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The Malays culture and tradition

Malaysia is a multi-cultural society. The main ethnic groups are the native
Malays as well as large populations of Chinese, and Indians. Malaysia is
unique in the community of nations in its combination of diverse people and
culture who live in harmony and has become a model to many communities.
They are the majority race in Malaysia, comprising of more than half per cent
of Malaysia's population. Malays are Muslim, born of a Malay
father and native speaker of Malay language. They are also called
The Malay language is one of the major languages of the world and of the
Austronesian family. Variants and dialects of Malay are used as an official
language in Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. It is spoken natively
by approximately 33 million people throughout the Malay Archipelago and is
used as a second language by an estimated 220 million.
Visual art
Wood carving is a part of classical Malay visual arts. The art is done by
partially removing the wood using sharp tools and following specific patterns,
composition and orders.
The main characteristic in traditional Malay cuisine is undoubtedly the
generous use of spices. The coconut milk is also important in giving the
Malay dishes their rich, creamy character. Nasi lemak, rice cooked in rich
coconut milk is the most popular dish ubiquitous in Malay town and villages.
Nasi lemak is considered as Malaysia's national dish. Another example is
Ketupat or nasi himpit, is popular especially during Hari Raya.

For Malay women, they wear the baju kurung; Malay men wear the baju melayu with a songkok
on the head. Alternatively, the men wear batik shirts with trousers. Common classical
Malay attire for men consists of a baju (shirta sarong worn around the waist,

capal (sandal), and a tanjak or tengkolok (headgear Among well-known

Malay textiles are Songket and Batik.

Traditional games
Traditional Malay games usually require craft skills and manual Sepak Raga
and kite flying are among traditional games. Sepak Raga is one of the most
popular Malay games and has been played for centuries.
(352 words)

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