Make Your Mark

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Kelly Dizon

Abbie Smith
September 30, 2016
Ms. Frederick - Period 6

Make your Mark

This isnt your average princess fairy tale on how a damsel in distress is swept up
off her feet and soon marries her Prince Charming to then live happily ever after in a
castle of enchanted objects, talking animals, and a lot of sing-alongs. This tale is about
how one girl broke free from these classic fairy tale structures. Her name is Bianca
Genevieve, daughter of King Stefan and Queen Amelia. A princess. However, Bianca
never goes under this title. She prefers Bianca. Not Princess Bianca Genevieve nor
Your highness, just plain old Bianca. She is quite unlike any other princess. Although
one may think that being born into the royal family would just make her another one of
those innocent and graceful princesses, this has indeed proven to be untrue. Despite
having a fair complexion Bianca has a tawny, beige face with little freckles scattered
around her two cheeks. She also has long, wavy brunette hair, unlike her blonde family
members. Additionally, even with all of her years of training on how to be a proper
princess, she still slouches and snorts whenever she laughs. Even gifted with all of these
extravagant and luxurious dresses, shed go with trousers any day. But for all those
structures nagging her to act proper because shes the princess of Camelot, this has
compelled her to follow.

Seeing that she has many flaws, one would believe that her older brother, Henry is
exactly the same. This is proven not to be true. He is the exact opposite. Some may say
that he is Camelots very own Prince Charming. He has golden blonde hair and a pasty
complexion like both his mother and father. Along his slender face, he has dark blue eyes
of a concerning leader. And not to mention, his charming white smile that girls would
faint for. This was a joke that Bianca would always make fun of her brother for.
However, she did agree that her brother was indeed a handsome young lad with a bright
future ahead of himself.
As the kingdom of Camelots favorite, Henry was ought to inherit the throne.
Unfortunately an unknown plague struck the entire kingdom of Camelot, spreading like
wildfire to each and every one of its citizens. The disease sadly inflicted Prince Henry,
King Stefan and Queen Matilda after several days of the plague news. Within five days of
having the disease all three of them were overcome by it. Leaving Bianca heartbroken
due to the death of all her family members. Ever since then, she has felt quite lonely in
the castle. There was no more of her silly competitions between her and her brother to see
who was the better one. No more of her fathers not-so-funny jokes that would still make
her laugh even though theyre not in the slightest bit funny. And no more of her mothers
sweet and caring voice that would always make Bianca feel better whenever shes upset.
Only the maids and butlers were there to comfort her. Its just not the same anymore. All
I want is for everything to go back to the way it was, Bianca grumbled. She often started
repeating this herself daily. But little did she know that her whole life was going to
change right in front of her eyes.

A month after the passing of her family members, she was visited by the elderly
kingdoms councilmen, Theodore James and his boastful son, Edward James. I know
that you may still be grieving on the death of family... Theodore started. Edward made a
faint groan. And you have our deepest condolences... he paused. Edward stifled a
louder groan. But Theodore added. What hes trying to say is that we need a new
leader of Camelot, Edward blurted out already fed up with his dads hesitation. Yes,
Im fully aware of this situation and I plan on to take charge of Camelot, Bianca
responded towards Theodore. Wait! Did I just hear you say that you? gasped Edward.
Yes. I believed that I just said so, Bianca replied questionably at Edward. A lady
leading our kingdom back to its strong foundation? Edward questioned again. Yes
Bianca said with uncertainty. Damsels dont know how to lead, Edward snapped.
They arent even involved in the political roles here. Or anywhere on Earth! he began
to cock. Edward please said his father who had seemed to be growing a sweat across
his forehead. Why dont we have a cup of tea or something, Edwards father added
while beginning to ask one of the housemaids for three cups of tea. Appearing to have not
heard his fathers words, Edward continued on. They just know how to stay at home,
cook, and do cleaning. Isnt that what you have been doing lately ever since your Let
me see your acquaintances have died, Edward snickered whereas his father already
looked like he was beginning to faint. Why dont you just sit behind, and let the men do
the work. Like always, he added. Infuriated by his rude marks, Bianca felt like she was
on the verge of finally losing her temper. But seeing how the elderly councilmen already
had sweat stains on both of the armpits of his dress shirt, and had looked like he was

going to have a heart attack standing in his place, she quickly calmed herself down.
Bianca then politely told him, If you believe that you should rightfully become King of
Camelot, then we will have an election tomorrow Saturday afternoon at Camelots
courtyard. It will involve the whole kingdom. The citizens will decide between the two of
us who is best suited to lead Camelot. Bianca began to walk out of the room just as the
tea had arrived. Yes I had almost forgotten, taking a look at the two men. Enjoy your
tea gentlemen, Bianca added before leaving the room. With that last comment she left
the two men gasping with their mouths open.
It was now Saturday in the kingdom of Camelot. News had already spread
throughout the kingdom about the election between Bianca Genevieve and Edward
James. People started lining up at the courtyard as early as they could to get a good view
of the debate. They had never had an election before. Even Bianca was a little nervous at
the thought of this election. Will the citizens like the election? Will they like me as a
leader? Will they throw food at me? Bianca just tried to push away these negative
thoughts, but she couldnt. She was afraid that everything would go chaotic. However, it
was almost time for the election to begin. So, she raised her chin up and went to the
The courtyard was filled with a crowd of audience waiting for the debate to take
place. Seeing that Edward had already taken his place at the panel, Bianca quickly went
to her spot in the panel. Once she sat down, Edward went first up to the podium to
declare why he should be the King of Camelot. Hello good citizens of Camelot! Im
Edward James, a respectable resident, as you may know, who has lived in Camelot for

many years. I believe that I can bring back Camelot to its former reign as its King due to
my background in Camelot. Do you honestly think that that damsel could lead us?
giving a dismayed look at Bianca. Shes practically spent over a month in her room,
sulking about her loved ones deaths, while Camelots have been in the face of the plague
crisis. She has done absolutely nothing to help our kingdom. Its just appalling! Edward
said while wiping a tear off his face.
A group of damsels standing near the front of the panel were fully engaged in
Edwards speech. Seeming to have approved with every word he had said, they casted
disapproving looks at Bianca. You have got to be kidding me, Bianca muttered under
her breath before Edward begun to speak again. Anyhow there is one person who I
know for a fact is capable of taking lead in our Kingdom of Camelot. This person is yours
truly, Edward James, he made a wink at the damsels standing near the front of the panel.
They squealed as a response of his action and started raving on a chant of Edward for
King! Edward for King! in the audience. Satisfied with his speech, Edward started
walked back to his seat with a little smirk on his face. His tears seemed to have dried up
I thought you were crying, Bianca whispered to him as he took the seat next to
her. Oh thats just a little thing of mine to you knowwin the audiences hearts,
Edward said pleased with himself. Thats scandalous, Bianca said scolding angrily at
him. You could be put against treason for that, she added. Edward snickered louder
than ever before at her comment. Well its reality, darling. Loads of people do it, he
said while taking a glance out to the audience. Oh look its your turn now. You should

go before you make yourself look even worse. Keeping the audience waiting on your
behalf is such a disgrace, he said shunning her. Bianca stared straight at him. She
couldnt have believed what he had just done. However, since she already begun to worry
about the elections, there was no time for such nonsense. Bianca started getting up from
her chair and had notice that her hands were shaking. Oh is someone a little nervous,
Edward said observing her shaking hands. You know that you dont have to do this
Bianca, he said meeting her eye. Like I said earlier, just do all of Camelot a favor by
letting the big boys work, he said.
Bianca decided it was better to just ignore his comments, so she stood up from her
chair and started walking to the podium on the stage. However, she was still shaking as a
fragile deer. Maybe hes right. I should just let the big boys do the work. Is there really
anything about me that could possibly please the audience?
Bianca she heard her mothers sweet voice. Mother, is that you? Bianca
blurted out as she stopped walking to look around. But her delicate mother was nowhere
to be seen. Its probably just a figment of my imagination, Bianca thought to herself while
picking back up her steps towards the podium. However, Bianca stopped walking, when
she heard her mothers tender voice ring inside her head. Dont let others try to drag you
down, because theyre just taking away one shining star that has endless possibilities of
doing something great for the worldThats you Bianca, her mothers voice told her.
Another voice chimed inside her head, but this time is was masculine. Just remember
Bianca, the chicken didnt cross the road just to get to the other side. He did it to make
his flying class 101, so he could beat the odds of him flying, the mans voice told her.

Another masculine voice was added to the conversation. Yet, his voice sounded more
youthful than the other. Finishing the other mans sentence he said, That means you too,
Bianca. Bianca could hear the faint sounds of the two men laughing. Bianca smiled to
herself. It was the voices of both her father and her brother. Thank you.
Finally making her place at the podium, she then whispered to herself, You got
this Bianca as she looked straight ahead towards the audience. Taking a breath, Bianca
began her speech, Hello Camelot! I am Bianca Genevieve, daughter of King Stefan and
Queen Amelia. As you may have already heard, its been a rather difficult time for me
that Ive been struggling to cope with. The loss of one is frankly one of the hardest things
a person has to experience throughout their life. Especially, when those who had passed
were truly the most inspiring individuals you have ever known. They were gifts to this
world that should always be thought of in the highest esteem. My loved ones who had
passed away were my father, King Stefan, my mother, Queen Amelia, and my brother,
Henry. They were the most inspiring souls that I have been fortunately blessed to have
ever known. Throughout my experiences of knowing them, they have always been
advocates, believing the great possibilities of the future. As I remember my brother,
Henry, he had numerous plans for the future of Camelot. He was genuinely a gift that this
kingdom needed to thrive. However, due to the epidemic, Camelot has lost a great
treasure. Regarding this tragedy, I believe that I can be the legacy of my brother, Henry,
and also of my parents, King Stefan and Queen Amelia. I know that I am a female, but I
have learned quite over the past years from my kin on what our Kingdom needs to get
back to its former glory. Thank you for your time and consideration. As she finished her

last sentence, in came a thunder roar of applause from the audience. At that moment she
knew that everything would change since it was now her time to make her mark.

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