NRB Bank

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NRB Bank
01. Amin and Sajal are friends. Each has some money. If Amin gives Tk 30
to Sajal, then Sajal will have twice the money left with Amin. But, if Sajal
gives Tk 10 to Amin, then Amin will have thrice as much as is left with
Sajal. How much money does each have? (NRB SEO 14)
Let, Amin has Tk x and Sajal has Tk y
1st condition,
or, 2x-60= y+30
or, 2x-y=90
y=2x-90.. (i)
2nd condition
or, 3y-30=x+10
or, 3y-x=40
Or, 3(2x-90)-x=40 [putting y=2x-90]
Or, 6x-270-x=40
x = 62
Putting the value of x in equation (i) we can get,
y =34
So, Amin has Taka 62 & Sajal has Taka 34. (Ans)
02. A contract is to be completed in 46 days and 117 men were set to
work, each working 8 hours a day. After 33 days, 4/7 of the work is
completed. How many additional men may be employed so that the work
may be completed in time, each man now working 9 hours a day? (NRB
SEO 14)
After 33 days time remains = (46-33) = 13 days
4/7th of the work is completed,
so works remains=1-4/7=(7-4)/7
=3/7 part
In 33 days 8 hours 4/7th of work is done by 117 men
1 (1177338)/4
3/7 (11773383)/(41997)
=198 men
Additional fund required = 198-117
=81 men. (Ans)
03. Mr. Jones gave 40% of the money he had, to his wife. He also gave 20%
of the remaining amount to each of his three sons. Half of the amount now
left was spent on miscellaneous items and the remaining amount of Tk.
12000 was deposited in the Bank. How much money did Mr. Jones have
initially? (NRB SEO 14)

Jones gave 40% of money to his wife,
Remaining amount (100-40) = 60%
Each son got 20% of the remaining (6020%)
Three Son get= (12+12+12) =36%
Amount left=(60-36)=24%
Money spent on miscellaneous items was half of the amount left.
So, spent on miscellaneous items=24%/2 =12%
Remaining amount is deposited to bank =24%-12%=12%
Let, Mr. Jones have initially x
According to the question,
12% of x=12000
or, x=12000100/12
x=100000 (Ans)
04. Robi was 4 times as old as his son 8 years ago. After 8 years, Robi will
be twice as old as his son. What are their present ages? (NRB O 14)
Let, 8 years ago sons age was x years
So, Robis age was 4x years
At present sons age = (x+8) years
Robis age = (4x+8) years
After 8 years sons age will be=x+8+8=(x+16) years
After 8 years Robis will be=4x+8+8=(4x+16) years
According to question,
Or, 4x+16= 2x+32
Or, 2x=16
Sons present age =(8+8)=16 years.
Robis present age=(4x8)+8=40 years. (Ans)
Alternative Method:
Let, Present age of Robi=x and present age of Robis son=y
According to the question,
And, x+8=2(y+8)
Or, 4y-24+8=2y+16
Sons present age=16 years and Robis present age=40 years. (Ans)
05. In an examination, 80%of the students passed in English, 85% in
Mathematics, and 75% in both English and Mathematics. If 40 students
failed in both the subjects, find the total number of students? (NRB O 14)
Let total students = 100
Passed in English =80

Passed in Mathematics = 85
Passed in both subject = 75
Passed in only English =80-75=5
Passed in only Mathematics =85-75 =10
Total passed students = 5+10+75=90
So, Both Failed =(10090)%= 10%
According to the question,
10% students =40
100% students =(40100)/10
= 400 (Ans)
Alternative Method:
Let, Total students = 100x.
Passed in English = 80x & in Math 85x.
Passed in Both = 75x.
So, Passed Only in English=80x-75x = 5x & in Only Math 85x-75x = 10x.
Therefore passed in only one or both subject = 5x+10x+75x = 90x.
So, failed in both subject = 100x-90x = 10x.
According to the question,
10x = 40
x = 4.
So total students = 1004
= 400 (Ans)
Alternative Method:
Total students, n(U)=100%
Passed in English, n(E)=80%
Passed in Math, n(M)=85%
Passed in Both subject, n(EM)=75%
Failed students=n(EM)
=n(U)- n(EM)
= n(U)-{ n(E)+ n(M)- n(EM)}
Total students=40/10%=400. (Ans)
06. A, B and C enter into a partnership by investing in ratio 3:2:4. After
one year, B invests another Tk 270000. At the end of three year profits are
shared in the ratio of 3:4:5. Find the initial investment of each. (NRB O 14)
Let us consider, invest of A, B & C for 1 year is 3x, 2x & 4x
3 year invest of A=3x3=9x,
B=32x+2700002=6x+540000, and C=3x4=12x
So, 9x:(6x+540000):12x=3:4:5
According to the question,
(6x + 540000)/9x = 4:3
Or, 36x=18x+1620000
Or, 18x=1620000

So, investment of A=390000=270000 Tk

Investment of B =290000=180000 Tk
Investment of C=490000=360000 Tk. (Ans)
07. There are 2 examination rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A
to B, then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20
candidates are sent B to A, then the number of students in A is double of
the number of the students in B. Number of the students in A? (NRB O 14)
Let, there are x students in the room A and y students in the room B.
According to the question,
y=x20 . (1)
Or, x+20=2y-40
Or, x+20=2(x-20)-40 [From (1)]
Or, x+20=2x-40-40
Or, -x = -40-40-20
x =100
So, there are 100 students in room A. (Ans)

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