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NAME: Kyle Naples DATE: 11/28/16 TIME: 9:30-10:40

SCHOOL: Springfield College Homeschool LESSON#: 4/4 FACILITIES: Field House CLASS SIZE: 12-15
GRADE: 3rd & 4th UNIT/THEME: Cooperative Games GENERIC LEVEL: Pre Control/ Control

40 hot spots

4 boundary cones

40 cones

10 bean bags

10 hula hoops



Laptop (video)

FOCUS OF LESSON: To allow students the opportunity to demonstrate different ways of working together in order
to complete a task.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO); MA CF + National Standard(s)/Grade Level Outcomes; Task #s
where content is taught; Task # where objective is assessed:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
COGNITIVE: The students will be able to recall the rules of the class with 90% accuracy when asked by the
teacher (N.S.G.L.O S4.E4.3Aa, M.A.C.F 2.7) Throughout the entire lesson
AFFECTIVE: Be respectful to their peers, their teacher, the equipment, and themselves 90% of the time during
100% of the lesson (N.S.G.L.O S4.E4.3Aa, M.A.C.F 2.7) Throughout the entire lesson.
PSYCHOMOTOR: Demonstrate the introduced skill cues with 90% accuracy throughout 80% of the lesson
(N.S.G.L.O S5.E4.3, M.A.C.F 2.2) Throughout the entire lesson.
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1.) Model energy and enthusiasm during the lesson, encouraging the students to demonstrate similar amounts
of enthusiasm.
2.) Constantly move throughout the classroom. Show each student an equal amount of attention, with positive
specific feedback. Only stay with a student for an elongated period of time if a student does really not
understand the lesson.
3.) Make instructions clear and precise, checking for understanding often.
4.) Constantly use gender-neutral terms, instead of saying guys when speaking to the class as a whole.
5.) Stress the importance of safety, keeping their eyes up, maintaining personal space.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in this
Special considerations consist of the fact that the students that I am teaching are homeschooled and may
be socially awkward and not completely understanding of how to participate with other students.
Graham, G. (2008). Teaching Children Physical Education: Becoming a Master Teacher (8th ed.). Human
Kinetics, Pg. 110
SHAPE America (2015). National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education (p. 11).
Human Kinetics.
Graham, G. (1980). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education. Palo Alto, CA:
Mayfield Pub.



Meet and Greet: Good morning class! My name is Mr. N, today
we are going to be working with cooperative games using skills
like team work and working together. This is the place that we will
be meeting at for the rest of the lesson and the next times we
meet. Is everyone ready for an enjoyable lesson today?


Boundaries: We are going to be working within the boundaries

today. The boundaries are the 4 cones in each corner of the gym.
I need everyone to point to each of the cones. We are going to
be remaining inside this area to avoid injury and other activity not
regarding our lesson. I need someone to repeat where the 4
boundaries are that we are going to be staying within? (In the 4
corners of the gym)
Student behavior expectations: Throughout the lesson today I
am expecting everyone to respect each other, listen to my
directions and have an enjoyable lesson.
Teacher positioning: Teacher will remain with their backs to the
wall and have an eye on all students at all times throughout the



Signals: My start signal for today is going to be 3,2,1 Go (or the

start of music)! This means you can begin the activity. And my
stop signal is going to be Ready freeze (or the end of music).
When you hear this you immediately stop the activity and look up
at me for further direction. I need someone explain what we are
going to do when I say 3,2,1 go? (Begin the activity) I need
someone explain what they are going to do when they hear
Ready freeze? (Stop the activity and look up at teacher for
further direction)

Music: Music will play when the activity is going to begin and the
music will stop when the activity is going to end.


Transition: When asked students will move in small groups to

the next designated activity area.


Video: Video will be shown in the introduction before the instant

activity begins.


Instant activity: Cooperative Hoops

Guided Discovery
Cross Curricular: Once the music ends and students find a
hot spot, they must pose in a different position on the hot
For this activity there will be hot spots placed on the ground
throughout the activity area. Students will be asked to find one
and stand on it until further instruction. Once the music starts to
play students will move from their hot spot and jog around the
gym until the music stops where they will then run to the closest
hot spot before their peers. As the activity progresses, hot spots
will be removed to enhance the difficulty.
Demonstration: Teacher and student demonstrations will be
acted out before the activity begins.
Teacher positioning: Teacher will remain with their backs to the
wall and have an eye on all students at all times throughout the


Transition: When asked students will move in small groups to

the next designated activity area.



Activity 1: (Teamwork work out)

Cross Curricular: Students will point to the parts of the body
that are being used while preforming the task. Pictures of
the body parts used will be printed out and placed around
the gym.
Teaching Style: Practice
In this activity students will be expected to line up across from a
partner on both black baselines on each side of the gym. When
the teacher starts the music each student will run to the middle
where there will be hula-hoops finned with cones. The students
will meet at the middle and preform 2 jumping jacks, when they
complete the jumping jacks the will grab a cone and place it on
the cones at their starting points. The goal is to get as many
cones as you can before the 10-minute time period is up.
Extend Up: Students who demonstrate success will be invited to
complete 5 jumping jacks when they get to the middle.
Extend Down: Students who fail to show success will be asked
to jump in place twice in replacement for the jumping jacks. This
will allow all students groups the equal opportunity to show
Demonstration: Teacher and student demonstrations will be
acted out before the activity begins.
Skill Cues:
Line up on baseline
Run and meet in middle of the gym
Preform jumping jacks/grab cone
Run back and repeat


Checking for understanding:

I need one student to explain to me how this activity will be
preformed? (Line up on baseline, Run and meet in middle of the
gym, Preform jumping jacks/grab cone and Run back and repeat)
I need one student to tell me what the goal of the activity is? (to
work as a team and get as many cones as possible)


Transition: When asked students will move in small groups to

the next designated activity area.

9:51-10:00 Activity 2: (Tallest Tower)

Cross Curricular: Students will be instructed to discuss
places around the world where they know there are tall
towers. (ex. New York City)
Teaching Style: Practice
In this activity the students will be paired in groups of two and
some groups of three. The goal of this activity is to use the cones
provided by the teacher, and build as tall of a tower that you can.
If however your tower falls, you must start over. This activity will
be timed; when the time begins the students will have 10 minutes
to complete this task. Along with the cones there will be other
objects available for the students to use in order to perfect their
tower. Once the timer is up there will be no more building. The
teacher will go around and judge whose tower was built the best.
Extend Up: Students that show success will be handed more
cones or other objects with the attempt to build the tower taller.
Extend Down: Students who fail to show success will be
instructed to start with a base of the tower and slowly work their
way up with blocks. Those who show lack of success will be
asked to get 10 stacked in a row within the 10 minutes and not
necessarily race the other classmates.
Demonstration: Teacher and student demonstrations will be


acted out before the activity begins.

Skill Cues:
- Grasp cone
- Place steadily on the ground
- Grasp another cone
- Place another cone steadily on top of the cone on the
- Repeat steps
Checking for Understanding:
What is the goal of this activity? (To be able to work together with
one or more partners while attempting to stack cones and other
objects as high as we can)
What is the most important thing while working with a partner?


Transition: When asked students will move in small groups to

the next designated activity area.
Activity 3: Crab Walk
Guided Discovery
Cross Curricular: Once the group completes the activity they
will all have to collectively spell (using a print out of the word)
cooperation, teamwork or working together to enhance the idea of
the lesson.
In this activity the students will be split up into groups of 3-4
depending on the class size. The activity area will be set up in an
organized manner where there will be 2 cones for each group at a
distance of 5-10 feet. The groups of 3-4 students will be at one
cone. When instructed to, the students will get into a crab
position where they will have their stomachs to the sky and all 4s
on the ground. When they are in this position a group member
will place a beanbag onto the stomach of the student on the




ground. The goal is to get each student in their groups to make it

around the cone and back without the beanbag falling off and
touching the ground. If the beanbag does hit the ground they
have to go back and start over. The students that are not in a
crab position will be cheering on their group members to complete
the course as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The goal is to
use teamwork; cooperation and working together to get each
student across and back to the starting place the quickest. (Play
music as activity is going)
Extend up: If the students show success they will be invited to
add more than one beanbag onto their stomachs to increase the
level of difficulty in getting both of them to the cone and back
Extend Down: If the students struggle allow them to flip over
and bear crawl instead of crab walk. This will increase the level
of success due to the fact that the concept is much more
Demonstration: Teacher and student demonstrations will be
acted out before the activity begins.
Teacher positioning: Teacher will remain with their backs to the
wall and have an eye on all students at all times throughout the
Skill cues:
-Both hands and arms on the ground at all times.
-Stomach to the sky
-Make sure to be as stable as possible to increase the chances of
Checking for Understanding:
- How many hands and feet are supposed to be on the

ground at all times? (4)

Do we want the beanbag to hit the ground at anytime?
What happens if we drop the beanbag? (Start back at
the beginning)


Transition: When asked students will move in small groups to

the next designated activity area.


Activity 4: (Stepping stones)

Guided Discovery
Cross Curricular: During the activity each group will be
instructed to yell out the number lilly pad that they have gotten to
in Spanish up until 10.
In this activity the students will be given a stack of hotspots
(lillypads) at the starting place. The class will be divided into
groups of 3-4 students. Each group is going to use teamwork and
cooperation to use the lilly pads to get across the lake. We do not
want to fall into the lake and get wet. In order to avoid getting
wet, the students will one by one place the lilly pads out into the
lake. They will have to step on them and place more out and
keep repeating this pattern in order to make it from one side of
the lake and back. If one student touches the water, the entire
group will be instructed to go back and start over. We want to see
what group will find the most effective way to preform this activity
and complete it before the other groups.
Extend up: If the students show success, remove a few lilly pads
from the group so that they will have to get across the lake with
less lilly pads. This increases the difficulty extremely. Groups
may have to devise a new tactic thats different from the previous
one due to the lack of lilly pads. Keep removing lilly pads if the
students keep showing success.
Extend down: If the students are having trouble completing the


task with the lilly pads they have, give the students more lilly
pads. This will make the task much easier to complete. If
success is still lacking, give the groups hula-hoops in replace of
the hotspots for the lilly pads. This will be much easier and the
level of success will increase.
Demonstration: Student and teacher demonstration will be
preformed before the activity begins.
Teacher positioning: Teacher will remain with their backs to the
wall and have an eye on all students at all times throughout the
Skill cues:
-Toss lilly pads out into lake
-Step on lilly pads
-Repeat steps to get across the lake without falling in
Checking for Understanding:
-Can someone repeat what it is we are going to be doing in this
activity? (Using lilly pads in progression to get across the lake)
-Are we supposed to touch the water? (NO)
- If we touch the water, do we have to start over? (No)


Transition: When asked students will move in small groups to

the next designated activity area.


Closure: Everyone did a great job throughout the entire lesson

today. I loved how everyone was using communication and
teamwork in order to demonstrate cooperation. Next class we will
be adding to our knowledge on cooperative games with more
enjoyable lessons.
What was your favorite part of the lesson?


What is the most important thing to keep in mind when

working with a team? (Communication)
In what real life scenarios does communication play a
factor? (Sports, school, etc.)
Have a great day we will see you next week!!

Partner Work Out

Tallest Tower

-Crab walk with all 4s on the ground and

stomach to the sky.
-Avoid dropping the beanbag.

Step on Lilly pads to avoid falling into the


Name: _______________

Ticket to leave
Directions: Select the answer that best fits the question, complete this task to the best of your ability, when your done bring it up to
Mr. N and you are free to go.
1. What is the most important thing to keep in mind while working with a team or a group
of people?
A. Selfishness
B. Cooperation
C. Lack of communication

2. Name one thing that you learned about working with a group of people and how that
affected the task.

3. What was your favorite activity throughout the entire lesson and why?

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