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MYE Paper 1

19 Dec 2016

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions [30 marks]

Answer all the questions. Each question below is provided with four answers.
Select the correct answer and write it in the brackets provided.
1) 10000 cm3 is equivalent to ______________________.
A. 0.1 m3

B. 0.01 m3

C. 0.001 m3

D. 0.0001 m3

2) What type of mistake is made when the eye is not placed directly above the reading of
the measuring instrument?
A. parallax error

B. zero error

C. human error

D. ruler error

3) The average measurement of the thickness of a book was calculated to be 4.231 cm.
If the measurement was taken with a pair of vernier calipers, how should the reading
be recorded?
A. 4 cm
C. 4.23 cm

B. 4.2 cm
D. 4.231 cm

4) The reading below shown on the mechanical stopwatch is ______________________.

A. 2 mins 38 s
B. 2 mins 39.6 s
C. 3 mins 38 s
D. 3 mins 39.6 s

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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

5) Which one of the following statements is not true about an electronic stopwatch and a
mechanical stopwatch?
A. The mechanical stopwatch is easier to read than an electrical stopwatch.
B. The electronic stopwatch gives a higher accuracy than a mechanical stopwatch.
C. The mechanical stopwatch can measure time accurately up to 1 decimal place.
D. The electronic stopwatch can record time intervals in hours.

6) Water is leaking out of a tap at 1cm3/s. Calculate how much water is wasted in 5


C. 300 cm3

B. 5 cm3
D. 300 m3

7) The mass and weight of the same object are measured first on Earth and then on the
moon. Which one of the following statements is true about the measurements on the
moon compared with those on Earth?
A. Both the mass and weight readings become larger.
B. Both the mass and weight readings become smaller.
C. The weight remains unchanged but the mass becomes smaller.
D. The mass remains unchanged but the weight becomes smaller.

8) An object X floats in liquid R but sinks in liquid S as shown in the diagrams below.
Choose the correct statement from the following:
A. Liquid R is more dense than liquid S.
B. Liquid R is less dense than liquid S.
C. Object X is more dense than liquid R.
D. Object X is less dense than liquid S.

9) 1 g/cm3 is equivalent to __________________________.

A. 1 kg/m3

B. 10 kg/m3

C. 100 kg/m3

D. 1000 kg/m3

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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

10) Iron, mercury and aluminium can be classified as ___________________.

A. solids.

B. metals.

C. ceramics.

D. mixtures.

11) Which physical property of a material would you consider the most important if you
want to make the blade of a cutting tool?
A. Strength

B. Flexibility

C. Hardness

D. Melting point

12) Carpets, clothing and blankets are best made from ____________________.
A. ceramics.

B. fibres.

C. metal wires.

D. polystyrene.

13) A dichotomous key deals with how many characteristics at a time?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

14) An earthworm has ________________________________.

A. jointed legs.

B. a segmented body.

C. a thick exoskeleton.

D. a leathery skin.

15) Which of the following are characteristics of the fungi?


Has no chlorophyll.


Produces spores.


Lives in dry places.


Produces cones.

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. III and IV

D. I, II and III

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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

16) Which one of the following groups contains only elements?

A. Iron, air, earth, wood
B. Water, alcohol, vinegar
C. Magnesium, potassium, copper
D. Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen

17) Which one of the following compounds listed below is composed of 3 elements?
A. CO2

B. H2O


D. NaCl

18) What is sulphur used for?

A. manufacturing of steel.

B. food for healthy bones.

C. making foil wraps.

D. hardening rubber.

19) Which one of the following substances cannot be broken down by chemical methods?
A. Alcohol

B. Common salt

C Nitrogen

D. Steam

20) When limestone is heated, it is broken down into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide
gas. Limestone is a/an ___________________________.
A. compound.

B. mixture.

C. element.

D. alloy.

21) Which one of the following diagrams below represents the molecular structure of a

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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

22) The diagrams below show some effects which are all due to the same physical

What is this physical property?

A. Friction

B. Heat

C. Mass

D. Weight

23) Which one of the following objects below exerts the greatest pressure if all the
objects have the same weight?

24) The moon is going round the Earth in a circle at constant speed. What is the force
that makes the moon go round the Earth?
A. Magnetic force

B. Gravitational force

C. Frictional force

D. Elastic force

25) Work done has the same SI unit as ______________________.

A. force.

B. pressure.

C. energy.

D. weight.

26) 1.5 MJ is equivalent to __________________.

A. 1500 J

B. 15000 J

C. 150000 J

D. 1500000 J

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19 Dec 2016

27) A boy carries a 1 kg book as he walks along a path 30 m long. How much work was
done to carry the book?
A. 0 J

B. 30 J

C. 300 J

D. 3000 J

28) A nut can be loosen more easily with _____________________________________.

A. a heavy spanner because a larger force can be produced.
B. a light spanner because a larger force can be produced.
C. a short spanner because a larger turning effect can be produced.
D. a long spanner because a larger turning effect can be produced.

29) The figure below shows a nutcracker. It is an example of a lever which has the
A. fulcrum between the load and the effort.
B. load between the fulcrum and the effort.
C. effort between the fulcrum and the load.
D. load distance greater than the effort distance.

30) A uniform beam is balanced at its mid-point. An object weighing 60 N is placed 30

cm from the pivot on the left. In order to balance the beam, a force must be applied.
Which one of the following will balance the beam?

A. 50 N downwards, 40 cm from the pivot on the right.

B. 50 N upwards, 40 cm from the pivot on the right.
C. 30 N downwards, 60 cm from the pivot on the right.
D. 90 N downwards, 10 cm from the pivot on the right.

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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

Section B: Structured Questions [40 marks]

Answer all the questions in this section. Write your answers in the space
1. Complete the table below:
Physical Quantity

SI Unit

Symbol for Units

(a) Work Done

(b) Pressure
(c) Moment of a Force

2) The diagram below shows a pair of vernier calipers being used to measure the
diameter of a ball bearing.

(a) What is the value of the reading above?

Value of reading = ______________________


(b) Given that the pair of vernier calipers used has a positive zero error of 0.02 cm.
Calculate the actual diameter of the ball bearing. Show your workings below:

Actual diameter of ball bearing = _____________________[2]

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19 Dec 2016

(c) Describe a method that can be used to ensure a more accurate reading of the
diameter of the ball bearing is obtained.





3) Rate is a ratio between two different physical quantities. Write down the units for the
different types of rates listed below:
Different Types of Rates

Units for the Rates

(a) Pulse rate of a healthy person

(b) Rate of volume of water flowing out from the
firemans hose
(c) Rate at which the meter in the taxi jumps for a
4) An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals. One alloy is made by melting 4cm3 of a
metal of density 5 g/cm3 with 8 cm3 of another metal of density 6 g/cm3. Assuming
there are no changes in volume as the alloy is made, calculate
(a) the mass of the alloy,


(b) the density of the alloy.


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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

5) A scratch test was carried out on four substances P, Q, R and S. It was observed that:

R scratches P and Z but not Q;

P cannot scratch Z.

(a) Which substance is the hardest? _________________________.


(b) Which substance is the softest? __________________________.



Given substances Q and Z, which one of these is more likely to be used:

(i) for making a knife? _________________________________.


(ii) as chalk for writing on the board? _____________________.


6) List the 5 main groups of vertebrates in the table below:





Body covered with hard scales for protection.


Give birth to the young.


Able to live both on land and in water.


Leathery skin with hard dry scales.


Body covered with feathers.

7) List down 2 characteristics of metals and non-metals in the table provided below: [4]


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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

8) When three drops of water are added to a mixture of iodine crystals and aluminium
powder, dark purple fumes are produced and the container becomes very hot.
(a) Is the reaction described above a physical reaction or chemical reaction?


(b) Give an explanation to explain why the container becomes very hot.



(c) Is aluminium powder an element, a mixture or a compound?



9) The wooden block shown below has a mass of 13 kg.

20 cm

30 cm
40 cm
(a) Calculate the surface area of the face that will exert the lowest pressure. Explain
your answer.




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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

(b) A boy exerts a force of 1200 N to push the wooden block in (a) through a distance
of 1.5 m on level ground. Calculate the work done by the boy.


10) A pair of tongs is used to flip the meat during the barbeque of food.
(a) Is the pair of tongs a first, second or third class lever? Explain your answer. [2]




(b) Is the pair of tongs a force magnifier or a movement magnifier?

Explain your answer.




Section C: Essay Questions [30 marks]

Answer any three out of four questions on the writing paper provided.
1.(a) In a pendulum experiment, the time taken for 20 oscillations of a pendulum is
1.5 minutes. Calculate the time taken for one oscillation in seconds.

(b) Explain how the time taken for each oscillation is affected by:
(i) mass of the bob



(ii) length of the pendulum

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MYE Paper 1
19 Dec 2016

(c) Distinguish the difference between speed and average speed of a moving object
in terms of their formulae.


(d) Tony walked for 10 minutes to travel a distance of 800 m from his house to
Woodlands MRT station. He then boarded the MRT train which took 40 minutes
to travel a distance of 20 km from Woodlands to City Hall MRT station.
(i) Calculate Tonys walking speed in metres per second;


(ii) Calculate the average speed of the entire journey in metres per second. [3]
2.(a) What is meant by the term classification?


(b) Name two classes of matter, giving an example for each class of matter.


(c) Construct a dichotomous key for the plants listed below:




Bracken Fern

White Moss

3.(a) Distinguish the difference between an element, a mixture and a compound. [3]
(b) List down two differences between compounds and mixtures.


(c)(i) Give an explanation why water is not an element.


(ii) Is water chemically broken down when it is boiled? Give a reason for your


4. The diagram below shows a uniform beam AB pivoted at its mid-point. Two masses,
2 kg and 1.5 kg are suspended from the beam as shown below:

(a) Calculate the weight of the 2 kg and 1.5 kg mass.


(b) Explain why the beam AB would not balance.


(c) Calculate the clockwise and anti-clockwise moments about the pivot and deduce if
end A will move upwards or downwards.


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(d) How far from the pivot should the 2 kg mass be placed in order to balance the


(e) Which class of lever does the beam system above belong to? Explain your


---------------------------------------------- End of Paper ------------------ Mid-Year/LYH/2006

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19 Dec 2016

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