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Name: Lucas
Date: December 16th, 2016
-Photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into
high-energy sugars and oxygen.
-It takes time between 2 bubbling times because it needs time for the plants to consume
all of the energy it has gained, therefore, it will takes times between two time they react.

-Tree and plants will use the sunlight, water and Carbon Dioxide as input resources in
order to transform to its sugar and release Oxygen as a result. ). As far as the tree grow,
the more bubbling it would released.

-Large clear plastic cup
-Sodium bicarbonate solution
-Elodea plant
-Large Test Tube

-Prepare the Elodea and the Sodium Bicarbonate Solution.
-Put the Elodea into the test tube
-Fill up the test tube with the Sodium Bicarbonate Solution
-Fill the plastic cup with Sodium Bicarbonate Solution, too.
-Then put the test tube downward into the plastic cup
-Put the tube in the area where full of sunlight
-Record and write down the data
-Clean up

-It takes 9 minutes 55 seconds for the first bubbles
-Then, it takes 10 more minutes for the second bubbles
-Later on, the speed up happened
-It takes nearly half of the time in order to bubbles when we compare to the first time.
=> It takes total 25 minutes for 3 bubbles, approximately 10 minutes for the first two, 5
minutes more for the third bubbles.

-In this lab experiment, we are waiting to see the bubbles spill up, but, in will be too
general if we just looking for the bubbles only. We also wait to see the plants grow up,
even if its only a centimeter.
-We can see that firstly, we can see that it takes times for the tree in order to work,
receive, transform to its sugar and release oxygen (bubbles)
-We can also see that there is a speed-up moment when firstly it takes 10 minutes for the
first bubbles, but then it reduced to 5 minutes and as far as the plants grow, there will be a
reduce in time that the plants take to produce oxygen.
-After 30 minutes, the tree has grown up about 1 centimeters and the water level reduce
for about 3 centimeters.

Through this experiment, we can see that there is a change in the tree when the tree had
grown up 1 more centimeters and the water level had reduced for about 3 centimeters.
Tree had taken waters and sunlight in order to grow and release oxygen (bubbles). As far
as the tree grow, the more bubbling it would released.

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