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Disusun Oleh :
Dedik Indertintualf /
3 MRK 3


TAHUN AJARAN 2015/2016

1. Whats your name, please ?

My name is Sadam Feri Sugito, sir/mam
2. How do you spell your name?
3. Where do you live?
At Anggrek Atas street number 2, Pesanggrahan village, Batu town
4. Where were you born?
In Batu town
5. When were you born?
On September 27th, 1993
6. What is your religion?
7. What is your nationality?
Indonesian, sir / mam
8. Are you married?
No, Im not
9. What are your parents?
My father is a civil servant and my mother is a house wife
Is it possible for you to work far from your parents?
Yes, it is possible because I am a independent person and I have
been living far from my parents when I in the job training at Surabya
From what school did you graduate?
I graduate from Civil Engineering Department of State Polytechnic of
When did you graduate?
Well, I graduated on October 23th, 2016
What subject did you like best ?
I like water building subject very much
I think I like it because Im good at this subject
What subject you dislike?
Well, frankly speaking I like them all sir/mam
Because they are all important
Tell me about yourself?
Well I freshman graduate with GPA 3.5. I am a hard worker and
honest person. Even I dont have work experience but, I have job
training in the big company as quality surveyor.
Can you work from Monday to Saturday?
Oh yes I can.It doesnt matter for me to work 6 days a week

Can you work from 7 a.m to 4 p.m?




Yes I can, because I am a hard worker person.

What is your hobby?
Well, my hobby is play Dota
Why do you like it?
Because its make me out from stress and I can play with my frieds
and people around the world.
What is your greatest weakness?
Some people would consider the fact that I have never worked in
this field before as a weakness. However, being highly trainable and
open minded, I have no pre conceived nations on how to perform
my job.
Working with your organization will give me the opportunity to learn
the job the way you want it done, not the way I believe its done. In
addition, although I have no former on the job experience, I do bring
with me extensive hands on training and experience which can
only enhance my ability to learn extremely quickly.
( kelemahan terbesarmu, kamu belum pernah kerja dibidang ini tapi
kamu mau belajar )


What is your greatest strength?

Well, some people knew I will try to do my best finish my task. Even
its a day or night. And its really good if I can communicate with
other people as a partner in group maybe, to share the problem and
seek a problem solving together.
( kekuatanmu apa ? kamu
tanggungan / tugasmu )






Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I will get a good position in this job between 5 years from now on. It
will be good for my life when I can elevate my career in this
company. Good position means good life, and a good life make me
have a good behavior. I can have a great insurance, and for all
those condition I am willing to work hard today.
( bayanganmu kamu akan gimana dalam 5 tahun ? kamu punya
posisi yg bagus di perusahaan ini. Posisi bagus berarti kebahagiaan
lebih banyak, km punya asuransi yg bagus buat kesahatan dll. Nah
buat mencapai itu kamu ga keberatan buat berusaha keras mulai
skr )


Can you work independently?

Of course I can sir/mam because all of students of State Polytechnic
of Malang were trained to work independently



Is it possible for you to work in a group or in a team?

Surely yes because once again that in State Polytechnic of Malang,
besides we were trained to work independently, we were also
traided to work in a group
How did you find out about this job ?
According to Ratih Indri Hapsari, ST., MT., PhD I find this opportunity.
You can contact her on Politeknik Negeri Malang. She is one of best
lecture there.
( dr mana kamu dpt info kerja ini ? kamu direkomendasikan sm bu
ratih. Soalnya dr sumber yg aku baca anak yg direkom sm gurunya
ya berarti anak itu bagus trac recordnya. Ga semua bisa dpt info
kerja dr guru, kalau ga dkat buanget apa emg anaknya bagus
buaanget. Sebutin aja kalau bu ratih tu termasuk dosen bagus yg
berpengaruh di kampus, pokoknya dosen2 penting buat
universitas )



What salary do you want?

Well sir/mam, based on my capability and study background, I want
2 million rupiahs.
Why do you want this job?
I am looking for a company where I not only enjoy what I am doing
but I can also grow into new positions. I am very good at what I do,
but in the computer field there are always new tools and
technologies coming out. I want a company that allows me to learn
more and expand my capabilities into new areas. The fact that you
sponsor a week of training every year and the most of the people
Ive met have been here before more than 5 years show me that we
share the same values.
A great job is one where I am excited about coming to work, and
thats what I think this positions offer.
(kenapa km pingin kerjaan ini ? kamu nyari perusahaan yg bikin km
enjoy sm kerjaannya. Yg ngasih km kesempatan buat berkembang.
Nah perusahaan ini katanya ngasih km training sekali setahun.
Harusnya kan itu bagus a. nah itu alasannya kamu mau kerjaan ini.



Tell me about your working experiences?

Sorry sir, I dont have working experiences but have job training in
big company as a quantity surveyor
Have you got job training before?

Yes sir, I have some training in a company. At PT. Hutama Karya for
a months
What do you know about our company?
Well as far as I know your company deals with civil engineering. And
your company is one of big company in Indonesia that have a good
vision about make a building
Why do you want to work in our company?
I want to work here because I heard that your company is big. And I
wish I can pursue my career here
What will you do if you are asked to do what you dont like?
Well, I dont have any reasons to refuse to do what the company
What will you do if you are later offered another job with a better
I believe all people like big money but I think money is not
everything for me. The most important thing in my life is whether I
can enjoy the job or not
Do you have any questions?
What us the key to success in this job?
(ini biasanya terakhir ditanyain. Yg kamu tanyakan ini nunjukin
seberapa tertariknya kamu sama perusahaan ini. Penting sih, kan
jadinya kamu keliatan aku puuuuuingin banget masuk sini, jadi kamu
pingin tau caranya buat sukses di perusahaan ini apaan ya ? gitu)
Karena saya merasa mempunyai kemampuan dibidang tersebut,
selain itu saya juga tertantang untuk menjalani pekerjaan tersebut.
Pekerjaan ini adalah yang menurut saya pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan
kemampuan saya. Itulah yang mendasari awal pemikiran saya untuk
menawarkan diri pada posisi tersebut.
Saya mengetahui informasi tentang lowongan pekerjaan pada
perusahaan anda dari
Saya sangat mudah membangun relasi dengan orang lain, sehingga dapat mempermudah
pekerjaan saya. Dan itu benar-benar sangat baik jika saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan
orng lain sebagai mitra dalam kelompok, untuk berbagi masalah dan mencari pemecahan
tersebut bersama-sama.

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