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Welcome to Westfall raid rules:

1. After joining the guild, each player will be assigned to a group for raids. He will raid every week
on the same day and at the same time with the same group. Players will be assigned to a group
based on his role, skill, gs, attitude and activity.
2. If a player stops performing on a high level and he is assigned to a high requirements group, he
will be demoted to a lower group.
3. The guild is split in more groups. Each group has a designated day when it raids. The players
from the guild must come online for the raid. If a players skips more than one core raid / month
without announcing, he will receive -200 dkp. If a players skips more than 2 core raids / month he
will be replaced from that core. There is only 1 core raid / week / group and in that day everyone
must join.
4. The raid invites start 15 minutes before the raid time. Bosspull takes place at the time posted in
the calendar.
5. Who is late 5 minutes after the raid time posted in the calendar will be replaced with another guy
from the guild. The players which replace a core raider for a raid because he did not show up will
recieve 50 bonus DKP at the end of the raid.
6. Who is online at the time posted in the calendar receives a bonus of 30 DKP.
7. Killing the hard bosses (Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Deathbringer, Rotface, Professor
Putricide, Blood Queen, Valithria Dreamwalker, Sindragosa and Lich King) on the first try
(Heroic Difficulty only) awards double DKP.
8. Not releasing after a raid wipe and waiting for a ress or AFK-ing is penalized 30 DKP.
9. Raid mistakes will be punished as follows: Small mistakes 30 DKP, Medium mistakes 70
DKP, Big mistakes 150 DKP (Wiping the raid). Doing the same mistake more times will
increase the penalty
10. The people that lag can leave the raid but will be marked as not attended for that core raid. The
players that leave the raid before it is ended (called or 4 hours from the start time) and that did not
announce from the start of the raid that they can not stay full run, will be marked as not
attended for that raid. The people that do not enjoy how the raid is evolving and complain about
it will be marked as not attended for that core raid. The people that leave midraid or disconnect
and do not come back at all will be marked as not attended for that core raid.
11. People that have an exceptional performance during the raids will also receive bonus dkp at the
end of the raid. 50/40/30 DKP / Role (TOP 5 DPS/ The 3 tanks and TOP 3 Healers)
12. For the heroic raids, each player must have at least 1 flask equipped. Not using a flask will reduce
your DKP by 50 points at the end of the raid.

Welcome to Westfall Guild Requierments:

For Heroic Core:

Must be able to raid all the time in the day assigned / week to the core raid.
Must have a positive attitude in the raids.
ICC & RS 10 N and 25 N Cleared.
Minimum 7K Dps on Heroic Target Dummy.
Must know the heroic tactics very good.
Must have double PvE spec, only if class can fulfill multiple roles.
Must know their role and class very good.

For Normal Core:

Must have a positive attitude in the raids.

Must join at least 1 raid/week.
RS & ICC on 10 N cleared.
Minimum 6K Dps on Heroic Target Dummy.

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