Adverbial Clauses.

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There are many types of adverb clauses. Here are some examples of the most common types:

Question answered




Wherever there are computers, there is

Microsoft software.



After the fruit is harvested, it is sold at

the market.


Why? (What caused this?)

I didn't call her because I'm shy.


Why? (What was the reason

for doing this?)

She took a computer course so that she

could get a better job.


Why is this unexpected?

Although Jay has a Master's degree, he

works as a store clerk.


Under what conditions?

If you save your money, you will be able

to go to college.

Adverbial Clauses of Place

I found the bag where I had left it.
He went where the doctor sent him.
I could see him very well from where I stood.
Adverbial Clauses of Time
When the cat is away, the mice will play.
While she was waiting for the train, she read a magazine.
His eyes glittered as he looked at his new car.
As night came on, the wind calmed down.
As soon as we received your telegram, we prepared the goods for shipment.
He stood thunderstruck till the danger was past.
Until she learns to behave, we wont invite her to our parties.
He has been living with the sam landlady since he entered the university.
She went to England after she graduated.
We arrived at the theatre after the play had started.

He always reads an hour or so before he falls asleep.

Adverbial Clauses of Reason/ Cause

The pilot had to descend because he was short of fuel.

Because the student was 20 minutes late, he didnt dare to enter the lecture theatre.
As it was raining, we stayed indoors all day.
Since the girl was very shy too, the young couple sat in silence.

Adverbial Clauses of Result /Consequence

1. nominal phrases: such a + singular countable noun + that clause
It was such a dismal performance that I left before it was over.
2. adjectival phrases: so + adjective + that-clause
They were so tired that they couldnt go any further.
3. adverbial phrases: so + adverb + that-clause
He has gone so far that there is no retreat for him.
Adverbial Clauses of Purpose
I spoke louder in order that everybody might hear me.
I posted the letter immediately so that you should get it before your departure.
Adverbial Clauses of Concession
Although they had done all they could, they failed to complete the project on time.
Although it was cold and rainy, we enjoyed the trip.
Even if you offered him a million, you still could not bribe him.
I cannot be angry with him, even if I try.
They elected him in spite of the fact that he was a foreigner.
Adverbial Clauses of Condition
If I make a promise, I will keep it.
If the children havent eaten, they must be hungry.
If only I were able to pass this exam!!!
You wont catch the train unless you take a taxi.
Unless she studies harder, she wont pass the exam.

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