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Anna Quindlen Quick Write

Anna Quindlen considers America to be an improbable idea because, although this

country was formed to have diversity, there are still many who don't fully accept each other. For
example, she states, Historians today bemoan the ascendancy of a kind of prideful apartheid in
America, saying that the clinging to ethnicity, in background and custom, has undermined the
concept of unity. These historians must have forgotten the past, or have gilded it, (Quindlen pg.
3). This demonstrates how this country was formed to accept differences. It was created so that
everyone who came here would be treated equal, no matter what. In reality, most people think of
themselves as better than someone else. Everyone tends to find ways about how they are better
than someone else: in race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Wars have been started due to
differences in beliefs. Americans have segregated different colored people, just because they
strongly believed they were better than them. Not everyone fully understands and accepts
differences. Overall, Anna Quindlen considers America as an improbable idea, for there are
many people who don't accept each other's diversity.

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