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Find the domain of y =

Graph the functions in Exercises 25-28.

-X. O) is x s 1
2 - x, 1 < x s 2

25. f(x) = {
Even and Odd Functions In Exercises 47-58, say whether the
function is even, odd, or neither. Give reasons for your answer.

54. g(x) = , , , X* 1
Composites of Functions

5. If f(x) = x + 5 and g(x) = x - 3, find the following.

a. f(g(0)) b. g(f(0))
c. f(g(x)) d. g(f(x))

Shifting Graphs 21. The accompanying figure shows the

graph of y = -x shifted to
two new positions. Write equations for the new graphs.
| | | | > .

| - (a) y = -x Position (b)

Graphing Trigonometric Functions Graph the functions in

Exercises 1322. What is the period of each

14. sin(x/2)
Sketching Exponential Curves In Exercises 1-6, Sketch the given
curves together in the appropriate coordinate plane and label
each curve with its equation.

6. y = -e' and y = -e
In Exercises 7-10, determine from its graph if the function is oneto

1 - 2 X s. O 9. f(x) = {
X D. () x +
Formulas for Inverse Functions Each of Exercises 19-24
gives a formula for a function y = f(x) and shows the
graphs off and f'. Find a formula for f' in each case.

19. f(x) = x + 1, x > 0

y A.

y = f(x)
- .

For Exercises 39 and 40, sketch the graphs off and f of.
r 2 4 x 1

39. f(x) = ( 1, - 1 < x < 1

x - 2, 1 < x s 2

Average Rates of Change In Exercises 1-6, find the average rate

of change of the function over the given interval or intervals.

1. f(x) = x + 1
. 2, 3 b. [-1, 1)
Slope of a Curve at a Point In Exercises 7-14, use the method in
Example 3 to find (a) the slope of the curve at the given point P,
and (b) an equation of the tangent line at P.

7. = x2 - 5, P(2 - 1)
Limits from Graphs

1. For the function g(x) graphed here, find the following limits or
explain why they do not exist.
a. lim g(x) b. lini g(x) c. ling() d. lin. g(x)
W >l

Limits of quotients Find the limits in Exercises 2342.

x4 - 3 - 10 25. lim,i;
Using the Sandwich Theorem 63. If V5 2x2 = f(x)
= \/5 v for 1 = x = 1, find
limyo f(x).
Finding Deltas Algebraically Each of Exercises 15-30 gives a
function f(x) and numbers L, c, and e > 0. In each case, find an
open interval about con which the inequality f(x) - L| < e holds.
Then give a value for 6 > 0 such that for all x satisfying 0 < x - c <
6 the inequality f(x) - L| < e holds.
15. f(x) = x + 1, L = 5, C = 4. e = 0.01

Finding One-Sided Limits Algebraically Find

the limits in Exercises 11-18.

Vh + 4h - 5 - V5
15. lim
>0+ h

X - - X - 6. X 7 3
29. g(x) = x - 3

Finding Limits of Differences When X -- too Find the

limits in Exercises 80-86.

80. lim (Vx + 9 - Vx + 4)


Oblique Asymptotes Graph the rational functions in Exercises 99-104.

Include the graphs and equations of the asymptotes.

x2 + 1
100. W' =

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