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Evaluation Test N 2

The 7th
Date_________________ Name____________________________


Read the text carefully and complete all the tasks.

Table manners are very different in every country. For example, when you are in England you must not lift your
soup plate to your mouth. This is very impolite. But when you are in Japan this is completely normal. Lifting your
plate to your mouth in Japan is a traditional way of drinking your soup. And also in Japan you dont have to worry
about making noise when you drink it. It just shows that you really like the food! But it is not the same in Britain so
you shouldnt make noise when eating there.
In Britain people dont put their hands or elbows on the table during the meal. But in Mexico, guests keep
their hands on the table all the time. In fact, you should watch what your hands do very carefully. In Arab countries it
is impolite when you eat with your left hand so dont do it!
In all the cultures it is impolite to speak when you are eating. Also you should leave some food on your plate
because it is considered impolite if you eat everything.
In Ukraine you should not start eating first, you should wait for all the others to start eating with you. You also
have to say please and thank you every time you ask and get something. If you dont like some food, dont make
faces and sounds that show this and dont say : Yuk! I hate that!
The best way to avoid making mistakes in other countries is to watch the host and try to do as he does.
Choose the correct answer.
(8 points)
1. It is impolite to lift the plate to your mouth in:
a) Japan;
2. When you make noise when you eat in Japan it means that:
a) You are ill;
b)You are impolite;
c)You like the food.
3. Keepings hands on the table is:
a)Polite in Mexico but impolite in Britain;
b) Impolite in Mexico and polite in Britain. c) Impolite in both
4. In Arab countries you...
a)Should eat with your right hand;
b)Shouldnt eat with your right hand;
c) Can eat with both hands.
5. You should say thank you and please when
a)You ask and get something;
b) You start eating;
c) You dont like the food.
6. Speaking when youre eating is impolite
a) In some cultures;
b) In all the cultures;
c) In most cultures.
7. Leaving some food on the plate is
a) Polite;
b) Impolite;
c) I dont know.
8. Yuk! I hate that! means that...
a) You enjoy the food;
b) You dont like the food;
c) You want to eat it.
True or False.
(6 points)
1. Table manners are not the same in all the countries.
2. Lifting your plate to your mouth is normal in England but impolite in Japan.
3. If you like the food in Japan, you usually make noise when eating.
4. In Mexico it is normal to keep the hands on the table when youre eating.
5. In Ukraine it is polite start eating first.
6. You should not say thank you and please if you ask and get something.
Finish the sentences.
(6 points)
1. In Japan, unlike England, it is polite to.___________________________________________________
2. In Britain people dont________________________ and they dont_____________________________
3. In Arab countries ____________________________________________________________________
4. In Ukraine you should not_____________________________________________________________
5. You should leave the rest of the food on the plate because..___________________________________
6. If you dont want to make mistakes in other countries when youre eating, you should
IV. Find synonyms from the text:
3 points
1. Rude-----2. Attentively -----3. to talk--------V. Find antonyms for the following words in the text:
3 points
1. Guest ---2. Silence-----3. right---------VI. Change the sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech
20 points
1.I said to him, I will be waiting for him_________________________________________________________
2.Lets visit a doctor , the mother told herson._______________________________________________________
3. Todd said : I was working at the project when you called me______________________________________ ___
4. The robber to the man: Give me your money.______________________________________________________

5. Mr. Smith to her son: Dont put your books on this desk.______________________________________________
6. Kim said: I was reading when he came___________________________________________________________
7."Close the door behind you," he told me._____________________________________________________________
8."Don't be late," he advised us._____________________________________________________________________
9. Kim said:I will be visiting them at 8 tomorrow._____________________________________________________
10. Shut the door but dont lock it, she said to us._____________________________________________________

VII. Complete this description using the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.
22 points
My name is Gurnam and my family originally ____________(come) from India.My grandparents
________ (move) to Britain in 1 975 and they __________(go) to live in the city of Leicester. My
grandfather _______ (open) a restaurant there and he_____________ (become) very successful. He
_______________(not speak) much English when he ____________ (arrive) in Britain but he____________
(learn) very quickly. Lots of people _________ (eat) at his restaurant. He __________(work) very hard for
many years and he ______-_(make) plenty of money. My father __________(be) born in Leicester and he
__________(go) to school there.
He _________ (do) very well at school and_____________ (pass) all his exams. Then he__________
(study) at university for three years and____________ (get) a Business degree. After that, he_________(set)
up his own business. At first he _________(sell) clothes in a shop near the city centre, and after a few years
he ______________(own) five shops all over the city. When I was a small child, we___________(live) in a
small house but my father_____________ (buy) a bigger one two years ago.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
12 points
1.I'll be ready as soon as you (be)_____________.
2.We'll stay here till she (return)______________.
3.I'm going to tell her before she (leave)_______________.
4.I don't know when the party (start)___________________.
5.As soon as you (get)___________ your exam results, call me.
6.He will wait for you until you (be back)_________________.
7.Ill give him your message when I ______________him. (see)
8. Dont forget to turn off the lights before you ________(leave)
9. If I see Emma, I _________________ her you are looking for her. (tell)
10. Ill call you as soon as I ___________________ at the hotel. (arrive)
11.If you( not do) __________________ more work, you (fail)_________________ the exam.
IX. Describe how a friendly relationship should be. Write the things you like and dislike about your friend.
What are the disadvantages and advantages of making friends on line.
100 words
(20 points)

Choose the right verb, and make forms of the past simple.
Hi Ed,
Thanks for your message. I think you're working too hard. You need a long holiday. Last year, Barry, the kids and
I_____________ (spend/live) four weeks in Cornwall. It___________ (have/be) great! We _____________(find/stay)
a really nice little house near the sea. We______________ (go/get) for walks, and we _____________ (buy/make)
food from the local farms. We ____________ (cook/clean) dinner at home most nights, we _____________
(read/look) books instead of watching TV, and the kids _____________ (run/play) games in the garden. It rained
sometimes, of course, but we______________ (spend/enjoy) every day. I_____________(take/watch) a few photos
the day before we__________
(leave/miss). I'll send you them, and give you the address of the house!
Best wishes, Stephanie
6. Young man to the young woman: Give me one of your
7. The woman to her daughter: Tidy your room, dont waste your

3. Woman to the porter: Carry my suitcases._________________________________________

6. Woman to her husband: Dont forget to take your
6.She said, "Go
9."Stop staring at me," she

11."Don't worry about us," they


14.He( be)_________ late for work if he (not hurry up)________________.

15. She (get)____________ into university unless she (get)_____________ good grades.
3.Please, call us when you (arrive)_______________.

6. You wont be able to park unless you ______________ there early. (get)
11.We (have)_____________ dinner when your father (get)_______________ home.
10. When she finds out what hes done, she _________________ furious. (be)

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