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The importance of a sister

A sister is someone who loves you from the heart.

No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart.
She is a joy that cannot be taken away
Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.

A friend who helps you through different times

Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes
A partner who fills your life with laugh and smile
These memories last for miles and miles.

When she is by your side, the world is filled with life

When she is not around, your days are full of strife
A sister is a blessing, who fills your heart with love
She flies with you in life with the beauty of a dove.

A companion to whom you can express your feelings

She does not let you get bored at family dealings
Whether you are having your ups or down
She always helps you with a smile and never frown.

With a sister you cannot have a grudge

She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth a fudge,
Having a sister is not just a friend,
It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.
SMES launches Feeding Program

In line with the program of the Department of Education to fight against

malnutrition, Sta. Monica Elementary School launched this year ________________
Feeding Program last July. Headed by Health leader Mrs. Irene de Asis and supported
by Home Economics leader Mrs. Alicia Perez. The aim of the program is to uplift the
health and nutrional status of school children.
The program benefits grade 1 pupils to grade 6 who found out underweight.
The program will lasted up to March 2017 and served Monday to Friday. They were
served launch with nutritious food to help them achieve their normal weight.
Budget allocation for this program derived from DepEd amounting
___________________. PTCA, volunteer parents, H.E. leader and Health leader worked
together to cook and prepare food for the children.

Teachers celebrate WTD

In line with the celebration of World Teachers Day (WTD), San Luis District
gave tribute to all the teachers on Oct. 5, 2016. It was held at Sta. Monica Covered
Court, San Luis, Pampanga. The theme of the WTD celebration is Valuing Teachers,
Improving their Status. It was participated by almost 200 teachers.
The event was headed by the school principals, San Luis Federated PTA. The
purpose was graced by the Schools District Supervisor, Mrs. Eloida Labrador and
Barangay Captain of Sta. Monica, Sebastian Caliwag.
In her message to mark the event, Mrs. Labrador said, On this day,we gave
tribute to our teachers who sacrifices, help and train for life long learning, they in
turn to receive appreciation.
Federated PTA, performed a modern dance where everybody enjoyed and
participated. It was followed by parlor games, and received prizes, with free Jollibee
lunch and snacks sponsored by Municipal Mayor Venancio Macapagal.

SMES receives 2-storey building

Sta. Monica Elementary School was granted 2 storey building this year, with
four classroom and comfort rooms. The construction begun last November 2016 and
budgeted _____________ which was constructed by _________________ under the
supervision of ______________ and expected to finished this coming
The said project was initiated by Congressman Rimpy Bondoc, Mayor
Venancio Macapagal, and Baragay Captain Sebastian Caliwag. The building will
benefitted school children and teachers during rainy season because it will protect
books and school materials.

Sky Drive Nation donates school supplies

Riders Club of Quezon City visited the site. Monica Elementary School last
May 2016. Almost one hundred motorcycle bikes drove from Manila to reach Sta.
Monica headed by their Chairman ______________________ and a resident of the
barangay and a member of the group brought school supplies for the school
children of SMES. They also bring snacks for the 200 hundred recipient.
According to the group, they solicited the school supplies from different
people in Manila and give their share to help school children in public.
Although they travel a long distance their heart was filled with happiness with
the warm welcome of parents and school children of SMES.

New school room building, realized

Sta. MonicaElementary School received two classroom building last May. The
two classroom was finally finished last August, these was elevated with 12 foot
inches to protect school children from flood especially during rainy season.
The construction of the building came from DPWH through Congressman
Rimpy Bondoc, Mayor Venancio Macapagal and Barangay Captain Sebastian
Engineer Arnold Pea headed the construction amounting to P 1, 600, 000.00.

Punla, lands 3rd in chess

Chess player ____________ grade 5 showed with too many weapons and able
to grabbed a bronze medal during the chess tournament of the District Meet held
Oct ____________ at San Luis Elementary School.
___________________ third runner up title was due to his patience in playing
defense to come up with an impressive attack on offense. His first encounter was a
success ovr a player from ________ followed by a checkmate victory in ________
moves against player from _____ and 12 moves victory over a player from Central
Elementary School.

SMES, hold School Intrams

Sta. Monica Elementary School (SMES) held a School Intrams last October
to chill out the pupils from school activities and choose athletes for the coming
District Meet.
The program was highlighted with the contest joined by primary and
intermediate. The first competition was the beauty and brain contest of the pre
elementary grades_____ to grade two. Winners were from pre elementary and
followed by the Milo Dance Competition of grades 4, 5, and 6. The grade 6 grabbed
the first place.
The next events were the chess, badminton, and volleyball boys and girls.
The last part is the athlete events joined by grade five and grade six pupils.
The 2016 School Palaro was held successfully with the cooperation of the
student and became a great break for the dizzy minds of the students.

Cayanan, grabs 3rd place in DSPC 16

Another pride of Sta. Monica Elementary School was in the person of Ian
Ranielle Cayanan who won 3rd place in the District Press Conference in Science
Feature Writing as she outwitted his 16 opponents from the 16 schools at SMES on
Oct. _________
She was indeed thankful for his vigorous training and incomparable effort
extended by his teacher-coach Mr. Eric Pabustan.

PTCA holds General Assembly

Parents Teachers Council Association of Sta. Monica Elementary School held
its Annul General Assembly last August.
Headed by re-elected President Rosita Quiroz, together with the other offices,
including Home Room officers, almost 75% attended the meeting.
Mr. Eric PAbusstan discussed the new grading system, and ranking for honor
pupils. Mrs. Belinda Cayanan reported her accomplishment projects and started her
plan for this school year. The school treasurer, Mrs. Alicia Perez also updated her
school financial matter to the parents.
Mrs. Eloida Labrador, Schools District Supervisor attended the meeting and
appreciated the attendance of parents. She mentioned the school partnership with
the parents that inspire teachers to continue progressive teaching to pupils.
After the program, parents and guardian proceeded to their childrens
classroom to meet the advisers for a short meeting,

San Luis Coast Guards dedicated to serve and _________

Barangay Sta. Monica found partnership in serving and helping people in time
of need especially during calamities. Volunteers consisted of selected women and
men of San Luis who do not ask anything or payment in return. Some residents of
Sta. Monica joined this group and other members were from other barangay of San
Headed by _______________, he said that their groups were dedicated to serve
and give support to the community where they called. During they Brigada Eskwela
they joined our school and helped in sprucing up the school repainting walls,
repairing windows, chairs, doors, and table. They also join the barangay in cleaning
up the clogged canal near the school.
Most of their activities are in accordance to the interaction towards the
community and are aligned to local government programs on the environment,
education, spiritually, community building, and peacekeeping to further strengthen
bonds among people and improve lives.

Baranga health workers conducts deworming

In line with the program of the Department of Health to ensure the students
health and free from any disease, free deworming was conducted last July in SMES
in all grade schools.
The chewable tablets were given to each kid who were given permission by
their parents. Health workers were accompanied by Dr. Gilbert Angeles, the resident
doctor of Barangay Sta. Monica, to ensure parents that there is no harm in taking
the tablets. It is safe and recommended by the DoH.
Mrs. Belinda Cayanan, the principal, acknowledge these endeavors of the
DepEd and DoHfor prioritizing the health of the students as they are the hope of the
future and was thankful for the parents for their all out support.

SJES leads school to school partnership

DepEd believes that high performing schools can be instruments to reform

through school to school partnership. High performing schools can share their best
practices and help other school improve their school performance.
In line with this, San Juan Elementary School (SJES) led this program and
adopted Sta. Monica Elementary School (SMES) to be their partner and shared their
best practices. It was held in SMES last Oct. 28, 29, 30 and Nov ___. Spearheaded
by Mrs. Lilibeth Landig the principal of SJES, together with her best teachers they
joined SMES teachers to share their best method and practices in teaching.
Landig provided SMES teachers with school materials including free snacks
and meals.
Since instructional materials are the best tool in teaching, SJES shared SMES
teachers their knowledge in arousing student interest. Some of these are charts,
flashcards, picture story, printed problems, exercises, illustrations, and many others
that are appropriate in every subject.
The seminar was successful and productive. Both school exchanges ideas on
how to improve their teaching strategies using different techniques and
applying/using instructional materials.

SMES ranked 2nd best Brigada Eskwela Implementor

For the first time, Sta. Monica Elementary School (SMES) was adjudged the
second best District Implementor for Brigada Eskwela (BE) program 2016, among
the 17 schools of San Luis District. The theme for this year Tayo para sa Paaralang
Ligtas, Maayos at Handa Mula Kindergarten.
BE is a DepEd program that encourage individuals , community to participate
and contribute their time and resources to help prepare school in their communities
for the opening of classes.
It was embraced bu different organizations supported by the active
participation of the Parents Teac hers Association (PTA), Supreme Governing Council
(SGC), Homeroom Officers (HO), Coast Guard and Barangay officials.

Picture story

Working together.
Brigada Eskwela is an annual activity led by the DepEd participated by
education stakeholder such as the coast guards, barangay officials to provide safe
and clean learning spaces for Filipino learners.

Caliwag prioritize construction of the canopy

Barangay Captain Sebastian Caliwag prioritized the construction of canopy to
Sta. Monica Elementary School (SMES). This is one of his school project to provide
and protect school children against heavy rain and too much heat while waiting for
their parents/ services upon going home.
Construction of the project started this November through the help of
barangay council and tanod. Caliwag said that Its good that there is a place like
this that will provide protection to school children while they come to school.

Bringing back bedtime storytelling

Before children cant sleep without listening to mother bedtime sory. These
bedtime stories can make children to sleep right away. Fascinated, excited and
interested to listen. But today new generation, with the different gadgets all around,
no more bedtime stories. Few parents seldom give time to tell stories to their
Looking back yesterdays, various studies show that bedtime storytelling
helps facilitate the expansion of a childs vocabulary, which in turn leads to better
and faster reading comprehension, overall easily learning. It also helps language
learning by improving listening skills. Storytelling is also way of transmitting cultural
values, strengthening parent-child bonds and enhancing the way a child relates with
others. Studies show that a preschool children listening to stories, has the greater
home reading exposure and gain confidence in communicating with others.
Today, however, studies show that children are no longer told stories. Modern
technology capture children interest, instead of listening, watching television and
computer games are their interest. Asking children in school about stories they
heard from their mother or parent, nothing they cant told.
Thus, we call the attention of parents today and tomorrow to bring back the
bedtime storytelling to our children. We not only expose them to listening but they
will treasure the moments where they are being love and care. And to those among
us who were able to grow with stories, let us pay tribute to the people who raised
us, not just as the parents and guardians we love, but also as bedtime storytellers.

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