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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Date of birth

Budi Waluyo, S.Pd., MA.

A/n Bpk. Ibrahim Lakoni, Gg. Taman Siswa RT.07 RW.03 No. 67 Kel. Talang Rimbo Baru Kec. Curup
Tengah 39113 Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Mobile: 646-243-8922
July 04, 1987

Education and Training


Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skill
Name and type of organization providing
education and training
Level in national or international

Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/ occupational skill

Augustus 2014 - Present

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Student
Comparative and International Education
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
(Funded by Fulbright Presidential Scholarship, USA)
ISCED Level 8/ PhD
September 2011 September 2012
Master of Arts (MA)
Educational Technology and TESOL/ additionally, in the Masters program I learned about Beyond
Approaches, Methods and Techniques, Blended Learning, Language Learning and Technology,
Evaluation and Design of Educational Software, Multimedia Design and Development, Teaching and
Learning Online, and Developing Researcher Competence.

University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Name and type of organization (Funded by International Fellowships Programs Scholarship by Ford Foundation, USA)
providing education and training ISCED Level 7/ MA
Level in national or international
July 2005 April 2009
Dates Bachelor of English Education
Title of qualification awarded English Teaching
Principal subjects/ occupational skill
Universitas Bengkulu (Bengkulu University), Bengkulu, Indonesia
Name and type of organization
providing education and training
ISCED Level 6/ BA
Level in national or international
Publication: 1. A book entitled Untukmu Scholarship Hunters/ For You Scholarship Hunters, published by
Bitread, June 2014.
1. Books
2. A book entitled The Mancunian Way, published by Diva Press, September 2012.
3. A compilation book entitled Kisah-kisah di Balik Kesuksesan Mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris
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2. Articles

dengan Unik dan Asyik/ Stories behind the Success of Teaching English uniquely and
passionately, published by Halaman Moeka Publishing, March 2013.
A short stories compilation book entitled Sosok Hebat itu berlabel Emak/ The great figure is
labelled Mother, published by Halaman Moeka Publishing, November 2012.
An Article Integrating Video into English Conversation as Speaking Stimulus, published in LPMP
journal, 2013.
An Article Internet, Copas, and Plagiarism, published in Kompas National Daily Newspaper, July
24, 2013.
An article Jangan Pernah Bilang Indonesia Belum Merdeka/ Dont ever say Indonesia hasnt
achieved its independence yet published in Kompas National Daily Newspaper, August 16, 2012.
An article Dapet Beasiswa? Nggak Susah koq?/ Get Scholarship? Not that difficult published in
Kompas National Daily Newspaper, October 06, 2011.
An article entitled Education in Indonesia: Gap between Cities and Villages, in the Marlborough
Chronicle Daily Newspaper, May 05, 2008.
An article entitled Indonesia Malaysia, Friendship or Hostility, in the Marlborough Chronicle Daily
Newspaper, June 02, 2008.
Utilizing Online Learning Resources for Teacher Development Presented to English Teachers in

Bengkulu City, 2013.
(As the speaker/ presenter) 2. English and E-learning presented to Indonesian Networking and Development United Kingdom in




Scholarships and Grants

Indonesian Embassy, London UK, July 15, 2012.

English Learning presented to Indonesian Networking and Development United Kingdom in
Indonesian Embassy, London UK, May 13, 2012.
The Basic Understandings of Blog presented to Indonesian Networking and Development United
Kingdom in Indonesian Embassy, London UK, May 13, 2012.
The participant in 500 days of Action for the MDGs, United Nations, New York, Aug 18, 2014
The speaker in a National Seminar of Leadership and Motivation Training, IAIN Bengkulu, 20 April
The speaker in a National Seminar of Writing Scientific Paper, Universitas Bengkulu, 14 April
2013The speaker in a National Seminar of TOEFL and IELTS for Success at Dehasen University,
Feb 02, 2013
The participant in the seminar of Intellectual Property held by JICA Japan (2008)
The participant in Indonesian Students International Scientific Meeting, in London (2011)

Ad Hoc reviewer for the journals:

1. Frontiers in Education in China
2. International Organizations Studies
3. Comparative Education Review


Fulbright Presidential Scholarship for PhD (2014-2017)

International Fellowship Programs From Ford Foundation, USA for Masters degree (2010-2012)
College of Education Dean Travel Grant (Jan June 2015)
Graduate Students Senate Travel Grant Lehigh University (Jan June 2015)

Work experience

Dates (from - to)

Occupation or position held
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March 2013 March 2014

English Lecturer

Main Activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer
Types of business or sector


Dates (from - to)

Occupation or position held
Main activities or responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector


Teaching Reading 2 and Writing 2

Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu (Muhammadiyah University)
JL. Bali, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Higher Education

September 2012 March 2014

English lecturer
Teaching English for Public Health and Midwifery students
Stikes Tri Mandiri Sakti/ The Academy of Health Science Tri Mandiri Sakti
JL. Hibrida, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Higher Education

February 2013 Agustus 2014

Dates (from - to)
Occupation or position held English Lecturer
Handling Phonetic and Pronunciation, and British Study courses
Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Universitas Dehasen (Dehasen University)
JL. Meranti Raya No. 32 Kota Bengkulu 38228, Telp. (0736) 22027, 26957, Fax. (0736) 341139
Type of business or sector



September 2012 Augustus 2014

Dates (from - to) English Lecturer
Occupation or position held Teaching English for Nursing and Midwifery students
Main activities and responsibilities Stikes Dehasen (The Academy of Health Science Dehasen)
Name and address of employer
JL. Simpang Skip, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Types of business or sector Higher Education
Dates (from - to)
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Types of business or sector

(6) Dates (from - to)

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer

December 2012 Agustus 2014

English Lecturer
Teaching English for Midwifery students
Politeknik Kesehatan Provinsi Bengkulu (The Polytechnic of Health Science of Bengkulu Province)
Jl. Indragiri No. 4 Padang Harapan Bengkulu 38225, Telp. (0736) 349489, 20655
Higher Education
February 2013 Agustus 2014
English Lecturer/ Academic Coordinator of English course
Coordinating the English course and teaching English
Politeknik Kemenkes (The Polytechnic of Health Science of Indonesian Ministry of Health )
Padang harapan, Kota Bengkulu
Higher education

Types of business or sector


Dates (from - to)

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
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April 2009 August 2010

English Lecturer

Teaching General English Course 1 for Bengkulu University students in the departments of
Law, Match, Accounting, Chemistry, Biology, Machine Engineering, and Economics.

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector


Dates (from - to)

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector


Dates (from - to)

Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector


Teaching General English Course 2/ English for Specific Purposes for Bengkulu University
students in the departments of Law, Match, Accounting, Chemistry, Biology, Machine
Engineering, Economics and for students in Nursing and Midwife Academy.
Teaching TOEFL prediction for students in Nursing and Midwife Academy.
Designing lesson plans, selecting teaching materials, facilitating active classroom activities and
evaluating the teaching and learning processes.

UPT Bahasa Inggris Universitas Bengkulu (English Language Center of Bengkulu University)
JL. WR. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu, Indonesia Telp/Fax (0736) 342305
Higher Education

February 2009 August 2010

English Instructor

Teaching English for students in the levels of Foundation, Elementary and Intermediate.
Teaching English conversation for children and adult.

International Education Programs

JL. Bali Bengkulu, Indonesia.
Informal Education
September 2009 July 2011
English Teacher

Teaching English for Junior and High school students.

Formulating the English fastest solutions for the students.

Ganesha Operation
JL. S Parman No. 21-D Simpang Skip, Bengkulu Indonesia (0736) 34 7347
Informal Education

Dates (from - to) Jan 2007 Jan 2009

Occupation or position held English Club Trainer
Main activities and responsibilities
Teaching English for English club students with fun ways with regards to enhancing the
students speaking skills in English speech, English debate, News reading, etc.
Providing English materials including games that can engage the students with some English
activities outside the classroom.
Name and address of employer SMA Negeri 6 (State Senior High School 6 )
JL. Pratu Aidit Bajak No. 23, Kota Bengkulu 38118, Bengkulu, Indonesia Telp. 0736-26690

Type of business or sector


English Teaching

Jan 2008 Jan 2009

Dates (from - to) English Club Trainer
Occupation or position held
Teaching English for English club students with fun ways with regards to enhancing the
Main activities and responsibilities
students speaking skills in English speech, English debate, News reading, etc.
Providing English materials including games that can engage the students with some English
activities outside the classroom.
Name and address of employer SMPIT Iqra Kota Bengkulu (Islamic Junior High School )

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Type of business or sector

JL. MT. Haryono No. 290 Rt. 06 Rw. 06 Kampung Bali Kota Bengkulu, Indonesia Telp. 0736-21581
English Teaching

Personal skills and

Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)

Bahasa Indonesia/ Indonesian Language




European level (*)




Spoken interaction


Spoken production

Bahasa Indonesia













Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences

Team work
: during my teaching periods, I worked with my colleagues to identify
students difficulties in learning English and provided the solutions.
Mediating skills : I used to help my students solve their learning problems which tend to be
related to their friends and families.
Intercultural skills : My students came from different areas in Bengkulu, Indonesia that had
different ethnic languages and cultures.

Organisational skills and Since 2005, I have Involved in some organizations taking part in dealing with educational issues. For
competences instance, I was the Coordinator of Department of Knowledge HIMAGRIS FKIP Bengkulu University
(2006-2007), the Coordinator of Department of Talent and Interest UKM FOSI FKIP Bengkulu University
(2007-2008), the Coordinator of Department of Strategic Analysis KAMMI KOMSAT FKIP Bengkulu
University (2006-2007), the General Secretary KAMMI KOMSAT FKIP Bengkulu University (2007-2008),
the Chief of HIMAGRIS FKIP Bengkulu University (2007-2008), the Chief of KPU FKIP Bengkulu
University (2007-2008), the Member of Development, Research and Analysis Student Organization
Bengkulu University (2007-2008), the Staff of Education Division in Indonesian Students Association in
Greater Manchester (2011-2012), the Staff of Education and Career Department in Indonesian Students
Association in United Kingdom (2011-2012), and the student representative of MA Educational
Technology and TESOL Periods 2011-2012 at the University of Manchester. Now, I am active as a
student representative in Diversity Committee, Vice President of Lehigh Fulbright Association, and Vice
President of Comparative and International Education Club at Lehigh University, USA.

Computer skills and


I am capable of:

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Waluyo, Budi

using multimedia for learning such as virtual learning environment, podcast, video, blog, voice
thread, CMC, and other various online resources like word cloud, wallwisher, adobe connect,
prezi, twitter, etc.
designing websites (my personal website created by using CSS and HTML:

Additional information
conducting teaching and learning online.
Evaluating and designing educational courseware.

1. The favorite winner of Writing Competition in Kompasiana (2013)
2. The winner of Writing Competition in Kompasiana (online newspaper) (2011).
3. The third winner of scientific paper competition held by PLN Bengkulu province
4. The winner of Scientific Paper Competition in Faculty of Teacher Training and
Pedagogy in Bengkulu University, 2008.
5. Finalist of National MTQ University Student Level X for Islamic Scientific Paper
entitled Ekonomi Syariah Sebagai Solusi Perekonomian Indonesia in Palembang
6. Runner up in an Idea Competition at Bengkulu Province Level in 2007, entitled
Pengembangan Sekolah Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Menyukseskan
Bengkulu Kota Pelajar dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Berbasis Pengetahuan
7. The third winner in writing article of Chairil Anwars Day HIMA BAHTRA Competition
in Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy in Bengkulu University, 2008.
8. Runner up of English Scrabble League HIMAGRIS Competition in Faculty of Teacher
Training and Pedagogy in Bengkulu University, 2008.

Personal Interests: sport, writing, and learning tools related to educational purposes.

References 1. Prof. Alexander W. Wiseman

Academic advisor at Lehigh University, e-mail:, Telp: 610-758-5740
2. Prof. Drs. Safnil, M.A., Ph.D
My former Professor at Universitas Bengkulu (Bengkulu University), e-mail:,
Telp: +62 811 730 0425.

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Waluyo, Budi

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