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Global Issues

Iran is the number one threat

Iran is an national security threat. It is not a terror sate only but it also sponsor of terrorism in the
world. In the past Iran supported the al-Qaida when they felt interest in it. It does not mean they
are in control of al-Qaida or the reverse, but it means what is commons sense when Sunni and
Shiite namely to fight the United States, Europe and Israel, they will work together .
The most basic human right in the War on Terror is to live
We have forgotten the original destroys of human rights. They killed thousand og men, women,
and children. Humans losts their precious lives and and they are in trouble because of terrorist .
They lost thousand of lives but they are facing it with courage. Terrorist kills them in the Twin
Towers and in school buses.
Poverty is the main cause of spreading terrorism in the society when people have not to eat then
they will go to wrong place. Poverty plays the a main role on creating the different kinds of
preblen in the society. Poverty is very common in paksitan. There are many peoples lives blow
poverty and poor parents are enable to feed and well educate their childreen .
Lack of Knowledge
When peoples do not know what is good and what is bad what is right and what is wrong it is
main cause peoples do not know abut the laws and then they violet the laws which is not good
for society. When peoples have not basisc facilities like education and helth then they will go to
wrong places which is not good .
Operation zarb E Azb
Pakistan has facing many problems and they are in trouble because of terrorist. They are facing
the facing the probles from last many years this in because of our past government and the zarb e
azb operation was started after a terrorist attack on jinnah international airport in Karachi . This
operation in just for terrorist. It is operation that gives lot ogf warnings to the terrorist. Zarb e
Azb is launched at the crucial time when the terrorist are spreading their networks and they are
palying with the life of men women and childreen and they are not humble they just wants to kill
peoples zarb e azb launched at crucial time and the result of this operation was very benificail for
Pakistan. Pakistan was in trouble and facing the problems because of terrorist with courage .

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