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Sample preparation for GC-MS analysis


Prepare a standard curve each time samples are being analyzed. Set up 9 tubes
containing 1ml of methanol and the following:

Tube 1
Tube 2
Tube 3
Tube 4
Tube 5
Tube 6
Tube 7
Tube 8
Tube 9


Spike 1: 12L
Spike 2: 30L
Spike 3: 60L
Spike 4: 120L
Spike 5: 300L
Spike 6: 600L
Spike 7: 1.2mL
LQ: 48L
HQ: 48L

(0.05 mg/L)
(0.20mg/L From a 0.5mg/L LQ stock)
(4mg/L - From a 10mg/L HQ stock)

Note: All volumes of THC used come from a standard stock with a concentration of
0.5mg/L (Please refer to appendix for making the THC stock).

Add 200L of the internal standard to all tubes. Vortex all tubes and centrifuge
them at 43C for 1hr.


Make up a mixture of Hexane:BSTFA (4:1) and add 120L to all tube. Vortex and
cap all tubes.


Incubate all tubes for 20 minutes in a 70C oil bath and then allow the samples to
cool down at 4C for 5 minutes.


Transfer all the samples to GC analysis vials and load them onto the GC-MS.

Before each analysis, the following must be available:
1. 0.5mg/L stock of THC and 0.5mg/L stock of D3 THC (internal std). To make up
stock add 50L of THC or D3 THC into 9.95mL of methanol.
2. 0.5mg/L LQ and 10mg/L HQ stock of THC which is to be made up in methanol
and water (1:1).
3. Hexane, Methanol (both being HPLC grade) and BSTFA.

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