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VI Maths Assignment for FA3


1.Which integer do we get by moving 7 units starting from 2 to the right
side? a (9 ) b 9 c 5 d (5)
2.Which integer do we get by moving 6 units starting from ( - 5 ) to the
right side?

(11 ) b 11 c 1 d (1)

3.Which integer do we get by moving 5 unit starting from 3 to the left

a) 2 b (2 ) c 8 d 8
4.( - 2 ) _______ 3
a) 2


c) 8

d) none

5.There are ________ natural numbers.

a) One crore

b) ten lac

c) finite

d) infinite many

6.The smallest natural number is __________

a) 0

b) 1

c) ( -1)

d) none

7.The smallest whole number is _____

a) 0

b) 1

c) ( -1)

d) none

8.__________ is a whole number but not a natural number.

a) 0

b) 1

c) ( -1)

d) none

9.________ integers are represented on the left side of 0 on a number line.


b) Negative

c) natural nos.

d) none

10.________ integers are represented on the right side of 0 on a number


b) Negative

c) smaller nos. d) none

11. 0 is -------------------- than each positive integer.

a) Smaller b) Greater c) Equal

d) None

12. 0 is -------------------- than each negative integer.

a) Smaller b) Greater c) Equal

d) None

13. ------------------------ is the integer between (-1) & 1.

a) (-2)

b) 2

c) 0

d) None

14.On the number line, the number lying on left side is --------------- than
the number lying on right side.
a) Smaller b) Greater c) Equal

d) None

15. On the number line, the number lying on right side is---------------- than
the number lying on left side.
a) Smaller b) Greater c) Equal

d) None

16. Integer ------------------- lies between (-2) & (-4)

a) 0

b) (-3)

c) 3

d) None

17. Integer ------------------ lies on the left side of 1 &on the right side of (-1)
on the numberline
a) 0

b) 1

c) (-1)

d) None

18.On the number line (-6) lies on the ---------------- side of 2

a) Right

b) Left

c) Middle

d) None

19. On the number line , (-5) lies on the ------------- side of (-8)
a) Right

b) Left

c) Middle

d) None

20.(-5) --------------- 5
A )>

b) <

c) =

d) None


d) None


d) None

21.0 ----------------7
A )>

b) <

22.8 ------------- (-9)

a) >

b) <

23. How many units to which side should we move to reach (-3) standing
from (-6)?

a) 3 units to the right side

b) 3 unit to the left side

c) 6 unit to the right side

d) 6 unit to the left side

24. Which integer do we get by moving 3 units standing from (-2) to the
left side?
a) (-4)



c) (3)

d) None

25. H.C.F. of 13 and 17 is ________


b) 17

c) 1

d) 221

26. The LCM of 5 and 9 is ____________


b) 9

c) 45

d) 1

27. The LCM of 2, 7 and 11 is _______


b) 2

c) 154

d) 14

28.The HCF of 3 , 7 and 9 is ________

a) 9


c) 3x7x9


29. The LCM of 9 and 18 is _________

a) 9

b) 3

c) 1

d) 18

30. The smallest common multiple of 2, 8 and 12 is __________


b) 8 c) 12

d) 24

31.The greatest common factor of 16 and 24 is

a) 2

b) 8

c) 4

d) 48

32. The H.C.F of 8 & 9 is ------------a) 2

b) 3

c) 6

d) 1

33. The H.C.F of 3 , 5 & 7 is ----------a) 3

b) 5

c) 1

d) 105

34. The H.C.F of 6 & 9 is --------a) 2

b) 3

c) 6

d) 18

35. The L.C. M of 5 & 7 is ---------a) 5

b) 7

c) 1

d) 35


36. The L.C.M of 8 & 12 is ------------a) 8

b) 24

c) 12

d) 36

37. The smallest among all the common multiples of the given number is
called their ---------a) L.C.M

b) H.C.F

c) R.H.S

d) None

38. The L.C.M of two or more mutually prime numbers is given by their
-------------a) 1

b) Product

c) H.C.F

d) None

39. The ---------------- of the given numbers is always divisible by each of

the given numbers
a) L.C.M

b) H.C.F

c) R.H.S

d) None

40. The greatest among all the common factors of the given numbers is
called the ------------- of the given numbers.
a) L.C.M

b) H.C.F

c) R.H.S

d) None

41. The H.C.F of two or more mutually prime numbers is ---------a) 1

b) Product

c) L.C.M

d) None

42. All the given numbers are divisible by their ------------a) H.C.F

b) L.C.M

c) R.H.S


43. --------------- is the greatest number by which 6 , 9 and 12 are all

a) 3

b) 6

c) 9

d) 12

44. The H.C.F of 13& 17 is ----------a) 13

b) 17

c) 1

d) 221

45. The L.C.M of5& 9 is ----------------a) 5

b) 9

c) 45

d) 1

46. The L.C.M of 2 , 7 & 11 is ------------a) 1

b) 2

c) 154

d) 14

47. The H.C.F of 3, 7&9 is --------a) 9

b) 7

c) 3X7X9

d) 1

48. The L.C.M of 9 & 18 is ----------a) 9

b) 3

c) 1

d) 18

49. The smallest common multiple of 4,6& 8 is ----------a) 4

b) 8

c) 24

d) 2

50. The greatest common factor of 16 & 24 is ----------a) 2

b) 8

c) 4

d) 48

Q-2 Answer the following:


1. Write three consecutive integers with following as the middle no.


(ii) (-3)

2. Write three consecutive integers with following as the greatest number.


(ii) (-2)

3.Write integers lying between :

(i) (-7) and 3

(ii) (-3) and 3

4. Integers include positive integers, zero and ____________ integers.

5. Arrange the following in ascending order:

(-10), (-12), 8, 2
(-5), (-9), 2, 8, (-11)

6. Arrange in descending order:

(I) (-10), (-15), 4, 9, 0, 10
(II) 0, 8, (-3), (-11)
7. The smallest among all the common multiples of a given number is
called ______.
8.The L.C.M. of two or more mutually prime nos. is given by their ________.
9. The _____________ of the given nos. is always divisible by each of the
given nos.
10. The least number that is divisible by six as well as 9 is _________.
11. The greatest among all the common factors of the given nos. is called
the __________ of given nos.

12. The H.C.F of two or more mutually prime nos. is _________.

13.Represent the following on a number line.
(-5), 2, 4, (-4), (-3), 0, (-1), 5
14.Find the L.C.M of 6, 10 and 15.
15. Find the H.C.F. of 16 and 18 by division method.
16. Find the L.C.M. of 18 and 27 by division method.
17. Find the L.C.M. of 4, 6 by listing multiples.
18.Find H.C.F. by obtaining prime factors of 18 and 30.
19. Find the pair of co-prime numbers.
1) 11 , 15 2) 17 , 24

3) 15 , 16

20. Find the HCF of 24 and 42 by prime factorisation method.

21. Find the prime factorisation of 36 by tree method.
22. Find the common factors of 24 and 40. .
23.Write first four multiples of 13.
24. Find HCF of 13 , 14 , 15.
25.Add (-6) and 8.
26.Add ( -9 ) and ( -14 ).
27. solve : 6 ( - 4 ).
28. subtract 9 from (-12).

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