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My name is Jonathan harker. I am a lawyer and I live in London. About seven
years ago something strange happened to me and many of my friends were in
danger, also my wife. Part of my job is to find houses for rich people who live in
foreign countries. At the beginning of 1875, I received a letter from Transylvania.
The letter was from a rich man called Count Dracula, he wanted to buy a house
near London. He asked me for an old house to the east of London. I was going
to get married in the autumn to my darling Mina for that reason I didnt want to
go there but mina refused and convince me to go there. On the morning of 4 th
May, I reached Bistritz a small town near Transylvania. The coach left from the
inn in bistritz at 3 o clock and like I had six hours to wait, I decided to have a
meal, I didnt understand the language that the people were speaking except for
the inner, he welcomed me in German. I started drinking wine and I called the
inner and I asked: What can you tell me about Count Dracula? Have you ever
seen his castle?. Suddenly all the people stopped talking and looked at me.
They began to talk and I only could understand two words: Dracula and
vampire. I read in my book form Transylvania that vampires are people who
never die. So I paid my meal and walked out of the inn and a crowd of people
went behind me and gave me a gold cross. A carriage pulled by 4 black horses
took me to Draculas castle.
My opinion: I think that this is the introductory chapter and there is something
essentially that is the word vampire and also the scene of the inn is very
important. This chapter was boring but I think because it was the first one, I
hope the next one would be better

I entered to Draculas castle and he took my arm, he was terrible strong and his
hand was cold as an ice. He led me into a room without windows and in a few
minutes I was sitting at the table, I was very hungry. After that the count asked
me to sat together near the fire and he asked me some questions but I was tired
and I went to sleep, that night I had terrible dreams. When I woke up there was
fresh food and a note from Dracula which said that he had to travel. Therefore I
spent all the day reading books, when the count arrived he asked me the maps
and the pictures I had brought with me. Time passed long when the count said
that I must go to sleep. Once more I had terrible dreams. The next day I woke
up, I decided to shave and suddenly I heard I voice behind me saying: good
morning my friend. I was so surprised that my razor slipped and I cut myself, the
count Draculas hand touched the cross around my neck and the fire in his eyes
disappear. the next morning I went to have my breakfast and I found that I was
alone again, some windows were up high and there was no escape from the
My opinion: I think that this chapter is the beginning of Harker of the discovery
that Dracula is a vampire and it also show vampires characteristics, I also think
that the book is getting interesting


The papers were already sign and I was ready to live and I asked for it every
day to the count but he only smiled and do not answer. One day I found and
unlocked door. As soon as I enter to the room I felt tired and I lay down on a bed
I suddenly saw a golden dust that change into the shape of 3 young beautiful
womens and my body felt heavy and the only think I want is to kiss them, one
girl went towards to me and I noticed she had red lips and long teeths but
suddenly count Dracula entered to the room shouting: hes mine how dare you
wait for your turn. when I woke up I was in my room. it was 29 th of June and
Dracula told me that he had to leave to England but a night before I made a
plan and when the sun rise I entered to draculas room and I saw fifty boxes full
of earth and in one of them I found Dracula and he was very thin with a pale
face. I saw a window open and I climbed down with a prayer of GOD.
My opinion: I think that this chapter was very important because Harker
discover that Dracula was a vampire and that all the things people told him were
truthly right.

In the middle of July mina was invited to stay with her friend Lucy west. Arthur is
in Amsterdam with professor van helsing, come here to Hythe is not too far from
London Lucy said. Mina went there and they spent all the day talking or sitting
in the churchyard. One day at the end of July mina woke up and she saw Lucy
walking out of the bedroom so she took her back to the bedroom. On august 8 th
the weather changed into black clouds it seems like a storm was approaching,
suddenly the servant told us that a Russian ship from Varna had crashed with
the shore and it was full of wooden boxes with earth in it. that night mina heard
a noise and woke up so she noticed that Lucy was not there so she ran to the
churchyard and found that lucy was there but she also see that a white face and
red lips, mina went towards her and took her back to the bedroom but she saw
that Lucys throat had 2 red marks that seen very painful. On august 19 th Mina
received a letter from the hospital which said that Jonathan was at the hospital
so she left Lucy and went there. on September 1 st Mina and Jonathan got
married, when they reached London, Jonathan was very surprised because he
saw count Dracula.
My opinion: I think that this chapter was a little bit boring but the best part is
about to begin, there are some things important like when Lucy was bitten by


Arthur arrived to harkers home. Mina asked him how did Lucy die? he said: I
return a week after you left Hythe. By that time Lucy was very ill and she still
leaving her bedroom, so I telegram the professor Van Helsing and he
immediately arrived to Hythe. He told me that Lucy needed a blood transfusion
so he took the blood out of Arthur and put it for Lucy, the marks in her throat
worried the professor a lot. The next day he brought garlic and he put it around
her neck that night Arthur went out to see a sick child and he left Lucy with Van
Helsing, the professor went to the library and he felt asleep, suddenly the
window broke. the next morning Arthur went to see Lucy and he noticed that
Lucy had taken off the garlic and she was dying so he woke up the professor
and he told him what was happening, they went upstairs and to see Lucy and
the professor realized that the marks on her throat had disappeared, he didnt
let Arthur to kiss Lucy, he only let him to grappled her hand and the she died.
My opinion: This chapter was more interesting because they are just to know
that Dracula had bitten Lucy and she will become a vampire too.

After a few days Arthur returned to his lonely house. Mina and Jonathan every
day read the same article: the beautiful lady of Hythe and it is about that some
childrens had disappear because a beautiful women kidnapped them and all the
childrens are found in an all churchyard and all the childrens tell the same
history they have the same pale, red marks in his throat. As soon as Jonathan
read this, he telegrammed Professor Van Helsing who left immediately
Amsterdam and went to Harkers house. Jonathan told him all the terrible things
that happened at the castle Dracula. They went to Arthurs house and he did not
want to believed what they were saying but they agree to go to Lucys coffin,
they noticed she wasnt there and the Professor said: lets wait until she come
back. Suddenly we saw something white moving and Arthur shouted: OH MY
GOD, LUCY! and the thing turned around Lucy was definitely a vampire and
she was trying to persuade Arthur to kiss her but the Professor did not let him,
he took a cross out o his pocket and Lucy gave an animal cried and she was
returning to her coffin, when she returned, they took a long sharp stake and
started hammering and then they cut her head off, now Lucy can rest in peace
said the professor.
My opinion: I think that this chapter was pretty exciting and there is an
important thing at the final of the chapter it is how to kill vampires. The history is
just about to get even more exciting.

After they left the coffin, they slept for several hours. When they woke up, they
decided to go to the house of Dracula near London but there was a problem,
Jonathan did not remember where it was so they went to Jonathans office they
noticed that the paper had disappeared, so the Professor hypnotized Jonathan
to remember where was it, they do it with success. They went to castle Dracula
but they leave Mina alone in the house, they climbed a wall and entered by a
window that was broken, they found the wooden boxes and start putting them a
holy bread, suddenly the Professor said: he had come back!; so they ran
upstairs but Dracula reached them and told them: you think you can stopped
me I have fought beyond an army, you cant stopped me. the climbed the
window and ran as fast as they can to see for Mina because she may be in
danger when they reached Mina, Dracula was with her she bit her throat and he
also make her to drank his blood, after that Dracula disappear. Mina said many
times that she was on Draculas power now so they hypnotized her to see
where Dracula was going and they noticed he was about to leave London by
My opinion: I think that this chapter was sad because there had made a great
effort and now their chances to beat Dracula are almost none but besides that
the chapter was good.
Count Dracula plan had failed. The vampire was returning to his own to the
castle. Arthur and Jonathan went to the port of London and they found that a
ship called Queen Catherine had left for Varna. A tall man carried a wooden
box onto the Queen. The 3 men were doing their plans, they agree that if they
go by sea it will take 2 weeks but if that go by land, it will take a few days. They
also agreed that Mina must not know their plans because the count have power
over her, if she knows the plan, the count will know too. They began their
journey across Europe and the vampire and every day the vampire had more
power over Mina.
My opinion: I think that this chapter was boring because it has no action, no
exciting parts but I bet that the next chapter will be interesting

The vampire was traveling up the river Seruth. Castle Dracula was 20
kilometers from the river, Jonathan and Arthur bought 2 horses and the
Professor and Mina went by train. when Mina and the Professor reached
Veresti, they bought a carriage with 4 horses, Mina was getting more ill
sometimes she could not answer professors questions. One night near
the castle, the snow covered the tall mountains so the professor had to
made a fire and he also made a circle with holy bread, inside the bread
were Mina and the professor. Suddenly appear gold dust that change into
the shape of 3 beautiful women, they called several times Mina but she
could not get out of the circle. When the dawn came, the beautiful
women changed into black mist so he left Mina inside the circle and he
went to the castle where he saw a tomb with the name DRACULA on it
and he also saw 3 wooden boxes where the 3 beautiful women lay so he
hammered them with a stake one by one and later he cut their heads off.
He returned to see after Mina and when he reached Mina they noticed
that a cart where Dracula was, it was going directly to the castle but 2
horses where following the cart, on the horses where Arthur and
Jonathan, they reached the cart and hammered a long sharp stake and
after that they cut Draculas head off, the years of blood and fear were
My opinion: I think that this was the best chapter because it was
exciting, interesting, it had action parts and it also had a good ending for
the Harkers because for Arthur he is now alone.








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