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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering
in the Graduate College of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011

Urbana, Illinois

Assistant Professor Nora El-Gohary

Compliance checking in the construction industry refers to checking the conformance of a process, plan,
document, design, or action to applicable norms (regulatory norms, contractual norms, and advisory
practices). Manual compliance checking has been time-intensive, resource-consuming, and error-prone.
Automated compliance checking (ACC) is thus a more efficient approach to compliance assessment.
However, automated compliance checking (ACC) in the construction domain continues to be a challenge.
Current ACC systems do not provide the level of knowledge representation and reasoning that is needed
to efficiently interpret applicable norms (laws, regulations, contractual requirements, advisory practices,
etc.) and check conformance of designs and operations to those interpretations. As such, this thesis
explores a new approach to automated regulatory and contractual compliance checking applying
theoretical and computational developments in the fields of deontology, deontic logic, and natural
language processing (NLP) to the problem of compliance checking in construction. Deontology is a
theory of rights and obligations; and deontic logic is a branch of modal logic that deals with obligations,
permissions, etc. A deontology for ACC would serve as a normative model for ACC knowledge
representation and reasoning. NLP is a theoretically-based computerized approach to analyzing,
representing, and manipulating natural language text for the purpose of achieving human-like language
processing for a range of tasks or applications. NLP is the process by which humans and computers
interact using natural human language (e.g. English). It is particularly important in ACC, as all norms are
documented in natural language text. As such NLP is needed to: 1) classify and retrieve applicable
norms/information from large amounts of textual documents using text classification algorithms, and 2)
extract and formalize natural language rules or project information expressed in textual documents using
information extraction techniques.
The first thesis objective is to develop an upper-level domain deontology for ACC in construction. The
purpose of the deontology is to represent the laws and regulations and reason about compliance of
construction operations to those laws and regulations. A deontic model deals with assessing whether a
specific action or state is right or wrong, permitted or forbidden. It uses deontic logic for normative
reasoning about ideal versus actual behavior or state of systems; such as formal contract representation,
automated contractual analysis, violation assessment systems, etc. This deontology represents the first
deontic modeling initiative in the construction domain. The deontology is composed of: 1) concepts of
ACC in the construction domain, such as compliance assessor, compliance agent, subject, authority
compliance checking result, etc.; 2) inter-concept relationships, such as compliance assessor assesses
compliance agent; 3) axioms, which specify the definitions of the concepts and relations in the


deontology, and specify constraints on their interpretation. Axioms also represent the constraints of the
ACC domain.
The second thesis objective is to evaluate the deontology and demonstrate its application using real
project case studies. The initial evaluation of the deontic model showed its potential in successfully
addressing the needs of ACC in construction. The model was initially evaluated through: 1) answering
formal competency questions that evaluate the ability of the deontology to fulfill its requirements as set
by the developer, 2) automated consistency checking that evaluates the consistency of the components of
the model (concepts, relations, and axioms), 3) case studies that evaluate the applicability of the
deontology to solve real project compliance checking problems (the case studies focused on
environmental compliance checking, and specifically on checking storm-water pollution prevention plans
with applicable norms), and 4) domain expert interviews that evaluate the deontic model from a users
The third research objective is to develop a semantic (deontic-based) TC algorithm to classify the
clauses/sub-clauses of contract general conditions as environmental and non-environmental (since the
second objective focuses on environmental compliance checking). Text classification is the process of
identifying the group to which a piece of text belongs. Different text classification methods such as nave
Bayes classifier (NB), support vector machines (SVM), and maximum entropy (ME), were studied and
empirically evaluated in the context of construction contract text classification. Different preprocessing
and feature selection methods were implemented and evaluated (in terms of recall and precision). The
final classifier model implements the bag of words feature model, stop-word removal using a standard
English stop-word list, stemming, odds ratio scoring function, best 20 features, feature weighting using
term frequency, and SVM algorithm for machine learning and classification. The performance of the
model achieves a 100% recall and 96% precision, at 26% threshold.


Throughout the time I spent at the University of Illinois I worked with, and befriended a number of
people who motivated, supported, and inspired me to develop and complete this thesis. I would like to
start by expressing my gratitude to my advisor Prof. Nora El-Gohary, who shared this ambitious vision
with me, supported me in achieving my academic goals, guided me with her insight, and motivated me
with her hard work and dedication to successfully complete this thesis. I would also like to thank Prof.
Julia Hockenmaier for teaching me the basics of text classification and information retrieval during my
independent study course with her. I would like to thank Prof. Gerald Dejong whose artificial intelligence
class inspired me and got me really excited about the area of natural language processing.
I would like to deeply thank industry professionals Mr. Patrick J. McGowan, Mr. Gregory W. Smith, and
Mr. Chad Humphrey, for their time and cooperation with the case study implementation, expert
interviews, and evaluation of this research.
I share my achievement with my friends and family who are the pillars of the person I am today. I owe
my accomplishment to my loving parents who support and continue to guide me throughout my education,
and my life. I would like to express my gratitude to my older brother for his love, respect, and presence at
my commencement. I would like to thank my friends at the University of Illinois - Nada Gohar,
Abdulrahman Hassaballah, and Stefano Boulos - who continuously motivated me to do my best and were
my family during my stay. I would like to thank my sister and lifelong best friend Perihan Osman, who
always visited and supported me during my journey. I would like to thank my best friend Rania Abou ElMakarem for continuously reminding me of my career goals and for being there at times of need. I would
like to thank my great friend Mohamad Thabet for taking the time to proofread this thesis. Finally, I
would like to thank my two best friends and second family Rania Naim and Farah Amin for always being
there and adding joy to my life.


1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

Motivation ....................................................................................................................................... 1


Current Efforts Towards the Automation of Compliance Checking............................................... 3


Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................... 4


Thesis Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 5


Thesis Organization......................................................................................................................... 5

2 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 7


Deontology, Deontic Logic, and Normative Reasoning ................................................................. 7


Natural Language Processing and Text Classification .................................................................. 11

3 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 17


Deontology Development Methodology ....................................................................................... 17


Deontic Text Classification (TC) Methodology............................................................................ 20


CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 23

Domain, Purpose, Users, and Scope of the Deontology ............................................................... 23


Comparison of Deontic Models to other Semantic Models .......................................................... 24


Main Deontic Model ..................................................................................................................... 25


Deontic Concept Hierarchy and Hierarchical Relations ............................................................... 28


Deontic Axioms ............................................................................................................................ 42


Deontology Coding ....................................................................................................................... 44

5 CHAPTER 5: DEONTOLOGY EVALUATION .................................................................................... 46


Evaluation of the Deontology ....................................................................................................... 46


Deontology Implementation: Case Studies ................................................................................... 48



Comparison of Supervised TC to Unsupervised TC ..................................................................... 58


Text Classification Label Definition ............................................................................................. 58


Text Classification Methodology and Algorithm.......................................................................... 60

7 CHAPTER 7: TEXT CLASSIFICATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................... 71


Classifier Algorithm Results ......................................................................................................... 71

8 CHAPTER 8: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... 79



Summary and Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 79


Recommendations for Future Research ........................................................................................ 81

9 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 83
10 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. 90





The construction industry is diverse, dynamic, and challenging. It involves: 1) a large number of
stakeholders (e.g. owners, contractors, suppliers, government authorities, consultants, construction
managers, architects, etc.), 2) a number of contractual relationships (e.g. contractor-owner, ownerconsultant, contractor-sub-contractor, contractor-supplier, etc.), 3) a number of regulatory authorities (e.g.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
federal government, state government, etc.), and 4) a variety of disciplines (e.g. architecture, structural
engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, construction management, environmental
engineering, law, finance, etc.). The relationship between individuals, stakeholders, and authorities is
governed by the norms of the construction industry. The norms also govern processes, resources,
documents, and actions of project actors (e.g. engineers, labor, craftsmen, equipment operators, etc.).
Norms of the construction industry include federal and state laws and regulations, building codes, trade
union policies and regulations, contractual requirements, industry advisory practices, corporate policies,
project policies, etc. Every project stakeholder is required to assure that his/her operations follow
applicable norms. Compliance checking is, however, a challenging task; due to: 1) the diversity of norms
- that a project needs to comply with - and their sources, where norms are represented in different
documents (e.g. contract, code of federal regulations, building codes, etc.) that are issued by different
authorities, 2) project information is represented across a set of documents and in various formats (e.g.
images, spreadsheets, schedules, documents, etc.), 3) studying and analyzing laws, regulations, contracts,
and advisory practices of large and complex projects may become an overwhelming task, consuming both
time and resources, and 4) compliance checking (CC) is costly, where CC is estimated to cost over two
billion dollars per year (AGC 2010).
Currently, construction project stakeholders manually interpret regulatory and contractual norms and
carry out manual compliance checking with those norms (Eastman et. al 2009). However, manual
compliance checking has been costly and time-consuming (Tan et al. 2010, Eastman et al. 2009). Not
only that, but it has been error-prone. Non-compliance results in other costs that are unaccounted for, such
as penalties, restoration projects, time delays, etc. For example, the cost of environmental non-compliance
of construction companies nationwide reached an estimated total of 12.1 billion dollars during fiscal year
2010 (US EPA 2011). Automated compliance checking (ACC) is a more efficient approach to compliance
assessment. This thesis defines Automated Compliance Checking (ACC) in the construction industry as
a machine-aided process of assessing the compliance of a design, process, action, plan, or, document to
applicable norms. It is expected to: 1) reduce the probability of making compliance assessment errors

(Tan et al. 2010, Eastman et al. 2009), 2) eliminate/reduce the time required to analyze and interpret laws
and regulations, 3) reduce the resources spent on compliance checking, and 4) reduce costs resulting from
However, previous efforts towards ACC have several limitations, such as 1) only focusing on the design
domain and thus lacking the capability to check construction operations and plans, 2) using simple rulechecking and thus lacking the capability to conduct complex ACC (e.g. that is needed for contractual
compliance checking), and 3) offering limited system flexibility and user control (e.g. users cannot
add/modify the rules embedded in the system).
To address these challenges, this thesis explores a new approach to ACC in construction, including
compliance to regulatory norms, contractual norms, and advisory practices (Salama and El-Gohary 2011).
The approach utilizes: 1) semantic modeling based on deontology (theory of obligation, permission, and
prohibition) and using deontic logic, and 2) natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Formal
deontic modeling aims at offering the level of knowledge representation and reasoning that is needed to
process applicable norms and check compliance of construction operations and plans to the rules that are
prescribed by those norms. Semantic approaches are flexible, extensible, and particularly well-suited for
problems requiring automated reasoning.
NLP is a field of artificial intelligence that combines computer science and linguistic theories to study the
interaction between computer languages (e.g. C, FORTRAN, Java, etc.) or formal languages (e.g. parse
trees, first order logic, etc.) and natural languages (e.g. English, French, Spanish, etc.) (Kumar 2011). It is
a theoretically-based, computerized approach to analyzing, representing, and manipulating natural
language text or speech for the purpose of achieving human-like language processing for a range of tasks
or applications (Chowdhury and Cronin 2002). NLP techniques are needed to support ACC to
automatically extract and formalize rules/information from textual documents (e.g. regulatory documents,
contractual documents, construction plans, etc.). Extracting and formalizing rules/information would
involve the use of two main types of NLP mechanisms: information retrieval (IR) and information
extraction (IE). IR is the automated process of searching for and finding documents, or information (here
text) within documents, within a large collection of data (Manning et al. 2009). IE is the automated
process of extracting relevant data/information from unstructured/semi-structured data (e.g. text, images,
etc.) and representing such information in a structured format (Freitag 1998). As such, IR is needed to
retrieve text (e.g. clauses) from different documents (e.g. general conditions, EPA regulations,
environmental plans) for further analysis and IE. Text Classification (TC) is a subfield of IR. TC aims at

classifying the different documents or parts of documents (e.g. contract clauses) into predefined labels,
preparing it for further analysis and IE. This thesis focuses on the text classification problem.

Current Efforts Towards the Automation of Compliance Checking

Research on automated rule checking (mainly code compliance checking) has been ongoing for over a
decade (Tan et al. 2010, Eastman et al. 2009). Efforts towards automating the compliance checking
process include: Solibri Model Checker (Solibri 2011), EPLAN/BIM led by FIATECH (Fiatech 2011),
CORENET led by the Singapore Ministry of National Development (Singapore Building and
Construction Authority 2006), REScheck and COMcheck led by the US Department of Energy (US DOE
2011), SMARTcodes led by the International Code Council (ICC 2011), and Avolve Software (Avolve
Software Corporation 2011). Previous research and software development efforts have undoubtedly paved
the way for automated compliance checking (ACC) in the AEC industry. However, existing research
initiatives and methods/tools (including both commercial and prototype software) for ACC have a set of
limitations, including:

Focusing on the design domain, with no/limited attention to ACC of construction operations and
plans with applicable norms. Existing ACC methods/tools focus on checking the compliance of
certain architectural and structural design parameters with norms that address architectural and
structural design requirements, such as fire safety, accessibility, building envelope performance, and
structural performance. In comparison, compliance checking of construction operations and plans
remains fully manual. ACC of construction operations and plans has received little, if any, effort due
to its relative complexity. Automating the compliance checking of construction operations and plans
is far more challenging for the following main reasons:

Data/information about construction operations (e.g. construction methods, temporary facilities,

construction safety procedure, quality control procedure, etc.) are not semantically-represented in
a building information model (BIM).

Data/information about construction operations is distributed across several documents

(construction operations plans, site layout, construction safety plan, quality control plan, etc.).

Data/information about construction operations are represented in various formats (hard/soft

copies, drawings, text documents, BIM/CAD models, schedules, etc.).

Construction operations are highly dynamic, and related documents undergo frequent changes
and updates (e.g. construction schedules, as built drawings, etc.).

Laws and regulations related to construction operations are more complex and ambiguous (i.e.
they are difficult to interpret and formalize) than those related to design. For example EPA and
OSHA regulations are more ambiguous than design-related codes (e.g. building codes).

Using, relatively, simple rule-checking systems, thereby lacking capability for complex reasoning.
Existing ACC methods/tools focus on the relatively simpler form of rules; for example rules dealing
with geometrical and spatial attributes of the buildings, such as checking proper representation of
objects, overlaps and intersections of objects, wall thicknesses, door sizes, etc. Existing tools lack the
capability of performing more complex levels of compliance reasoning and checking, such as
checking compliance to contractual requirements.

Existing tools do not provide the level of flexibility that is needed so that users can add or modify the
set of governing rules and regulations (the addition of rules is controlled by software vendors).


Problem Statement

Manual compliance checking has been costly, time-consuming, and error-prone. Automated compliance
checking (ACC) is a more efficient approach to compliance assessment. It is expected to reduce the time
and cost for compliance checking, as well as reduce the probability of making compliance assessment
errors. However, previous systems/efforts towards ACC have several limitations, such as only focusing
on the design domain and thus lacking the capability to check construction operations and plans. A
second limitation is using simple rule-checking and thus lacking the capability to conduct complex ACC
(e.g. that is needed for contractual compliance checking). A third limitation is offering limited system
flexibility and user control (e.g. users cannot add/modify the rules embedded in the system). In this regard,
two main knowledge gaps exist: 1) there is a lack of theory-based, semantic models for facilitating
complex reasoning for ACC in construction, and 2) there is a lack of theory-based, domain-specific, and
semantic NLP algorithms for facilitating intelligent processing of text (e.g. textual contract documents,
textual regulatory documents, etc.) for ACC in construction.
As such, there is a need for:
1) A theory-based, semantic model for ACC knowledge representation and reasoning. The model would:
a) serve as a normative knowledge representation and reasoning model for ACC by modeling and
comparing the ideal and actual states of a subject (e.g. a project, process, resource, project-actor, or
document). The ideal state (prescription) of a subject is dictated by the rules that govern a subject,
while the actual state (description) is obtained by data/information collection; and b) serve as a
foundation for an ACC software.
2) Theory-based, domain-specific, and semantic NLP methods/algorithms for: a) text classification: to
automatically classify/identify and retrieve documents (or parts of documents) that pertain to a
specific compliance topic for further analysis and information extraction, and b) information
extraction: to automatically extract relevant data/information from unstructured/semi-structured data

(e.g. text) and represent such information in a structured, semantic format. This thesis only focuses
on the text classification problem. Information extraction is outside the scope of this thesis.

Thesis Objectives

The aim of this research is to support automated compliance checking in the construction domain.
Accordingly, the main objectives of this thesis are to:
1) Develop an upper-level domain deontology for automated compliance checking in the construction
domain in a semantic format. A deontology is a semantic model for facilitating normative reasoning
by representing normative concepts in the form of concept hierarchy, inter-concept relationships, and
deontic axioms (rules represented using deontic logic).
2) Evaluate the deontology and manually demonstrate its application in a set of environmental
compliance checking scenarios. The scenarios are specifically related to checking the compliance of
storm-water pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) to storm-water regulations, contractual
requirements, and best management practices. An automated deontic reasoner is not available.
Therefore, in this thesis, deontic reasoning is conducted manually.
3) Develop a text classification methodology/algorithm to classify and retrieve environmental clauses of
construction contract general conditions (since the second objective focuses on environmental
compliance checking).

Thesis Organization

The thesis is organized into eight chapters:

Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction of the thesis. It covers the research motivation, current efforts
towards ACC, problem statement, and objectives.

Chapter 2 summarizes the literature review. The review covers the theory and application of
deontology to normative reasoning engineering applications, and the representation and syntax of
deontic logic. It also covers a review of natural language processing and text classification methods,
algorithms, and applications.

Chapter 3 addresses the methodology of the research. It covers the methodology for the development
of the deontology for ACC in construction, as well as the methodology for developing a deonticbased text classification algorithm for construction contract general conditions clauses.

Chapter 4 presents the proposed deontology. It describes the deontic concept hierarchy, inter-concept
relations, and axioms of the deontic model. The deontic concept hierarchy is represented using
Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams and Web Ontology Language (OWL). The
axioms are represented, both, in natural language and deontic logic.

Chapter 5 addresses the evaluation of the deontology. It discusses and presents the results of four
different methods of evaluation: answering formal competency questions, automated consistency
checking, case study implementation, and domain expert interviews. The case study demonstrates the
manual implementation of the deontology to the compliance checking of storm-water pollution
prevention plans obtained from real-life projects.



the proposed


learning-based, semantic

text classification

methodology/algorithm for classifying and retrieving environmental clauses of construction contract

general conditions.

Chapter 7 presents and analyzes the results of the different text classification algorithms when applied
in the classification of environmental clauses of contract general conditions. It evaluates different
preprocessing methods, feature selection techniques, and classifier algorithms in terms of precision
and recall.

Chapter 8 concludes the research by providing a summary, conclusions, and recommendations for
future research.



Deontology, Deontic Logic, and Normative Reasoning

Deontology and Deontic Logic - Representation and Syntax

The term Deontology is derived from the Greek word deon meaning duty or obligation and logia
meaning science, study, or theory (Hilpenen 2001). It originates in ethical philosophy and is concerned
with decision-making and assessing whether a specific action or state is right or wrong, permitted or
forbidden (McNamara 2007). Deontic logic is a branch of modal logic (i.e. an extension of first order
logic to include normative modalities) that deals with normative concepts, systems of norms, and
normative reasoning (Ronnedal 2010). It represents and reasons about conformance of a subject to a
system of norms using operators such as O (i.e. obligation), P (i.e. permission), and F (i.e.
prohibition/forbidden). Deontic logic may, thus, be defined as the logic to reason about ideal versus actual
states or actions (Cheng 2008, McNamara 2007). Deontic logic is a suitable means of representing legal
systems; it provides a formal language with normative notions suitable for the formal representation and
specification of laws, legal rules, and precedents (Cheng 2008).
The first formal representation of deontic logic was proposed by Von Wright (1951). Since then,
researchers proposed many additions to that representation. The deontic logic representation used in this
thesis is based on first order logic and Standard Deontic Logic (SDL). It utilizes the most cited and
studied systems of deontic logic (McNamara 2007, Von Wright 1951), and extends their representation to
accommodate the requirements of automated compliance checking in the construction domain. The
detailed presentation of deontic logic is beyond the scope of this thesis. The general syntax of the formal
language is based on propositional and predicate logic. In propositional logic, a statement may be an
atomic proposition or a propositional composition. An atomic proposition cannot be decomposed. A
propositional composition is formed by combining atomic propositions using logical operators (, ,
and ) to form more complex statements. Predicate logic uses predicates to represent concepts
(represented by unary predicates), attributes (represented by binary predicates), and relations between
objects (represented by binary predicates). As such, it extends propositional logic by using: 1) predicates
instead of propositions: predicates have zero or more parameters and evaluate to true or false; they map
individuals to truth value, and 2) quantifiers: the universal quantifier ( or for all) asserts that the
sentence is true for all instances of a variable, while the existential quantifier ( or there exists) asserts
that the sentence is true for at least one of the variable instances (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010).

Two types of operators are used to express deontic logic statements: deontic operators and first order
logic operators. Three deontic modal operators are used: 1) O meaning obligation (i.e. Oa means a is
obligated), 2) P meaning permission (i.e. Pa means a is permitted), and 3) F meaning prohibition (i.e.
Fa means a is forbidden) (Aqvist 2002, Broadie 1982). Four types of first order logic operators are used
(El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010):

Conjunction : A B means A is true and B is true

Disjunction : A B means A is true or B is true

Negation : A, means A is not true

Implication : A B means A implies B (if A is true then B is true)

Two statements are called equivalent if their truth-values are the same under all possible interpretations.
Logical equivalence is denoted by , for example, A B A B.
Table 1 shows the laws of SDL representation. The laws of SDL are statements in deontic logic that are
always true, referred to as deontic tautologies (Von Wright 1951).

Table 1: Deontic Logic Laws (Tautologies) (Von Wright 1951)


Relation of permission to obligation


Permission of A is defined as the negation of the obligation of

the negated A
If A is obligated, then A is permitted


A is not permitted is equivalent to A is forbidden


The negation of A is forbidden is equivalent to A is obligatory


(O(A B)) (OA OB)

Dissolution of deontic operators

If the conjunction of A and B is obligatory, then the
conjunction of the obligation of A and the obligation of B is
true, and vice versa

If the conjunction of A and B is permitted, then the conjunction

of the permission of A and the permission of B is true, and vice
Compound Commitment: commitment of one thing leads to the commitment of another

(P(A B)) (PA PB)


If an obligation of A, commits the obligation of B, then B is

also obligated

(PA O (A B)) PB

If the permission of A, commits the obligation of B, then B is

also permitted

(PB O (A B)) PA

If B is forbidden, and A commits the obligation of B, then

A is also forbidden


If an obligation of A commits to the choice between two

forbidden things B and C, then A is forbidden.

((O(A B)) PB PB)

It is logically impossible that A and B are obligated and

forbidden at the same time.

OA((O((A B)C))

If A and B commit to C, and A and B are obligated, then

B alone obligates C



If failure of A obligates A, then A is obligated

Norm Representation and Normative Reasoning

There is no standard way for norm representation and normative reasoning. Practitioners in the legal
domain have not yet agreed on one method of representation, or requirements of representation (Gordon
et al. 2009). Law representation and legal reasoning applications such as e-governance, e-contracting,
automated negotiation systems, and other applications have attracted extensive research in the past years.
Several formal languages have been proposed and developed to represent legal norms. Examples of such
languages include: 1) Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVBR) (Business Rules
Group 2011): a method of semantically modeling business semantics and business rules. The model is

represented using XML, structured language rules, and graphical models (e.g. Unified Modeling
Language, Object Role Modeling). SBVBR extend first order logic and restricted higher order logic with
alethic (i.e. necessity, possibility, and impossibility) and deontic (i.e. obligation, permission, and
prohibition) operators to represent business rules. SBVBR provide a framework for modeling rules rather
than for checking the compliance of a business to the rules (Gordon et al. 2009); and 2) ContractLog
(Paschke et al. 2005): a rule-based approach to represent service level agreements (SLA) (i.e. part of a
service contract). ContractLog utilizes deontic logic, defeasible logic, event calculus (i.e. temporal logic),
and description logic to formally represent SLA. At this point ContractLog is also still a representation
language and has not reached the normative reasoning stage.
The notions of obligation, permission, and prohibition are essential in normative representation and
reasoning applications, because they allow the user to classify norms (e.g. requirements, regulations,
advisory practices, policies) in terms of formal concepts. Thus, the principles of deontic logic make it
suitable to represent and reason about laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines that govern various
systems. Efforts of deontology and deontic logic application range over different fields. Most notably,
deontic logic has been applied in the area of legal automation (also called computational law). Deontic
logic is a suitable means of representing legal systems; it provides a formal language with normative
notions suitable for the formal representation and specification of laws, legal rules, and precedents (Cheng
2008). Legal automation involves the use of computers to support different tasks in the legal process.
Legal automation may range from electronic data exchange to automated legal advice giving, depending
on the application (Wieringa and Meyer 1993). The Legal Oriented Language (LEGOL) project is an
example of an attempt to apply deontic logic in the legal domain. As a result of the project, LEGOL
language was developed to offer a formal language and formalism for the expression of complex rules
and regulations. The main aim of the LEGOL language was to provide a technique for information
analysis in the application of statute law and the preparation of legislation (Gazendam and Liu 2005). One
of the extensions of the LEGOL language included deontic operators such as right, duty, privilege, and
liability. Research in the area of deontic logic for legal applications is still ongoing (Cheng 2008).
Recently, deontic logic is being proposed for use in other similar applications requiring normative
reasoning, such as compliance of business processes (Awad and Weske 2009), regulatory compliance
(Jureta et al. 2010), legal reasoning and electronic contracts (Martinez et. al 2010, Cheng 2008, Prisacariu
and Schneider 2008, Solhaug et al. 2007, Ryu and Lee 1995), contract analysis (Fenech et al. 2009),
computer science (Wieringa and Meyer 1993), corporate policy and organization (Feltus and Petit 2009),
risk management and decision making (Fan and Fox 2009, Ersdal and Aven 2008), data and information


management (Evans and Eyers 2008), accounting (Teller 2008), and compliance checking (Dinesh et al.
Based on the list of requirements for a sound legal rule representation (Gordon et al. 2009), the
advantages of using the deontic-based normative representation and reasoning includes: 1) providing the
capability to represent deontic normative effects of obligation, permission, and prohibition; 2) providing
the capability to represent qualificatory normative effects (i.e. ascribing a legal quality to a person); 3)
offering an isomporphic representation, where a formal representation of the rule corresponds to a piece
of text (e.g. section of code, section of legislation); 4) satisfying reification, where each rule must have
properties such as jurisdiction, authority, and temporal properties; 5) representing exclusionary rules (i.e.
rules that are exceptions to other rules); and 6) representing and handling violations (Wyner 2004).

Natural Language Processing and Text Classification

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that combines computer science and
linguistic theories to study the interaction between computer (e.g. C, FORTRAN, Java, etc.) or formal
languages (e.g. parse trees, first order logic, etc.) and natural languages (e.g. English, French, Spanish,
etc.) (Kumar 2011). It is a theoretically-based, computerized approach to analyzing, representing, and
manipulating natural language text or speech for the purpose of achieving human-like language
processing for a range of tasks or applications (Chowdhury and Cronin 2002). Examples of commercial
NLP applications are automatic translation of languages, summarizing text, searching for keywords or
topics in a database, voice-controlled machines, etc. Extracting and formalizing rules/information requires
the application of NLP mechanisms, such as information retrieval (IR) and information extraction (IE). IR
is the automated process of searching for and finding documents, or information (here text) within
documents, within a large collection of data (Manning et al. 2009). IE is the automated process of
extracting relevant data/information from unstructured/semi-structured data (e.g. text, images, etc.) and
representing such information in a structured format (Freitag 1998). As such, IR is performed to retrieve
text (e.g. sections of legislation, clauses of a contract, parts of a code) from different documents (e.g.
contracts, codes, legislative documents) for further analysis and IE. Both IR and IE may require the use of
machine learning (ML) techniques. ML refers to a system improving its performance on future tasks
based on empirical data (Russel and Norvig 2010, Alpaydin 2004). Text Classification (TC) is a subfield
of IR. TC aims at classifying the different documents or parts of documents (e.g. contract clauses) into
predefined labels (Manning et al. 2009).



Machine Learning-Based Text Classification (TC)

TC also referred to as categorization or spotting is the process of identifying the label of an unknown
text, based on a set of categories (Russel and Norvig 2010, Manning et al. 2009). Generally, a category
may refer to a concept or class (e.g. political news), and each category is represented by a label (e.g.
politics). Labeling involves classifying text units (sentences, paragraphs, or whole documents) for each
label into positives (examples belonging to this label) and negatives (examples not belonging to this
label). Different TC methods include the use of manual, handcrafted rules (i.e. rule-based TC) and/or
statistical and machine learning (ML) techniques. Handcrafting refers to the manual development of
classification rules by a domain expert or system developer that define the criteria for labeling a part
of text and designating its belonging to a certain class. The rule could be simple or complex depending on
the complexity of classification and the developers skill. A simple example would be a series of if then
statements labeling a text (e.g. political) based on the presence of a word or combination of words (e.g.
congress, senate, democratic, and republican). Manual TC has high precision and recall, but is laborintensive to develop and maintain (Manning et al. 2009). It requires a high degree of manual text analysis
to develop such rules. The accuracy of the resulting classification system is highly variable and dependent
on the skill of the domain expert developing the rules. The English language also contains ambiguities
and, thus, the result of a handcrafted rule system may not be consistent. One of the ways to deal with the
uncertainty of natural language (English) is the implementation of statistical ML-based TC. It is a
combination of statistical tools (which use statistical inference to predict information about data of
unknown probability distribution (i.e. text)) (Manning and Shutze 1999) and ML tools (which train a
system to learn by experience).
There are two main types of ML applied in TC; unsupervised learning and supervised learning
(Ayyasamy et al. 2010). Unsupervised learning is mainly automated; it does not require a set of
predefined labels. Unsupervised learning is usually applied to clustering tasks, where the system learns
patterns in the input without any user interference or feedback (Russel and Norvig 2010) and accordingly
groups (clusters) similar text units together. Unsupervised TC is used to create training documents if
labeled documents are not available, costly to obtain, or difficult to label (Ko and Seo 2000). Supervised
learning, on the other hand, is human-guided; it benefits from user input. In supervised TC, the input
consists of a series of labeled text documents and the classifier learns the relation between the document
and the label (Hagiwara et al. 2010). The system learns the function that relates the input (text) to the
output (label). The rules governing the labeling of textual documents are automatically learned from the
training data utilizing both ML and statistical theories (Qui et al. 2010, Manning et al. 2009). The data is
split into two data sets. The first set (training set) is used to train the text classifier and to automatically

learn the rules required to accurately label any given data. The second set (testing set) is used to test the
accuracy of the system. The user classifies the training data into pairs of (x, y); where x represents the
input text (paragraph, page, or document) and y represents the output (label). At this point, the relation
between the input and the output is unknown and is denoted by a function y=f(x) or a conditional
probability. The objective is to learn a function f(x) that performs well on both the training set and the
testing set (Russel and Norvig 2010).
Popular methods of supervised ML-based TC can be categorized into: 1) methods using defining
features: assume that there is a finite set of features that must be present in a text belonging to a category
(i.e. if one characteristic is missing, the text is considered outside of that category) (Watt 2009). Visually,
it can be represented by a boundary. Any data point falling inside the boundary is categorized, and
anything falling outside the boundary is unknown. Decision tree algorithm ID3 is an example of a
defining features algorithm for TC (Quinlan 1983); 2) methods using spatial boundaries: divide a space
of possible objects (documents) into a number of sections equal to the number of categories (e.g. support
vector machines) (Watt 2009); and 3) methods using probabilistic models: use characteristics of a text to
relate the probability of a text belonging to a category (e.g. nave Bayes, maximum entropy) (Nigam et al.
1999, Mcallum and Nigam 1998).

Machine Learning-Based TC Algorithms

1) Nave Bayes (NB) Classifier

NB is a statistical NLP technique that is widely used in the application of text classification. It is simple,
easy to implement, and successful in many cases (Qui et al. 2010, Toman et al. 2006, Rennie et al. 2003,
Rish 2001). It is based on Bayes rule of conditional probability and the nave assumption that words are
conditionally independent of each other given their label. The independence assumption reduces the
number of parameters to be considered and estimated, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system. NB
TC develops a conditional probability from the training data and uses it to estimate the label of new or
test data. The following classification rule was used (Mitchell 2010):
1 ! argmax ! ! = !!

! !! ! = !! ,

where, X is the feature; Y is the label; and yk is the instance of a category. The training of the classifier
uses the training data set to estimate P (X|Y) and P (Y) for each instance yk. P(Y) is referred to as the
hypothesis and P (X|Y) is the likelihood of the data under each hypothesis (Russel and Norvig 2010). The
distributions are then used to estimate the label of a document given its features X. The class yk with the
highest probability value is the Y returned by the system.

NB is one of the simplest methods of TC. It is efficient in processing time and simple to implement. One
of its drawbacks is that it shows bias in cases where the training data is not homogeneous. If the instances
of one label are more dominant in the training data, this shrinks the weights (P (Y=yk)) of the less
dominant/abundant labels (Rennie et al. 2003). An approximate solution to the non-homogeneity problem
is adopting a maximum likelihood (MLI) hypothesis. The MLI hypothesis assumes that all labels are
equally likely (Russel and Norvig 2010). The MLI likelihood is used to avoid extra manual and timeconsuming work of creating a uniformly distributed data set.
2) Maximum Entropy (ME) Text Classification
ME is a probability distribution estimation technique used in language modeling, part-of-speech tagging,
and TC (Nigam et al. 1999). Entropy is a measure of uncertainty of information; the lower the entropy the
lower the uncertainty, thus acquiring information results in a decrease in entropy (Russel and Norvig
2010). ME aims to maximize the entropy model, thus maximize the useful information acquired. In TC,
the features selected together with their calculated weights (using term frequency (TF) or term frequency
inverse document frequency (TFIDF)) comprise a set of constraints that help determine the correct label
of a document. ME develops a model or function to predict the correct label based on these constraints.
The model that satisfies all constraints represents the model with the highest uncertainty possible
(Manning and Shutze 1999). The highest uncertainty model possible is the one closest to reality and the
information provided. A simple example of how ME classification works is: if a four label TC is being
conducted, and information about the documents state that 40% of the documents containing the word
professor belong to the label faculty. Intuitively, if a document contains the word professor, then the
document would be given 40% probability of being faculty and 20% probability for all other labels. If a
document does not contain the word professor, then the ME model assumes (the best assumption) that it
has a uniform distribution over all types of clauses (Nigam et al. 1999, Berger et al. 1996). This shows an
example of ME classification based on a single constraint. In a classification model, there is more than
one constraint and the ME applies several techniques to optimize the model to represent all the
3) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
SVM is a training algorithm that is implemented to learn a classification model and regression rules from
the training data. SVM is able to handle a very large feature set (Jia and Mu 2010). It is independent of
the size of the feature set (Joachims 1998); therefore, it is a suitable method for general TC tasks where
the user does not have any specified knowledge about the domain (Russel and Norvig 2010). NB is a type
of generative models; it estimates P(Y) and P(X|Y) and derives P(Y|X) using Bayes rule, while SVM is a
type of discriminative models; it directly estimates P(Y|X) (Mitchell 2010). SVM often results in better

performance (i.e. precision and recall) than that achieved by other classification algorithms (Jia and Mu
The main objective of SVM classification is to devise a computationally efficient way to learn good
separating hyper planes in a high dimensional feature space; good refers to hyper-planes that optimize
the generalization bounds (i.e. it performs well on new data, which is outside the testing and training
cases) (Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor 2000). The SVM algorithm is based on the statistical learning
theory of Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension (Zhou et al. 2002). The VC dimension of a set of points
is the maximum number of points that can be separated in all possible ways by this set of functions. SVM
classifies data sets by constructing a maximum margin separator that linearly separates the data sets (as
shown in Figure 1). In simple terms, the objective is to learn the function of the maximum margin
separator (Vapnik 1995).
Maximum Margin Separator
Support vectors

Figure 1: SVM text classification

A set of points is usually not as simple as that shown in Figure 1, and two categories are mostly not
linearly separable. Also, the data may contain noise, and in that case some data points must be
misclassified to avoid over-fitting. SVM solves classification tasks by: 1) mapping (rearranging) the set of
data points from a non-linearly separable dimension to a linearly separable feature space (possiblyinfinite-dimension) using a function referred to as the kernel function (Statsoft, Inc. 2011, Christmann and
Steinwart 2008). Mapping solves the issue of non-linearly separable data points. There are different types
of kernels such as linear, polynomial, radial base function (RBF), and sigmoid; and 2) constructing an
optimal separation hyper plane by minimizing an error function. The error function takes into account that
noise can be misclassified (Christmann and Steinwart 2008). There are two types of classification SVM
error functions: a) C-SVM, and b) nu-SVM.

Feature Selection

Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of the complete feature set to represent the text; thus
it reduces the number of features. The advantages of feature selection include: 1) directly enhancing (in
most cases) the efficiency and performance (in terms of precision and recall) of classification (Rogati and
Yang 2002); 2) reducing over-fitting: over-fitting means that the learned classifier overfits (i.e. is too

specific and tailored) to the training set (Moens 2000). Over-fitting occurs when the training data is not a
representative sample of the actual data (not a random sample). Thus, it may result in good performance
on the training set only and poor performance on unseen data (test or actual data) (Russel and Norvig
2009). A solution to over-fitting is increasing the number of features (by increasing the size of training
data). But, a large number of features raises the problem of high dimensionality (i.e. too many features
and reduced efficiency). Feature selection may, thus, reduce over-fitting of a classifier, by limiting the
large feature set to a set of distinctive characteristics of a label (i.e. a set of features that are more
expressive of the label as a whole, not just the training set) (Sebastiani 2002). Different feature selection
methods used in this thesis are discussed in Chapter 6 and their results are presented and compared in
Chapter 7.

Semantic Text Classification (TC)

Semantic TC refers to the use of the semantics (meaning of the text) to improve the results of TC (e.g.
sentiment analysis (Shein and Nyunt 2010)) or to aid/automate a semantic modeling task. Depending on
the application, the semantics may eliminate or reduce the number of training data required (Janik and
Kochut 2008). Currently, ontology is the most widely used type of semantic model. A domain ontology is
a representation of concepts, relationships, and axioms that forms a foundation of reasoning about a
domain (Janik and Kochut 2008). Ontology-based TC is used in a number of different applications: 1)
utilizing TC in ontology evaluation. For example, using an automatically-developed ontology to classify
news articles; and subsequently evaluate the ontology according to the performance of TC (Wu et al.
2003); 2) utilizing TC in ontology mapping and merging (analyzing two ontologies to detect semantic
correspondences/similarities between ontology concepts and accordingly merge concepts, if applicable,
on the basis of the established correspondences). For example, each concept is automatically associated
with a set of documents by TC. The similarity of documents (in terms of feature representation) is then
used to measure the matching of different concepts (Su and Gulla 2006); 3) using a domain-specific
ontology to enhance the results of TC (Shein and Nyunt 2010, Xiaoyue and Rujiang 2009). Such
approach represents the features of a text in terms of concepts (ontology concepts) rather than words (Lee
et al. 2009), by linking words to ontology concepts, and using the semantic information (hierarchy and
relations between concepts) to minimize the ambiguity of documents; and 4) using a domain ontology as
the classifier (i.e. using the ontology as a rule-based TC reasoning system to identify different classes)
(Janik and Kochut 2008). As opposed to the afore-mentioned method, this method does not require a
training set, since the ontology acts as a rule-based system that classifies the text according to the
hierarchy and relations of concepts. For example, a document may be converted into a semantic graph
using the entities and relations identified in the document, and the graph would be used to identify the
category of each document (Janik and Kochut 2008).



Deontology Development Methodology

The proposed methodology for the deontology development is a general methodology (i.e. it can be
applied to develop any deontology in the construction domain). The methodology benchmarks several
methodologies proposed by different researchers in the area of ontological modeling such as Gruninger
and Fox (1995), Noy and McGuinness (2001), El-Gohary and El-Diraby (2010). This thesis benchmarks
the methodology for ontology development for two reasons: 1) both deontology and ontology are theorybased semantic models; thus, they share similar characteristics and components (e.g. concepts, relations,
and axioms), and 2) extensive literature is available on methodologies for ontology development, unlike
deontology development for which there is no well-documented methodology. The methodology is
summarized in Figure 2.
Identify the domain, use, users, and scope: The first task in deontology development answers the
following questions: 1) What is the domain of the deontology? 2) What are the uses/purpose of the
deontology? 3) Who are the users of the deontology? 4) What is the scope of the deontology?
Answering the questions identifies: 1) the domain (e.g. ACC in the construction industry), thereby
identifying the imposed restrictions on the language and concept representation of the model, 2) the
potential application and uses that the model serves to the intended users, 3) the expected users that will
use and maintain the deontology, and their profile in terms of role (e.g. engineers, researchers, managers,
site supervisors, etc.), language, and domain-knowledge, and 4) the scope that the deontology will cover.

Identify the domain, use,

users and scope

Gathering Data/Information
about the Intended
Application of the

Development of Informal
Competency Questions

Deontic Concept Hierarchy

and Relationship

Deontology Evaluation

Deontology Coding

Development of Formal
Competency Questions

Selection of the
Representation and Syntax
of Deontic Logic, and
Deontology Axiomatization

Figure 2: Methodology for deontic modeling

Gathering Data/Information about the Intended Application of the Deontology: Data and
information gathering involves: 1) studying the potential application of the deontology (e.g.
environmental compliance of construction projects) by developing a general description of the format,
source, and availability of the data/information in the domain, the significance of the application and its
desired performance, and the extent and feasibility of automation required; 2) reviewing existing semantic
models that are related to the application if available (e.g. existing ontologies); 3) reviewing existing

software and tools that are currently used for the intended application, and what their strengths and
shortcomings are; and 4) studying potential data/information interoperability across the deontology and
other existing semantic models and tools/software.
Development of Informal Competency Questions: Informal competency questions (ICQ) are
requirements that are expressed in the form of questions (Gruninger and Fox 1995). They are referred to
as informal as they are expressed in natural language (English), not a formal language (e.g. logic). Some
questions are direct (i.e. do not require the answers of other questions) and others are indirect. The ICQs
are used to evaluate the ability of a model to fulfill its requirements. Competency questions (CQs) also
evaluate the expressiveness of the model (Gruninger and Fox 1995). CQs may be classified into different
types: 1) Partonomy and Inheritance CQs, which define the hierarchical part-of and is-a relationships
between sub-classes and their super-classes; 2) Cross-concept Relations CQs, which define the
relationships between different classes; and 3) Modality CQs, which define the belonging of classes to
different groups. Each type is split into categories based on the application. For the subject model, the
following categories were defined: 1) ACC Process Definition, which addresses the essential concepts for
the initiation of the process. It addresses the compliance administrator, compliance agent, compliance
checking mechanism, compliance checking process, compliance checking scope, and/or subject (e.g.
What are the sub-classes of compliance administrator? What is the relationship between compliance
administrator and compliance scope?); 2) Deontic Prescription Identification, which addresses the
norms, rules, and deontic prescriptions of ACC, their source, and their meaning (e.g. What are the subclasses of deontic document? What is the relationship between deontic rule and deontic
prescription?; 3) Core Compliance Reasoning, which addresses the concepts that interact with and are
essential for the compliance checking process to produce sound results. It addresses the subject,
compliance checking attribute, compliance checking indicator, authority, etc. (e.g. What are the subclasses of subject? What is the relationship between subject and compliance checking attribute?);
and 4) ACC Outcome Definition, which addresses the outcomes of the ACC system (e.g. What are the
sub-classes of compliance checking result? What is the relationship between compliance checking
result and compliance checking consequence?).
Deontic Concept Hierarchy and Relationship Development: The deontic concept hierarchy and
relationship development is achieved by the extraction of fundamental domain concepts, followed by the
organization of the concepts in a concept hierarchy, and identifying the relationships between different
concepts (following a similar methodology to that of ontology concept hierarchy and relationship
development (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010)). Developing the concept hierarchy is composed of six
steps: 1) identifying and naming the different concepts; 2) developing a definition for each concept; 3)

defining the relationships between different concepts and how the concepts interact with one another.
Relations can be: a) partonymy: signifying that a concept is part of another concept, b) is-a: signifying
that a concept is a type of another concept, c) cross-concept: signifying a relation across different types
of concepts. There are two approaches for developing a concept hierarchy. The first is a top-down
approach that involves studying the general concepts in the domain and further specifying each concept
into sub-concepts (Uschold and Gruninger 1996), such as defining the class authority, and then defining
administrative authority and permitting authority. The second is the bottom-up approach, where the
specific concepts are defined first (Uschold and Gruninger 1996), such as soil stabilization, stormwater pollution prevention and subsequently grouping specialized concepts into more general concepts.
For developing the subject model a combined approach was used. A combined approach avoids including
irrelevant specific concepts or too general concepts at the upper-level (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010).
The concepts were developed based on the study of environmental compliance information from sources
such as, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Illinois EPA, Occupational Safety and Health
(OSHA), and documents such as construction contracts, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Clean
Water Act, and storm-water pollution prevention plans provided by industry professionals.
Selection of the Representation and Syntax of Deontic Logic, and Deontology Axiomatization: This
stage defines the deontic logic representation. Deontic logic is a type of modal logic. It extends first order
logic to incorporate elements of normative modalities using deontic operators (such as operators of
obligation, permission, and prohibition). This stage involves the development of formal axioms using
deontic logic syntax (presented in Chapter 2). The axioms specify the definitions of the concepts in the
deontology and the constraints on their interpretation, and represent the constraints of the ACC domain. A
more detailed discussion of the deontology axioms is presented in Chapter 4.
Formal Competency Questions (FCQ): This step involves re-writing the ICQs (i.e. natural language
questions) in formal deontic logic format using the deontic concepts and relations. The FCQs are then
used to evaluate the deontic model.
Deontology Coding: This stage involves selecting: 1) the terms used to refer to the deontic representation
(e.g. concept, relation, and thing), 2) the language used to represent the deontology (e.g. deontic logic),
and 3) writing the code. Research efforts towards the development of deontic reasoning engines include
KED deontic theorem prover (Artosi et al. 1994). However, no deontic reasoner has been developed yet.
As such, as an intermediate solution, this thesis utilized Protg (Protg 2011) to partially code the
deontology. Protg is a free, open-source software for ontology editing. Protg provides the capability


of exporting the deontology in a Web Ontology Language (OWL) file, which facilitates integration into
other processes and software. The deontic concept hierarchy was developed in Protg.
Deontology Evaluation: Four different methods of evaluation were implemented: 1) deontology
conformance to FCQs: ensuring that the deontic model answers all FCQs. This method of evaluation was
conducted manually rather than formally due to the lack of a deontic reasoning software; 2) automated
consistency checking: using Protg Pellet 1.5.2 reasoner (Protg 2011) to automatically check the
consistency of concepts and relations; 3) case study (manual) implementation: implementing the deontic
model in a set of ACC scenarios related to three real-life project case studies in the State of Illinois, as
further discussed in Chapter 5; and 4) expert interviews: one-to-one interviews with construction domain
experts to evaluate the deontology and ACC framework.

Deontic Text Classification (TC) Methodology

The TC research methodology was composed of seven stages:

Literature Review: Literature review of text classification algorithms was conducted. The review
covered TC applications in the construction domain (e.g. classification of construction documents), as
well as other domains (e.g. classification of news articles, spam email, and literature). This included
reviewing methods of pre-processing raw text, methods of feature selection, and classifier algorithms (e.g.
nave Bayes (NB), support vector machines (SVM), maximum entropy (ME), etc.). The objective of the
literature review is to select an initial set of TC methods (e.g. feature scoring functions such as
information gain and odds ratio, feature weighting methods such as term frequency, etc.) for further
testing and evaluation.
Label Definition: This stage involves defining the labels required and whether the problem at hand is a
single-label (each clause/sub-clause is given one label) or multi-label (each clause/sub-clause may be
given more than one label). The problem was identified as a multi-label one and was further transformed
into multiple single-label binary classification problems (further discussed in Chapter 6). This thesis
focuses on the environmental label only to align with the objective of environmental compliance checking
thereby resulting in only one single-label binary classification problem.
Data Collection and Data Input: This stage involves collecting a number of contract clauses/sub-clauses
from various sources such as standard construction contract general conditions (e.g. American Institute of
Architects (AIA) standard contract documents), example construction contract clauses from books and
online sources, real-life contract general conditions used on real-life construction projects (e.g. contract
general conditions used by the University of Illinois Facilities and Services Department), etc.


Data Preparation: This stage involves: 1) format conversion, noise removal, and document splitting, and
2) labeling the collected clauses/sub-clauses. Contract documents are available in different formats
(e.g. .pdf, .doc, .docx, etc.) and are converted into a standard processable format (e.g. .txt). Document
noise is eliminated (i.e. information that is irrelevant to the text classification task such as headers, footers,
dates, table of contents, page numbers, etc.). Each contract general conditions document is split into a set
of clauses or sub-clauses. The clauses/sub-clauses are then split into two sets: a training data set (used for
training the algorithm) and a testing data set (used for testing the performance of the algorithm). The
clauses/sub-clauses of each of the training and testing sets were labeled as either positive, signifying that
they are environmental clauses or negative, signifying that they are non-environmental clauses.
Developing Different Classifier Algorithms: This stage includes experimenting with different
preprocessing techniques (stop word removal and stemming), feature selection (number of features,
feature scoring, and feature weighting), and classifiers (NB, ME, and SVM). All possible combinations of
the alternatives were used to develop 60 different algorithms for evaluation (as presented in Chapter 7).
Training the Classifier Models: Training the classifier involves applying a machine-learning (ML)
algorithm to learn the features of the training data. Training produces a classifier model in the form of a
correlation between the features and the document category. Three ML algorithms were tested: NB, ME,
and SVM, using two different software tools: A Library for Support Vector Machines (LIBSVM) (Chang
and Lin 2011) and Machine Learning for Language Toolkit (MALLET 2009).
Testing and Evaluation of the Classifier Models: This stage aims at evaluating the performance of the
classifier on the testing data set. Training the ML algorithm on the training data set results in a classifier
model in the form of a function. The classifier model is then applied to the testing data, in order to
evaluate its performance on unseen data. Performance was measured in terms precision, recall, and Fmeasure. Precision and recall are measured (as shown in Equations 2 and 3) by examining true positives
(TP), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN) (Sebastiani 2002). TPs are the clauses that were
correctly labeled positive, FPs are the clauses that were incorrectly labeled positive (they should have
been labeled negative), and FNs are the clauses that were incorrectly labeled negative (i.e. they should
have been labeled positive).
2 !"#$%&'( =


!" + !"

3 !"#$%% =

!" + !"


There is an unavoidable trade-off between both evaluation criteria (Buckland and Gey 1994). The Fmeasure is a measure of effectiveness, considering both precision and recall, as per Equation 4 (Abu
Sheikha and Inkpen 2010).
4 ! !"#!"#$ =

! ! + 1 !!
! = !"#$% !"#$ 0
! ! (! + !)





Domain, Purpose, Users, and Scope of the Deontology

Upper-level semantic models may be defined as high-level models that serve as a foundation for further
model extensions, thereby acting as a common knowledge-representation for developing further domainspecific or application-specific models (Obrst 2010). The semantic model presented in this chapter is a
domain-specific, upper-level deontic model. It represents the most abstract level of concepts, relations,
and axioms of ACC and can be used to represent different types of ACC models in construction; therefore
it is an upper-level model. It is derived from concepts that are specific to the construction domain;
therefore it is also a domain-specific model. The model can be used as a foundation for a variety of ACC
applications, such as checking structural and architectural designs, checking safety and health
requirements, checking quality specifications, applying for building permits, etc. In the construction
domain, a deontic-based assessment would evaluate an agent according to his/her adherence to
construction rules, as specified by applicable norms. For example, the process of concrete pouring must
strictly adhere to quality control, contract specifications, and health and safety requirements of the
construction site. It would identify whether an agent is compliant or non-compliant, and would determine
the consequences of the result. Rules are expressed in terms of deontic concepts of obligation, permission,
and prohibition. An agent is obligated, permitted, or prohibited to perform an action (an action could be
maintaining a specified budget, buying a resource on or before a scheduled date, maintaining the quality
of a product, preparing a document, etc.) or maintain a state (e.g. ensuring that all employees abide by
safety and environmental regulations at all times, ensuring that all possible risks are considered in the risk
management plan).
The domain, purpose, intended users, and scope of the subject deontic model are summarized in Table 2.


Table 2: Deontic Model Definition

Deontic Model Definition

Automated Compliance Checking (ACC) in the construction industry.

Providing a semantic and interoperable knowledge representation for ACC knowledge
in construction.


Intended Users


Supporting the process of ACC in the construction industry and providing a

foundation for a future ACC system/software.
Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Owners, Consultants,
Covers ACC with different construction industry norms including laws and
regulations, contractual requirements, advisory practices.
Covers ACC during the following phases of a project/process: planning, design, and
Covers ACC of organizations or individuals belonging to contractors, construction
managers, suppliers, owners, and consultants.
Covers ACC at different levels: federal, state, project, and corporation levels.


Comparison of Deontic Models to other Semantic Models

A semantic model is a formal representation of the knowledge and semantics (meaning) of a system in a
machine-understandable format. Ontological, axiological, and deontic models are types of semantic
models. Ontology, axiology, and deontology originate from philosophical theories of existence, value,
and obligation, respectively. Ontological modeling semantically represents the things that exist in the
domain of interest in terms of concepts, relations, and axioms (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010).
Axiological modeling semantically represents a theory of value by addressing two core questions: what
are the things that we value? (what is of worth, merit, utility, or importance?); and how do we measure
the value of the things that we value? (El-Gohary 2010). Deontic modeling semantically represents the
ought to be state and allows the user to compare it to the current state. All models share the advantages
of semantic knowledge representation, such as interoperability, domain knowledge sharing, representation
in a machine-understandable format, and extendibility. However they are entirely different in terms of: 1)
the application: ontology is used in domain system representation; axiology is used in value assessment;
and deontology is used in normative reasoning (e.g. compliance assessment, legal reasoning, etc.), 2) the
types of concepts represented in the model: ontology represents concepts of the domain (e.g. construction
domain concepts are process, project, product, actor-role, etc.), axiology represents concepts of value and
valuation (e.g. value bearer, value, valuation technique, etc.), deontology represents concepts of norms
and normative reasoning (e.g. authority, norm, obligation, permission, prohibition, etc.), and 3) the

means of logic reasoning and the type of logic (and logic operators) used: ontology uses first order logic,
axiology uses axiological logic, and deontology uses deontic logic. As such, a deontic model: 1) offers
semantic modeling of normative systems, 2) through the deontic concepts (e.g. obligation, permission,
prohibition, norm, authority, assessor, etc.) is semantically richer than an ontological model in terms of
normative knowledge representation, and 3) through the deontic logic operators of obligation, permission,
and prohibition, offers another dimension of reasoning capability (i.e. normative reasoning capability) in
comparison to first order logic.

Main Deontic Model

The deontic model is composed of concepts, relations, and deontic axioms. Concepts represent the things
that describe the process of ACC in the construction domain, represented at different levels of abstraction.
Relations define the interactions between the different concepts. Deontic axioms are the rules that: 1)
specify the definitions of concepts and relations, and 2) define the rules of operation and constraints for
the ACC process.
The fundamental concepts at the highest level of abstraction and their inter-concept relations are shown in
Figure 3. The fundamental concepts essentially address the following upper-level competency questions:
1) What is the ACC process checking? 2) Who is accountable for the results and consequences of the
ACC checking process? 3) What are the norms that are applicable? 4) What do the norms prescribe? 5)
Who issues and enforces the norms? As such, at the highest level of abstraction, a thing is one of the

Compliance Checking Process: is a set of actions that are conducted to check the conformance of a
subject (project, process, product, actor, document, etc.) to all applicable norms.

Compliance Agent: is a person or organization that is involved in a construction project and can be
held accountable for the compliance of the subject.

Compliance Assessor: is a person or organization that evaluates the compliance agent for
compliance. The compliance assessor could be a contractually-bound stakeholder that is directly
accountable for compliance or indirectly affected by the compliance result (e.g. owner, contractor,
consultant, construction manager, sub-contractor, supplier), or could be an authority (e.g.
governmental authority such as EPA, OSHA, etc.).

Compliance Checking Scope: represents the extent or range of the compliance checking process, in
terms of two scope dimensions: the phase of the project (e.g. business planning, pre-project planning,
execution, etc.) and the topic of compliance (e.g. environmental, safety and health, quality, cost, etc.).

Compliance Checking Mechanism: is a method, means, or manners of procedure that are used to
perform the compliance checking process (e.g. method, algorithm, etc.).

Subject: is an entity (actor-role, process, document, etc.) that is subject to compliance checking. A
subject is typically assessed by a compliance assessor.

General Attribute: is a general characteristic that describes an entity. For example, compliance
checking process has start time, finish time, duration, etc.; a deontic document has title,
formatting, length, language, etc.; a resource has type, cost, location, etc.; a project has
location, duration, size, etc.

Compliance Checking Attribute: is a specific characteristic of a subject by which its compliance

is assessed, such as resource compliance checking attribute (e.g. storage location, cost, delivery
time, quality, etc.).

Compliance Checking Indicator: is used to quantify a compliance checking attribute (e.g. material
resource efficiency is quantified by recycled content rate indicator).

Norm: is a single or group/body of laws, regulations, codes, rules, standards, principles, or conditions
that govern normative behavior. A norm could be a regulatory norm, a contractual norm, or an
advisory practice. It is typically documented in a deontic document. A norm originates from, is
regulated and/or enforced by an authority.

Deontic Document: is a physical manifestation/documentation of one or more norms. As such, a

deontic document could be a regulatory, contractual, or advisory practice document.

Deontic Rule: is a single natural language rule that prescribes one or more deontic prescriptions
(obligation, permission, and/or prohibition); where a norm is composed of one or more deontic rules
and a deontic rule is stated in a deontic document.

Deontic Prescription: is a deontic logic-represented rule that prescribes a deontic duty (obligation or
prohibition) or deontic permission. As such, each deontic rule is related to one or more deontic

Authority: is a person or organization that has legal power or right to enforce/regulate a norm and/or
the compliance to a norm, issue a deontic document or permit document, or grant a deontic

Deontic Exception: is an intentional relinquishment of a deontic duty granted by an authority.

Compliance Checking Result: is the verdict of the compliance checking process. It indicates
whether the subject and the compliance agent are compliant or non-compliant.

Compliance Checking Consequence: is the outcome or effect of the compliance checking result. It
represents the effects of compliance or non-compliance on the compliance agent (e.g. penalty,
reward, warning, etc.).


The Compliance Assessor administers the Compliance Checking Process, and assesses the
Compliance Agent, for the compliance of a Subject. The Compliance Assessor defines the
Compliance Checking Scope of the ACC, and/or defines the Subject to be assessed by the ACC. The
Compliance Checking Process uses a Compliance Checking Mechanism, the Compliance Checking
Attribute and Compliance Checking Indicator of a Subject, if any. The Compliance Checking
Process identifies the applicable Norm, checks the compliance with the Deontic Prescription and
results in the Compliance Checking Result, which could be compliance or non-compliance. The
Compliance Checking Result results in the Compliance Checking Consequence. The Compliance
Agent is accountable for compliance of a Subject and, thus, is susceptible to the Compliance Checking
Consequence. The Subject has an attribute Compliance Checking Attribute which may have an
indicator Compliance Checking Indicator. A Deontic Rule (expressed in natural language) is stated in
a Deontic Document, and it prescribes the Deontic Prescription. A Deontic Prescription obligates,
permits or prohibits the Subject and the Compliance Agent. The Norm and Deontic Document
originate from an Authority. The Deontic Document documents a Norm, and a Norm is composed
of one or more Deontic Rules. The Authority regulates the Subject (e.g. Procurement Department
regulates Material), and has authority over the Compliance Checking Scope (e.g. EPA has authority
over the Environmental Scope). It also enforces the Compliance Checking Consequence and may grant
a Deontic Exception to the Compliance Agent under certain circumstances. The Deontic Exception,
if any, may affect the applicability of the Deontic Rule.




has _authortiy_over


has_ attribute


Compliance Checking

Deontic Rule

Deontic Prescription

Checking Attribute

Deontic Exception









Deontic Document


Compliance Checking

obligates, permits, prohibits



General Attribute





Compliance Checking

Compliance Agent

Compliance Assessor






Checking Indicator



Compliance Checking

Compliance Checking


obligates, permits, prohibits


Figure 3: Upper-level, main deontic model


Deontic Concept Hierarchy and Hierarchical Relations

Each of the concepts represented in Figure 3 has a set of sub-concepts, forming a concept hierarchy. The
upper-level parts of the concept hierarchy are represented in Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The
hierarchical relations include part-of and is-a relations.
Compliance Assessor
A Compliance Assessor (see Figure 4) is a: 1) self assessor self referring to project stakeholders
checking compliance within their organizations (i.e. conducting self-compliance checking), such as
contractors checking compliance of their own operations. A self assessor could be an owner, consultant,
construction manager, contractor, or supplier; 2) regulatory assessor regulatory referring to a
regulatory authority such as an issuing authority assessor (e.g. a professional organization such as
OSHA assessing a building for complying to safety regulations), permitting authority (e.g. a state
agency assessing a project site to grant a building permit), or enforcing authority (e.g. a federal agency
such as U.S. EPA assessing a contractor for compliance with storm-water regulations). An issuing
authority, permitting authority, or enforcing authority could be a federal agency, state agency,
professional organization, corporate organization, or local agency; or 3) contractual assessor
contractual referring to a contractually-bound stakeholder (organization) that is checking the compliance

of its contractual counterpart. A contractual assessor is typically granted the right to check compliance
of a contractual counterpart by virtue of the contractual relationship, such as the owner checking the
compliance of the contractor to the project contract.
Compliance Agent
A compliance agent (see Figure 4) is an organization agent or individual agent. An organization
agent represents an organization as a whole such as a contractor, owner, consultant, construction
manager, etc., or a body of people within an organization such as a project team or company department.
An individual agent is an individual such as a field engineer, craftsman, laborer, manager, etc.
Compliance Checking Processes and Mechanisms
Each subject is checked by a unique instance of a compliance checking process (see Figure 4), and each
process is composed of a set of sub-processes. Different types of subjects (e.g. document) are checked
using different types of compliance checking processes. For example, a document compliance checking
process (see Figure 5) is composed of seven sub-processes:

Norm definition includes: a) Norm Type Definition: identifies the set of norms that a subject
must follow. For example, if an ACC process is checking environmental compliance of a construction
project, then this process would identify all applicable norms, such as environmental laws and
regulations (e.g. Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act), environmental advisory practices (Storm-water
Pollution Control BMPs), project contract, etc.), b) Norm Authority Definition: defines the authority
(issuing, enforcing, and permitting) of each norm, and c) Deontic Document Definition: identifies
the deontic document(s) that document(s) the defined norms.

Rule extraction: automatically extracts all deontic rules (natural language) from the deontic
document and represents them in deontic logic format (i.e. defines all deontic prescriptions).

Project information extraction: extracts project data/information in the form of deontic concept
instance data (e.g. data values for compliance checking attribute, compliance checking indicator,
etc.). The type of compliance checking mechanism depends on the type of subject (e.g. if the subject
is a document the mechanism would involve text processing, but if the subject is a construction
activity the mechanism could be schedule information extraction).

Information compliance checking (ICC): uses a deontic reasoner to check the compliance of project
information with the set of deontic prescriptions (note that at this stage project information and
deontic prescriptions are represented in a semantic format) and identify the result (i.e. compliance or

Consequence definition: defines two types of consequences: a) deontic consequence: the ideal
consequence of compliance/non-compliance according to the norms of the construction industry (e.g.

penalty, corrective action, warning, etc.) and b) actual consequence: the consequence that actually
occurs, which may/may not be the deontic (ideal) consequence (e.g. corrective action, verbal warning,

Compliance checking reporting: reports the results and consequences of the compliance checking

A compliance checking process uses one or more compliance checking mechanisms (see Figure 4).
The type of compliance checking mechanism depends on the type of subject being checked. For
example, as shown in Figure 4, a document compliance checking mechanism can be information
retrieval, information extraction, and machine learning etc., depending on the sub-process. Further
selection of the compliance checking mechanism depends on the type of sub-part of the subject being
checked (e.g. text versus image). For example, an information extraction mechanism could be a text
processing mechanism to extract information from textual contract documents, textual construction
operational plans, etc. or image processing mechanism to extract information from images which may be
included as part of a method statement.
The concept authority (see Figure 6) is classified by the jurisdiction of the authority and the nature of
work it performs.

A regulatory authority has jurisdiction over regulatory norms (e.g. laws or statutes, regulations,
and bylaws). A regulatory authority is an: 1) issuing authority: a federal agency (e.g. EPA), state
agency (e.g. Illinois EPA), local agency (e.g. City of Chicago), professional organization (e.g.
International Code Council), or corporate organization (e.g. ABC contractor) that issues regulatory
documents (e.g. United States Code, Code of Federal Regulations, Uniform Building Code, etc.); 2)
permitting authority: a federal, state, or local agency (e.g. Illinois EPA) that has the authority to
issue and administer building permits (e.g. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit);
and 3) enforcing authority: a federal agency, state agency, local agency, professional organization,
or corporate organization that has the authority to enforce compliance with regulatory norms.

A contractual authority is a project stakeholder that is granted authority as a result of signing a

contractual agreement between two or more parties. A contractual authority acts as an issuing,
enforcing, and/or permitting authority depending on the situation (e.g. issuing authority: an owner
may issue design changes or contract addenda, enforcing authority: an owner monitors the progress
and quality of work to ensure compliance of the contractor with contractual requirements, and
permitting authority: an owner may accept a change order permitting the contractor to increase work,
receive payment, etc.).


Compliance Checking


Self Assessor

Organization Agent






Regulatory Assessor

Compliance Checking
Applicability Phase

Federal Agency
State Agency
Local Agency



Physical Product CC
Decision CC
Knowledge Item Product CC

Compliance Checking



Norm Definition
Rule Extraction


Project Information Extraction


Individual Agent
Manager Person

Information Compliance


Consequence Definition

Compliance Checking


Compliance Checking
Process Compliance
Checking Mechanism



Contractor Person


Knowledge Product CC




Contractual Assessor

Product Compliance Checking




Enforcing Authority

Actor-Role Compliance


Project Team


Permitting Authority

Resource Compliance



Resource Compliance
Checking Mechanism


Actor-Role Compliance
Checking Mechanism





Safety and





Sub- Contractor

Product Compliance
Checking Mechanism
Knowledge Product Mechanism
Physical Product Mechanism
Decision Mechanism
Knowledge Item Product Mechanism

Labor Relations


Owner Person

Deontic Reasoning
Natural Language Processing
Information Retrieval


Information Extraction

Figure 4: Deontic concept hierarchy - part 1


Document Compliance
Checking Mechanism

Claims and


Supplier Person

Compliance Checking

Process Compliance Checking


Issuing Authority

Compliance Checking

Machine Learming
Text Processing
Image Processing

Document Compliance Checking


Subject Information

Deontic Rule
Deontic Prescription


Checking Result



Norm Concept

Regulatory Norm Definition






Deontic Exception





Contractual Norm

Statute Definition

Advisory Practice Norm


Regulation Definition

Federal Statute

Bylaw Definition

Federal Regulation

State Statute

State Regulation
Professional Organization
Regulation Definition

Corporate Bylaw Definition

Department Bylaw Definition
Project Bylaw Definition
Union Bylaw Defintion

Figure 5: Document compliance checking process

Deontic Documents
Norms and deontic documents are closely interrelated, where each norm is documented in a deontic
document. The sub-concepts of deontic document are classified by normative type: regulatory,
contractual, or advisory practice. As such, a deontic document (see Figure 6) could be a:

Regulatory document: documents a regulatory norm, which is a statute (i.e. law or act), regulation
(i.e. procedural requirements of a law), or bylaw (i.e. internal law of a corporation, project, or
department). A statute can be either federal or state issued, and/or enforced. The federal and state
statutes are classified according to the 2006 United States Code (Governmental Printing Office 2009)
and the Illinois compiled statutes (Illinois General Assembly 2011). Regulations set specific
requirements about what is legal and what is not. For example, a regulation issued by EPA to
implement the Clean Air Act might define the maximum allowed level of a pollutant such as sulfur
dioxide for protecting human health and the environment. It clearly identifies the legally approved
maximum units of sulfur dioxide that industries can emit into the air, and defines the penalty in case a

company exceeds that limit. A regulation can be issued or enforced by a federal agency (e.g. Federal
Energy Regulation), state agency (e.g. Illinois State Conservation Regulation), or professional
organization (e.g. International Building Code). Federal and state regulations are classified according
to the Code of Federal Regulations (Governmental Printing Office 2011) and the Illinois
Administrative Code (Joint Committee on Administrative Rules 2011). A bylaw is classified
according to its issuing authority, which could be a corporation, department, project, or union.

Contract document: documents a contractual norm, which is any norm resulting from a contractual
agreement between two or more parties. A contractual norm is classified according to the topic it
covers. A contract document is classified according to the part of the contract it appears in (e.g.
general conditions, specific conditions, drawing, etc.).

Advisory practice document: documents advisory practices (e.g. Green Construction Best
Management Practices).

All types of documents are further classified by the phase of the project they are applicable to and the
topic they address (e.g. environmental, safety, etc.).
Deontic Rules and Prescriptions
A deontic rule is classified by a number of criteria (as shown in Figure 7): 1) subject: the subject it
applies to (e.g. resource, project, product, actor, etc.), 2) topic: the topic it addresses (safety, environment,
cost, quality, etc.), 3) agent: the accountable agent (e.g. contractor, owner, consultant, etc.), and 4) norm:
the norm it represents (e.g. regulatory, contractual, or advisory practice). Similarly, a deontic prescription
is classified by the same criteria: 1) subject - a deontic prescription obligates, permits, or prohibits a
subject, resulting in two main types of subject deontic prescriptions: subject duty (subject obligation
and subject prohibition) and subject permission, 2) agent: similarly, a deontic prescription obligates,
permits, or prohibits an agent, 3) topic, and 4) norm.



Regulatory Authority

Deontic Rule
Practice Rule

Regulatory Document
Statute Document

Issuing Authority

Federal Statute Document

United States Code

Federal Agency


Deontic Duty

State Statute Document

US Department of

Regulation Document

US Department of

Federal Permit Document

Illinois State Regulation Document

Professional Organization
Regulation Document

Professional Organization

Bylaw Document

Corporate Organization

Permitting Authority


Federal Agency


Building Code

Contract Document

State Agency
Local Agency

Enforcing Authority
Federal Agency

Building Code

Environmental Contract


Quality Contract Document


Cost Contract Document

Security Contract Document

Local Agency

Professional Organization

Risk Management Contract

Change Management Contract
Safety and Health Contract
Labor Relations Contract Document


Time Contract Document


Claims and Disputes Contract



Building Code

Scope Contract Document

State Agency

Construction Manager


State Regulation Document

Local Agency



Code of Federal Regulations

State Agency

Contractual Authority

Illinois Compiled Statues

Federal Regulation Document

US Department of
Housing and Urban

Corporate Organization


Illinois State Statute Document

Contracting Contract Document

Emergency Management Contract

Letter of Intent
Invitation to Bid
Change Order
Quality Advisory Practice Document
Scope Advisory Practice Document
Cost Advisory Practice Document
Environmental Advisory Practice

Advisory Practice Document

Figure 6: Deontic concept hierarchy part 2


Security Advisory Document

Knowledge Integration
Process Rule

Resource Rule

Resource Rule

Actor-Role Rule

Manager Rule

Process Rule
Knowledge Item
Resource Rule

Physical Resource


Financial Resource

Owner Rule

Manager Rule

Individual Agent

Manager Person Rule

Regulatory Rule

By Norm

Contractual Rule

Advisory Practice

Statute Rule

Owner Rule


Person Rule

Person Rule

Owner Person

Person Rule

Cost Rule

Bylaw Rule

Risk Management


Claims and
Disputes Rule

Management Rule


Labor Relations

Scope AP

Contracting Rule


Safety and Health


AP Rule

Time Rule

Technical Document


Regulation Rule

Financial Document

Management Rule

Safety and Health


Change Management

Risk Management

Security Rule

Cost Rule

Scope Rule

Quality Rule

Organization Agent

Knowledge Item
Product Rule

Claims and Disputes


Document Rule

Physical Product

Labor Relations Rule

Decision Product

Management Rule

Knowledge Product

Document Rule

By Topic

Process Rule

Project Rule
Product Rule

By Compliance Agent

Process Rule

Environmental Rule

By Subject

Process Rule

Cost AP

AP Rule


Management Rule

Risk Management
AP Rule

Figure 7: Deontic rule sub-concepts

Management Rule


Change Management
AP Rule

Regulatory Norm




Federal Regultion

Federal Statute

Corporate Bylaw

Agriculture Law

Agriculture Regulation

Arbitration Law

Energy Regulation

Bankruptcy Law

Commerce and Foreign

Trade Regulation
Conservation of Power
and Water Resources

Environmental Policy

Conservation Law

Employees Benefits

Social Responsibility

Copyrights Law

Highways Regulation

Public Affairs Policy

Highways Law
Coast Guard Law
Commerce and
Trade Law

Labor Law
Public Contracts
Railroads Law
Transportation Law
Public Buildings,
Property and Works

Safety Policy
Energy Policy

Housing and Urban


Department Bylaw
Project Bylaw

Labor Regulation

Project Policy

Public Contracts and

Property Management

Environmental Policy
Safety Policy

State Regulation

State Statute
Illinois State Statute

Energy Policy
Social Responsibility

Illinois State Regulation

Human Needs Law

Conservation Regulation

Health and Safety


Energy Regulation
Protection Regulation

Husbandry Law

Public Affairs Policy

Union Bylaw

Housing and Community

Development Regulation

Transportation Law
Business Law

Professional Organization

Contractual Norm

Quality Norm

Claims and
Disputes Norm

Scope Norm

Safety and
Health Norm

Cost Norm
Security Norm

Corporate Policy

Time Norm

Advisory Practice

Management Norm

Quality Advisory Practice

Contracting Norm

Scope Advisory Practice


Management Norm

Labor Relations

Management Norm

Cost Advisory Practice

Security Advisory Practice
Environmental Advisory Practice

Figure 8: Deontic concept hierarchy part 3 (norm hierarchy)


Compliance Checking Results and Consequences

A compliance checking result can be compliance or non-compliance. A compliance checking
consequence is classified into: 1) actual consequence: the consequence that actually takes place
following a violation. For example, if a contractor is carrying out self-compliance checking for the time
schedule of a project and the result indicates that the project is behind schedule, then the contractors
reaction is to crash two of the critical activities, which represents an actual consequence; and 2) deontic
consequence: the consequence that is expected to happen according to applicable norms. The upper-level
classification of actual consequence is represented in Figure 9. The consequence of compliance can be a
positive, negative, or neutral consequence, or a corrective action. Each type of consequence is classified
into formal and informal. A formal consequence is documented and official, while an informal
consequence is off the records (e.g. advice, oral warning, etc.). A formal negative consequence is a
penalty, formal warning, or permit penalty. A penalty is a: 1) judicial penalty: results from cases
of non-compliance referred to court, where the penalty order is issued by a court (e.g. civil or criminal
penalty), 2)intramural penalty: a penalty within an organization (e.g. delay, extra costs, loss of
credibility), and 3) inter-organizational penalty: a penalty issued from one non-judicial organization to
another (e.g. consultant to contractor), such as withholding payment or causing time delay. A goodwill
penalty refers to an intangible penalty such as loss of credibility (e.g. a non-compliant sub-contractor
may lose future work prospects). A formal warning is an official notice documenting the noncompliance and its possible consequences if it persists. A permit penalty is either the revocation or
termination of an existing permit (e.g. NPDES storm-water permit). A positive consequence results
from compliance, and can be formal or informal. A formal positive consequence is an: 1) acquittal:
dismissing accusations or suspicion of non-compliance, 2) permit: results in a permission of any kind
(e.g. building permit, storm-water permit, permission to proceed work with a requested material, etc.), or
3) award: an award of any kind for compliance (e.g. financial raise of an employee, higher profits for a
contractor, better reputation of a company, etc.). A corrective action is a: 1) self-enforced corrective
action: an action freely chosen by the compliance agent (i.e. it is not enforced by an authority). A
contractor choosing to crash critical activities is an example of a self-enforced corrective action, or 2)
authority enforced corrective action: the compliance agent is obligated by an authority to perform a
corrective action. For example, if the consultant is checking the compliance of the contractor, and the
result is non-compliance, the consultant may require the contractor to take corrective actions.


Compliance Checking

Compliance Checking


Negative Deontic


Time Waiver

Formal Negative

Deontic Corrective

Security Waiver
Risk Management


Positive Deontic

Criminal Penalty
Civil Penalty

Positive Consequence



Negative Consequence

Neutral Deontic

Deontic Exception

Change Management


Time Penalty
Financial Penalty

Formal Positive Consequence

Goodwill Penalty


Time Penalty
Judicial Acquittal

Financial Penalty

Intramural Acquittal

Goodwill Penalty


Formal Warning

Judicial Permit

Violation Notice
Permit Penalty

Safety and Health
Quality Waiver
Labor Relations
Cost Waiver

Intramural Permit

Permit Termination
Scope Waiver

Interorganizational Permit

Permit Revokation

Informal Negative Consequence

Judicial Award
Intramural Award
Interorganizational Award

Informal Positive Consequence


Informal Warning
Neutral Consequence
No action
Corrective Action
Self Enforced Corrective
Authority Enforced Corrective

Figure 9: Deontic concept hierarchy - part 4



Deontic Exceptions
A deontic exception is an exception to a norm; it may affect the applicability of deontic rules and
prescriptions. It can be a waiver or a disclaimer. A waiver is an official renouncement of rights; it is
granted by an authority that waives (i.e. renounces) the requirement to comply with a particular norm (e.g.
EPA may waive a contractor from submitting a storm-water pollution prevention plan under certain
conditions). A disclaimer is an act of surrendering ones own rights, such as estate disclaimer (e.g. giving
up the right to inherit a piece of land), or civil disclaimer (e.g. a visitor to the construction site gives up
the rights to be covered for accidents by the companys insurance).
Subjects, Attributes, and Indicators
Figure 10 represents the concept hierarchy of the subject, attribute, compliance checking attribute,
and the compliance checking indicator. The classification of the subject (process, resource, product,
actor-role, etc.) benchmarks the IC-PRO-Onto ontology (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010). As such, a
process is a core process, management process, knowledge integration process, or support
process; a resource is a knowledge resource, knowledge item resource, physical resource, or
financial resource; and a product is a knowledge product, physical product, decision, or
knowledge item product (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010). Further, in the deontic model, a document
(a type of knowledge item product) is classified as administrative, technical, or financial. An
administrative document is used for administrative, information management, and non-technical
communication purposes, such as security logs of entries and exits to the site, visitor forms, etc. A
technical document is a design, construction, or engineering document, such as a construction
operational plan. A financial document is used for cost estimating and control, accounting, and financial
management purposes (e.g. financial statements, accounting records, feasibility study, etc.) A document
may be composed of sub-parts. For example, technical documents such as a site layout, construction
method statement, environmental plan are all sub-parts of a construction operation plan, etc. (as shown
in Figure 10). Following the IC-PRO-Onto, this thesis defines one main type of actor role: a project role,
which could be a contractor, consultant, designer, supplier, etc. (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010). It
is important to stress that, in the deontic model, there is a difference between actor role and compliance
agent; where an actor role is any actor role involved in any process, while a compliance agent is an
actor-role that is involved in a process and can be held accountable by the compliance assessor for the
compliance of the subject. For example, if a consultant is checking the compliance of a contractors
laborer to safety regulations (e.g. wearing a safety hat), the laborer is the actor-role, the contractor is the
compliance agent, and the consultant is the compliance assessor. A laborer may not be accountable
when the compliance assessor is a consultant, but may be accountable if it is a contractor.

An attribute is primarily classified into two types:

General attribute: for example, a deontic document has the following general attributes: a)
deontic document origin (e.g. issuer, issue date, issuing location, etc.); b) deontic document
validity (e.g. validity period: a permits start date and end date, validity location: a state law is
applied within the borders of the issuing state); and c) deontic document communication (e.g. data
format, language, method of publication, etc). Similarly, an authority has general attributes: a)
authority contact attribute: the contact information of the authority (e.g. representatives name,
location of authority, etc.), b) authority jurisdiction attribute: defines the boundaries of the
authoritys jurisdiction in terms of area, time, etc. (e.g. a state jurisdiction is defined within the
borders of the state, a contractors jurisdiction over a supplier has a start date and an end date, etc.).

Compliance checking attribute: each subject (e.g. concrete material, beam, etc.) has certain
attributes (e.g. strength, depth, durability, etc.) that indicate its compliance. Attributes are simple
attributes (e.g. depth, strength) or complex attributes (e.g. durability). Simple attributes are
characteristics that are directly measured, such as height, length, compressive strength, quantity, cost,
etc. Complex attributes are characteristics that are indirectly measured using an indicator
(compliance checking indicator). Each subject may have complex attributes, simple attributes, or

Both compliance checking attribute and compliance checking indicator are classified according to
their subject type, and further according to the type of attribute they represent or measure. Each subject
may have different compliance checking attributes. For example, a technical document has the
following compliance checking attributes: 1) formatting attributes: font, color, headings, etc; 2)
communication attributes: referring to the method of communication (e.g. submittal, delivery, receipt,
etc.) of the document (e.g. electronic, by mail, by fax, etc.); 3) information existence attributes:
availability/existence of required information in the document (e.g. a storm-water pollution prevention
plan must include sediment control measures, sequence of construction, project description, etc.); and 4)
information correctness attribute: this is the most significant property for compliance checking. It is used
to assess the correctness and expressiveness of the document (e.g. an environmental plan must define the
sediment control measures in accordance with the projects location and site conditions). Compliance
checking attributes of a concrete material (a resource), as another example, include: 1) cost attributes,
including direct and indirect cost attributes, 2) quantity attributes such as weight, volume, surface area,
etc., 3) storage attributes such as location, storage conditions (e.g. humidity, protection, etc.), etc., 4)
delivery attributes, such as delivery method (e.g. pump, truck mixer, etc.), and 5) quality attributes such
as compressive strength, uniformity, air content, slump, etc.


General Attribute


Knowledge Integration

Support Process
Management Process
Core Process

Compliance Checking
Subject Attribute

Compliance Assessor
Compliance Agent

Knowledge Resource
Knowledge Item Resource

Compliance Checking
Scope Attribute

Compliance Checking
Process Attribute

Physical Resource

Deontic Prescription

Financial Resource

Deontic Rule Attribute


Norm Attribute


Compliance Checking
Measure Attribute

Knowledge Product

Deontic Exception

Physical Product

Authority Attribute


Technical Document
Operational Plan

QA/QC Plan

Visitor Form
Security Log
Financial Document

Quality Simple
Air Content
Quality Complex
Embodied Energy

Administrative Document Attribute

Financial Document Attribute

Reuse Potential

Environmental Impact Indicator

Durability Indicator

Construction Operational Plan Atribute

Reuse Potential Indicator

Construction Document Format

Compliance Checking
Result Attribute
Compliance Checking
Property Attribute

Construction Document Communication

Submittal Document Communication

Compliance Checking

Communication Type
Communication Signatory
Received DocumentCommunication
Construction Document
Information Existence

Deontic Document
Origin Attribute

Construction Document
Information Correctness

Figure 10: Deontic concept hierarchy - part 5



Communication Language

Subject Attribute

Deontic Document
Validity Attribute

Quality Attribute

Technical Document Attribute

Balance Sheet
Deontic Document



Document Attribute

Deontic Document



Knowledge Item Product


Time of Jurisdiction

Environmental Plan

Knowledge Item
Resource Indicator
Financial Resource
Physical Resource

Physical Product Attribute

Decision Attribute

Jurisdiction Attribute

Start Date
End Date

Knowledge Item
Resource Attribute
Financial Resource
Physical Resource

Product Attribute

Geographical Area

Health and Safety


Resource Indicator

Knowledge Product

Project Area


Resource Indicator

Actor-Role Attribute

Authority Location

Method Statement

Resource CC Attribute
Knowledge Resource


Area of Jurisdiction

Site Layout

Process Indicator

Cost Attribute
Quantity Attribute
Storage Attribute
Delivery Attribute



Process CC Attribute


Contact Attribute

Knowledge Item Product


Project CC Attribute

Compliance Checking
Mechanism Attribute


Compliance Checking

Compliance Checking


Construction Operational
Plan Information Existence

Environmental Plan
Information Existence


Deontic Axioms

The deontic axioms are specific to this upper-level deontic model. They specify the definitions of the
concepts and relations in the deontology, and constraints on their interpretation, as well as represent the
constraints of the ACC domain. Three main types of axioms are defined: 1) Modality axioms: axioms that
define the belonging criteria of a concept to a super-concept; 2) Cardinality axioms: axioms that put
constraints on the number of values a relation can take when occurring between two concepts; and 3)
Core ACC process axioms: axioms that introduce technical constraints that originate from ACC
knowledge in construction domain. Tables 3, 4, and 5 present some examples of the axioms - written in
both natural language (English) and deontic logic. Operators O, P, and F mean obligatory, permitted,
forbidden, respectively
Table 3: Modality Axioms


Modality Axioms
It is obligatory that, a norm that originates from a regulatory authority is a regulatory norm.
x,y (norm(x) regulatory_authority(y) originates_from(x,y)) O (regulatory_norm(x))
It is obligatory that, a deontic document that documents a regulatory norm is a regulatory
x,y (deontic_document(x) regulatory_norm(y) documents(x,y)) O
It is obligatory that, a statute that originates from federal agency is a federal statute.
x,y (statute(x) federal_agency(y) originates_from(x,y)) O (federal_statute(x))
It is obligatory that, a regulation that originates from federal agency is a federal regulation.
x,y (regulation(x) federal_agency(y) originates_from(x,y)) O (federal_regulation(x))
It is obligatory that, a statute that originates from a state agency is a state statute.
x,y (statute(x) state_agency(y) originates_from(x,y) O (state_statute(x))
If a deontic document originates from an authority, then it is obligatory that the authority is an
issuing authority.
x,y (deontic_document(x) authority(y) originates_from(x,y) O (issuing_authority(y))


Table 4: Cardinality Axioms




Cardinality Axioms
It is permitted that a compliance assessor administers more than one compliance checking
x,y,z (compliance_assessor(x) compliance_checking_process(y)
compliance_checking_process(z) yz) P (administers(x,y) administers(x,z))
It is obligatory for a compliance assessor to assess at least one compliance agent.
x (compliance_assessor(x)) O (y (compliance_agent(y) assesses(x,y)))
It is forbidden for a compliance checking process to be administered by more than one
compliance assessor.
x,y (compliance_checking_process(x) compliance_assessor(y) administers(y,x)) F (z
(compliance_assessor(z) administers (z,x) yz ))
It is obligatory that a compliance checking process uses at least one compliance checking
x (compliance_checking_process(x)) O (y (compliance_checking_mechanism(y)
It is permitted for an authority to have authority over a compliance checking topic and/or a
compliance checking applicability phase.
x (authority(x)) P ( (y,z compliance_checking_topic(y)
compliance_checking_applicability_phase(z) (has_authority_over(x,y)
It is permitted for an authority to have authority over more than one compliance checking topic.
x (authority(x)) P (y,z (compliance_checking_topic(y) compliance_checking_topic(z)
yz has_authority_over (x,y) has_authority_over (x,z)))
It is permitted that a subject has more than one compliance checking attribute.
x (subject(x)) P (y,z (compliance_checking_attribute(y)
compliance_checking_attribute(z) yz has_attribute(x,y) has_attribute(x,z)))
It is obligatory that a norm definition process defines at least one norm.
x (norm_definition(x)) O (y (norm(y) defines(x,y)))
It is obligatory that any subject is regulated by at least one authority.
x (subject(x)) O (y (authority(y) regulates(y,x)))
It is obligatory that a deontic document originates from at least one issuing authority.
x (deontic_document(x)) O (y (issuing_authority(y) originates_from(x,y)))
It is prohibited that a deontic document originates from more than one issuing authority.
x,y,z (deontic_document(x) issuing_authority(y) issuing_authority(z) yz) F
(originates_from(x,y) originates_from(x,z))
It is permitted that a deontic exception changes the applicability of a deontic rule.
x (deontic_exception(x)) P (y (deontic_rule(y) affects_applicability(x,y)))
It is obligatory that a compliance checking process results in at least one compliance checking
x (compliance_checking_process(x)) O (y (compliance_checking_result(y)
It is permitted that a compliance checking result results in more than one consequence.
x (compliance_checking_result(x)) P (y,z (compliance_checking_consequence(y)
compliance_checking_consequence(z) yz results_in(x,y) results_in(x,z)))

Table 5: Core ACC Process Axioms


Core ACC Process Axioms

It is obligatory that, if a compliance checking process has a compliance checking scope that it is
defined by its compliance assessor.
x,y,z (compliance_checking_process(x) compliance_checking_scope(y) has_scope(x,y)
compliance_assessor(z) administers(z,x)) O (defines(z,y))
It is obligatory that, if a compliance checking process has a subject that it is defined by its
compliance assessor.
x,y,z (compliance_checking_process(x) subject(y) is_checked_by(y,x)
compliance_assessor(z) administers(z,x) O (define(z,y))
If the subject of a compliance checking process is a resource then, it is obligatory that it is
checked by a resource compliance checking process.
x,y (subject(x) resource(x) compliance_checking_process(y) is_checked_by(x,y)) O
If a compliance assessor is also a compliance agent, then it is obligatory that he/she is a self
x,y (compliance_assessor(x) compliance_agent(x) compliance_checking_process(y)
administers(x,y)) O (self_assessor(x))
If a compliance assessor is not a compliance agent, then it is obligatory that he/she is an authority
x,y (compliance_assessor(x) compliance_agent(x) compliance_checking_process(y)
administers(x,y)) O (authority_assessor(x))
It is obligatory that a deontic document originates from an issuing authority or contractual
x,y (deontic_document(x)) O (y ((issuing_authority(y) contractual_authority(y))
It is permitted for a compliance assessor, to also be a compliance agent, for the same compliance
checking process (i.e. a compliance assessor is permitted to asses him/herself).
x,y (compliance_assessor(x) compliance_agent(x) compliance_checking_process(y)) P
(administers(x,y) assesses(x,x))

Deontology Coding

Concepts are represented as OWL classes. Concept definitions are represented in natural language as rdfs
comments in Protg (see Figure 11 and Figure 12). Partonymy and is-a relations are represented
through sub-super class relationships. Cross-concept relations are represented through Protg-OWL
necessary conditions (see Figure 11). For further description of these representations, the readers are
referred to El-Gohary and El-Diraby (2010). Axioms are expressed in natural language and coded in
standard deontic logic. They were not coded in Protg because of its incapability to represent deontic
logic sentences.


Figure 11: Protg snapshot of compliance assessor rdfs comment and relations

Figure 12: Protg snapshot of upper-level model




Evaluation of the Deontology

Current research approaches the evaluation of semantic models through various methods: 1) comparing
the semantic model to other semantic models on a lexical and conceptual level (Maedche and Staab 2002).
This method requires either the availability of a standard deontic model (i.e. a golden standard) to
compare to, or the development of a number of deontic models by domain experts for comparison.
However, it would be difficult to use this method in the construction domain, because no golden standard
model exists and the development of several deontic models would be labor-intensive and timeconsuming; 2) human-based evaluation, which could be: a) developer evaluation: carried out by the
deontology developer for ensuring that the deontic model answers all formal competency questions
(FCQs); b) user evaluation: carried out by users or domain experts through interviews, focus groups, and
surveys (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010, Lozan-Tello and Gomez-Perez 2004); 3) using the deontic
model in real-life applications/scenarios (e.g. conducting case study evaluation) to evaluate/demonstrate
its performance/capabilities in its intended use; and 4) automated evaluation: consistency checking using
reasoning engines (e.g. Pellet) (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010).
Four types of deontology evaluation were conducted:

Formal competency questions (FCQs): The deontology was evaluated based on its ability to answer
all FCQs. Given that an automated deontic reasoner is not available, this test was conducted
manually. The concepts, relations, and axioms of the deontic model and their combined ability to
answer all FCQs were evaluated manually. The ACC deontology fulfilled all stated FCQs and their

Automated consistency checking: The model was automatically checked for consistency (El-Gohary
and El-Diraby 2010) using Pellet 1.5.2 Reasoner (embedded within Protg 3.4.7 software) (Protg
2011). Given that axioms were not coded in Protg, they were not incorporated in the check. The
ACC deontology (concept hierarchy and relations) passed the automated consistency-checking test.

Case study evaluation: As presented in Section 5.2, three construction industry case studies of
different types (i.e. chilling plant construction, construction of a commercial building, and demolition
activities) were utilized to demonstrate the applicability of the deontic-based model in real-life ACC
scenarios. The case studies demonstrate the applicability of the deontology in extracting project
information and deontic prescriptions, and reasoning about both to check compliance.

Expert interviews: Three one-on-one interviews were conducted to assess the deontology from an
application-oriented and user-centric point of view. In order to ensure in-depth, application-oriented
evaluation of the deontology, the author has interviewed the industry experts that provided the case

study material. Given the limited number of interviewees, the readers of this thesis are cautioned that
the results of these interviews are statistically insignificant, and thus the results of the survey cannot
be generalized beyond these three cases. The interviews were composed of: 1) a presentation (by the
author) about deontology, the motivation, and objectives of the research, 2) an overview (by the
author) of the deontic model and a presentation of the coded deontology (using the Protg interface),
and 3) a questionnaire for conducting the survey in a structured manner.
The questionnaire was composed of five sections (following the methodology presented by ElGohary and El-Diraby 2010):

Respondent information: covers the respondent information and years and field of experience in
the construction industry.

Background and familiarity with the research scope: covers the familiarity of respondent with the
challenges and needs of compliance checking during planning, design, and construction phases
(all respondents were Very Familiar), the degree of respondents awareness about
information/knowledge modeling (responses ranged from Somewhat Aware to Aware), and
the strength of respondents opinion about the need for ACC in the construction industry
(responses ranged from Agree to Strongly Agree).

Abstraction and categorization effectiveness: ensures that the concepts are consistent,
semantically-correct, semantically-rich, and extendable (El-Gohary and El-Diraby 2010). A list of
randomly selected concepts and their hierarchal paths (super-concepts) were presented. For each
concept, respondents were requested to rate their level of agreement with the presented path (i.e.
abstraction/categorization) on a scale 1 to 6 (1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Somewhat
Agree, 4 = Somewhat Disagree, 5= Disagree, 6 = Strongly Disagree). Results ranged
between Strongly Agree and Somewhat Agree, showing that respondents mostly agree with
the categorization of concepts.

Navigational ease: covers the ease of locating different concepts in the model, which facilitates
other tasks such as knowledge access, retrieval, reuse, and maintenance (El-Gohary and ElDiraby 2010). Respondents were asked to locate a set of randomly selected concepts, and
accordingly rate the ease of finding each concept on a scale of 1 to 6 (1 = Very Easy, 2 =
Easy, 3 = Moderately Easy, 4 = Moderately Difficult, 5 = Difficult, 6 = Very Difficult).
The majority of concepts were rated Very Easy or Easy, while sub-concepts of Deontic
Document were Moderately Easy to Moderately Difficult to locate. This may be explained by
the respondents unfamiliarity with the distinction between the following deontic concepts: norm,
deontic rule, and deontic prescription.

Overall evaluation: entails five direct questions to provide an overall evaluation of the deontology
in terms of overall: 1) navigational ease, 2) familiarity and representativeness of concepts, and 3)
coverage of deontology to main concepts and relations of ACC. Results indicated that the
respondents: 1) found the model Easy to navigate; 2) found the concepts used, to be
Moderately Familiar and Representative; and 3) Strongly Agree that the model covers the
main concepts and relations of ACC.


Deontology Implementation: Case Studies

In order to implement the model in real-life applications, a set of three case studies were conducted. The
case studies focused on checking the compliance of the contractors storm-water pollution prevention
plan (SWPPP) with applicable storm-water norms. This section aims at summarizing the case studies and
illustrating/showcasing the use of the deontic model in real ACC scenarios. Since the model has not been
implemented in a deontic reasoner yet, the deontic reasoning was manually simulated/conducted. For the
case studies, SWPPPs from three projects that are located in the State of Illinois were used: 1)
construction of a central chilled water plant, 2) construction of a commercial building, and 3) demolition
of an existing retail space at an existing shopping center. For confidentiality reasons, the names of the
projects are not disclosed.
An environmental plan is typically a part of a construction operational plan (a document prepared by the
contractor during the pre-construction phase to detail his/her plan for building the project). The majority
of environmental plans focus on storm-water pollution prevention and control. Storm-water is the runoff
produced due to the precipitation from rain and snowmelt events (US EPA 2010). Storm-water flows over
land and impervious surfaces such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops, without
infiltrating into the ground. As a result of the flow, the runoff accumulates debris, chemicals, sediments,
and pollutants that potentially affect the water quality if left untreated. Construction projects are required
to employ temporary (during construction) and permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control
the flow of storm-water discharge. A SWPPP is a site-specific written document that: 1) identifies
potential sources of storm-water pollution at the construction site, 2) describes practices to reduce
pollutants in storm-water discharges from the construction site, and 3) identifies the procedures that the
operator will implement to comply with the terms and conditions of a construction general permit (US
EPA 2007).
The development of the SWPPP is the responsibility of the operator of a storm-water discharging
construction site. The operator is the person who has operational control over construction plans and/or
day-to-day supervision and control of activities occurring at the construction site (US EPA 2007). The
operator is a compliance agent; therefore the operator can be an owner, contractor, or sub-contractor.

Any facility (e.g. construction site) that discharges storm-water into waters of the U.S. is required to
obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm-water permit. The NPDES is a
program within the U.S. EPA that is responsible for controlling the pollution of U.S. waters. The EPA
delegates the regulatory authority to some states giving them the right to issue a NPDES storm-water
permit (e.g. Illinois).
The ACC process of the SWPPP addressed in this section includes: 1) checking the format of the SWPPP,
2) checking that the communication attributes of the SWPPP are compliant with the norms (e.g. signatory
requirements, date of preparation and approval, submittal method and date, etc.), 3) checking that the
SWPPP information availability attribute is fulfilled; i.e. SWPPP covers all required elements (e.g.
project and SWPP contact information, site and activity description, potential pollutant sources on site,
description of controls to reduce pollutants, etc.), and 4) checking the information correctness of the
SWPPP content and its compliance to applicable norms.

Applying the Deontic Model in Checking the Compliance of SWPPPs

This section focuses on checking the compliance of SWPPPs belonging to construction sites located in
the State of Illinois. It demonstrates some of the concepts discussed in Chapter 4, but with more
application-specific detail (i.e. sub-concepts) relevant to storm-water and environmental regulations in the
State of Illinois. For illustrative purposes, the following scenario is assumed: an Illinois EPA
representative (i.e. a regulatory assessor, permitting authority, and state agency) is a compliance
assessor who is checking the compliance of a SWPPP (i.e. the subject is SWPPP which is an
environmental document), which was prepared by a contractor (i.e. the compliance agent is a general
contractor which is an organizational agent).
Compliance Checking Scope: As per Figure 13, the compliance checking applicability phase is defined
as construction planning phase, while the compliance checking topic is defined as storm-water topic
(a sub-concept of the environmental topic).


Compliance Checking
Compliance Checking
Applicability Phase

Compliance Checking

Execution Phase

Environmental Topic

Construction Phase

Storm-water Topic

Construction Planning Phase

Dredge and Fill/Wetlands Topic

Construction Operation Phase

Oil Spill Topic

Construction Waste Topic
Air Quality Topic

Figure 13: Environmental sub-concepts

Subject: The subject of compliance is the SWPPP. Other documents associated with the SWPPP
compliance are the notice of intent (NOI) (submitted prior to the beginning of construction) and the notice
of termination (NOT) signifying the end of site disturbance; both documents are required by the NPDES.
The NOI and the NOT are examples of administrative documents that could be checked for compliance
under the scope of environmental ACC.
Compliance Checking Process: A SWPPP is a document; therefore the system uses the document
compliance checking process, including the following sub-processes (see Figure 5):

Norm Definition: The first sub-process of ACC is norm definition. Norm definition identifies the

norms that apply to ACC of a SWPPP document during the construction planning phase. It includes
identifying regulatory norms, contractual norms, and advisory practices. In this case, the compliance
assessor is a regulatory assessor; therefore ACC is restricted to regulatory norm. Table 6 outlines
applicable regulatory norms, types of norms (S = statutory, R = regulation), deontic documents, and
authorities for the subject case studies. Contractual requirements vary from one project to another, but
contracts typically require the designer or contractor to abide by federal, state, and local laws. An
example contractual clause is:
Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Storm Water Management, and National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Permit: Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans and Storm-water
Management Plans shall be prepared by the Designer of Record during design. Each shall be in
accordance with the criteria of the governing agency at the project site. In the early stages of design, the
Designer of Record shall contact the state, county, or local authorities for their particular requirements for
each item. Erosion and sedimentation control and storm-water management shall be incorporated in all
projects where required. If not required, a waiver shall be obtained from the Government agency having


jurisdiction (Extracted from real-life contract document names of project/parties are undisclosed for
confidentiality reasons).
Bylaws and advisory practices vary by project or company and its policies. Once approved, the SWPPP
becomes a bylaw document for the project, where the construction operator is required to follow the
SWPPP during construction operations and pollution control measures. State regulatory agencies also
require the contractor to follow BMP documents (e.g. the Illinois Urban Manual) (US EPA 2011).
Norm definition also includes norm authority definition, as well as deontic document definition.
Table 6 shows the deontic document and the issuing, permitting, and enforcing authorities for each
identified norm.
Table 6: Norms, Deontic Documents, and Authorities
Clean Water Act


Federal Water
Pollution Control
Illinois Compiled
Statutes: Chapter




US Senate





Illinois Office of the

Attorney General,
Illinois Pollution
Control Board

Control Board


Illinois Pollution
Control Board
Illinois Office of the
Attorney General,
Illinois Pollution
Control Board

Protection Act

Regulations for the
State of Illinois

Code: Title 35

NPDES Permit

General or
NPDES Permit



EPA Regulations

Code of Federal
Regulations: Title




Association of
Illinois Soil
and Water



Storm-water Best

Illinois Urban

2) Rule Extraction: Rule extraction includes natural language processing of deontic documents to extract
all rules that are relevant to the subject (i.e. SWPPP). Different examples are presented to demonstrate
the four types of compliance checking attributes of the SWPPP: 1) document communication attributes,

including signatory requirements (e.g. NPDES permit requires that the SWPPP be signed by a president,
secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any
other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the corporation), 2)
information existence attributes (e.g. NPDES permit requires that the SWPPP contains a site description
including the nature of the construction activity or demolition work, description of the sequence of major
soil disturbing activities, an estimate of the total area of the site and total disturbed area by excavation,
grading or other activities, etc.), 3) formatting attributes (e.g. the contractor is required to use a specific
template for preparing the SWPPP), and 4) information correctness attributes (e.g. insure that all the
construction activities are listed, the disturbance area is accurately calculated, all pollutant sources are
listed, appropriate pollution prevention measures are implemented, etc.).
3) Project Information Extraction: Project information extraction includes natural language processing of
the SWPPP. A set of examples showing parts of the SWPPP text, and its corresponding formalization in
deontic logic, are presented in Tables 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
4) Information








simulation/demonstration of deontic reasoning based on the deontic model to carry out the compliance
checking of the SWPPPs. Information compliance checking compares the extracted information to the
deontic prescriptions, and accordingly detects compliance and non-compliance.
5) Consequence Definition: This sub-process identifies and documents the actual consequences of
compliance or non-compliance (for the following examples, the consequence is assumed for illustrative
6) Compliance Checking Reporting: This sub-process involves reporting the results and consequences of
the compliance checking process.


The following examples demonstrate the compliance checking of three different types of document
compliance checking attributes: document communication attributes, information existence attributes, and
information correctness attributes. Tables 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 illustrate the different outcomes of rule
extraction, project information extraction, information compliance checking, and consequence definition.
The tables show the deontic rule, the norm it represents, the deontic prescription prescribed by the deontic
rule, the relevant project information, the project information represented in formal logic (operators O, P
and F, mean obligated, permitted, and forbidden, respectively), the compliance checking result, and the
compliance checking consequence.


Example 1 illustrates checking the compliance of the SWPPP to document communication requirements.
The document is required to be completed prior to the start of construction and to be submitted
Table 7: Deontic-Based Compliance Checking - Example 1
NPDES General Permit
Deontic Document
NPDES General Permit Document
Deontic Rule
The SWPPP shall be completed prior to the start of the construction to be covered under this permit and
submitted electronically to the Agency.
Deontic Prescription
x,p,cd,sd,d1,d2 (swppp_document(x) project(p) belongs_to(x,p) completion_date(cd)
start_date(sd) has_attribute(x, cd, d1) has_attribute(p, sd, d2)) O (greater_than(d2, d1))
Project Information*

Project start date: 7/1/2011

SWPPP completion date: 6/15/2011

Project Information in Formal Logic

has_attribute(D1, CD1, 6/15/2011).
has_attribute(P1, SD1, 7/1/2011).
Compliance Checking Result
Compliance Checking Consequence
Neutral Consequence
* The project start and completion dates are extracted from the SWPPP.
Example 2 illustrates checking the compliance of the SWPPP with information existence requirements.
The document is required to contain a specific list of storm-water controls.


Table 8: Deontic-Based Compliance Checking- Example 2

NPDES General Permit
Deontic Document
NPDES General Permit Document
Deontic Rule
The SWPPP must include the following: site description, controls: a. erosion and sediment controls, b.
storm-water management, maintenance, and inspections.*
Deontic Prescription*
x swppp_document(x) O ( y,h section(y) is_part_of(y,x) heading(h) has_attribute(y, h,
NPDES General Permit
Project Information**
<H8> Site Description </H8>
Project Information in Formal Logic
has_attribute(S1, H1, SITE_DESCRIPTION).
Compliance Checking Result
Compliance Checking Consequence
Neutral Consequence
*Only one of the headings is demonstrated as an example for checking section headings.
** Information extraction mechanisms extract all headings present in a SWPPP and document their values.
Examples 3, 4, and 5 illustrate checking the compliance of the SWPPP document with information
correctness requirements. Example 3 shows compliance checking with scheduling requirements. Example
4 shows compliance checking with required inspection methods. Example 5 checks whether a project is
eligible for a deontic exception (e.g. waiver) or not. The project is required to satisfy particular
requirements (e.g. total area to be disturbed) to be eligible for a waiver. If the project is eligible, then the
authority is permitted to grant the project a waiver. If the project is granted a waiver, then the waiver
affects the applicability of other deontic rules.


Table 9: Deontic-Based Compliance Checking-Example 3

Construction Sequencing BMP
Deontic Document
US EPA Storm-water BMPs
Deontic Rule

Deontic Prescription
m,a,msd,asd,d1,d2 (start_of_construction_milestone(m) subgrade_stabilization_activity(a)
milestone_start_date(msd) construction_activity_start_date(asd) has_attribute(m, msd, d1)
has_attribute(a, asd, d2)) O (equal_to(d2, d1))
Project Information

Start Date

Finish Date

Start of Construction



Subgrade Stabilization



Project Information in Formal Logic

has_attribute(M1, MSD1, 1/1/2011).
has_attribute(A1, ASD1, 1/1/2011).
Compliance Checking Result
Compliance Checking Consequence
Neutral Consequence


Table 10: Deontic-Based Compliance Checking- Example 4

Construction Site Operator BMP Inspection and Maintenance
Deontic Document
US EPA Storm-water BMPs
Deontic Rule
Storm-water control BMPs need regular inspections to ensure their effectiveness, and many permitting
authorities require self-inspection for construction projects. Three types of BMP inspections are
performed: routine inspections, inspections performed before rain events, and inspections performed
after rain events.
Deontic Prescription*
p,fe,fed,d1 (stormwater_control_BMP(p) forecasted_rain_event (fe) forecasted_event_date(fed)
has_attribute(fe, fed, d1)) O ( pri, iasd,d2 (pre_rain_BMP_inspection_activity(pri) inspects(pri,p)
inspection_activitiy_start_date(iasd) has_attribute(pri, iasd,d2) greater_than(d1, d2))))
Project Information
Qualified personnel shall inspect disturbed areas of the construction site, which have not been finally
stabilized, structural control measures, and locations where vehicles enter or exit the site. Such
inspections shall be conducted at least once every seven calendar-days and within 24 hours of the end of
a rain event.
Project Information in Formal Logic
p,fe,fed,d1 (stormwater_control_BMP(p) forecasted_rain_event(fe) forecasted_event_date(fed)
has_attribute(fe, fed, d1)) O (
pri, iasd,d2 (pre_rain_BMP_inspection_activity(pri)
inspects(pri,p) inspection_activitiy_start_date(iasd) has_attribute(pri, iasd,d2) greater_than(d1,
Compliance Checking Result
Compliance Checking Consequence
Actual Consequence - Corrective Action
*Only one of three related deontic prescriptions (the one about pre-rain inspection) is shown.


Table 11: Deontic-Based Compliance Checking- Example 5

1. EPA Storm-water FAQs
2. Federal Regulation
Deontic Document
1. EPA Storm-water FAQs
2. Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Chapter 1 Subchapter D - Part 122 - Subpart B - 122.26
Deontic Rule
1. Waivers are not available for any construction activity disturbing 5 acres or greater.
2. The Director may not waive the otherwise applicable requirements in a general permit for a stormwater discharge from construction activities that disturb less than five acres where: The value of the
rainfall erosivity factor (R in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) is more than five during the
period of construction activity.
Deontic Prescription
w,a,p,ta,ta1 ((npdes_waiver(w) authority(a) project(p) total_area(ta) disturbs(p,ta,ta1)
greater_than(ta1,5)) F (grants(a,w,p)))
w,a,p,ta,ta1,re,r1 ((npdes_waiver(w) authority(a) project(p) total_area(ta) disturbs(p,ta,ta1)
smaller_than(ta1,5) rainfall_erosivity_factor(re) has_attribute(p,re,r1) greater_than(r1,5)) F
w,a,p,ta,ta1,re,r1 ((npdes_waiver(w) authority(a) project(p) total_area(ta) disturbs(p,ta,ta1)
smaller_than(ta1,5) rainfall_erosivity_factor(re) has_attribute(p,re,r1) smaller_than(r1,5)) P
Project Information
1) The total area of the project is estimated to be 40 acres. The total area of the project estimated to be
disturbed by excavation, grading, or other activities is 13.61 acres. The rainfall erosivity factor at the
project site is expected to be 8.
2) A waiver was granted by EPA.
Project Information in Formal Logic
has_attribute(P1, S1, 40).
total_area(TA1) .
Compliance Checking Result
Compliance Checking Consequence
Actual Consequence Negative Consequence Formal Negative Consequence Permit Penalty
Permit Revocation



This chapter addresses the application of deontic text classification (TC) to support automated compliance
checking (ACC). This chapter presents a combined semantic and machine-learning (ML)-based approach
for classifying the clauses (and sub-clauses) of construction contract general conditions. For the
remainder of this thesis, document refers to a contract clause or sub-clause. This chapter utilizes the
deontic model presented in Chapter 4 to: 1) classify a text corpus according to the categories defined in
the deontic model (i.e. the categories used in TC correspond to concepts (topics) in the deontic model).
The deontic model defines the meaning of each concept, the relationship between the concept and other
concepts, and the axioms that define and govern the behavior of the concepts. This facilitates the labeling
process by minimizing ambiguities of label meanings for the user/expert conducting the labeling; and 2)
use the output of the TC process (i.e. labeled documents) to populate the deontic model with instances of
documents for further deontic-based information extraction (in future research).

Comparison of Supervised TC to Unsupervised TC

The main difference between unsupervised and supervised TC, is the additional step (for supervised TC)
of creating a training set of labeled documents. This renders supervised TC, in comparison to
unsupervised TC, more time-consuming. However, supervised TC is expected to have higher
performance, since it benefits from human guidance (in the form of the training set). Another advantage
of supervised TC is that it allows the user to predefine the labels according to the application. For
example, construction contract general conditions can be classified according to: 1) topic (e.g. cost,
quality, or environment), 2) parties involved (e.g. contractor, consultant, or sub-contractor), or 3) project
phase (e.g. planning, construction, or maintenance). In unsupervised TC, the user does not define the
labels; thus, the output may not be suitable for the application. As such, for this application, a supervised
approach is selected for the following reasons: 1) in the context of ACC, the performance of TC (in terms
of precision and recall) is highly important. Recall is especially critical, because a relevant clause that is
not retrieved may compromise the performance of the entire ACC process; and 2) the problem at hand is
domain-specific; and thus domain-specific labels are needed (to match the topics defined in the deontic

Text Classification Label Definition

The labels used for TC correspond to the direct sub-concepts of the compliance checking topic (a type
of compliance checking scope refer to Chapter 4). Figure 14 shows the partial deontic concept
hierarchy (focusing on the direct sub-concepts of compliance checking topic). Fourteen categories
(topics) of compliance checking are modeled: 1) Cost: a topic that addresses financial or money-related
matters, such as cost estimating, pricing, payment conditions, interest rates, costs of bonds and insurance,

bill of quantities, taxes, liquidated damages, changes in prices, etc.; 2) Quality: a topic that deals with
factors that affect the quality of construction including quality of material, equipment, construction
methods, temporary facilities, etc. such as quality specifications, roles and responsibilities of project
actors (e.g. contractor) with respect to quality (e.g. quality control personnel and their roles, submitting
quality control reports, etc.), submittal and approval requirements, testing and handing-over requirements,
corrective actions, quality control and assurance procedure, etc.; 3) Scope: a topic that defines the scope
of work, including contractors scope of work, change order terms and conditions that may affect the
scope of work (such clauses would be categorized both as scope and change management); 4) Time': a
topic that relates to and/or may affect the schedule of a construction project, such as submittal/approval
timelines, milestones, time extensions, schedule delays, etc.; 5) Risk Management: a topic addressing
risk identification, analysis, response, monitoring, and control, such as bonds and insurance; 6)
'Contracting': a topic addressing any contractual relationship (e.g. contractor-owner, contractor-subcontractor, contractor-supplier, or contractor-third party) and the formation, administration, and/or
termination of the contract

(e.g. restrictions on sub-contractor hiring and firing); 7) Change

Management: a topic that addresses changes including scope, cost, and time changes , such as
procedures for submitting change requests/orders, terms and conditions for valuating change orders, etc.;
8) Claims and Disputes: a topic that addresses the management of claims and disputes between the
project parties, such as alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, arbitration procedures, etc.; 9) Safety
and Health: a topic pertaining to issues of safety and health in the construction site; 10) Labor
Relations: a topic that addresses labor rights to holidays, payment, workers compensation, insurance,
etc.; 11) Security: a topic addressing site access, right of entry, security of the site against theft, fences
and guards required, etc.; 12) Environmental: a topic addressing the conditions of, the effect on, or the
protection/preservation/enhancement of the natural surroundings, including water bodies, climate, air, soil,
natural resources, etc.; 13) Emergency Management: a topic that addresses emergency management
procedures, roles, and responsibilities; and 14) Information Management: a topic that addresses
document control and administration, information exchange, data/information access management, etc.


Compliance Checking

Compliance Checking








Labor Relations


Claims and



Safety and


Figure 14: Partial deontic concept hierarchy showing direct sub-concepts of compliance checking topic
Table 12 shows a sample of deontic axioms that govern the compliance checking scope and compliance
checking topic (which in turn govern the TC process). The axioms support the labeling process (i.e.
guide the domain expert) by making the rules/constraints of labeling explicit and formal. Deontic axioms
are expressed using obligation, permission, or prohibition operators.
Table 12: Sample of Labeling Axioms

Deontic Axiom

It is forbidden that a contractual document (cd) has no label (l)

It is obligated that label (l) is a sub-concept of compliance checking topic (ct)

It is permitted that contractual document (cd) has more than one label (l)


Text Classification Methodology and Algorithm

Using a problem transformation approach (described below in Section 6.3.2), developing a TC model for
categorizing contract general conditions clauses/sub-clauses according to the fourteen deontic-based
labels is composed of building fourteen binary classification models. This thesis presents the
environmental binary-classification model, which classifies a contract clause or sub-clause as positive
(i.e. environmental) or negative (i.e. not-environmental). The methodology used applies a variety of
feature selection methods, which improved the results of the classifier model. Initial tests were carried out
on different types of classifiers (e.g. nave Bayes (NB), maximum entropy (ME), support vector machines
(SVM)) and, accordingly, the SVM classifier model was selected due to its higher performance in terms
of precision and recall. The methodology compares the results obtained from a combination of different
feature engineering (FE) and dimensionality reduction (DR) techniques that were tested using the SVM
classifier model. The process was conducted in an iterative manner, involving a comparison between sixty
different variations of feature selection and pre-processing (e.g. stop-word removal, stemming, etc.)

techniques. The best classifier model was selected based on the best empirical results (presented in
Chapter 7). Figure 15 summarizes the methodology that was used in training and testing the classifier.

Feature Selection


Feature Evaluation


Feature Size Selection


Feature Weighting





Feature Representation

Feature Selection


Feature Weighting


Feature Representation

Text Classification Results and Evaluation

Feature Type Selection



Format Conversion, Noise Removal, and Document


Data Preparation

Data Collection and Input



Figure 15: Text classification methodology


Data Collection and Data Input

This stage involves collecting a number of construction contract clauses to create training and testing data
sets. Supervised TC for construction applications faces a challenge that is not relevant for applications in
other domains (e.g. literature, medicine, media, etc.). For other applications (such as news article
classification, author identification of literary text, etc.) large data sets are easily and readily available
(Ayyasamy et al. 2010, Laranjeiro et al. 2010). For some applications, such as classifying news articles,
the data is even already labeled (Hagiwara et al. 2010, Nigam et al. 1999). In contrast, for construction
domain applications: 1) textual data sets are not as easily or readily available. For example, for the current
application, collecting clauses of contract general conditions is relatively challenging. Contract
documents of private projects contain non-public information and are, therefore, difficult to collect for
confidentiality reasons. Public project contract documents are available (they are public), but collecting
the documents might require lengthy approval and acquisition procedures; and 2) most importantly,
contract documents are not readily labeled (according to our desired deontic topic labels) and, as such,
manual labeling of training and test sets is time-intensive and requires the expertise of a construction
domain expert. However, in comparison to other applications (e.g. news article categorization, language
identification, etc.), TC of construction contract documents requires less training and testing data since


the documents are relatively standardized. Construction contract documents are relatively standard in
terms of document structure, terminology, etc.
Each construction contract category may require a different classifier and a different size of
training/testing data due to the following: 1) Non-uniformity of label distribution within one contract: for
example, Figure 16 shows the distribution of clauses/sub-clauses across the fourteen labels (topics) (based
on a sample of two contract general conditions). As shown, the distribution is unbalanced (e.g. the
number of positive data of the label cost are much larger than the positive data of the label emergency
management). The non-uniformity of the data set may cause high variability in the performance of each
labels binary classification; 2) The distinctive features of one label may not be similar in number and/or
complexity (e.g. words, phrases, dates, numbers, units, etc.). For example, a small feature set size is
required for the environmental classifier, while a large number of features may be required for the cost
or scope classifier. Features of the environmental label are simpler than those of the other categories.
Words like environment, energy, storm-water, sediment, etc., are distinctive of environmental
clauses and same/similar vocabulary of words is used in most construction contracts. Thus, a small
feature set size is sufficient for the environmental clause. In contrast, features of the cost label for
example may contain words like payment, which has several synonyms (e.g. cost, expense, fee, etc.);
and thus, the set of features required to represent the cost label becomes much larger (where one concept
is represented by more than one term). Accordingly, the training and testing data sets required to produce
an effective classifier become larger in size.

Emergency Management
Safety and Health
Labor Relations
Change Management
Claims and Disputes
Risk Management









Percentage of Positive Examples

Figure 16: Proportion of positive data for each category in a sample of two contract general conditions

As mentioned above, TC for ACC involves multiple binary classification models (one for each topic).
This thesis presents the environmental classifier, since it focuses on automated environmental
compliance checking and for that purpose the classification of environmental contract clauses is the only
needed classifier. A set of 330 construction contract clauses were collected and divided into two sets:
training data and testing data. The clauses were collected from a variety of sources such as standard
construction contract general conditions (e.g. AIA standard contract documents), example construction
contract clauses from books and online sources, real-life contract general conditions used on real-life
construction projects (e.g. contract general conditions used by the University of Illinois Facilities and
Services Department), etc. The number of collected clauses is believed to be sufficient for developing
an effective environmental classifier due to the small number of distinctive features of environmental
clauses and the standardized nature of construction vocabulary.

Data Preparation

Format Conversion, Noise Removal, and Document Splitting: Contract documents are available in
different formats (e.g. .pdf, .doc, .docx, etc.). This stage aims at: 1) converting the format of a document
into a standard processable format (e.g. .txt); 2) eliminating document noise (i.e. information that is
irrelevant to the text classification task such as headers, footers, dates, table of contents, page numbers,
etc.); and 3) splitting the contract general conditions into a set of clauses or sub-clauses. Generally,
contract general conditions have a relatively standard format and data representation, where each clause is
numbered and has a specific title. The TC algorithm makes use of the document formatting (e.g. title line,
bullets and numbering, empty line) to detect the beginning and ending of a clause or sub-clause, and
thereby to automatically split a contract general conditions into a set of clauses or sub-clauses. The
outcome of this stage is a set of text (.txt) files, each containing a noise-reduced clause or sub-clause.
Labeling: TC tasks can be either single-label (each document is given one label) or multi-label (each
document may be given more than one label) (Sebastiani 2002). Single-label classification refers to
learning the classification model from a training data set and assigning one label to each document
(Tsoumakas and Katakis 2007). Construction contract documents such as contract agreements, general
conditions, special conditions, and specifications contain a large amount of textual data. Each document
or part of document (e.g. contract clause or sub-clause) addresses a variety of topics (e.g. cost, time,
quality, environment, safety, etc.). Accordingly, TC of construction contract documents is a multi-label
problem. Multi-label classification refers to learning the classification from a training data set associated
with one or more labels and assigning one or more labels to each document (Ghamrawi and McCallum
2005). There are two approaches to solving multi-labeling problems: 1) Problem transformation methods:
transforming a multi-label classification problem into multiple single-label binary (i.e. a classifier that

categorizes a text as either belonging to category c (label l) or not category c (label l)) classification
problems (Tsoumakas and Katakis 2007). This approach assumes that the labels are independent (i.e. the
belonging of a document to a category ci does not affect its belonging to another category cj) (Cherman et
al. 2011, Liu et al. 2006); and 2) Algorithm adaptation: extending an existing classification algorithm to
handle a multi-label classification problem (Bi and Kwok 2011, Trohidis et al. 2008). The problem
transformation approach is criticized for ignoring the interdependencies between labels (if they exist); but,
empirical evidence shows that it achieves better performance and is more efficient than the algorithm
adaptation approach (Heath et al. 2010).
This thesis uses a problem transformation approach to the TC of construction contract general conditions.
Thus, it is assumed that the categories (the deontic-based categories) of construction general conditions
are independent (e.g. there is no correlation between the environmental category and the labor relations
category). As such, the multi-label classification problem was transformed into fourteen single-label
binary classification problems.
In each binary classification model, both the training and the testing sets are labeled according to positive
(e.g. environmental) or negative (e.g. not-environmental) labels. For the remainder of this thesis,
category is used to refer to the deontic concept (e.g. environmental) and label is used to refer to
positive or negative. Training data labels are used for feature selection and classifier training, while
testing data labels are used for the evaluation of the classifiers results. Manual labeling must be carried
out prior to pre-processing (tokenization, stop-word removal, and stemming).


Pre-processing involves the use of a series of linguistic techniques in order to represent a text file (i.e.
composed of words, punctuation, and grammar) in the form of features (e.g. words, phrases, length of a
document, etc.). The feature selected for the representation of environmental clauses/sub-clauses is the
word. Three preprocessing techniques are implemented: 1) Tokenization: it is the process of dividing an
input text (i.e. clause/sub-clause) into sub-units or tokens (i.e. words, punctuation marks, alphanumeric
characters) (Grefenstette 1999). Tokenization changes all upper-case letters to lower-case letters, and is
used to eliminate punctuation and ultimately present a text as a sequence of words; preparing the text for
feature representation and further analysis; 2) Stop-word removal: aims at eliminating common words
that are not distinctive of a particular category. For this application, a Standard English stop word list was
used to remove common English language adverbs, conjunctions, pronouns and prepositions (e.g. I, and,
in, on, of, etc.). Stop-word removal improves the performance of classifiers by eliminating unnecessary
features; and 3) Stemming: is the application of morphological analysis of words in a text (Joachims

2002). It is a linguistic technique of reducing the words to their stems (e.g. environmental environ,
largest large, etc.), thus variations of the same word (having the same stem/root), would be replaced by
their stem in the feature set representation. There are different stemming techniques and open source
stemming packages available. For this application, the porter stemmer that is included in the Learning
Based Java (LBJ) package (Rizzollo and Roth 2010) was used. Stemming reduces the number of features
by combining words sharing the same root, thereby improving the efficiency of the classifier.
Tokenization is essential to the TC task, where the text must be represented in the form of a feature vector
for the classifier to be able to perform statistical analysis. However, stop-word removal and stemming are
not essential to carry out TC tasks, but are rather used to improve the performance of the classifier. Stopword removal eliminates non-distinctive features and has been noted in most of the TC literature (e.g.
Toman et al. (2006), Silva and Rebeiro (2003), and Mcallum and Nigam (1998)) to increase efficiency
and improve performance (or in some cases does not affect performance) of classifiers. Thus, stop word
removal was implemented without testing. However, the effect of stemming on the classifier depends on
the application and cannot be predicted beforehand. Thus, the model was tested, both, with and without
stemming and both results were evaluated. A preprocessing and feature selection algorithm was coded in
Java programming language. The input to the preprocessing and feature selection program is both the
training and testing data sets (i.e. sets of clauses/sub-clauses), and the output is a text file containing
labels, feature IDs, and feature weights resulting from the 60 trials (representing different combinations of
preprocessing and feature selection methods). The output is represented in the format required by existing
TC tools (e.g. MALLET and LIBSVM) and is used as input to these tools for further classification
based on selected features.

Feature Selection

Feature selection is an iterative process: a set of features is selected; the performance of the TC is
evaluated accordingly; and the features are enhanced if necessary. Feature selection results in
dimensionality reduction (DR) (i.e. reducing the feature space). There are two approaches to reducing the
feature space: 1) local: DR is carried out for each label separately, resulting in a different feature set for
each label, and 2) global: DR is carried out for all labels together and one feature set is fixed for all labels
(Sebastiani 2002). In each of the fourteen binary classifiers, the positive label represents one category
(e.g. environmental, cost, or quality), while the negative label represents the other thirteen categories.
As such, the negative label is composed of a highly scattered data set, and thus it is challenging to
develop an accurate set of features to represent it. Therefore, a local approach was adopted, where the
features of the positive set only are considered for evaluation. Feature selection is composed of five

1) Feature Type Selection: addresses the type of feature selected to represent a text prior to applying a
TC algorithm (Dasgupta et al. 2007). Feature types include n-gram models, such as uni-gram (words),
bi-grams (pairs of words), tri-grams (phrases), etc. Features could also include the length of a text,
letters, symbols, the title of a text, etc. The most commonly used type of feature in document
classification is the bag of words (Forman 2007). As the name implies, the words are considered
independent from each other, and the sequence of words is disregarded. The vocabulary of
construction documents is less ambiguous than non-technical text (such as news articles, poetry, etc.).
In non-technical texts such as a news-article or a book chapter, the meaning of the word depends on
the context (e.g. the word bridge could refer to a structural bridge, the cards game, or bridging the
gap between two groups). Thus the meaning depends on the context and the bag of words
representation may sometimes not be sufficient. In comparison, words used in construction contract
documents, such as concrete, excavator, cement, formwork, dispute, warranty, bridge,
etc., rarely have double meanings or give a false indication of the content of a clause. Therefore, the
bag of words model was selected. It results in satisfactory performance in terms of precision and
2) Feature Evaluation: is the process of ranking all features (i.e. words in our case) according to a
scoring function, so that the rank can be used to select the best features. Scoring counts the number of
occurrences of each feature in each label (i.e. positive or negative label) in the training set and
computes a function to produce the score of the feature (Forman 2003). For the environmental
category, the scoring function was applied to rank the features of the positive label only, to overcome
the asymmetric distribution of the training and testing data sets (i.e. the number of negative
documents is much larger than that of positive documents). The most commonly-used scoring
functions in TC are document frequency, information gain, mutual information, chi-squared, and odds
a. Document Frequency (DF): is the number of training documents (N) in label (l) containing a term
(t) (Rogati and Yang 2002). DF is usually measured for the complete training set. Due to the
unbalanced distribution of the construction contract clauses (the features of the negative label
may outweigh the features of the positive label), this thesis measured the DF for the positive
label only. Equation 5 was used to calculate DF of each feature.
5 !" !, ! = !!
where, Nt is the number of training documents in label (l) containing a term (t).
b. Information Gain (IG): expresses the information gain as a result of including a feature (i.e. word)
in the feature set (Yang et al. 2002, Yang and Pederson 1997). IG is measured in terms of the
number of clauses correctly labeled positive. Equation 6 expresses IG using marginal and

conditional probabilities (Yang and Pederson 1997). Equation 7 was used to calculate the IG. It is
equivalent to Equation 6, but the probabilities are expressed in terms of the number of documents.
6 !" !

! !! log ! ! !! + ! !

! !! ! log ! ! !! ! + ! !

7 !" ! =

log ! +

! !! ! log ! ! !! !


!!" ! !!
log !


!! !!"
!! !!"
log !
! !!
! !!

where ! !! is the probability of label !! , m is the number of labels, ! ! is the probability of term
t, ! !! ! is the probability of label !! given term t is present, ! ! is the probability of the
absence of term t, and ! !! ! is the probability of label !! given the absence of term t. In
Equation 7, m=2 (which denotes 2 labels positive and negative), N is the total number of
documents in the data set, ni is the total number of documents labeled !! , nt is the number of
documents containing term t, and nit is the number of documents labeled !! and containing term t.

Mutual Information (MI): calculates the probability of a term (t) and a category (c) occurring
together (joint probability) and compares it to the probability of the same term (t) and category (c)
not occurring together (independent) (Xu et al. 2007, Schneider 2005). MI scores the feature
based on the relationship between the term and a label (positive or negative). MI considers one
label (positive in our case), while IG scores the feature based on both labels. If MI is large, then
the joint probability is larger than the probability of independence. Equation 8 (Yang and
Pederson 1997) was used to calculate the MI of each term occurring in the positive category.
8 !" !, !! = log

!(!, !! )
! ! . !(!! )

where !(!, !! ) is the probability that both term t and the label !! occur, ! ! is the probability of
term t, and ! !! is the probability of label !! .

Chi-square ! ! : measures the lack of independence between a term t and a category c (Zheng et al.
2004, Forman 2003). Equation 9 (Yang and Pederson 1997) was used to calculate the Chi-square
value of each feature.
9 ! ! !, !! =

! (!" !")!
! + ! (! + !) ! + ! (! + !)

where A is the number of documents that contain term t and are labeled !! , B is the number of
documents that contain term t and are not labeled !! , C is the number of documents labeled !! and
do not contain the term t, D is the number of documents not containing term t and not labeled
!! , and N is the total number of documents in the training set.

e. Odds Ratio (OR): Unlike the scoring methods mentioned above, OR is only used to score features
in binary classification problems. It is more concerned with the distribution of the term rather
than the label, and it is based on the theory that the distribution of a term on documents labeled
positive is different from that on documents labeled negative (Ruiz and Srinvasan 2002). It
measures the odds of the term occurring in positive labeled documents normalized by the odds
of it occurring in negative labeled documents (Forman 2003). Equation 10 (Sebastiani 2002,
Mladenic and Grobelnik 1999) was used to calculate OR.
10 !" !, !! =

! ! !! . 1 ! ! !!
! ! !! . 1 ! ! !!

where ! ! !! is the probability of a document containing term t given that it is labeled !! ,

! ! !! is the probability of a document containing term t given that it is not labeled !! .
The selection of the scoring function was conducted in an empirical manner: all scoring functions
were tested and the function with the best performance was selected. In this application, IG and MI
did not perform well (therefore their results are not reported in this thesis); while OR produced the
best results.
3) Feature Size Selection: determines the number of features considered in both training the classifier
model and using the model for future classification tasks. There are three popular methods of feature
size selection (Soucy and Mineau 2003): 1) predefined feature count (PFC): selecting a predefined
number of best features (i.e. the top best features that rank highest using the scoring functions (e.g. 20
best features)); 2) threshold on feature score (THR): fixing a threshold value and any feature scoring
lower than the threshold is eliminated. This method requires the availability of a baseline score to be
achieved using the scoring function (e.g. any feature scoring lower than x using the MI scoring
function is not considered, where x is a number obtained from the baseline scores); and 3)
proportional to category initial feature set size (also referred to as Mladenics Vector Size, MVS):
selecting the highest scoring features as a percentage of the initial feature set (e.g. highest scoring
20% of the features) (Soucy and Mineau 2003). For the construction domain, baseline scores (for use
to determine a suitable threshold) are not available. Thus, two methods were implemented and
compared: PFC for the 20 best features and MVS for the best 10% and 20% of the initial feature set.
In this application, the size of one clause is small (100-300 words), as opposed to other applications
(e.g. classifying news articles) where the feature set could be larger (100-1000 words). Thus, three
small feature sets (10%, 20%, and 20 best features) were selected, in order to compare the results
obtained using each, and adjust the number of features as necessary.


4) Feature Weighting: provides a weight for each feature, which measures the effect of the presence of
the feature on the classifiers decision. Different methods of feature weighting are: a) Binary weight:
simply identifying whether a term is present or not (1 or 0); and b) Term frequency (TF): the number
of occurrences of a term in a document (Salton and Buckley 1988). Construction contract clauses and
sub-clauses vary in length. Thus, in this application, TF was normalized by the number of words in a
document. The following equation was used to calculate TF:
11 !"!" =


where !!" is the frequency of term t in document j, and !! is the number of terms in document j;
c) Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TFIDF): a normalized TFIDF equation is used to
calculate the weight of every feature. TFIDF is based on the notions that: 1) the more often a term
occurs in a document, the more it represents a category, and 2) the more documents a term occurs in,
the less representative it is of the category (Sebastiani 2002). The following equation was used to
calculate the weight of every feature (Sebastiani 2002):
12 !"#$"!" = !!" log


!!!(!!" . log ! )

where !!" is the frequency of term t in document j, N is the total number of documents in the training
or testing set, !! (or nk) is the number of documents in the training or testing set that contain term t
(or k), and T is the number of terms in the training or testing set.
5) Feature Representation: represents each clause in terms of the features selected and their
corresponding weight.
An algorithm was developed to perform the four phases of feature selection on the training set, and
represent and classify the testing set using the selected features. Using the Java coded algorithm, this
thesis implemented a combination of different types of feature scoring, feature size selection, and feature
weighting; resulting in thirty distinct combinations. The thirty combinations were implemented twice,
once with stemming and another without stemming. As such, this thesis presents the results of sixty
different trials.

Training Classifier Models

Training the classifier involves applying a ML algorithm (discussed in Chapter 3) to learn the features of
the training data. Training produces a classifier model in the form of a correlation between the features

and the document category. Three ML algorithms were tested: nave Bayes (NB), maximum entropy
(ME), and support vector machines (SVM).
The MALLET software package was used to train the NB and ME classifier models (MALLET 2009).
The LIBSVM software package was used to implement the SVM classifier algorithm (Chang and Lin
2011). Ten-fold cross-validation (splitting the training data set into 10 different training and validation
sets) was implemented on the training set to determine the optimal kernel function, error function and
error function parameters. Finally the SVM algorithm selected implements RBF kernel, C-SVM, with
parameters C = 1 and gamma = 1/number of features. For an elaborate description of those SVM
components/parameters the reader is referred to Chang and Lin (2011).

Testing Classifier Models

Training the ML algorithm on the training data set results in a classifier model in the form of a function.
The classifier model is then applied to the testing data, in order to evaluate its performance on unseen
data. Testing the classifier, results in a probabilistic value (referred to as confidence level or threshold
value) for each document, which evaluates the probability of the document belonging to a label (i.e.
positive or negative). The output of the classifier is in the form of a probability estimate P(label), which
represents the confidence level of the classifier, that document d belongs to label l. The user selects a
threshold value, which represents the cut-off value at which a document d is labeled l (e.g. if the threshold
value is 50% (i.e. P(positive) 50%)), then the document is labeled positive). Chapter 7 presents the
results of testing different classifier models on the testing data set.

Evaluation of Classifier Models

Precision, recall, and F-measure were used to evaluate each classifier model. The F-measure equation
(Equation 4) used = 2. At = 1 both precision and recall are considered equally, and as increases
more weight is given to recall. The objective of TC for ACC is retrieving the contract clauses/sub-clauses
that are relevant to a particular topic (e.g. environmental) of compliance checking. As such, missing just
one relevant clause/sub-clause may undermine the performance of the entire ACC system; thus, 100%
recall is essential. While precision is also important, it is not as critical, since irrelevant information will
be filtered out during information extraction (IE). As such, recall is more important in this case than
precision, i.e. TC for ACC has asymmetric misclassification costs (false positives (FP) are more
preferable than false negatives (FN)) (Mladenic and Grobelnik 1999). Accordingly, recall was given
double the weight of precision (i.e. ! = 2).



This chapter presents the results obtained from training and testing the different feature selection methods
and classifier models. The TC algorithm development started by testing the performance of the different
classifier models/algorithms (e.g. support vector machines (SVM), nave Bayes (NB), and maximum
entropy (ME)) on the raw data (i.e. without stemming or feature selection), in order to select the best
performance classifier model/algorithm and use it to evaluate different combinations of feature selection
methods. SVM yielded the best performance (i.e. precision, recall, and F-measure) in comparison to NB
and ME. Therefore, this thesis applied the SVM algorithm to sixty different combinations of: 1)
stemming: stemming is implemented or not implemented, 2) five different scoring functions: document
frequency (DF), information gain (IG), mutual information (MI), chi-squared, and odds ratio (OR), 3)
three different feature size selection methods: best 20% of the features, best 10% of the features, and best
20 features, and 4) two different feature weighting methods: term frequency (TF) and term frequencyinverse document frequency (TFIDF). An empirical approach was adopted to select the best methods of
stemming, feature scoring, weighting, and size. The sixty trials are exhaustive of all possible
combinations of feature selection methods. This chapter presents the results obtained. The results
highlight the effect of each type of feature selection on the SVM classifiers results. Throughout the
evaluation of the results, the objective was to find the combination of feature selection and classifier
algorithm that achieves 100% recall and highest precision possible. Threshold values represent the cut-off
value at which a document is considered either positive or negative. Due to the perfect recall
requirement of the application, the lower end (the lower the threshold the higher the recall) of the
threshold spectrum is considered (i.e. 0%-50%), and all figures presented are limited to these threshold

Classifier Algorithm Results

Three classifier algorithms were tested on the initial feature set, prior to any feature selection. Figure 17
shows the precision, recall, and F-measure values obtained at different thresholds (10-50%). The lower
end of the threshold values is selected and the results show that: 1) SVM: results in the highest recall
(100%); uniform from 10 to 40% threshold; 2) NB: results in high recall (96%); uniform from 10% to 50
% threshold, but the highest precision achieved is low (44% at 50% threshold) compared to SVM (70% at
50% threshold) and ME (82% at 50% threshold); 3) ME: results in high recall (96% at 10% to 30%
threshold) similar to NB, and highest precision (82% at 50% threshold). The performance of SVM and
ME might be seen as comparable. However, since 100% recall is essential, SVM was selected.


NB, SVM, and ME

Precision NB

Recall NB

Precision/Recall %


F-measure NB


Precision SVM


Recall SVM


F-measure SVM


Precision ME


Recall ME








F-measure ME

Threshold %
Figure 17: Comparison between NB, SVM, and ME (precision, recall, and F-measure)
7.1.1 SVM Results and Analysis
The scoring functions DF, chi-squared, and OR performed better than MI and IG. Therefore, only the
results of DF, CHI-squared, and OR are discussed in this section.
Effect of Stemming
In all tested combinations (trials) of scoring functions, weighting functions, and feature sizes, stemming
improved the precision and recall of the classifier model, as shown in Figure 18. Stemming groups words
that are morphological variations of the same word such as environment and environmental, stemming
and stem, providing and provide, building and build, etc. Consider two scenarios: 1) no stemming: two
words having the same root are treated as separate features (i.e. the occurrence of each word is treated
separately); and 2) stemming: both words are combined in one feature (i.e. the occurrences of both words
are combined in one score). Scenario 2 reduces the feature set that represents the text (by combining
words of the same root), thereby improving precision and recall. Figure 19 shows the effect of stemming
at different thresholds on one of the combinations: SVM classifier, OR scoring function, and TF
weighting function. It shows a significant increase of precision from 30-36% to 71-100%, and an increase
of recall from 81-96% to 92-100%. It also shows that stemming increases precision and recall at all
thresholds. Stemming improved the performance of the classifier model in all tested cases. Therefore,
stemming was incorporated in the selected classifier model.


Precision (No



20 best

Document Frequency



20 best





















Highest Recall
(No Stemming)


20 best

Odds Ratio

Highest Recall

Figure 18: Effect of stemming on precision and recall

Classifier: SVM, Scoring Functioin: OR, Feature Size: 20 Best, Feature Weight:


Presicion/Recall %




Precision-ORNo Stemming



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Threshold %

Figure 19: Effect of stemming on precision and recall at different thresholds for trials 29 and 59
Effect of Scoring Function
Different scoring functions were applied to all features. Two scoring functions were eliminated from the
results: IG and MI. Both functions performed poorly and were eliminated based on their empirical results.
IG was unsuitable for the domain application due to the unbalanced distribution of labels (positive and
negative). The second part of Equation 6 depends on the number of documents containing a term t, and

the third part depends on the number of documents not containing a term t. Accordingly, for a term t, the
third part of Equation 6 becomes higher than the second, and the value of Equation 6 becomes governed
by terms that are less frequent in the positive label. Thus, IG results in higher scores for features that are
less frequent in the positive label. As such, IG focuses on classifying text by the absence of features,
rather than the presence of features.
All scoring functions performed well on recall, reaching a recall of 100%, as shown in Figure 20.
Precision was highly variable among different scoring functions, as shown in Figure 21. Both OR and DF
reached 100% precision, but OR produced higher precision at lower thresholds, and higher F-measure
(99.3%) as opposed to DF (95%). Therefore, the OR scoring function was selected. OR resulted in the
highest performance, because it favors terms that occur in positive labels, as shown in Equation 10.
The recall graph takes the same shape for OR and DF, where it is uniform and drops from 100% to 96.3%,
and then drops again from 96.3% to 92%. CHI takes a similar shape, but it drops once. The drop in recall
represents a portion of positive documents that the classifier falsely labels negative when the threshold
increases beyond a specific percentage. For example, consider the following environmental clause:
Preparation and supply of quarry material: During the work phase, the contractor shall: 1) preserve
trees during materials stockpiling; 2) level stripped materials to facilitate water percolation and make
natural grass planting possible; 3) restore the natural flow to its previous state; and 4) create runoff
recovery ditches and conserve access ramps, if the quarry is declared fit for use as a watering point for
livestock or residents. The probability that this clause is positive for the environmental category, using
the OR scoring function is 26.2%. Thus, at 26% threshold it is labeled positive, but at 24% threshold it
is labeled negative (i.e. it is a FN), which causes a drop in recall. This is one example of the clauses that
caused a drop in the recall shown in Figure 20.

Classifier: SVM, Feature Size: 20 Features, Stemming: yes, Feature Weight: TF



% Recall








Threshold %




Figure 20: Effect of the scoring function on recall



Classifier: SVM, Feature Size: 20 Features, Stemming: yes, Feature Weight: TF



% Precision















Threshold %
Figure 21: Effect of the scoring function on precision
Effect of Threshold Value
Table 13 shows a sample of the trials to demonstrate the effect of the threshold value on precision and
recall. For these six trials, the effect of the threshold value on precision and recall is shown in Figure 22
and Figure 23, respectively. The threshold represents the confidence level of the classifier. For example,
if the threshold is 10%, then any document having P(positive) greater than or equal to 10% (i.e.
probability of belonging to the positive category is greater or equal to 10%) is labeled positive. Thus,
reducing the threshold (i.e. confidence level) increases the number of TP and FP and reduces the number
of FN and TN. Therefore, as the threshold value increases, precision increases and recall decreases. All
remaining trials confirm the same effect on precision and recall, but are not presented in this thesis due to
their poor performance.
Table 13: Description of Trials 55-60





Odds Ratio

Feature Selection

Number of

Feature Weight

Best 20% of the






Best 10% of the










Best 20 features


Effect of Feature Size

Feature size denotes the number of features selected to represent a text. The bag of words representation
(i.e. a document is represented as a vector of words) was selected. For example, The contractor is
responsible for storm-water management, is represented as (the, contractor, is, responsible, for, stormwater, management). The total number of features is the total number of distinct words occurring in the
training data set. Feature selection carries out a selection process to identify the most constitutive features
and uses them for the TC task, rather than use the complete feature set. Usually, more features do not
equate to better features, but equate to less efficiency (Rogati and Yang 2002). Usually, the reduction of
the feature space does not lead to a high loss in precision and recall and mostly results in performance
gain (Rogati and Yang 2002).
Three feature sizes were selected using two methods of selection: 1) 115 features: using the highestranking (using the scoring function) 20% of the features, 2) 57 features: using the highest-ranking 10% of
the features, and 3) 20 features: using the highest-ranking 20 features of the complete feature set. Figure
22 and Figure 23 show the effect of the feature size on recall and precision, respectively, for trials 55-60.
As the number of features decreases, precision and recall increase due to the following reasons: 1) the
environmental category in contractual general conditions has a limited vocabulary, where clauses are very
similar to each other and/or relatively standard. Thus, the number of distinctive features (e.g. environment,
storm-water, sediment, pollution, etc.) for the environmental category is small; and thus, a small feature
size includes sufficient features to identify a text. Increasing the number of features includes nondistinctive features (e.g. knowing, problem, light, etc.), thereby reducing the performance; and 2) the
distinctive features of a document are proportional to its length, and the length (number of words) of one
contract clause is small. Thus, a small number of features is sufficient to correctly identify the label of a
contract clause. Empirical results showed better performance using the highest-ranking 20 features.
Therefore, the highest-ranking 20 features are used to represent the environmental category in the
environmental binary-classifier.


Classifier: SVM, Feature Size: 20 Features, Stemming: yes, Feature Weight: TF



% Recall















Threshold %
Figure 22: Effect of threshold value on recall

Classifier: SVM, Feature Size: 20 Features, Stemming: yes, Feature Weight: TF


% Precision









Threshold %





Figure 23: Effect of threshold value on precision

Effect of Feature Weight
Two feature weight functions were used to calculate the weight of each feature (word): TF and TFIDF.
The results show that both functions are comparable in terms of precision and recall (as shown in Figure
24). Using both OR scoring function and 20 best features, TF achieved better precision than TFIDF, and
similar recall in most trials.









20 best

Document Frequency



20 best
























20 best

Odds Ratio

Figure 24: Effect of the feature weight on precision and recall

Selected Classification Model
The classifier was evaluated at different thresholds as shown in Figure 25. Twenty six percent threshold
achieves 100% recall and highest precision. As such, the selected classification model has the following
characteristics: it applies a SVM algorithm, porter stemmer algorithm, OR scoring function, term
frequency weighting function, and a 26% threshold. This yielded 100% and 96% recall and precision,
respectively, on the testing data.

Presicion/Recall %

Selected Classifier: SVM, OR, TF, Stemming




10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Threshold %
Figure 25: Performance of the selected classifier model on test data




Summary and Conclusions

Need for Automated Compliance Checking (ACC) in Construction

There is a need for ACC in construction, in order to: 1) save time and resources spent on manual
compliance checking, 2) reduce the risk of non-compliance, and 3) reduce/eliminate the costs of noncompliance. The results of the expert interviews (carried out as part of the deontology evaluation) initially
confirm the need for ACC in construction, where all three interviewed experts strongly agreed that such a
need exists. However, given the limited number of interviewees, the readers of this thesis are cautioned
that the results of these interviews are statistically insignificant, and thus the results of the survey cannot
be generalized beyond these three cases.

Deontology for Automated Compliance Checking (ACC) in Construction

A deontology for automated compliance checking (ACC) in the construction domain was developed. The
deontology offers a semantic, formal representation and reasoning of compliance checking knowledge in
the construction domain in the form of concepts, relations, and deontic axioms. The concepts represent
the upper-level concepts of normative reasoning and ACC in construction (e.g. compliance agent,
compliance assessor, norm, authority, subject, compliance checking result, compliance checking
consequence, etc.). The relations hierarchical and inter-concept relations represent the
interconnections between the different concepts. The deontic axioms specify the definitions of the
concepts and relations in the deontology, constraints on their interpretation, and represent the constraints
of the ACC domain.
This deontology represents the first deontic modeling initiative in the construction domain. Semantic
approaches are by nature flexible, extendable, and particularly well-suited for problems requiring
automated reasoning. A deontology-based ACC system would overcome the limitations of existing ACC
systems. The deontic model: 1) is capable of integrating a variety of processes and mechanisms to
facilitate the compliance checking process of different topics (e.g. environmental), for various subjects
(e.g. processes, documents, etc.), and in different phases of the project lifecycle; 2) provides a flexible and
extendable means to implement ACC, where the compliance checking process is semantically represented
and thus is modifiable and extendable; and 3) allows for complex reasoning about construction norms.
The initial evaluation of the proposed deontic model shows its potential in successfully addressing the
needs of ACC in construction. The model was initially evaluated through answering formal competency
questions, automated consistency checking, case studies, and domain expert interviews.



ACC of Storm-water Pollution Prevention Plans: Case Study Implementation

The case studies aimed at evaluating the applicability of the deontology to solve real-life project
compliance checking problems. The case studies focused on checking the compliance of three stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) with applicable norms, where each SWPPP belongs to a reallife construction project located in the State of Illinois. The three projects are: 1) construction of a central
chilled water plant, 2) construction of a commercial building, and 3) demolition of an existing retail space
at an existing shopping center. For confidentiality reasons, the names of the projects are not disclosed.
The three SWPPPs were checked according to the storm-water laws and regulations of the State of Illinois,
and the advisory practices associated with storm-water pollution prevention. The deontology (including
its concepts, relations, and axioms) was utilized to showcase how it will be used to represent the ACC of
SWPPPs. Deontic reasoning was carried out manually to demonstrate/simulate how the deontic reasoner
would conduct compliance checking. The three case studies show the potential applicability of the
deontology in checking compliance in construction.

Text Classification Algorithm for Classifying Environmental Clauses in Contract General


A deontic-based text classification (TC) methodology for classifying general conditions clauses and subclauses to support ACC was developed. The deontic model: 1) guides the labeling process: provides the
TC domain expert with the labels, as well as semantic information about the labels (e.g. definition, rules
of labeling, etc.) to minimize ambiguity of label meanings thereby facilitating the labeling process; and 2)
would use (in future research) the output of the TC task for further processing and information extraction
(IE). Based on the deontic model, general conditions were classified into fourteen categories. The multiclassification problem was split into fourteen binary classification problems. This thesis focuses on
developing the environmental binary-classification model, which classifies clauses (or sub-clauses) as
positive (i.e. environmental) or negative (i.e. not-environmental).
Challenges of classifying construction contract text include: 1) labeling a large set of construction
contracts requires the expertise of construction domain experts. It is time and labor-intensive. Thus, a
large training data set is hard to obtain, which increases the risk of over-fitting; and 2) the distribution of
clauses within one contract may be unbalanced (i.e. the number of clauses labeled positive may be much
smaller than the number of those labeled negative for a category). Those challenges were overcome, in
this thesis, by adopting an aggressive feature selection method: 1) a small number of features were used,
which reduces the risk of over-fitting only representative features are selected; 2) clauses were collected
from various sources as opposed to complete contracts. This increases the number of positive labeled

documents for the environmental classifier; and 3) as part of feature selection, the feature set used is
obtained from positively-labeled documents only.
Different classifier algorithms, methods of preprocessing, feature selection, and methods of feature
weights, and feature sizes were implemented and evaluated. Our findings align with the findings of other
unbalanced classification applications (e.g. in Mladenic and Grobelnik 1999): 1) a classifier is highly
dependent on the domain and type of data, 2) odds ratio (OR) scoring function performs better than other
functions, and 3) information gain and mutual information perform poorly. The best performance was
achieved using support vector machines (SVM) classifier, odds ratio (OR) scoring function, 20 best
features, and term frequency (TF) weight function. It resulted in 100% recall and 96% precision at a 26%
threshold, which satisfies the requirements of the application. A 100% recall is an essential requirement
of the application, since missing just one relevant clause/sub-clause may undermine the performance of
the entire ACC system.

Recommendations for Future Research

The deontology represents the foundation and the first step towards developing a model-based ACC
system in construction, while the TC task represents the first step of a series of NLP techniques needed to
support ACC. However, additional research efforts crossing different research areas are essential for
the complete development of an ACC system, such as semantic modeling, natural language processing,
information extraction, and information retrieval.

Recommendations in the Area of Deontic Modeling

1) Extending the deontic model (its concepts, relations, and axioms) in terms of depth: a) to include
more detailed concepts, relations, and axioms, b) to represent and reason about other sub-topics (the
current deontology addresses the sub-topics of the environmental topic only), and c) to represent and
reason about the consequences of compliance/non-compliance where consequences are not known a
priori according to industry and corporate past precedent cases (the current deontology does not
consider past trends).
2) Extending the deontic model (its concepts, relations, and axioms) in terms of breadth to cover various
applications other than ACC (e.g. legal reasoning in construction).
3) Refining and maintaining the deontology to keep the representation current and relevant to the
construction domain and its evolvement. The deontology could be refined and updated using (ElGohary and El-Diraby 2010): a) stand-alone maintenance: review of the deontology and adding
and/or modifying concepts, relations, and/or axioms, b) software-influenced maintenance: developing
a working ACC software based on the deontology, and using the deontology in several automated

tasks may lead to discoveries of needs in terms of knowledge representation, and c) extensioninfluenced maintenance: developing extensions to the current deontology to accommodate different
applications might provide insight to the knowledge representation of ACC in the construction
4) Evaluating the deontic model by: a) applying the deontic model in various automated compliance
checking applications, and b) conducting user evaluation with a larger number of respondents and
with respondents from a variety of civil engineering sub-disciplines.
5) Developing a deontic logic-reasoning engine to facilitate automated deontic logic representation and

Recommendations in the Area of Text Classification

1) Developing TC algorithms for other topics, such as cost, quality, time, risk management, safety and
health, etc. Each topic is unique in terms of clause distribution (the ratio of clauses labeled positive to
clauses labeled negative) and ambiguity (level of disagreement of domain experts during manual
labeling); and, thus each construction contract topic may require a different classifier and a different
number of training/testing data.
2) Classifying other documents, such as contract specifications, special conditions, construction
operational plans, safety plans, environmental plans, etc. Each contract document uses a different
structure, contains different data formats (text, images, tables, etc.), etc. The current TC algorithm
was developed and tested using contract general conditions; it could also be tested on other contract
documents and altered/modified to be applicable to all contract documents.











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Deontology Evaluation Survey
1- Purpose of the Survey
This survey is intended to validate the automated compliance checking deontology. A Deontology is a
computer understandable vocabulary of terms and inter-relationships with formally-defined meaning
(semantics). Expert evaluation is crucial for the validation and success of the deontology.
2- Information Confidentiality
All information provided by respondents will only be used for research purposes. Personal information
will remain fully confidential, except that the final report may list the names of people responding to this
survey in appreciation for their participation. Please inform us if you do not wish to publish your
3- The Survey
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. It is comprised of 5 sections.
Section 1: Respondent Information
Section 2: Background and Familiarity with Survey Scope
Section 3: Abstraction and Categorization Effectiveness
Section 4: Navigational Ease
Section 5: Overall Evaluation


SECTION ONE: Respondent Information

Please provide the following information as follows:

Organization Name:
Years of Experience:
Field of Experience:

Interview date:

Do you wish to have your name published in recognition of your efforts in this study?



SECTION TWO: Background and Familiarity with Survey Scope

1- How familiar are you with the challenges and needs of planning, design, and construction
compliance checking within the infrastructure and construction domain?
Very Familiar (1)





(6) Very Unfamiliar

2- To what extend are you aware of information/knowledge modeling?

Highly Aware (1)





(6) Not Aware

3- Do you agree that there is a need for automated compliance checking in the infrastructure and
construction domain?
Strongly Agree (1)






(6) Strongly Disagree

SECTION THREE: Abstraction and Categorization Effectiveness

The following concepts are abstracted / categorized in the ontology. Please indicate if you agree
with the categorization.
Select only one option









Enforcing Authority Assessor

Path: Compliance Assessor Regulatory Assessor

Norm Definition

Path: Compliance Checking Process Product Compliance Checking Knowledge Item Product
Compliance Checking Document Product Compliance Checking

Storm-water Compliance Checking

Path: Compliance Checking Scope Compliance Checking Topic Environmental Compliance


US Environmental Protection Agency

Path: Authority Issuing Authority Federal Agency

International Building Code

Path: Deontic Document Regulatory Document Regulation Document Professional

Organization Regulation Document


Concrete Compressive Strength

Path: Attribute Compliance Checking Attribute Compliance Checking Subject Attribute

Resource CC Attribute Physical Resource CC Attribute Material CC Attribute Concrete
CC Attribute Concrete Quality CC Attribute Concrete Quality Simple CC Attribute

Civil Penalty

Path: Compliance Checking Consequence Actual Consequence Negative Consequence

Formal Negative Consequence Penalty Judicial Penalty


Select only one option










Environmental Plan

Path: Subject Product Knowledge Item Product Document Technical Document

Construction Operational Plan

Authority Location

Path: Attribute Principal Attribute Authority Principal Attribute Authority Contact

Material Reuse Potential

Path: Compliance Checking Indicator Subject Indicator Resource Indicator Physical

Resource Indicator Material Indicator

NPDES Waiver

Path: Deontic Exception Waiver Environmental Waiver Regulatory Environmental

Waiver Regulation Environmental Waiver Storm-water Regulation Environmental Waiver

Project Engineer Subject

Path: Subject Actor-Role

General Contractor Agent


Path: Compliance Agent Organization Agent Contractor Agent

Text Processing

Path: Compliance Checking Mechanism Product Compliance Checking Mechanism

Knowledge Item Product Mechanism Document Compliance Checking Mechanism
Information Extraction


SECTION FOUR: Navigational Ease

The following concepts are categorized under various super classes in the deontology. Please
indicate how easy it was for you to locate these concepts.
Select only one option

Very Easy


GC Labor Person Agent

Owner Assessor
Code of Federal Regulations
Public Affairs Corporate Policy
Criminal Penalty
Environmental Obligation
Safety and Health Rule








SECTION FIVE: Overall Evaluation

Based on your navigation of the ontology, please answer the following questions.
1- How easy was it to navigate through the deontology?
Very Easy (1)





(6) Very Difficult




(6) Very Unfamiliar



(6) Very Unrepresentative

2- How familiar are the concepts used?

Very Familiar (1)


3- How representative are the concepts used?

Very Representative (1)



4- Overall, does the deontology cover the main concepts related to compliance checking within the
infrastructure and construction domain?
Strongly Agree (1)





(6) Strongly Disagree

5- Overall, does the deontology cover the main relations among concepts related to compliance
checking within the infrastructure and construction domain?
Strongly Agree (1)






(6) Strongly Disagree

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