Bachelor of Civil Engineering Self-Development & Leadership Building (USB2282)

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By conducting this event I have learn alot of things. First of all I learnt how to work as team. Work as a team which
mean if we done the event we start together and ended it together. Before this event theres some member did not
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turn up for the meeting and he or she gave excuse for it, in there I also have notice that who and who have the team
spirit in the team and who doesnt have it. Organizing an event is not an easy task, it needs lots of experience and
team work and other knowledge and also the advise from the lectures or the team leader to let a event successfully.
The first step of organize the chess competition is to giving out the task to the member evenly from the leader, its
not a easy job to do it, because some of the member will not like the task given and they started to talk bad bout the
leader. They did not dare to speak out to the leader is because the leader is the one who give the marks base on
their performance. Making a decision is also needed alot of skills on it. For example; brain storming, short term
decision making, delphi method and others more. Beside that communication is also the thing I have learn in this
event. The art of speaking is very important, it doesnt only important in this event only can be future purpose or it
will be helpful for us in the community. I notice that if we pointed out a person bads in a directly way, it will destroy
our friendship or bond with each others, compare with indirectly it will be good to hear that and wont spoilt the
friendship or bond with others.
On managing this event, we manage to get 20 participants. And did not lost any money on it. On the event that day
we all have decided what to do on the event that day, some of the member will handle on registration and some will
be taking the task to arrangement on the table, and some also will be doing handling the crowd. Our chess
competition is doing on seperate days which mean the first week will be doing the normal competiton and the
second week will be doing the final for the competition which is also the human chess competition. For the human
competition before it we have decided how and whose going to be the which chess character. Because on the
budget purpose we cant manage to get very grand costume so we have decided to do it economically which is we
will do one crown with the cupboard and we printed out the chess character and stick on it. And we also manage to
ask the other group member to help up to being a chess character we also wear black or white shirt to different the
white and black chess. Although on the human chess that day theres some technical problem on it, the speaker
cant work because the university plug point is not functioning, but at last we have mange to done it successfully.


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