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EEG Development &


Delta Brushes
Prime landmark - Prematurity :

0.3 to 1.5 hz delta slowing superimposed with fast activity

18-22 hz

central ! temporal ! occipital

Peak age: 32 - 34 weeks

Active sleep ! awake ! quiet sleep (37 weeks) ! disappear

44 weeks - completely disappear

Temporal Theta and Alpha

Developmental marker

First appears: 26 weeks -

temporal theta burst

33 weeks - temporal alpha burst

Disappear after 34 weeks

Frontal Sharps
Blunt isolated sharp waves in the frontal region

Initial Negative (200 msec) --> Positive phase (longer)

Frequently seen: Transitional stage of Sleep

33 weeks - 46 weeks

Symmetric and synchronous

Sometimes seen with mixed rhythmic bi-frontal delta

Developmental LandMarks


Various artifacts - affects interpretation NEEG

Simultaneous occurrence of unusual appearing activity in the extra cerebral


Peculiar morphology

Sucking Artifact

Sweat Artifact

Head Movements asso with Sobbing

Eye Movement Artifact

Limb clonic Movement -Artifact

Ventilator - Artifact

Hiccup - Artifact

Multiple - Artifacts



Mechanical device -Artifact

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