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Jennifer Flores Vsquez

Professor Ortega
Sociology 001/73083
December 18, 2016
Artifact # 1 Reflection
Throughout assignment 168 hour, I had to implement a chart with my daily basis activity
to be able to manage my time wisely and have enough time for my online courses. By creating a
schedule and filling in the hours with activites that keep me occupied. Even though it has been a
struggle with my online courses and working full time I have learned how to manage my time
wisely. This assignment was very helpful for me because I have learned how to prioritize my
work and course in a timely manner. In order, for me to become successful throughout my
assignments, work I relied on this schedule to use my time wisely to be able to get my
assignments done, and have enough time for myself. Also, it helped me to become a successful
online student I had to complete the assignments ahead of time, read the instructions to
understand the assignment properly, and I tried not to procrastinate throughout my assignments.
This assignment has helped me value my time to get things done correctly.

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