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Break-out Plan # 11

Date: Thursday, December 1st

Break-out Title/Topic: Motivation
Think about somethings that motivate you. Try and include both tangible
objects and abstract themes. How do the types of motivators change as
you get older or younger?



Pair up and briefly (approximately 30 seconds) discuss what you think
motivation looks like and then have your partner model it in tableau.
Have your partner hold it for 30 seconds and let everyone look around at
what their classmates look like. Then switch and do the same thing with
the other partner.
Learning Objective:
For students to understand the different types of motivation that exist,
and examples of each within their own life. Students should also be able
to identify motivators in the lives of others and understand the lasting
effects of motivation on their personal life.
Participatory Activity:
Have each of the students take three post it notes, and write down
examples of what motivates them ( in school, at work, in your personal
life, etc.) After they have done that, have the students sort out whether
the motivator is intrinsic or extrinsic and place it on the piece of chart
paper that has been divided into a T-chart. Have the students look and
see if there are any motivators that are the same. Ask the students why
they think that may be the case, and how would that change if we did
this with a different age group? Why might this be the case? How does
this tie into the other topics we have covered in chapter 11 (happiness,
relationships and emotions)?
Do the pre-assessment again. Do your statues look different now, or are
they the same? Why do you think this maybe the case?
The students should now be able to explain what motivators are now
and how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are similar and different. They
also should be able to identify examples in their own life, and be actively
considering how the kinds of things that motivate them can impact how
they live their life, in terms of career choice, lifestyle and life goals,.


5 min


Post it notes
chart paper


5 min

1 min

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