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October Home-School Communication Log for Advisory (Period 7)

Student Name

Contact Name

Aracely Alfonso

Elpidio Alfonso

Angel Campos

Rene Campos

Kymora Duren

Cherise GossettDuren

Jesus Felix

Maria Gonzalez

Dejon Franklin

Donyale Jackson


E-Mail Address/ Cell

Phone Number

Contact Date/Comments

10/31 Parent Conferences Aracelys performance is great in the

Alfonso.alfonso78 majority of her classes but I would
love for you to join us to discuss her
strengths and weaknesses to ensure
her success moving forward.
10/31 Parent Conferences Angels
performance does not reflect the
abilities he has and I would like to
speak with his family because I am
concerned about his future in our
class. If you could join us for a
parent conference I would like to
address the best ways to support him
and his education.
10/31 Parent Conferences Kymora
is a remarkable student who works
hard and appears to be succeeding in
323-289-3849 N/A
every way. That said I would still
like to meet to discuss some ways in
which we can push her to new levels
and not grow complacent.
10/31 Parent Conferences Jesus is
doing well in some aspects but he is
struggling in some classes and his
behavior has been leading to
difficulties which I fear are affecting
his academic performance. If you
could please join us so we could
discuss a plan of action I would
greatly appreciate it.

424-200-4323 N/A

10/16 Sheltered ELA Jesus

appears to be struggling to complete
all of his work and I fear there might
be another reason. He does at times
become distracted, but I would like
to meet to discuss any potential
issues outside of the class.
10/31 Parent Conferences Dejon is
having trouble reaching a level of
consistency with his performance
and behavior. If you could please
join us so we can develop a plan of
action to support him I would
greatly appreciate it.
10/5 Behavioral Dejon appears to
be struggling with asking for help
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Claudia Gelista

Maria Giron

323-915-0869 N/A

Evelyn Gomez

Grecyi Gutierrez

323-566-4989 N/A

Brittany Herrera

Maria Herrera

323-777-5676 N/A

Wendy Juarez

Audina Hernandez

323-423-8559 N/A

Dayla Lamothe

Marquita Mcfarland 323-514-8293 N/A

Oscar Lopez

Juana Valdez

323-456-5424 N/A

Paloma Medina

Beatriz Alonso

323-805-9339 N/A

and expressing himself. He acts out

when he doesnt understand and I
would like to meet to get to know
him better outside of the class and
see if we can find ways to help him.
10/31 Parent Conferences Claudia
is doing incredibly well in terms of
her academics and behavior. That
said, I think there are some ways we
could push her to perform at the top
level. If you could please join us for
a conference I would like to make a
plan of action for her, moving
10/31 Parent Conferences Evelyn
is doing quite well overall, but I
would like to make a plan of action
so as to best support her moving
forward. If you could please attend a
conference that would be greatly
10/31 Parent Conferences Brittany
appears to be doing quite well in the
majority of her classes but it appears
she is struggling in her math
courses. I would appreciate if you
could attend a conference so we
could make a plan of action for her.
10/31 Parent Conferences Wendy
works incredibly hard and I
appreciate her work ethic. That said,
I would like to meet to discuss some
ways to improve her grades in some
of the classes she is struggling with.
10/31 Parent Conferences - Dayla is
doing very well in all her classes but
I would like to arrange a conference
so we can make a plan to push her to
the next level.
10/31 Parent Conferences Oscar is
doing quite well but there are some
worries about his behavior
potentially interfering with his
academic abilities. If you could
attend a conference I would love to
sit down and make a plan of action
to support him.
10/31 Parent Conferences Paloma
is a very capable student but I fear
she is struggling in some of her
classes. I would like to arrange a
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Emily Mendoza

Lorena Lomeli

562-250-6720 N/A

Samyra Newman

Yvonne Peeples

714-833-0478 N/A

Ulysses Quintero

Laura Nunez

323-214-9157 N/A

Amber Rico

Amber Rico

323-420-7749 N/A

Gisselle Rivera

Lilia Morales

323-637-3307 N/A

Kelviz Sanchez

Alma Sanchez

323-602-6856 N/A

Dayana Serrano

Beatriz Hidalgo

323-767-7541 N/A

Daysia Stewart

Asia Benson

323-674-7433 N/A

time to discuss a plan of action to

best support her.
10/31 Parent Conferences Emily is
a great student with true talent, but
there are some concerns with her
behavior. I would like to arrange a
time to discuss a plan of action to
best support her.
10/17 Behavior Concern Samyra
is demonstrating some disruptive
and inappropriate behavior in the
class and I would like to discuss it
and potentially find some solutions
for her.
10/31 Parent Conferences Ulysses
is a bright student with great
potential but I fear some behavior
and effort issues are preventing him
from reaching his potential. If we
could discuss a plan of action I
would appreciate your attendance at
a parent conference.
10/31 Parent Conferences Amber
is doing very well in most of her
classes but I would like to meet and
discuss some ways to push her and
ensure she succeeds in the future.
10/31 Parent Conferences Gisselle
is a very bright student with great
potential but there are some
concerns with her behavior. If we
could discuss a plan of action to
help her succeed I would appreciate
it at a parent conference.
10/31 Parent Conferences Kelviz
is doing very well but I would like
for you to attend a parent conference
to discuss some ways to push him
forward and ensure his success.
10/31 Parent Conferences Dayana
seems to be struggling with her
academics and behavior in some
classes so I would like for us to meet
to discuss a plan of action to help
her succeed moving forward.
10/31 Parent Conferences Daysia
is doing quite well in most of her
classes but I would like to discuss a
plan of action to support some of her
struggles to ensure her success.
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Aleida ValenciaCordero

Aleida Cordero

310-713-3621 N/A

Natalie Valles

Sara Olivares

323-743-7305 N/A

Sonia Vazquez

Bertha Vazquez

562-889-1507 N/A

10/31 Parent Conferences Aleida

is a bright student who seems to be
doing quite well, but is struggling
somewhat in her mathematics
courses. I would like to arrange a
time to discuss some ways to
support her moving forward.
10/31 Parent Conferences Natalie
is doing very well but I see that she
is struggling in some of her math
courses. I would love to meet to
discuss a plan of action to best
support her moving forward.
10/31 Parent Conferences Sonia is
a fantastic student who appears to be
doing well in all her courses. I still
would like to meet to discuss some
ways to push her to higher levels
and maintain her success.

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