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Apart from using the BaZi

analysis, readings of the flying
stars can also give indication for
market directions
Text Helen Ong

he month of May shows a combination of earth

and fire elements. The strong relationship
between the months and years elements brings
about a strong metal frame, which indicates strength
for the metal-related industries such as gold,
automobile, hardware, engineering and the like.
With the earth element ruling the first half of the
month, the financial market is likely to be slow and
uncertain. The dominance of the element also acts
as a barrier preventing potentials or opportunities
for profits to be discovered or realised. It would
take a person with deep research know-how to see
these opportunities.
Based on the monthly flying stars reading, the
negative influences are located at the North East
(Yellow 5), North (Robbery Star 7), North West
(Disputes Star 3), and at the Central (Sickness Star 2).
The table below gives an indication on the countries
that are represented by the nine sectors:




China, Russia, Europe


North West

Canada, UK


North East

Hong Kong, Taiwan





South West

Latin America, Brazil


South East

SE Asia countries



Japan, Korea



Middle East


In the North East, potential disasters and obstacles

are possibilities. This region is one of the worst sectors
plagued by the notorious star Yellow 5. Countries
located in this region may suffer setbacks, delinquencies

and volatility which may have huge impact in their

performance during the month of May.
Losses of wealth in the North are strong, as
the robbery star resides in this sector this month.
Any investment in this region shows tendency for
losses. As a precaution, beware of being deceived by
verbal commitments.
With the presence of the Disputes Star 3, the
North West sector is likely to be challenged with
riots and disputes. This is also an indication of sudden
changes in policies or regulations by the authorities
in this area.
The West sector has the influence of Star 4 which
suggests the presence of networking and forging closer
relationships with other counterparts. However, when
the energy patterns are compared between the year and
month, signs of conflicts can be seen in this area.
The Central region is likely to be affected by the
Sickness Star 2. This connotes potential disasters such
as earthquake and diseases. Economies located in this
region are likely to be slow and sluggish this month.
The South West, on the other hand, has the influence
of the Wealth Star 8 which shows great potential for
businesses and profits. This is particularly good for those
who invest in the property market.
Areas in the South are indicated by the strength
coming from the Star 6 which shows leaderships and
authority. While places in the South East, which bear
the influences of Star 1, will enjoy recognition and
great performance.
And finally, those in the East with the Star 9 as a
dominant force are seen to experience advancement
and future wealth. There is also sign of celebrations.
The above influences of the stars change from month
to month. Hence, while monitoring the potentials of
the financial market through the use of BaZi elements,
one can also make use of the flying stars influences to
compare the regional performance. SI

48 SmartInvestor

Helen Ong is the founder of

Senses-The Art of Living
Pte Ltd, a company that
offers Chinese metaphysics
services to individuals and
corporate clients. Her
expertise is in BaZi, Feng
Shui and I-Ching. She has
also done research on the
financial markets using the
Chinese Metaphysics
principles. For more
information, call (65)
6223-3938, e-mail: or

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