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Bring a practical understanding of

Knowledge of embedded systems

Experience with C programming
Familiarity with Unix concepts and its

development environment setup

drivers and kernel development
image building

command line interface

3-day Core Training Content: Android Fundamentals

Introduction to Android
History & Actors Involved
Details about the Android Structure
Android Source code and compilation
Use of repo, git to access sources
Tools to compile Android
Linux Kernel

Lab 1Program a target board environment

Lab 2Setup

Lab 3Compiling and booting an Android Kernel

Role and architecture of the Linux Kernel

Kernel User Interface
Getting the sources

DAY 2 Porting Android to a new board

Changes introduced in the Android Kernel

Major functional changes introduced by Google Lab 4Supporting a new board

Additions to the Kernel
Device drivers changes

Android Bootloaders
What is a bootloader
DAY 3Device deployment with Android
Developing and debugging with ADB

Lab 5Use of ADB

Presentation of ADB
Available commands
Tweak ADB for a custom board
Android filesystem layout
Software components organization on the

Structure of the initrc file

2016 Adeneo Embedded of Adetel Group. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

DAY 3 Device Development with Android (continued)

Android Build System

Concept introduced in the build system

Architectures of the Makefiles
Variables and function available
Compiling steps
Add a new device to build system

Android Native Layer

Lab 6System customization

Lab 7Add a native binary to the build

Lab 8Add a native library to the build

Deamons handling the radio, external, storage

launching applications...
Knowledge of the different components involved in the Android runtime
Hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
Android Framework and Applications

Services Overview and Available application in

a standard Android Build

Structure of a service / Content provider
Access to native library from a Java App using

Lab 9Develop Java interface to the native


Android Application Development

Application Lifecycle + various application

Lab 10Write an app with SDK

How to access services
How to use, access and manage resources
APK Packages
Advice and resources
Community Access, documentation, resources,


2016 Adeneo Embedded of Adetel Group. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

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