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What was the frequency of the examination and how much was
its success rate?
The examination was held twice a year at different levels only 12 per cent passed ay the first level.
How many such degree holders could be found in the whole
country before 1850?
Before 1850 there were 526,869 civil and 212,330 official
positions, and many lower level degree holders did not
have the job.

When was this examination abolished? Why?

In 1905 it was abolished as it was based on skills of classical
Chinese learning that had it was felt , no relevance in the
modern world

....From a talk by Lee Brown 1986

It was indicated on the stone tablets that the Hopis had that the
first brothers and sisters that would come back to them would
come as turtles across the land .They would be human beings
but they would come as turtles. So when the time came close
the Hopis were at a special village to welcome the turtles that
would come across the land and they got up in the morning and
looked out at the sunrise. The looked out across the desert and
they saw the Spanish Conquistadores, covered with armour,
looking like turtles across the land. So this was them .So they
went out to the Spanish man and they extended their hand
hoping for a handshake but into the hand the Spanish man
dropped a trinket. And so word spread throughout North America


The Examination System

Entry to the elite ruling class (about 1.1 million till 1850) has
been largely through an examination. This required writing an
eight legged essay in classical Chinese in a prescribed form. The
examination was held twice in three years at different levels and
of those allowed to sit only 1-2 per cent passed the first level,
usually by age 24, to become what was called beautiful talent.
At any given time before 1850 there was about 526,869 civil and
212,330 official positions, many lower level degree holders did
not have jobs. The examination acted as a barrier to the
development of science and technology as it demanded literary
skills. In 1905 it was abolished as it was based on skills of
classical Chinese learning that had it was felt , no relevance in
the modern world.
What was the method by which one could get an entry into the
elite ruling classes?
Entry into the ruling class could be possible by passing an
examination which consisted of
An eight legged essay in classical Chinese of a prescribed form.

What did the stone tablet indicate?

It was indicated on the stone tablets that the Hopis had that the
first brothers and sisters that would come back to them would
come as turtles across the land
Why did the Spanish Conquistadores look like turtles?
The Spanish Conquistadores were covered with armour and thus
they like turtles across the land.

Differentiate between the ideology of the settlers and the

The natives

Dickens view on the Industrial Revolution

In his novel Hard times, Charles Dickens, the most severe
contemporary critic of the horrors of industrialization for the
poor, wrote a fictional account of an industrial town which he
aptly called Cokestown.
It was a town of red brick, or bricks that would have been red if
smoke and ash would have allowed it; but as matters stood it
was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a
savage. It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys out of
which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for
ever and ever and never uncoiled. It had a black canal in it and a
river that ran purple with ill smelling dye, and vast piles of
buildings full of windows where there was rattling and trembling
all day long, and where the pistons of the steam engine worked
monotonously up and down like the head of an elephant in a
stare of a melancholy madness.
Mention any four characteristics of industrial cities of this age.
A popularly used technology has been mentioned in this passage 2
.What was it
List any two problems faced by the industrial workers.


that there was going to be a hard time, and maybe some of the
brothers and sisters have forgotten the sacredness of all things
and all the human beings are going to suffer for this on earth.
Why did the Hopis go to a special village?
The Hopis thought that the first brothers and sisters that would
come back to them would come as turtles across the land .They
would be human beings but they would come as turtles. So
when the time came close the Hopis were at a special village to
welcome the turtles.


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