine and pick up Priestess Kreema. Head back to town. Kill 1
mob of your choice on the way to complete Guardian of Hellswamp 2.

In town, turn in Guardian of the Hellswamp 2 and pick up Guardian of the Hellswamp 3. Turn in The
Power of Faith, Priestess Kreema, and The Source of the Powder. Pick up A Cultist in Haven and
Help from Haven. Then head south and enter the camp on your left.

Turn in A Cultist in Haven and Help from Haven. Pick up Poison Bogs, Ferocious Flora, The
Cultists Threats, The Dangers of the Hexmire, and A Dangerous Journey.
Go west into the bog and begin a killing spree. Kill 12 slimes to overachieve.

To the north, kill 12 Sarracenias to overachieve.

Kill 13 Refflesias and loot their powders. Powder is about a 75% drop rate. Do not overachieve this

Kill 8 Crimson Helltrap to overachieve.

In the middle of a bog is a corpse with a quest.

Pick up the quest. Then head to the house in the back of the bog. You will automatically pick up Swamp

On the other side are some singing dolls. Right click on one.

Head across the road, and go into the middle of the bog. Right click on the item in your quest log to
update Poison Bogs.

Head into the camp and turn in all your quests to reach level 36.
Level 36
Pick up A Guardian in Peril, The Eyes of the Lost Gods, Remains in the Mire, and Stolen Music.
Head west out of the camp and gather 8 corpses to overachieve.

Kill 8 Imps to overachieve Stolen Music.

Kill 12 Swampland Doomgazes to overachieve that quest.

To the south of the camp, turn in A Guardian in Peril to Luadins corpse and talk to the scarecrow
behind it to pick up Luadins Fate.

Return to the camp to turn in The Eyes of the Lost Gods, Remains in the Mire, Stolen Music, and
Luadins Fate. Pick up A Little Advice, Get Out of Haven, A Parting Gift, and Infiltrating the
Head back to the scarecrow and right click the item in your inventory to update it.

Head west to get to our next camp.

Pick up the signpost quest, Doomed Souls. Then head into the camp and use the machine on the
outside to update Infiltrating the Cult.

Turn in Infiltrating the Cult and A Parting Gift. Pick up A New source of information, The Trieste
Carriage, and A Common Ritual.

Right click one of the dolls on the log.

Turn the quest in to Settra and pick up Suspicious Materials. Then head south.
Kill 8 Drowned Corpses in the bog.

A bit more south, kill Bloodbores and loot 8 items off them to overachieve.

Stitched Corpses are in the same area. Kill them for 8 Putrid Bindings to overachieve.

The carriage is to the south on the road.

Use the box to turn in The Trieste Carriage and pick up Pulled from the Wreckage.

Continue south to a really big camp.

Turn in Guardian of the Hellswamp 3 (you should have 100 kills by this point), and pick up Guardian
of the Hellswamp 4. Turn in your other 3 quests and pick up Beasts from the Void, Return the
Toolboxes, and Capturing Monsters.

The Behemoths are directly north of the camp. Kill 12 of them to overachieve.

Across the lake, gather 5 toolchests to overachieve.

Then head east to the young behemoths.

Right click the item in your quest log to lure them in. They will aggro, but dont worry, theyll be
captured just dont attack them. After the first 3, youll need to use the Old Bone Chest in your
inventory instead of the quest log to lure in 2 more and overachieve.
Return to the camp to turn in the three quests and pick up Pilfered Props, Calamitous Curiosity,
Some Assembly Required, Kendos Revenge, and Pirate Garb.
Head east along the road. When the road splits in two one going up, one going down, take the one
going up.

On the road are various pirates.

Do not attack pirates when two of them are together like this. They dont proximity aggro, but the first
move they do is a pull which will then cause you to aggro the other one. Instead, just kill solos.
Work your way into the camp and kill pirates as you go. On the right hand side of the camp as you go in,
youll find a tool box on a hut.

I highly suggest alternating between gathering this shipment as it respawns and killing pirates until you
have 8 shipments, 12 pieces of pirate clothes, and 23 pirate kills (overachieving in 3 quests).
Head west and the hut right before you go south will have the box with the Trieste Stage Props.

This room may be hard to get to due to the aggro of the guards outside.

Either use CCs on them, or use hide to sneak inside.

On the left hand side of the eastern exit is the ancient machine.

Right click it to use it. Then head out the eastern exit and down the hill to get to Shaikan.

Turn in Pirate Garb to him and pick up Cowardly Cultists.

Head north and select a priest, run up to him, and use the item in your quest log.

The priest will either attack you, meaning you need to try again, or run away, dropping a robe. Loot the
robe and return to Shaikan. Pick up Practical Pyrotechnics.
Hop off into the water and swim under the ship to use the explosives by rightclicking the mine.

Return to Shaikan to turn the quest in (theres a ladder on the east side of the dock you can climb up),
and grab A Disturbing Coincidence. Head back west to the camp to turn in Calamitous Curiosity,
Pilfered Props, Kendos Revenge, and A Disturbing Coincidence.
Pick up Warning a Friend, The Keeper of the Dead, The Final Machine, The Missing Troupe, and
Kendos Family. Head northwest out of the camp to get to a bunch of lily pads.

Turn in Warning a Friend and The Final Machine to get to level 37.

Level 37
Pick up Shreds of Evidence, A Chance at Freedom, The Mind of Madness, and Kill the Cultists.
The go north from the lilies and kill 12 Jabberwoks to overachieve.

Head southwest and kill 12 twinhead snakes to overachieve.

Make your way west to a cage.

Use the protomorph potion in your inventory to update the quest. Do this 3 times, waiting about 10
seconds between each one. It does not work in all areas around each cage, so if it doesnt, just move
around a bit until you find a spot.
Kill flesh golems to loot 8 costumes and overachieve. Drop rate is about 60%.

Then kill the cultists. The cultists have a 100% drop rate, but the worshippers (the mage types of
worshippers) hit really hard. The cultists on the other hand have a pull, so make sure to either kill mobs
that are alone, or kill the worshippers before the cultists. Kill 12 to overachieve.

Head west and talk to the Addled Worshiper to update The Mind of Madness.

Return to the lily pads to turn in all your quests and pick up The Path to Woodgenge, Fiery
Defenders, Serpentine Servants, and Consulting with Corpses.

Head west through the cultist area to get to the crematorium.

Right click the item in your quest log for Consulting with Corpses and talk to the undead to update the
quest. Talk to the crematorium keeper to turn it in as well as Keeper of the Crematorium. Pick up
Stop the Ritual and The Woodhege keep.
Run up the hill to the north of the crematorium and kill 8 Tar Golems to overachieve.

In the fort, kill 8 cultist priestesses and other snakes to overachieve. Note that the Zealots will fear you,
which leads to a high risk of aggroing other mobs so fight them in a clear area.

Head to the right and youll get to the Vessel for the lost gods.

Select her and use the item in your quest log (flamingo blood). She will turn into a monster that is
attackable, but doesnt aggro you. Kill her to update Stop the Ritual.

Head up the path and into the castle. In the back room, talk with Channing.

Turn in The Woodhenge Keep and pick up A Secret Exit.

Head out of the castle and start down the hill. Kill 8 fire elementals to overachieve.

Head back to the lily pads to turn in The Path to Woodhenge, Fiery Defenders, Serpentine
Servants, and A Secret Exit. Pick up Leaving the Troupe, Fatal Fascination, and Heirus Token.

Head to the south camp to turn in Stop the Ritual, Leaving the Troupe, Fatal Fascination, and
Heirus Token. Open up your coin purses. Pick up To Sanddeep and start heading east. Instead of
taking the road up to the pirates this time, take the road down, which will lead us to the next map.

Level 37-40 Sanddeep

Level 37
Make your way north to the first camp in Sanddeep.

Turn in To Sanddeep and pick up Home of the huntress, A Predators Paradise, and Reckless
Youth. To the east of town, kill 8 practice scarecrows to overachieve (oneshot them)

Return to town to turn the quest in. Head north along to road to get to Pollo.

Turn in Reckless Youth and pick up Poisoned Pollo. Head north out of the camp and kill 8 silvertooth
tigers and 12 golden tigers for their leathers to overachieve.

By the rock the tigers surround, gather 8 Vipers Bane Leaves to overachieve.

Return to Pollo and turn in Poisoned Pollo. Pick up Of Love and Lizards and Poachers in the
Move west and kill 8 Arrogant Poachers and 8 Corinth Hill Leopards that walk together to overachieve.
These do aggro each other, so kill the tiger first. Also kill a lizard and loot them. The lizard are in hide, so
just go by a tree to aggro them. All can be seen in the picture below.

Return to Battel by Pollo to turn in Poachers in the Sanddeep. Then return to the camp to turn in Of
Love and Lizards and A Predators Paradise. Pick up A Mysterious Traveler and Stolen Glory.
Head east along to road and gather the gargoyle tooth on the ground.

Talk to Remules to turn in Stolen Glory. Pick up Pilfered by Poachers and head up the hill. Follow the
footprints to get to Fearless Raffi to autocomplete A Mysterious Traveller. Pick up A Strangers

Continue up the hill. Ignore the mobs until you get to a tower at the top of the hill.

Head inside, and kill your way to the top. Loot the bodies until you get a Gargoyle tooth.
When you get to the top, one of the sides will have a docked airship. Kill Chioni and loot him for the
rope. He is a boss monster, but kiteable.

Head down the hill back to Raffi to turn in A Strangers Concern and pick up A Warriors Task. Right
click the pegs on the rock ledge nearby to update A Warriors Task.

Turn in A Strangers Task to Raffi. Then return to town and turn in Pilfered by Poachers to Elderly
Hunter Zorbas to reach level 38.
Level 38
Pick up Big Cat Carrier and head north. Dont use your mount here youre going slower if you do.
Right click the item in your inventory in front of the guard captain.

Turn in Big Cat Carrier to him and pick up Release the Foxes. Head north to the Hasla Fox Cages.

Figure out which side the door is on and go to the opposite side before right clicking it. When you do
this, the mobs will aggro you, but instead of attacking you will try and go through the bars and fail. Move
east to get to a small camp.

Turn in Release the Foxes and pick up A Real Challenge and The Trieste Siblings.

To the north, there are various lights on the ground which are arrows.

Collect 25 of them. They are close together, so its not as bad as it sounds. After 25, you cant really see
them clearly, so kill 7 elephants to overachieve.

To the west are imposing snowlions. Kill one to 50%, and then right click the net to capture it.

Talk to Fearless Raffi to turn in the quest and pick up Raffis Revenge. Return to the camp and use the
campfire to cause all sorts of havoc.

Pick up Souls of the Slain and head east. Kill 12 snowlion ghosts to overachieve.

There is a little outpost to the east. Turn in the quest to the wounded hunter and pick up Lord Talenus.
Talk to Lord Talenus who is hiding in the bushes.

He will attack you after, so kill him. Return to the wounded guard to turn in Hunter and Hunted and
pick up Nobles Gone Mad.

Return west to Patrol Leader Lorenzo to turn in Nobles Gone Mad. Pick up The Missing Guards.

Head west hugging the south wall to get to Fearless Raffi and autocomplete The missing guards.

Pick up Blood for Blood (If you play Elyos on Aion, dont cringe at doing something Asmodian). Then
gather the wood and right click the fire in the camp to make a torch.

Right click the torch in your inventory to equip it. Then head towards the mountains and right click a leaf
pile to set it ablaze.

Equip your normal weapon(s) back. Then return to camp and in Blood for Blood to Raffi. Take his
follow up, Release the Beasts, and talk to the injured cat to pick up The Bloody Weapon.

Head east to a royal hunting guard.

Select him and right click on the whistle in your inventory to turn him into a mob. Kill him to update the
quest. Then make your way west to the fence.

Right click a section of it to update Release the Beasts. Then head south along the fence back to Guard
Captain Melfys and turn in The Bloody Weapon and pick up Get Out of the Grenwolf.

Head north and kill 12 reindeer for their meat to overachieve.

Make your way north along the road to get to Ted and turn in Get Out of Grenwolf.

Pick up Brick Baking. Right click the Mud Piles to collect bricks. I had to do this twice.

Right click the furnace to turn it on.

Right click it again to bake the bricks.

Then head north to Worker Dario on the right side of the bridge and turn in Brick Baking.

Head back into the camp and pick up Blood on the Bridge, Strange Machinery, and Tidal Warriors.
Head off the right hand side of the bridge into the water and kill 5 jellyfish to update Blood on the
Bridge after looting them. If you are on land, they cant attack you, but have a high chance of resetting.

Head back onto the bridge and right click a wereshark bloodstain.

Move north along the shore and collect 5 strange components.

Right click the components in your inventory to update Strange Machinery.

Head north and kill 8 Weresharks.

This quest will auto-complete.

Return to town and turn in Blood on the Bridge and Strange Machinery.
Talk to Svennor to pick up Accidental Archeology. In the middle of the camp, right click the Stone

Talk to Ted on the south side of camp to turn in Accidental Archeology and pick up A Taste of the
Ocean, and then run south along the beach until you get to a bamboo bridge leading out to sea. Talk to
Angler Tiela to pick up Trained Sharks.

Hop into the water and right click a shark to update the quest. Then head underwater to the kelp.

There is one kelp here and one to the direct south that have no mobs close to it, and respawn super
quick. Just swim back and forth between them and gather them (you need to be a good bit underwater
to do this). Do this 37 times to overachieve. Itll only take you about 3 minutes to do. Note the other
option, gather arrows, is not a real option its a quest text bug. The other option is to kill crabs, but
they take longer than gathering 2 kelp.
Head onto the dock to turn in A Taste of the Ocean and Trained Sharks and pick up Breaking the
Bad News.
Head west into the resort to the dining table and right click it to update Breaking the Bad News.

Then speak with Suzanne Trieste to turn in Breaking the Bad News and pick up Construction
Head east and pick up Gossipmonger and Eternal Sunshine.

Right click a bottle on the ground.

Then right click the item in your quest log and left click in between the husband and the wife to update
the quest. Turn the quest in to Pepe.
Head onto the beach to the sunbathing women.

Go up onto the bungalow to the drinking women.

Then cross the dock to the island to get to the ballplaying women.

Speak with Lady Claudia on this island and pick up Splash Attack. Select the buckets of water on the
ground and try to hit the mobs running on the shore.

Do this until you have overachieved at 18.

Turn the quest in to the lady. Then head west and into the water. Kill 15 seafolk to overachieve. These
mobs are just like the jellyfish if they cant get to you, they will reset after a period of time.

Return to the resort to turn in Gossipmonger to Ferlin and Construction Concerns to Suzanne Trieste.
Pick up Familiar Faces and head west. Kill Fione and use the corpse to turn in Familiar Faces.

Pick up Leonies Killers from the posts surrounding the corpses. Run south past the Celleli priests and
residents to get to a bunch of nagas. Kill 12 of them and loot their marks to overachieve.

Return to Trieste to turn in Leonies Killers and pick up An Uncommon Killer. Then follow the
shoreline south to Angler Lucidious. Turn in An Uncommon Castle and pick up Cowering Carnivores
and Do you want to build a Castle?
Gather 5 sand mounds on the shore.

Right click a sandcastle on the shore.

Turn the quest in to Sideros and pick up The Persistence of Sideros. Right click a finished sandcastle
and then turn in the quest to Sideros.
There are a bunch of beached sharks in the water.

Select one and then right click the calming potion in your quest log to update your quest. Turn in
Cowering Carnivores and pick up A Monstrous Plot, Cut off the head, and Cleanse the Magic
Head west and find a circle with 3 priests around it.

Kill the 2 residents and preacher in a circle until you have 12 resident kills and 8 preacher kills to
overachieve. Also, right click the blessed flame in your inventory and the left click on the circle 3 times.
Head south and in an outcrop is the leader.

Hes tough, so make sure youre at full health before taking him on. Then report back to the Angler on
the south shore to turn in your 3 quests and pick up The Queen of Nymphs. Head back to the resort
and turn in The Queen of Nymphs and pick up Nymphs Veil Valley.
Head west along the road to an outpost.

Pick up Low on Lumber and Loggers Lament. Head further west and kill 12 greataxes to

Also chop down 8 of the smaller trees to update Low on Lumber and overachieve.

Continue into the Veil to our base camp.

Turn in Nymphs Veil Valley, Low on Lumber, and Loggers Lament to reach level 39.
Level 39
Pick up Reaching Lympheroda and The Nymph Queens Magic. Head southwest and in the river well
find some banshees surrounding a nymph.

Kill the banshees and loot them until you have all 3 items. They can drop any of the three randomly, so
you may need to kill a few.
Then head onto the shore near the mountains and kill 8 greenmen to overachieve.

Return to the camp to turn in your quests and pick up Memory Tree and The Laughter of the
Head back to the banshee island and select the nymph in the center. Right click the item in your
inventory to collect the laughter.

Kill the nymph (shell have aggrod), and then right click the laughter to loot it. Return to Opheila to turn
in The Nymphs Laughter and pick up An Audience with the queen.
Head to the center of the lake to get to the queen inside the big tree.

Right click the laughter near her and An Audience with the Queen will auto-complete. Pick up The
Nymph Queens Rage from her. She will attack you. Kill her to 50%, and another nymph queen will
emerge. Talk to her to update the quest.
Head out of the tree and talk to Narieda to pick up Skyfin Fishing. Kill a Skyfin in the air (boss monster).

Return to the nymph to turn in Skyfin Fishing.

Head west to a Memory tree.

Right click the tree to update the quest. Return to the camp and turn in The Memory Tree and The
Nymph Queens Rage and pick up Searching for Stories. Head back East past the axes to the camp
and turn in Searching for Stories to Dario on the right side of the bridge. Then pick up The Vinters
Head northeast across the bridge to the winemaker outpost.

Turn in The Vitners Cottage and pick up Unique Coconuts and Apes in the Orchard. Move north
and collect 5 coconuts to overachieve.

Kill 12 gorrillas in the same area to overachieve.

Return to the winemaker outpost to turn in your quests and pick up Venda the Sorceress and Natural

Fire a cannon nearby the camp by right clicking it.

Head south to gather 5 Medicinal Spices (Overachieve is impossible)

Continue west and gather 5 medicinal herbs.

Return to the Winemakers camp to turn in the two quests. Pick up Liquor Discovery and Amongst
the Goblins. Head north to get to three people standing in the middle of the road.

Pick up The Timid Romantic, Roadside Ruffians, and Goblin Thieves.

Make your way north on the road to the jewelry box.

Right click it for the necklace. North of here, you can gather begonias without having to worry about
goblins. Gather 12 to overachieve.

Kill 14 goblins to overachieve. It is suggested you kill the fire eaters as the archers hit hard.

Return to the three people in the road to turn in Goblin Thieves and Roadside Ruffians. Then head
north through the goblins to Saraes camp.

Turn in Liquor Delivery, Amongst the Goblins, and The Timid Romantic. Pick up The Goblins
Captive and The Fable Hill Goblins (signpost quest).

Then head north to get to the caged Joby.

Turn in The Goblins Captive and pick up The Chieftains Ramblings. Head into the cage next to Joby.
Right click the door from the inside to close it.

It will reopen after a few seconds. Talk to Joby to turn in The Chieftains Ramblings and pick up Goblin

Head west and kill goblins as you go. Avoid the mages they hurt and just kill the warriors.

At the far west, youll find the treasure keeper.

Kill him, and then loot the treasure he was guarding.

Return out and continue to kill goblins until you have 12. A quest Defeat the Blue Meanies will autocomplete as you do this, just take the reward for free XP. At 12, The Fable Hill Goblins will
Return to Sarae to turn in Goblin Treasure and talk to her henchman to pick up What Shines like
Gold. Just north of camp, right click a dirt pile.

Return to Hubbert to turn in What shines like gold and pick up A Powerful Patron. Then follow the
road north and around. Youll get to a few NPCs in the road (they sure like standing in the middle of the
road, dont they?)

Pick up Stolen Magic, Hypnotized Achassi and Rat Trapper.

Head north of the camp and attack Fable Hills Goblins. When they are at 50% health, right click the item
in your quest log to trap them.

Repeat this 5 times. Then do it 3 more times, but this time youll have to use the net from your
inventory to overachieve.
Head southwest. Right outside a rat hole, right click the rat trap in your inventory. A giant rat will appear
for you to kill.

Return to the NPCs to turn in the quests. Ignore the quest Harvesting Cotton as it is currently bugged.
Head west and kill 12 Hypnotized Achassis and loot them to overachieve. Warriors are easier than
archers. This is 100% loot rate.

Return to Brabrak to turn in Hypnotize Achassi and pick up The Oceans Light.
Head into the building in the middle of the Achassis.

In the middle is the boss.

Right click the item in your quest log to summon a minion to fight him (once inside), and then kill him
with the minion.
Return to the npcs in the road to turn the quest in and pick up The Thread of Memory. Right click a
dress form to make Aidels Wedding Gown.

Then continue on the east road, bending south into the city. Head right into the heart of the city.

Turn in A Powerful Patrol and The Thread of Memory and pick up Restoring Aidel, The Butlers
Worry, A Dangerous Breed, An Acquired Taste, The Petaltin Sisters, and A Rare Pet.
Right click the orb in your quest log while standing near the center of the pool to update A Rare Breed.

Then on the west side, select Krueger and right click the flute in your quest log to update A Butlers

Turn the quest in to him, and then talk to Collis Messenger girl to pick up Liquid Distraction. Select
Krueger again and right click the Valencia in the quest log on him to update Liquid Distraction. Talk to
Colli in the center of the lake to turn the quest in.
Head northwest out of town onto the beach. Select a wereshark and right click a fermented coconut in
your inventory.

It will be replaced by a bloated wereshark. Kill it and loot it 8 times following the process for An
Acquired Taste. Then use the coconuts from your inventory to do it 4 more times to overachieve.
In the water are Coastal Doomgazes.

Kill it to 50% and then right click the net in your quest log to cause it to disappear and update the quest.
Return to the Manor and turn in An Acquired Taste and A Rare Pet. Pick up Release the
Doomgaze. Hop into the pool and right click the item in your inventory to update Release the

There are ladders to the north and south of the pool to climb out. Then talk to the millionaire to turn in
the quest and pick up The Mysterious Lady Ventla and hit level 40.
Level 40
Pick up Practice on the road as you make your way north. Kill 12 scarecrows on the road to
overachieve (1shot).

Head back to the three people standing on the road to turn in The Mysterious Lady Ventla and
Practice on the Road.

Then return to town and instead of going straight into the manor, head down the path into the city

Pick up Trouble in the Harbor and Mutiny in Golden Fable. Ignore Vertical Flight, it is a waste of
Head south and kill 8 corrupted first mates and 8 corrupted crewmen to overachieve. First mates fear,
so dont be anywhere where you can run into other mobs.

These mobs tend to be in back alleys more than main streets.

Return to the center of the city to turn in Trouble in the Harbor and pick up Precious Cargo.
Nellida is just on the docks.

Vivinio is in a building on the right side of the docks.

Remnos is in the warehouse on the left of the docks.

Return to Drakulo to turn in in.

Head to the south dock of the city to the lighthouse.

Head to the top of the tower and climb up the ladder.

Look out at the boat and press space bar twice to start gliding down. If you dont, equip your
experimental glider from earlier.

Dont worry about aggroing anything when you land these mobs are level 10 and die in one hit. Kill 5
sailors and 5 mates to overachieve. Then head back to the lighthouse and climb back out of the water.
Return to the center of town to turn in Mutiny in Golden Fable.

Follow the road south to get to Cherry Petaltin.

Swim across the river to speak with her sisters who are swimming and auto-complete the quest. Then
head onto land and turn in A Dangerous Breed and Restoring Aidel.

Pick up Change the Enchantment, An Island Ritual, and Coral Collection.

Head south and into the water. You should see a tall leafy plant growing underwater.

This is called Gillyweed. Gather it for unlimited breath for 3 minutes and faster movement speed. Then
gather 8 corals around it and near it to overachieve.

Head north to gather oyster pearls. These may drop anywhere from 1 to 3 pearls each.

Return onto the island to turn in Change the Enchantment and Coral Collection. Pick up Smash the
Spell. Right click the orb in your quest log to update the quest. This quest will autocomplete. Speak with
Regulus to pick up Reguluss Folly.
Head west of the island to the next island over. Kill 12 Celleil Berserkers and Healers to overachieve.

Head to the north tip of the island and into the water. Gather some gill grass. Then head north and
down into the water to get to Pearldrop Leader Gullayo.

When he is below 50% health, right click the item in your quest log to update the quest. It will do
nothing, so kill him.
Return to land and turn in And Island Ritual and Reguluss Folly. Pick up The Sound of Summoning
from Aidel. There are three bells to her right.

Right click them from left to right. Then turn the quest in to Aidel. Pick up Buying Time. Then head
over to the east docks to the Kraken.

Select him and right click the quest item to use it on him. Dont even think about killing him, he is
designed for at least 10 people, maybe more.
Return to Aidel to turn in Buying Time. Talk to Sailor Loyola on the island to pick up The Calleil High
Return to town to a manor with Calleil Fanatics.

Head inside and to the right to kill the high priest.

Yes, he is a boss, yes, he hurts bad. Have your healing potions at the ready.
Head southeast off the ledge to Farsus Noryette.

Turn in The Caleil High Priest and pick up Portal to Rookborne Basin. Open your coin purses, and
head north.

Here is the Rookborne Basin teleportal.

You need 3 Hereafter Stones to use this portal. You should have at least 7 from the last quest, but if
you dont, find an auctioneer and buy them. Right click the portal to teleport to the next map.

Level 40-42 Rookborne Basin

Level 40
After teleporting in, run up the hill to the history professor.

Turn in Portal to Rookborne Basin and pick up Sheep Among the Wolves and Story of the Sunset
Stones. To the east, right click on a sheep to sheer it. A wolf will appear, so just run away and then wolf
will reset. Repeat this process 8 times to overachieve.

Run along the east path up the hill to get to some damaged sunset stones.

Right click 3 of them to update the quest (overachieve is impossible). Return to the Historians outpost
to turn in the quests and pick up Firran on the loose.
Continue east and there will be a stone with a quest on the road.

Pick it up and continue east to the first town in the south.

Turn in Message from the Dead and Forced Retirement outside the town, and then inside turn in
Firran on the Loose and Forced Retirement. Pick up Funeral in Duskgleam, Heart of the Falcon,
and Falcon Fostering.
Head into the magic circle.

Right click the orb (left item) in your quest log to be shot up to the burial site.

Right click the right item standing near the grave to update the quest. Then head back to the ground by
using your glider.
Turn in Funeral in Duskgleam and pick up Loyal Companion.
Head north out of the camp along the road. Kill 12 Falcons for their hearts to overachieve.

In each nest are the eggs, so loot 8 of them to overachieve.

On the east side of the cliff is a monument. Right click the snowlion bones in your quest log to autocomplete the quest.

Return to the camp and turn in Heart of the Falcon and Falcon Fostering. Pick up Nhuthers Ancient
Cure from Nhuther.
Left click on the guy next to him, Ghumba, and right click the item in your quest log to use it on him.

Turn the quest in to Ghuther. Pick up The Centauros Tribe in town. Head south out of town and talk to
Jeisson to pick up The Archeologists Request.
We will get to a centaur area. We need to kill 20 centaurs to update The Centauros Tribe. Make sure 1
of the kills is a shaman and loot it. Do not overachieve this quest, its a waste of time.

Kill and extra mob or 2 if Warden of Rookborne Basin 1 is not complete. Return north and turn in The
Archeologists Request, The Centauros Tribe, and Warden of Rookborne Basin 1 and pick up

Warden of Rookborne Basin 2 and Ahguis plan. Head out the north exit and pick up Erdas
Request. Head east along the road to a signpost.

Pick up its quest and then head south into the orc encampment. Make your way inside past 2 gates.

When youre inside, stand in the corner.

From here, we will pull all mobs. No mobs will aggro us here, and were in a constrained area, so the
wolves fear will not cause us to aggro other mobs.
Kill 15 orcs that wander around.

This will level us to level 41 when the quest auto-completes.

Level 41
There is a congregation Direwolves in the center. Kill 8 of them to autocomplete the quest.

In the building next to your corner, when you can, hop in, select the high priest, and right click the dart
in your quest log to kill it.

Head to the southwest end of the camp to find a monster on a ramp.

Kill the 2 orcs at the bottom of the ramp, and then head up it to talk to him and pick up Free the
Head south and follow the fence to the back.

Jump onto the elevated rock and then over the fence to kill Chief Buruki to autocomplete the quest.

Head northeast out of the camp to turn in Ahguis Plan and pick up The Power of Tea.

Just south, collect 8 tea leaves to overachieve. Each tea leave with kill a snake. Unlike the wolves from
the sheep before, these die in 3 hits so kill them.

Head into the camp to turn in The Power of Tea and pick up Nutrition for Training.

Then head up the hill. Kill Alpine Reindeer for 18 steaks to overachieve. These can drop 1, 2, or 3 steaks
at a time.

Follow the east road and itll bend south to an outpost.

Turn in Nutrition for Training and pick up Screeching Hearts, The Road to Enlightenment, and
Anguish after Death.

On the west side of the camp are various caves. Find one with no Firrans in it and then right click the
training scroll in your quest log. It will summon a darkness that you need to kill.

Return to the camp to turn the quest in. Then head east of the camp and kill a trainee ghost (boss

Return to camp to turn the quest in.

Head north out of the camp and up a hill to kill 12 redwing harpies, or however many it takes to bring up
a hidden quest that gives you experience.

When you have the quest complete, gather flowers until progress is 150/100 to overachieve. They are
more common the more north you go.

Head south along the road to Trainee Bahiro to turn in Screeching Harpies.

Pick up Unstable Ground and continue south to Dharats outpost.

Pick up Triage Supplies and Finding Guerman. Head west to gather a queensleaf.

Walk over to Guermans body to auto-complete Finding Guerman and pick up Shijeek the Cave Troll.
Go into the cave deeper and kill the cave troll.

Return East to the camp to turn your quests in.

Pick up Search and Rescue and head south to the rescue camp. Pick up Goat Horn Benefits. Then
right click 3 rocks to update Search and Rescue (the quest cannot be overachieved).

Head southwest out of the camp kill 12 mountain goats to loot their horns and overachieve.

Return to the outpost to turn in Search and Rescue and Goat Horn Benefits and pick up Helping

Head southwest to our next big town.

Turn in Helping Hands and Warden of Rookborne Basin 2 and pick up Warden of Rookborne Basin
3, Juno the Bounty Hunter, and Flying the Coop (from a talking chicken). Talk to 3 villagers in town
with blue question marks over their head.

Return to Juno to turn in Juno the Bounty Hunter and pick up Finding Asam. Pick up The
Adventurers Inheritance from Ahmed near some human cannons (remember where these are for
Chicken Little can be found in the south, hiding left of a tent.

Return to Nene the Hen to turn in Flying the Coop and pick up All in One Basket. Head to the west
end of the camp to turn in All in One Basket to another talking chicken.

Head east of the camp and loot the Harani Fugitives Chest.

Select a fugitive around here and right click the item in your quest log for Finding Asam. The fugitive
should turn into Asam, so talk to him. Return to camp. Go through the tent next to where we found
chick little to get to a large amount of broken detectors.

Select one and near it, right click the hammer in your quest log. It will either update the quest or attack
you. Repeat this until the quest updates.

Return to Amed and Juno to turn in Finding Asam and The Adventurers Inheritance. Pick up A
Merchants Tenacity from Apabar. Then head to the human cannons near Amed. Press f to get into
one. Aim just like I am in the picture below, towards the skyfins.

Press r to launch. When you land, kill a skyfin (boss monster).

Glide back down to turn the quest in to Apabar. Talk to Sogarr to pick up Ride Out. Then head out the
south gate of the town following the road southeast to Ulgash.

Turn in Ride Out and pick up A Tonic for Weakness, History Professor Tunabi, and Woolly Bullies.
Head south of the camp and kill 20 white gnolls. Overachieving this quest is a waste of time.

Doing this will auto-complete a hidden quest, so just take its reward.

Continue past this White Gnolls to get to the brown bears (who are actually white). Kill 8 of them and
loot their gall bladders to overachieve (100% drop rate).

Return up the hill and then go a little east to get to another gnoll camp. Gather 5 ancient relics (they
look like pickaxes) to overachieve.

Return to camp to turn in Woolly Bullies and History Professor Tunabi. Follow the road east, and
when it forks, take the north fork going uphill.

Youll need to bend around to get to Mihurs Camp.

Turn in A Tonic for Weakness and pick up To Lure a Snowlion and Steppe Belle. Head north out of
the camp to pick up Breaking the Rocks from a signpost.
Kill 8 rock elementals to auto-complete Breaking the Rocks.

Gather 8 Steppe Belle to overachieve.

Return to Selung in camp to turn in To Lure a Snowlion and pick up Consideration for Friends. Talk to
Amdral to turn it in and pick up Spider Silk Nets.
Head east and uphill to a gathering of npcs on the road.

Pick up Lesser of Two Evils and Spider Culling.

Head east and cut down 12 spiderwebs around a rock to overachieve.

Kill 15 giant spiders and loot them for Spider Venom. This is 100% drop rate, though the items will
appear in your inventory your quest will not update. Overachieving this is a waste of time.

Return to camp and turn in Spider Silk Nets and Spider Culling. Pick up Snowlion Bound and
White Ghosts Legend.

Head east and up the hill to the diseased firrans.

Stand right on top of it (if you see the yellow circle, stand on that), and right click the item in your quest
log to cure them. There is a very small area where the cure will actually work, so make sure youre in the
center of the yellow circle. Do this 3 times.
Return to the camp to turn in Lesser of two evils. Then head southeast and up the hill to the

Kill it to 50% health, and then right click the net in your quest log to capture it. Then head out to the cliff
ledge to get to the ghost white lion.

Turn in White Ghosts Legend and pick up White Ghosts Request to reach level 42.
Level 42
Start heading back to the camp, but right click on 5 springs as you go. White Ghosts Request autocompletes.

Return to the camp and turn in Snowlion Bound and pick up Ayangas Concern. Head South along
the road to get to Namud.

Turn in Ayangas Concern and pick up Reading the Signs.

Head across the road to flood spirits.

Right click the talisman in your quest log with a flood spirit selected, and then kill the spirit. Repeat this 8
times. To overachieve, repeat it 4 times more but use the item in your inventory.
Return to the camp to turn the quest in. Pick up Water Sources and Run off the achassi. Head south
of the camp down the hill and kill 15 Giant Achassis to overachieve.

In the middle, use the well to update Water Sources.

Go south and turn in Water Sources and Run Off the Achassi.

There is a cliff nearby this camp. Head up it to talk to Raphad and pick up The Missing Prince.

Return to the camp and talk to the two Shamans, and then return to Raphad.

Head south out of the camp and kill 3 enraged giants to auto-complete the quest (boss monsters, but
dont really hit very hard).

Head southwest to an area with Giant Grubs.

Gather 12 of the Watchers Gesture plants to overachieve, and kill 23 of the Giant Grubs to overachieve.
You will get a hidden quest for free XP at about 21 grub kills.

Return to the town to turn in Everythings Bigger in Rookborne and Controlled Studies. Pick up
Shadows of Kyrios. Head east to Shaman Ohilia.

Turn in Shadows of Kyrios and pick up Mark of the Arcane Academy. Then head east and kill 23
Zealots and Elders and loot them to overachieve. You will get a hidden quest with free XP after 18.

Talk to Magne in the south to turn in Mark of the Arcane Academy.

Pick up Focus of Destruction and then move east. Hyperion is on the road.

Oops, wrong game

Heres the right one.

Pick up Hyperion, Prince of Two Crowns. Head south and kill the wizard regios.

Loot his staff and return to Hyperion.

Head inside a tent and select a servant. Right click the staff in your quest log to update the quest. Hell
turn into an elder.

Kill the elder and report back to Hyperion. Pick up The Princes Request. Go behind the tents with the
servants and kill the Wizard Otto.

Return to Hyperion to turn in The Princes Request and pick up Cutting off the Headmaster.

Head east to kill the headmaster Headmaster Korutos.

Drag her towards you from range to avoid aggroing the other mobs. This quest will autocomplete. Then,
go up to the statue (from the back, no mobs are there), and right click it to update Focus of

This is currently bugged in that the statue will collapse and trap you inside it until it disappears, so just
wait 30 seconds or so after to move.

Return west out of the academy to Shaman Ohija to turn in Focus of Destruction and pick up
Delivering Great News. Head southwest to the camp and turn it in to Shaman Yambor and pick up To
Windscour Savannah from Jerighoh. Then head north to the large town with the talking chicken to turn
in Warden of Rookborne Basin 3.

Open your coin purses. Then head south and hop into the river. The current will carry you all the way to
Windscour Savannah, our next map. Feel free to swim, it makes you go faster in the current.

Level 42-44 Windscour Savannah

Level 42
We should be entering this area by river. The river will carry you southwest, and you will automatically
complete a quest called Stood under the Great Loka Falls after you fall off a specific waterfall. When
the river stops pulling you, head out via the north bank and run northeast to get to Horahs outpost.

Turn in To Windscour Savannah and pick up Seeking Peace in the Plains. Run southwest to Kiruss

Turn in Seeking Peace on the Plains and pick up Sustenance for Spooked Zebras and Disturbing the
Natural Order.
West of the camp, select a zebra. Right click the right item in your quest log to daze it, and then the left
item to update the quest. The zebra will then attack you, but its an easy kill.

Head south, across the road, and kill 12 lions and/or lionesses to overachieve.

Return to the outpost and turn in Sustenance for Spooked Zebras and Disturbing the Natural Order,
and pick up An Ordinary Request.
Right southwest to a signpost in the road to auto-complete An Ordinary Request.

Pick up Out of their Shells from the signpost and Motives Revealed from Veldah. Head to the south
side of the road and kill 5 tortoises. Yes, hatchlings will update the quest too.

Move west to get to Snowlions rest.

Pick up A Sign from the Spirits. Right click some dry wood on the ground and then right click the
campfire to make a torch.

The head up the hill behind the camp.

You will come to a cave.

You can ignore the hatchlings as they dont aggro and just kill the Giant Striped Spider. When you get it,
talk to the ghosts by the wall.

Pick up Sword of the Tehmi Empire.

Head north and kill a giant striped spider to collect its venom. Again, ignore the hatchlings.

When you get to the north side of the cave, youll run into a set of cobwebs.

Equip your torch and right click the webs to burn them down. Head inside and remember to re-equip
your normal weapon.

Right click on the box in the middle of the room. This will cause a giant spider to appear, a boss monster,
so kill it. You cannot run the webs have already reformed.

Return to the ghosts to turn in Sword of the Tehmi Empire and pick up Returning the Snowlion
Sword. Behind them, right click the treasure chest.

Then head out of the cave and back down to hill to High Priest Teneri to turn your quests in. Pick up
Plains in Danger and The Bonehoarders. Then head west of the camp.

Kill 18 Bonehoarders to overachieve. Note that these mobs will aggro each other if close by.

Near the road, kill the leader, Jamio.

Continue southwest to get to Elzas camp. Turn in Plains in Danger and The Bonehoarders to reach
level 43.
Level 43

Right click the ranch well to gather some water.

Then head across the street into the pen.

Right click 3 jagged rocks in the camp to update the quest (you cannot overachieve)

Then select 3 dirty sheep and right click the item in your quest log to wash them.

Head out the west side of the camp to a bunch of egg sacs.

Right click the egg sac to open it, and then kill the hatchling that spawns. Repeat this process 19 times to
Return to Elzas camp to turn in Protecting the Ranch, Rock Wrangling, and Sheep Cleanup Crew.
Pick up Shadows on the Plains and Conflicting Interests. Head west on the road until you get to a
signpost. Pick up Vipers Not Allowed. Head north of the signpost and kill 8 vipers to autocomplete the

Head southwest to get to a mysterious stone.

Right click the stone to update Shadows on the Farm and a spy will appear. Kill the spy. Then pick up
A Body in the Grass from the corpse.
Continue to follow the road to get to our next camp.

Turn in Shadows on the Plains, Conflicting Interests, and A Body in the Grass. Pick up Unsheathed
claws, The Fallen Snowlions, and Carried on the water.
Go east into the water, and make your way to the center. There is a light current here, so just force your
way to the center.

Right click on the talisman to summon an elemental and kill it.

Exist from the north side of the pond. Kill 20 Vicious Zebras to update The Fallen Snowlions (do not

Head north and kill 8 ostriches and loot them for their feathers to overachieve (100% rate).

Return to the camp to turn in Unsheathed Claws, The Fallen Snowlions, and Carried on the Water.
Pick up A Common Threat and Overseer Observations.
Head south to Overseer Thanis.

Turn in Overseer Observations and pick up Rules of the Plains and Alone in the treetops. Then
press f to climb up the ladder into the treetops. Youll get to Worker Harakis. Pick up Dreams of an
Empire. Then head across the bridge, kill the gorilla on the path.

Head across and turn in Rules of the Plains to Nerudan and pick up Something to Work With. Return
across the bridge and climb up a ladder to get to Salihar.
Turn in Alone in the Treetops and pick up A Complicated Situation. Head up the ramp, killing gorillas
as you go. You will find a small machine on the path.

At the top, in a tent, is the small box.

Head back down off the trees and kill gorillas on the ground until you have 8 to overachieve.

Return to camp to turn in A Common Threat, Dreams of an Empire, Something to Work With, and
A Complicated Situation. Pick up Gargashs Vengeance, Unnecessary Machinery, and Driving Out
the Outpost.

Head south. Youll see Bonehoarder Detectors roaming around. Ignore them, and continue south to get
to the ones charging by a machine.

There will be 2 of them per machine. Kill both bonehoarders. Note that after about 25%, they will self
destruct which hurts bad, so either run away or burst them down. Then right click the machine to
destroy it.

Again, this machine will hurt you if youre close. Repeat these 2 steps for 3 other machines. The golem
quest will auto-complete.
Hamid is relatively close to the road in the center of the recharges.

Attack him from range and kite him far away. He has an add that we will want to reset. When it does,
hes very easy to kill.
Move south to a Schleck who is smart enough not to be standing in the middle of the road like so many
NPCs before him. Turn in Gargashs Vengeance and Unnecessary Machinery. Pick up Scarsteppe
Exposed, History in the Sand, and The Merchants Deal.

Head northeast to a crater.

When you go down into it, a giant grub will appear. Kill it, and it will spawn 2 larvae. Do not
overestimate these larvae they hurt. Kill them, and then loot the relics. Wait for the relics to respawn,
and loot them again. Wait for another respawn and loot 1 of them to overachieve. This can be achieved
without having to fight the grub again.
To the south, kill 5 giant sand scorpions to auto-complete The Merchants Deal.

Kill 8 Giant Ants to auto-complete Scarsteppe Exposed.

Head east to a small campsite.

Turn in History in the Sand and pick up Integrating the Plains.

Move southeast of the camp and kill Unknown Firrans until you get a Secret Document Fragment (check
your inventory). Drop rate is about 30%.

You will get a Skyfang Necklace as a drop. Right click it in your inventory to pick up a quest.
When you have the fragment, right click the item in your quest log to combine the items and update the
Head north across the road and kill 12 Twinhead vipers to overachieve.

Return to the road and head east. Turn in Thinking Outside the Box to Pichen on the road. Then in the
camp, turn in Integrating the Plains and The Ambushers Identity. Pick up Visitor from the
Skyfangs, Hidden Inheritance, Betting on Friendship, and Dire Warnings. Head inside the tent
behind Tashar to loot the box.

Head back out to turn in Hidden Inheritance to Arak.

Head south and turn in Visitor from the Skyfangs to Hyanalt. Pick up Baring their fangs from him,
and Intruders at the Oasis from the signpost.

Kill 8 fish in the lake to auto-complete Intruders at the Oasis.

Return to camp to turn in Baring their Fangs. Pick up Flame in the Plains.
Return south and kill 12 Direwolves to overachieve and kill 12 Shadowhawk Assassins to overachieve.

Gather 12 weeds in the field to overachieve.

Return to camp to turn in Dire Warnings, Betting on Friendship, and Flame in the Plains. Pick up A
Friend as Family and Which Way the Wind Blows. Head out the north end of the camp to talk to
Somja the Lion Cub and turn in Which Way the Wind Blows. Then pick up The Weather Report.
Head north and kill 12 Boars and loot their meats to overachieve.

Then go to the river. Kill a crocodile and then right click its egg to get 8 points of progress. Repeat this 13
times to complete the quest (dont overachieve it).

Return to Somja the Lion Cub to turn in The Weather Report and pick up Forecast for Fortune to
reach level 44.

Level 44
Talk with Shaman Gannahari to turn in Forecast for Fortune and pick up Seen in the Flames. Right
click the fire to update the quest.

Turn in A Friend of the Family to Tashar and Seen in the Flames to Mahra Navi. Then pick up
Undeniable Evidence, The Rescue Mission, Eliminate the Bonehoarders, and A Reckless
Head west of the camp and kill 18 Bonehoarders. Like all Bonehoarders, they proximity aggro.

As you do, head inside the camp. Loot a bonehoarder for a key, and when inside the camp, right click a
cage to free the girl.

Head to the tents in the back of the fenced in area. Loot the secret documents.

Then turn around and kill Hund.

Return to camp and turn in Undeniable Evidence, The Rescue Mission, Eliminate the
Bonehoarders, and A Reckless Challenge. Pick up On the Move, Unplanned Resources, Finding a
Safe Place, and Missing Narayana.
Head southeast to a large tent and head inside to update Missing Narayana.

Talk to Narayana to turn in Missing Narayana and pick up Run, Yata. Select a Yata and right click on
the carrot near it to update the quest and do it 3 times.

Talk to Narayana to turn in it.

Head outside and kill 12 Bonehoarder Trainers to auto-complete the quest.

Follow the road east and turn in Finding a Safe Place to the Merchant Prince (which happens to be a
cool song from 2 steps from hell).

Pick up Energy of the Savannah and The Price of Betrayal. Head west and kill 12 sandcloud grubs to

Move further south and kill and loot crested lizards until you get the airship pass.

Return to the merchant prince to turn the quests in. Pick up Evidence of an agreement and Reviving
the Oasis.
Head south to the middle of the dry pit and right click on the jar.

This area will become a small lake, so swim your way back to the merchant prince to turn in Reviving
the Oasis. Then continue east to the village.

Turn in One the Move and Evidence of an agreement and pick up Hidden in the Grasses and
Yayoltas Challenge.
Head west and remove 8 poachers traps to overachieve.

Then kill 12 water buffalo to overachieve.

Return to camp and turn in Hidden in the Grasses and Yayoltas Challenge. Pick up Mahra Kachens
Proposal, Protecting the Future, and From Dust to Dust. Head south to the Savannah.
There are a variety of elephant calfs next to trappers.

Kill the trapper, and then select the elephant. Right click the talisman in your quest log when you stand
over it to free it. Repeat this process 5 times.
Then, kill 13 more trappers so you have a total of 18 and overachieve.
Head south to a big rock.

Gather 12 bones making your way around to overachieve.

Return to the camp to turn in Mahra Kachens Proposal, From Dust to Dust, and Protecting the
Future. Pick up The Harvest Ceremony.

Head north to the shrine (youll fall off a hill), and use the item in your quest log to drop your pack.

Turn in The Harvest Ceremony to Shaman Huslee and pick up Suspect Behavior and Windheart
from the guy next to her.
To the east, right click on an herb.

Each has an 80% chance of spawning a mob to kill. Do this 8 times to overachieve.

South of them are the Distraught Firrans.

Select one and right click on the staff in your quest log. Hell again turn into a mob, so kill it. Do this 3
times you cannot overachieve.
Return to the shrine to turn in your quests. Pick up Signs of Danger and head back south to the camp
to turn it in to Mahra Kachen. Pick up Delayed Regret and head east along the road to the last camp.

Pick up the signpost quest, Large, Sharp, and Point. Then go into the camp to turn in Delayed Regret
and pick up Meddling from Afar, Destruction Disruption, and Trapping the Wind.
Head west of the camp and kill 8 Mud Golems to overachieve.

Velantia is in the middle of the Mud Golems.

Imagine a line from her to yourself. If there in an escort near it, kill that escort before attacking the boss
they aggro each other. Then drag her out via ranged attacks, and then kill her.
Head southeast and kill 8 buffalos to auto-complete Large, Sharp, and Pointy.

Then head north and kill 5 Duststorm Elementals and loot them. Drop rate is about 80%.

This quest cannot be overachieved.

Return to camp and turn your quests in. Pick up The Ruins of Perinoor and Stories on the breeze.
Head north to the ruins.

Right click the pipe in your inventory to update the quest. Return to the camp to turn it in.
Open up your coin purses (shift + right click) to reach level 45. Then run east to get to our next map.

Level 45-46 Perinoor Ruins

Level 45
Head north along the road. Pick up A Small Request from Binn on your way, and then head further
north. Then well arrive at our first camp.

Turn in The Ruins of Perinoor and A Small Request and pick up Locally Sourced, Tough
Competition, and Tears of the Dead.

Head north of the camp. There will be lots of hooded helltraps.

Find the ones that surround the Deadmans Tears plants, like above. Kill the Hooded ones only, and loot
them until you have 12 partially eaten food. Their drop rate is about 30% of the partially eaten food.
When you have an area clear, gather the flower and move to the next one. Repeat this until you have 8
Do not overachieve either quest, its a total waste of time. The quest will literally complete Watcher of
the Ruins 1 by itself.
Return to camp and turn in Tough Competition, Watcher of the Ruins 1, and Tears of the Dead.
Pick up Watcher of the Ruins 2.

Head north and kill 18 Deadly Bloodbores to overachieve.

Return to camp to turn in Locally Sourced and pick up A Gruesome Collection and A Missing Ally.
Head north and ignore the mobs until you get to the lake. A Missing Ally will auto-complete.

Pick up A Stolen Gift from the ghost, and A Message Left Behind from the corpse.

Then, head east to go up a hill.

At the top, cross the bridge and well get to the Senior Executioner.

Turn in The Stolen Gift and pick up Return the Earrings and An Ongoing Distruption.

Head down the hill and into the lake. Kill a Piranha and loot it for An Ongoing Disruption.

Return to the shore and turn in An Ongoing Disruption to the ghost.

Now, kill 18 skeletons and loot them to overachieve A Gruesome Collection. Broken Skeletons will not
drop the item. Do this as you make your way southeast.

At the bottom of the hill is a camp.

Turn in A Gruesome Collection and A Message Left Behind. Pick up Pulling the Strings and
Preserving the Relics.
Head southeast and kill the preservationist in front of the tent. Loot him for a document, and pick up the
quest behind him from the trade pack.

You will have a trade pack on you, so return to the camp to update Recovering Relics. When it
updates, right click the item in your quest log to place the item down.

Speak to Lim to turn the quest in.

Head southeast again and kill Preservationists until you have 18 killed to overachieve. Loot them until
you get a document.

Return to camp and turn in Pulling the Strings and Preserving the Relics. Pick up Revealing Motives
(Ignore Night Howlers this quest is too hard and constrained to night only). Open up your inventory
and right click the bottle to combine the items.

Select Natool and right click the item in your quest log to update the quest. Then pick up Fending for
Run back southwest to the first camp and turn in Watcher of the Ruins 2. Pick up Watcher of the
Ruins 3 and Speedy Deliver. Then go back northeast to return to our current camp and turn in
Speedy Delivery.

Head northeast and kill 15 Giant Direwolves to update Fending for Themselves (Dont overachieve).

Return back to the camp to turn it in.

Head east and up the temple to a box.

Right click it to turn in Returning the Earrings and auto-complete the quest.

Head north to a camp of apprentices.

Pick up Statue Recovery. Return south and collect the upper and lower parts of the statue in the lake
and above it.

Return to Hee to turn in Statue Recovery and pick up Statue Stacking.

Head south to the Perinoor Ruins and youll find a lot of bases.

Right click the base to start building the statue.

Right click the statue to build it further, and then one more time to complete it.
Return to Hee to turn the quest in and then speak with Yong to pick up To Goldscale Garden.

Head due east to a canopy.

Turn in To Goldscale Garden and pick up The Scoundrel. Then head north to the apprentices.

Turn in The Scoundrel and pick up Carved in Stone, Stolen Bottles of Blue, The Understudys
Challenge, and Make a Rubbing.

Return to the canopy. There is a book next to the crown price.

Right click it to update The Understudys Challenge. Return to Min at the shines steps to turn it in.
Head west towards a pyramid. Speak with Eunyoung on the steps to pick up Going too Far. Head right
of him and kill 8 Protectors to overachieve. Loot one for Stolen Bottles of Blue.

Return to Euonyong to turn the quest in and pick up Clinging to the Past.

Head up the stairs and right click the wall to make a rubbing of it.

Go around the center to the unknown man and pick up The Sixth Figure. Then in the back, make
another rubbing to update Make a Rubbing.

Return to the apprentices and turn in Stolen Bottles of Blue, Carved in Stone, Make a Rubbing, and
Clinging to the Past. Then pick up Waiting on Delivery.

Return to the crown prince in the canopy to turn in The Sixth Figure.
Head west to Apprentice Hees Camp again to turn in Waiting of Delivery and pick up General Nadir
of the West, The Trouble with Bats, General Meredith of the North, and General Alkimi of the
Head down into the area where we assembled the statue and then up into the temple.

When we get inside, well get a quest called Eternal Imperial Spirits. These mobs like to fade in and out
of view, so just keep your eyes out of where they are. Dont bother grinding them, well kill enough on
the way. Kill General Alkimis Lieutenant (boss).

That quest will auto-complete. Head into the room on the right, killing spirits along the way.
In the second room, kill General Nadirs Lieutenant (boss) to auto-complete the quest.

Continue down the hall and youll find another lieutenant in a little building.

Kill him (boss) to pick up General Rujin of the East.

Head east to get to General Merediths Lieutenant (boss). Kill him to auto-complete the quest.

If you havent already, kill 5 imperial spirits to auto-complete the quest.

Kill 8 bats to overachieve.

Head west to get to a doorway and out of the tomb. To the west is another tomb. Head up the stairs to
an altar.

Right click it to summon Pavitra. Talk to her to turn in General Rujin of the East and pick up Empress

Head back to the north to the canopy. Empress Pavitra will auto-complete. Pick up Audience with the
Crown Price from the Crown Prince. Select the Crown prince, and in your chat box (press enter to open
it up), type /bow to bow.

Turn in Audience with the Crown Prince and pick up Traces of Goldscales.
Head into the lake to the east and at the bottom, loot 3 Goldscale scales. You cannot overachieve.

Return to the crown prince to turn the quest in. Then head south (you can get over the mountain by
following the right path, or you can take the long path around the mountain) to get to our next camp.

Pick up The Winds of Change, Empire Stone, Theyre Only Words, Guardian of Past Glory, The
Missing Goldscale, and Beware Aggressive Yaksa (Signpost quest).
Head north to a lake. Gather 8 pebbles from under the lake to overachieve.

If a young skyfin attacks you, just hit it a few times to kill it they are very weak.
Return to camp to turn in Empire Stone and pick up To Stonehew.
Head south into the Skyfin nest and kill 18 skyfins to overachieve.

After about 6, you will get a hidden quest. Just take the reward for free XP.
Kill 10 Yaksa to auto-complete Beware Aggressive Yaksa.

We will need to kill 3 Yaksa commanders all bosses. The priest Abissa is in the middle of the nest, and
has healing skills. You will need to loot this one for its quest item.

The Windcaller is on the west side and is a sorcerer with the damn Wind Blade skill.

The last one, Commander Pagardi, is on the east side and is a melee type mob.

Return to camp to turn in Theyre Only Words, Guardian of Past Glory, and The Missing Goldscale
and reach level 46.
Level 46
Head west to get to the main town of Perinoor Ruins.

Turn in The Winds of Change and To Stonehew and pick up What Damron Saw, Searching for the
Lieutenant, No Hammer Left Behind, and Eyes that Shine.
Damron is really annoying and runs around town. She wont stop if you try to talk to her, breaking your
conversation. I suggest getting in front of her and smashing f repeatedly to update the quest. If you
really care what she says, its Water for Yaksa, water for daddy...

Return to Minara to turn in What Damron Saw. Talk to Ria to turn in Eyes that Shine and pick up
Relics of Perinoor. Then talk to Miya to pick up Mimic This.

Head south to get to the stone ruins. You will get a quest automatically named Disturbing the ruins.

In here, kill 8 Ruins Watchers to auto-complete the quest.

Kill 18 Monstrous Mimics to Overachieve.

Loot them to get a Perinoor Carving.

The hammer is right in the middle of the road on the east side of the ruins.

The Lieutenant is on the west side of the ruins. Approach him to autocomplete Searching for the
Lieutenant. Pick up Trail Gone Cold from him.

Return to turn to turn in No Hammer Left Behind, The Ruins of Perinoor, Mimic This, Watcher of
the Ruins 3, and Trail Gone Cold.
Pick up De-cypher and Pride of Craftmanship. You can pick up Watcher of the Ruins 4, but we
most likely wont complete it. Right click a statue behind Kane.

Turn the quest in to Kane, and then run south to get to our next camp.

Turn in De-cypher and pick up The Legendary Swords, Free the Shimmering Skyfin, The Yaksas
Anger, Secret of the Yaksa, A Cowards Excuse. Then head west and up the stairs to a set of swords.

Right click it and it will turn into a mob. Kill the mob (boss monster) and loot it to update The Legendary
Swords and auto-acquire the quest A Cut Above the Rest.

Move south from here. Kill 18 Yaksa Spearmen to overachieve.

Then kill Yaksa Priests and attempt to loot them for evidence. This drop rate is abysmal, so be prepared
to grind.

In the center, kill Berserker Lakim and loot him for his spear.

Right click the Skyfin next to him (in the picture above) to free it and auto-complete Free the
Shimmering Skyfin.
Follow the road east and back north to the camp to turn in The Legendary Swords, Secret of the
Yaksa, A Cowards Excuse, and A Cut Above the Rest. Pick up Analyzing the Evidence. Then head
east to our next camp.

Turn in The Yaksas Anger and Analyzing the Evidence. Pick up And their Axes and Recording the
Head north to another pyramid. Right click an axe to awaken it, and kill the boss mob that spawns in its

You will need to loot the axe to update the quest and auto-acquire the quest The Bigger They Are....
Kill a mimic to update Recording the Process.

Return to camp to turn in And Their Axes, Recording the Process, and The Bigger They Are, and
pick up Reversing Destiny.
Head southwest to the Yaksas again. Select one of them, get within 10m, and right click the flower in
your quest log to send them to the hereafter.

Return to camp to turn in Reversing Destiny and pick up To Blackwood Ramparts.

Head east and pick up Warning the Camp from Adoreen on the road. Move east to get to our final

Turn in To Blackwood Ramparts and Warning the Camp and pick up Lights Out, Back to the Arms
of Nui, Preservationists Revealed, and On Tattered Wings. Ignore Scattering the Mist as this quest
is too long for what it is worth, as all mobs are bosses.
Head west of the camp and kill 15 Wandering Souls (Dont Overachieve).

Return to camp and turn the quest in.

Head south and you should see lots of souls lights (not the healing lights). Select one, get close to it, and
right click the wisp flame to send it on.

Repeat this 5 times. Then, kill 12 gargoyles to overachieve.

Head northeast and kill 12 Preservationists to update the quest (do not overachieve).

Return to camp and turn in Lights Out, Preservationists Revealed, and On Tattered Wings. Pick up
To Hasla and Fight or Flight.

Head south again, and follow the road to the southwest until you get to the Ghostly characters.

Kill 8 Wizards and 8 Warriors to update the quest (Do not overachieve). Return to the camp to turn the
quest in.
Open up your coin purses to hit level 47. Then follow the road east as it bends a north, following it into
Hasla our next zone.

Level 47-48 Hasla

Level 47
Head north along the road to Balsas Outpost.

Turn in To Hasla and pick up Do the Monuments Exist and the Lost Explorer. Move a little west to
get to a signpost and pick up its quest. Then kill 8 spiders to auto-complete the quest.

Follow the path west to get to Achan.

Turn in The Lost Explorer and pick up Long Distance Relationship. Then use the stone 3 times to pay
respect, clean it, and then read it to update Do the Monuments Exist?

Return to Baisa to turn in Do Monuments exist.

Follow the road north to the next signpost.

Then kill 12 crows and boars on the left side of the road.

Continue to follow the road northwest, and when you can, head up the hill to our first town.

Pick up A Matter of Urgency from Ji Su on the steps, and then on the top, pick up Fertilizer Formula.
Ahmin is inside a house with a circle as a door to turn in Long Distance Relationship. On the east side
of town, pick up Good for the Heart.
Head back down the hill and gather 8 bamboo to overachieve.

Head north, and then take an east bend to our next signpost.

Kill 8 Scrumpers on the right to auto-complete the quest. One will drop a Disguise Mask, so use it to
pick up a quest, and turn it in to Bomi (across the road from the Scrumpers).

Pick up A Scrumper in Farmers Clothing and head north. Select a suspicious farmer and right click the
soul mirror in your quest log to transform him into a monster.

After disposing of him, return to Bomi to turn the quest in.

Continue east to our next signpost.

Pick up its quest. Then head down into the fields.

Kill 12 Deer and 8 Does to overachieve both quests, and auto-complete A Husbands Plee.

Return to town and turn in A Matter of Urgency to Ji Su on the steps. Then in town on top, turn in
Fertilizer Formula to Soyo and pick up Fertilizer Assistant

Stand in front of Soyo and right click the item in your quest log.

Right click the bone to crush it, and then right click it again to collect it. Turn it in to Soyo and pick up
Fertilizer Delivery.
Head to the East side of town and turn in Good for the Heart and pick up A Sensitive Issue. Then go
to the Honor Point Collector to turn in Guardian of Hasla 1 and pick up Guardian of Hasla 2.
Head down the hill and kill 3 Kosan Followers to auto-complete the quest ignore the fire mage.

Head east past the deer to get to our next outpost.

Turn in Fertilizer Delivery and pick up A Small Consolation and Too Big to Squash. Pick up Strange
Creatures in the Fields from the signpost.
Head out into the fields and kill a spotted centipede (boss).

Loot it to update the quest.

Then select a hooded helltrap and right click the trap in your quest log to lure it and explode it. Do this 5
times (cannot be overachieved).

Then, kill 12 Helltraps to auto-complete Strange Creatures in the Field. Note that centipedes do count
in this tally, but you should avoid them due to their difficulty.
Return to the camp to turn in A Small Consolation and Too Big to Squash and pick up Odd Growth.
Head north through the ravine.

Pick up the signpost quest. Then right click 8 plants sticking up (you cannot overachieve).

Then kill 15 contaminated crows or earth elementals to auto-complete the sign quest.
Continue on the road east to Kaho to turn in Odd Growth.

Speak with Yoko nearby him to pick up Strong Convictions. Then head east to the Jade pond.

Right click the item in your quest log to update Strong Convictions.

Head to the shore and speak with Sorelle to pick up A Simple Task. Return into the water and kill a
pond elemental (boss), and loot it for its axe.

Return to Sorelle to turn the quest in.

Then continue on our road west to get to our second camp.

Turn in Strong Convictions and pick up Gesture of Good Faith, Basic Needs, Tehmika Medicine,
and The East Kosan Monument.
Head south of the camp and up a hill to get to the next monument.

Right click it to pay respects, and right click again to read it, auto-completing the quest. Then head down
and into the forest.
Kill 12 small earth elementals for their extracts to overachieve.

Then kill about 8 Mud Golems for Hardened Clay Crystals to Overachieve. Each can drop 2, 3, or 4, so kill
them until you have 23.

Then loot 8 Millennium Herbs in the area to overachieve.

Pick up Gesture of Goodwill and Fair Treatment in the camp, and then run south to a little house.

Turn in Gesture of Goodwill and Fair Treatment. Pick up A Simple Solution and A Sisterly

Then head south and gather 5 bouquets to update Gesture of Goodwill.

Each will spawn a small elemental, so get ready to run after you gather.
Return to Jinunji at the house to turn in A Simple Solution and pick up Travel Plans. Then follow the
road south until you see a cave to the south (not the cave immediately west of the house thatll be

The cave bats are boss monsters, so your best best is to summon your mount, run in, loot the box, and
run out until the bats reset.

Continue south to get to Hasaru and turn in Sisterly Concern.

Return to the house to turn in Travel Concerns and pick up Critical Blocker. Now were going to head
west through cave by the house.

In the cave, as you slash your way west, kill 5 Cave bats to overachieve.

When we make it through ht othe west side, well be back at Yolto and Yui. Turn in Critical Blocker and
pick up Desperate Measures. Then pick up Gratitude of Galegarden. Right click the item in your
quest log to auto-complete the quest.
Return west along the road and head up the hill to town to turn in Guardian of Hasla 2 and pick up
Guardian of Hasla 3.
Head north and take the first road east into the cursed village.

Turn in Desperate Measures and pick up Chasing Rumors. Then head south and kill 5 Mottled
Mandragoras to overachieve and loot them (100% drop).

Return to the cursed village to turn in Chasing Rumors and pick up The Sick and the Plagued and
Restoring their Senses.
Head east and kill 8 plagued men and women to overachieve The Sick and the Plagued.

Continue west to the Crazed Males and Females. Select them, and then right click the item in your quest
log to dispel them.

Return to town to turn in The Sick and the Plagued and Restoring their Senses and pick up In the
Line of Duty. Return to the Mandrora area and go deep into it. Youll see a little hill heading to the
right. Head up to it to get to a cave. Inside, kill 18 thugs to overachieve In the Line of Duty.

When you have 18, run quickly into the tent and pick up the quest from the jar. It is very hard to get the
boss and mobs down long enough to enter safely unless you have a group, so just press f repeatedly
when youre in to pick up the quest.

Return out and head north. This is a tunnel, so youll get to air. Jump down to the camp and turn in In
the Line of Duty and Location Revealed to hit level 48.

Level 48
Pick up A Sense of Purpose and run north along the road. When you get to the fork (houses should be
in front of you), make a left to get to our second town.

Turn in A Sense of Purpose and pick up Bamboo Harvest and Ritual Ram Horns.
Head southwest and kill 12 mountain goats for their horns to overachieve.

Then gather 8 Bamboo Shoots to overachieve.

Return to town to turn in your quests and pick up The Missing Sister.
Head west to Huya.

Walk towards the shrine to auto-complete the quest, and a mob will start attacking you.

Kill it and loot the High Priests Ledger from him. Right click it to pick up a quest. Then talk to the High
Priest to pick up Faith or Fraud.
Continue west to talk to 3 NPCs standing by the road.

Pick up Proof of Skill, An Ancient Battle, and The West Kosan Monument from them.

Head west and begin to gather stones on the ground.

Hover your mouse over them to determine if they are scales or paws, and gather 5 of each.
On the west side is Dillifa.

Talk to him to pick up Lost to the Forest.

Head behind him to the West Kosan Monument. Right click it twice to pray to it and read it.

The quest will auto-complete.

To the north is the beauty and the seven brothers (ha ha, funny).
Kill what you need to (all but the leader die in 3 hits) and head to the back. Select her and right click the
flute to play it.

The quest will update and she will turn into a boss monster.

Kill it to update the quest.

Then, in the far west, kill the white tiger. This is a boss, but does not proximity aggro, so pull him from
range before attacking.

Return to Daliffa to turn in Lost to the Forest, and then to the NPCs by the road to turn in Proof of
Skill and An Ancient Battle.
Return to the town to turn in Faith or Fraud and Shady Dealings. Pick up Seeking the King. Run
north to 3 apprentices near a house.

Turn in Seeking the King and pick up Making Excuses, Traditional Toques, and A Bundle of Zinnia
Head south and collect 12 Zinnia Flowers to overachieve.

Follow this by kill 12 bears (do not overachieve waste of time).

Then kill 15 cranes (Do not overachieve waste of time).

Return to the Apprentices to turn in the three quests and pick up Power Behind the Throne.

Head North and up the pavilion to turn in Power Behind the Throne.

Return down the pavilion and pick up The Retired Soldier from Jisori. Then head down the road and
follow it east. Head into the housing area, and go north to the little peninsula.

Turn in The Retired Soldier and pick up Food for the Soul.

Head south and gather 5 small mushrooms for the easiest overachieve ever.

Return to the peninsula to turn it in and pick up A Proper Send-Off, Stopping the Scavengers, and
Signs of Discontent.
At this point, we need to deal with a little bug. There is a ferry that is supposed to be going back and
forth across the stream. If you try to swim in the stream, it will carry you with a super strong force all the
way to the east of the map, forcing your to run back. You could take the long way around, but there is a

Head as far upstream as you can on land. Then, open up your glider (if its double tap space, do that).
Glide across the river as far as you can. This should take you almost to the edge. Then swim diagonally to
get to the other side.

When on the other side, head onto the non-working ferry and scatter the flowers (right click the item in
your quest log) to auto-complete A Proper Send-Off.

Then move north and burn 3 wagons you cannot overachieve this quest.

Finally, kill 12 Kosan Heirs. Do not overachieve it is a waste of time.

Loot one for Hugos Ledger and right click it to start a quest. Head back across the river the same way
head upstream, glide, and then swim. Turn in Stopping the Scavengers, Signs of Discontent, and
Detailed Instructions. Then pick up Operation Crowswarm and head to the other side via gliding.

Captain Hugo is on the west side of the Heirs.

You can summon crows on him by pressing r, but hes easy enough to kill. He wont aggro his left or
right hand, so just drag him away from them via a few ranged attacks before killing him.
Head across the river one more time to turn in Operation Crowswarm and pick up Advice and
Head east along the road to the entrance to the castle.

Pick up Health Check from Aoki. Right click the item in your quest log to update the quest and then
turn it in. Then proceed across the bridges.
Turn in Advice and Assistance to Heshi and pick up Offerings of Sincerity and The Handlers
Concerns. Make sure to register the book near Heshi as a recall point.
Now were going to head into the castle proper. Pick up A Crisis of History from History Professor Hise.
We will find the first part of the History in a corner.

Head out a circular hole and head counter-clockwise. When the passageway ends, well get to the next

Return to the middle of the room to the elevator.

This elevator has goes to 3 floors bottom (what were on), middle, and top. Take it up to the middle
floor and head to the outer ring.

Gather the remaining 2 books in the corners of this outer ring.

Return down to the bottom level and talk to Hise to turn in A Crisis of History. Then take the elevator
to the top floor.

Head out the north end of the castle and head down to Dai Jun.

Pick up Guarding Against the Graves and Cant Not Help.

Head down the cliff to the south to get to the slimes.

Kill a slime for its residue.

Then, gather 8 Jade Stones to overachieve.

Use your recall ability to get back to the first floor of the castle. Head out of it to head back to Heshi and
turn in Offerings of Sincerity and pick up First, A Small Favor.
Jump off the bridge to the small island below with the elemental on it. Use your glider to help. If this is
too difficult, glide to the slime area and then glide across to the elemental.

Kill the elemental for its axe. We have two options. First, we can use our travel journal and a hereafter
stone to make a gate to the castle in Hasla (last page). Second, we can let the river take us to the misty
area at the end.

Head out the east side to escape the misty pool, and then make your way back west along the road to
get back to Heshi.
Regardless of which you choose, pick up Meeting with Asaji. Head into the castle and up to the top
floor. Asaji is on the podium. Speak with him to turn in Meeting with Asaji.

Head down the stairs on the north end. You will get to an Honor Point collector. Turn in Guardian of
Hasla 3. You can pick up Guardian of Hasla 4, but we wont be completing it.

Head down the stairs and then east through some scaffolding and up some stone stairs to get to Yujina.

Turn in The Handlers Concerns and pick up For Love of Animals.

Then follow the road northwest to get to the foxes and kill 18 of them for meat to overachieve.

Head up the stairs to the north and then go east to the 3 gravekeepers.

Turn in Guarding Against the Graves and pick up Shadows on the Spirit, Shameless, and Family

To the west, kill 15 graverobbers. Do not overachieve (waste of time).

Then head south and up the long set of stairs.

Inside the building at the top, loot the family heirloom.

Then head down the stairs and to the east to kill 12 Death Hunters to overachieve.

Return to the gravekeepers to turn in your quests and pick up Getting to the Point and Heirloom

Head back west and up some stairs to get to the Graverobber Leader.

The wolves next to him will proximity aggro, so kill them first before the leader.
Continue west along the road to get to a small canyon leading to a tunnel.

Head into the tunnel, and ignoring the mobs, run to the first treasure chest and loot it.

Head to the back and kill the werewolf before opening the second chest behind it.

Return to the graverobbers to turn in your quests and pick up Unsolicited Advice.

Head East off the cliff and follow the path northeast to get to a river.

This river is more forgiving than the other one, but it will still pull you. Use your glider to get across it to
the other side. Then head into the house and talk with Arashi to turn in Cant Not Help and pick up
The Skyfin Grudge.

Return across the river and kill 8 Skyfins, looting them, to overachieve. These mobs drop at an 80% rate.

Return back across the river to Arashi to turn in The Skyfin Grudge and pick up Release the Collecting
Head into the room behind Arashi and right click 3 broken collectors to update Release the Collecting

Return to Arashi to turn the quest in.

Then, run south back to Yujina the Animal Handler behind the scaffolding and up the stairs to turn in
For Love of Animals. Pick up Stealing the Keys.
Head west to a Bonehoarder Royal Guard. Right click the stinger to put it to sleep, and then press f to
grab the cage keys. You only have about 20 seconds to do this.

Return to Yujina to turn in Stealing the Keys and pick up Back to the Savannah. Right click the 3
cages behind her to free the animals and update the quest.

Talk to Yujina to turn in Back to the Savannah.

Head west along the road to get to Tano.

Turn in Unsolicited Advice and pick up The Stuff of Legends. Head into the poppy field and right click
a blue shining light.

Two mobs will spawn. Dont fight them just run until they reset. Two things can happen. Either the
quest will update, or you drew a fake and have to repeat the process again. Do this until you get the real
Return to the castle to the bottom floor and talk to Buyani to turn in The Stuff of legends and pick up
Asajis Army.
Head north through the hole and down the planks to get to the Army. Kill 10 of them. Note that the
assassins have fear, so you dont want to be near anyone.

For me, I just stood at the entrance and killed them they respawn very fast. Dont overachieve, its a
waste of time.
Return to Buyani to turn in Asajis Army and pick up Returning the King. Head up to the third floor to
talk to Asaji and turn in Returning the King.

Head down the steps and to the right to speak with Neri. Pick up To Karlasse from him.

Open your coin purses to hit level 49, if you are not already, and right click the gate to head to the next,
and final, zone. If you cannot get through it due to hereafter stones, go to the nearest auctioneer
(second floor), and buy 3.

Level 49-50 Karkasse Ridgelands

Level 49
Karkasse Ridgelands, our final map, is where our overachieving will pay off. Around halfway, we should
hit level 50, and we will not need to overachieve anything. Once that happens, the remaining quests are
to get the hat and complete the set, and for extra gold.
Head north out of the portal to the first camp.

Turn in To Karkasse and pick up A Poisoned Wasteland and Life in the Land of Death.

Head to the back of the outpost and plant a flower in the garden by right clicking the item in your quest

Then head north to a diseased bear.

Select it and right click the potion in your quest log to update the quest. Return to the outpost to turn in
A Poisoned Wasteland and Life in the Land of Death.

Pick up Hidden Water and Bones of the Fallen. Then head north and dig up damp earth by right
clicking on it.

A little more to the north, right click on some animal bones to gather them.

Right click the item in your quest log to place a grave and update Bones of the Fallen.

Return to the outpost to turn in Hidden Water and Bones of the Fallen and pick up Withered
Return to the flower patch from earlier and right click a flower to update Withered Flowers.

Return to Ryan to turn the quest in. Pick up Reclaiming the Reservoir, Reptilian Reavers, and An
Ancient Civilization
Head north and dig up dirt mounds until you get a Nuon Artifact (33% rate).

Then kill 12 Redscale Wyrmkin (remember, were not overachieving anything).

Return to the outpost and turn in Reptilian Reavers and An Ancient Civilization and pick up An
Expert Archaeologist.
Return north, but this time, instead of going down to the Wyrmkin, go up the right hand ridge. Youll get
to a bridge leading over the canyon.

Cross over it to get to the Island Camp. Turn in Reclaiming the Reservoir and An Expert
Archaeologist, and pick up Healing Herbs and Rainmaker Ritual.
Head west across the bridge and kill 8 Wind Elementals and loot them for their hearts.

Gather 5 Thorny Cottons in the area as well.

Return to camp to turn in the quests and pick up To Iona Village and Frozen Hearts.

Head west out of the skyline camp and then head north to a pond with water elementals.

Kill 10 for water elemental energy. You only need 8, but the last 2 are for the Keeper of Karkasse quest.
Return to the sky camp to turn in Frozen Hearts and pick up Call the Storm. Also turn in Keeper of
the Karkasse 1 and pick up Keeper of the Karkasse 2.
Head west across the bridge to get to a crystal on a solitary island rock.

Right click on it, and some rain will come down on you. Return to the sky camp to turn the quest in.
Head northeast to get to our first town.

Turn in To Iona Village and pick up Caring for Kestrels, Fields of Iona, Construction Materials,
and Capture a Wyrmkin.
Head up the stairs and look on top of a hut.

Use your glider to get on top of it and gather the two eggs. Wait for them to respawn and gather 1
more. Then turn in Caring for Kestrels.
Head north of the camp and gather 8 Nuon Fragments.

Then, kill 8 Rock Elementals and 8 Earth Elementals and loot them for their soulstones.

Then go and attack a Wyrmkin scout until they are under 50% health. These guys disappear and
reappear at times.

When it is under 50%, right click the net in your quest log to capture it and update the quest.
Return to town to turn in The fields of Iona, Nuon Construction Methods, and Capture a Wyrmkin.
When you turn in The Fields of Iona, pick up the follow up Combining the Fragments. Right click the
item in your quest log, and youll go flying for a little bit. Turn the quest in to Geoff.
Pick up What Woke the Wyrmkin, The Bone Pool, The Wyrmkins Captive, and The Redscale
Chieftain. Head south to the Wyrmkin base.

Ledelin is on the ground, dead.

Head south to get to the Chieftain.

Kill him (boss) and loot him for his necklace. Then talk to the unknown elf body to pick up The Silver

Head north into the pool down the cliff.

When inside, right click the item in your quest clog to update The Bone Pool. Then kill 12 Wyrmkin in it
to update What Woke the Wyrmkin.
Return to torn to turn in What Woke the Wyrmkin, The Bone Pool, The Wyrmkins Captive, The
Redscale Chieftain, and The Silver Ring. You need to speak to Pruas and Bruding for The Silver Ring.
Pick up The Energys Effects.

Head out of town and into the hut right on the outskirts. Yes, it does have a door, its just hard to see.

Ellhorn inside will attack you, but hes easy to kill. Return to town to turn in The Energys Effects and
pick up The Brownscale Wyrmkin and Trace of the Arcane.
Head north and kill a Rock Titan (boss in a field of elementals) and loot it for a Dragon Bone Chip.

Follow the road to the far north to get to the Redscale encampment.

The Brownscale Wyrmkin will auto-complete. Turn in Trace of the Arcane and pick up Naga
Invaders and Petrified Brownscales.
Head west and loot 8 Kudzu roots.

Then, kill 20 Nagas. You can also loot 5 eggs to avoid killing 3 Nagas.

Return to camp to turn in Naga Invaders and Petrified Brownscales. Then pick up Healing the
Brownscales and The Chieftains Message.

In the camp, select a Bronscale Wyrmkin. Right click the bottle in your quest log to free it.

Then turn the quest in.

Head back south to the town. Turn in The Chieftains Message and pick up A Letter to Lavis and
Healing Fruit.
Right click the tree in your quest log to plant it. Wait a minute for it to grow and then gather it by
pressing f.

Turn the quest in to Jeyon and pick up The Price of Power.

Head into a hut nearby with a feverish elf.

Select the elf and then right click the item in your quest log. He will turn into a monster, but there are
enough guards around that they will kill him. Return to Jeyon to turn in The Price of Power and pick up
A Risky Cure.
Head northeast out of town and kill 8 Giant Saracentias and loot them for their petals.

Then return to Jeyon to turn in A Risky Cure.

Head northwest along the road as it bends west, arriving to our next town.

Turn in A Letter to Lavis and Keeper of the Karkasse 2 (You have to run to the east side of town and
up the stairs to get to the honor point collector) to reach level 50.

Level 50
If you have followed my guide to the details, you are now level 50. Congrats! But, any number of things
could have happened and you are not level 50. This section will detail the questing done all the way to
the end of the zone.
It is suggested that if you are level 50, you follow this guide until you complete the quest The Shaman
of Dragonroar. This will give you the hat to complete your armor set.
However, once you hit level 50, you can underachieve quests. This means that you can only kill half of
the required mobs to turn in the quest. You will still get the same items and gold, but your XP gain will
be cut in half. But why care, youre level 50 anyways. If you are still level 49, complete all quests to 100%
In town, pick up The Brownscale Priosner. Head north and right click the cage to free the prisoner.

Return to Iprion to turn in the quest. Then in town pick up The Restless Dead, Ancient Relics,
Lavahorn Leather, Swords in the Stones, and Incence Defense.

Head west of the town and destroy 5 boulders.

Then, gather 8 ancient relics. There is about a 25% chance an ancient spirit will emerge, so kill it if it

Then, kill ancient spirits until you have 8 kills (4 if you are level 50).

In the middle of the area is a signpost.

If you are not level 50, pick up its quest. If you are level 50, ignore it as it just gives experience.

Head southwest. If you are not level 50, kill 12 swords.

Then continue southwest. Kill 12 Lavahorn Oxen and loot them for their leather (6 if you are level 50),
and gather 8 trees.

Return to town to turn all your quests in and pick up Iprions Letter.

Head south to our next camp.

Turn in Iprions Letter and pick up Captives in Dragonroar Fortress and The Minotaur Sentries.
Head west along the road to Brano.

Pick up Stolen Merchandise.

Continue west to two caged Wyrmkins.

Pick up The Minotaur Shamans and Freeing the Brownscales from them.
Head north, down into a misty area. Here, right click of 3 prisons to free the wyrmkin. Note that only
one side works, so if you cant right click on it, head further around.

Then kill 12 Minotaur Sentries. This quest cannot be under-achieved and auto-completes

Head into the lake and kill 8 Shamans (4 if you are level 50).

Return to the caged Wyrmkins to turn in The Minotaur Shamans and Freeing the Brownscales.

Head across the street into the fortress (you need to go through a small canyon). To the north, grab the
box in a tent for the stolen merchandise.

Make your way east into the fortress. Youll find a minotaur in a large caged area.

Pick up The Minotaurs Madness from him.

Then, as you make your way east, kill 8 Minotaur Berserkers (4 if you are level 50).

Note that these mobs do proximity aggro other mobs.

You will continue east, and then double back to go southwest to the elf prison.

This place is guarded extremely heavily, and you will die if you try to get in from the front. Because of
this, we need an alternative route.

Head up the hill to your left (jump up it if you get stuck). At the top is a guard tower.

Climb up the guard tower and kill the mob at the top. Then, glide to the hill near the camp.

From here, glide into the camp. The watcher will shoot you down, but hell reset as you fall and youll be
in the camp.

Captives in Dragonroar Fortress will update. Turn the quest in. You cannot jump into the prisons, but
you can talk to people by right clicking them.

Pick up Defeat the Jailers, Parting Words, The Shamans Relic, A Secret Cure, The Minotaur
Chieftain, and The Brownscale Sage.
Run out of the jail for your life, preferably on your mount, and then when all mobs reset, start heading
west towards the entrance of the fortress.
Kill 12 Wyrmkin Warriors on your way west (6 if you are level 50).

Head south, then talk to Elder Minotaur Rothrum (right hand side) to turn in The Minotaurs Madness.

Pick up The Shaman of Dragonroar.

Continue south to a fenced in area. Here, kill the leader Aliskan.

In the back, kill the shaman.

Behind him, loot a jar of relics.

Then head further south. In the back of the camp is a path leading to a large lake. Head into the lake and
swim (or row), almost all the way to the end.

When you see a glowing blue light underneath you, aim your camera down and start swimming down.

Gather the spring water from this rock.

Return north and turn in The Shaman of Dragonroar. Then head back to the elven prison camp the
same annoying way as before to turn in The Minotaur Chieftain, A Secret Cure, Parting Words, and
Defeat the Jailers.

Head out of the fortress and run north back to town. On the way, turn in the stolen merchandise to
Brano. In town, turn in The Shamans Relic and pick up A Different Kind of Battle.

Head east to a small outpost with 2 Brownscales.

Turn in The Brownscale Sage and pick up The Heart of the Serpant.

To the south, kill 8 Twinhead Vipers (4 if you are level 50).

Return to the Outpost to turn in The Heart of a Serpent and pick up Cleansing the Bone Pool.
Head just west of the outpost into the water.

Right click the item in your quest log to update the quest. Return to the outpost to turn in Cleansing the
Bone Pool and pick up A Source of Power.

Head east and youll come across a signpost with a quest.

If you are level 49, pick it up and kill 12 eagles.

If you are level 50, ignore it and continue east.

Follow the road all the way to the northeast to our last camp.

Pick up Snakes and Stones, Eggs in the Ruins, The Naga Queen, and if you are level 49 Face the
Firetalons from the signpost.
Head northwest out of the camp to get to Anadel.

Turn in A Different Kind of Battle and pick up Love Blooms in the Ridgelands.

Right click the item in your quest log to update Love Blooms in the Ridgelands.

Then talk to Ryan to turn it in.

Head east and right click 5 Firetalon Eagle Eggs to destroy them.

Continue east. If you are level 49, stop and kill 12 Firetalon Eagles to auto-complete Face the

Continue east and kill 12 Red Clay Nagas (6 if you are level 50).

At the far east is the Naga Queen.

Use a ranged attack to lure her to you, and then kill her.
Return to camp to turn in Snakes and Stones, Eggs in the Ruins, and The Naga Queen and pick up
The Staff of Verga.
Head south to a wizard outside of Red Clay Fortress.

Pick up The Dragonstone and head inside. We will auto-acquire Defeat Vergas Wyrmkin when we
set our foot inside.
Kill 12 Wyrmkin (you cannot underachieve). This quest will auto-complete.

Then head over to the crystal. An elemental will arise.

Kill the elemental to auto-complete Breath of the Dragon, and right click the stone to update The

Warlock Verga walks up and down the stairs facing the stone.

Make sure you are at full health and have food and potions ready before you start attack him. He is a
boss monster, so hes rather hard. However, when you kill him, hell re-arise and youll get a quest
Vergas True Form.

His True Form is actually easier, but youre already hurting from the last fight, so just try to kill him. I
succeeded on my first try, but if you fail, youll have to start from the beginning again.
Return to Franco to turn in The Dragonstone outside, and then head back to the last camp to turn in
The Staff of Verga.
At this point, open up your coinpurses and celebrate being level 50. If you are not level 50, you obviously
did not follow this guide at all, but you will be stuck grinding mobs to hit level 50. 800 mobs = 1 level.

So congratulations, you are now level 50! What do you do now? Most people start doing intensive
farming and trade runs, which are explained in the farming guide. Some people will start to do
instances, but instances in this game are very difficult compared to other games.
But for us, what is most important is how do we celebrate? You should have a good amount of gold in
your inventory, almost 200. So, my suggestion, make a clipper boat all of your own!
To do this, go to a housing area on any map. You should find a mirage island teleportal.

Select the auctioneer and purchase 110 Lumber, 110 Iron Ingot, and 100 Fabric.

Then head into the teleportal to mirage island.

There are two types of docks here the Harani and the Nuian docks. These docks will have various boat
designs in the form of a small version of that boat.

Right click it to purchase it with Gilda Stars currency we earned while levelling up.

There are two types of clipper boats the adventure and the harpoon. Adventure is on the Harani Docks
above, and Harpoon is on the Nuian. They both will travel at the same speed and will have 2 breath
packs (equip after 5 minutes to get a long period of underwater diving), and a harpoon you can pick up
and fire. However, the adventure clipper has a cannon on the right side that you can fire if you have a
cannonball, while the harpoon clipper has a harpoon in front you can fire whenever.
In the upper right corner of your screen you should see a door with an arrow, just under the sun (or
moon) that represents the time. Left click it to return to the teleportal.
Head to the nearest mailbox. Double click it to open it, and then double click your auction house

Use these to gather your lumber, fabric, and iron ingots that you bought earlier.

Now that were here, head out to the nearest body of water. Right click the design in your inventory as
you swim out. You can then left click to place a dry dock in the water. Placing it will cost 10 lumber, 10
iron, and 10 gold.

Return to the housing area to find a sawmill station.

Press f to use it, and then under Lumber, select Lumber Pack. Craft 1 of them, and youll get a pack
on your back. Head out to the shore (your horse is slower than your feet), and head onto the dry dock.
Press g to use the pack and 25 labor to build the ship.

We need to repeat this process 2 more times. First is with an iron pack, crafted with your iron ingots at a

After putting it onto your ship, head to a weaving loom. At the loom, create a fabric pack and apply it
to your ship.

Return to the dry dock and press g to apply the fabric pack. Then, press g 3 more times each time
consumes 25 labor and builds the ship.

When this is done, press f to acquire the scroll in your inventory and dismantle the dry dock. The ship
will fall off and you can now board it (press f to board it from the back). To recall your boat, just right
click the item in your inventory, just like with the rowboat. Now you and your boat can head out to sea
and start enjoying endgame!

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