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Physics 72 TWHFW

15th (Take Home) Recit

Due Date: 26 Nov 2015 (Th)
Lecturer: Tram Acua
Name: ___________________________________________
Student No.: _________________
Degree Program:____________________________________

Recitation Teacher (please tick the appropriate box):

Acua (W)
Cabello (W1)
Aguilar (W2)

Tarun (W3)
Blanca-Ocampo (W4)
Fajardo (W5)

Instructions: Show complete and neat solutions. Please include relevant figures, equations, and sentences. Express
final answers in terms of the parameters given in the problem, unless otherwise stated.
Problem 1 (5 pts): For each of the following thin lenses made of glass with index of refraction n = 1.5, determine the
focal length, assuming that the lenses are immersed in vacuum:
(a) (1.25 pts) Double convex lens with |R1| = |R2| = 30 cm
(b) (1.25 pts) Double concave lens with |R1| = |R2| = 30 cm
(c) (1.25 pts) Plano-convex lens with |R1| = ,|R2| = 60 cm
(d) (1.25 pts) Concave-convex lens with |R1| = 30 cm (concave side),|R2| = 60 cm (convex side)

Problem 2 (5 pts): (cf LG09, Problem VI) A candle is a distance D = 90 cm from a screen. A converging lens of focal
length f = 20 cm is placed in between. In what follows, take the lens position to be measured with respect to the
(a) (4.0 pts) There are two positions of the lens for which a real image will be formed on the screen. Where are
(b) (1.0 pt) At which lens position will there be a magnified image?

Solution (continued):

Problem 3 (5 pts): Consider a coherent source of

microwaves that are in phase. The wavelength of the
microwave signal is = 12.5 cm, and the sources are
separated by a distance d = 37.5 cm. Far away from the
sources, we place detectors at X, Y, and Z, shown.
(a) What are the absolute path differences of
waves emitted from S1 and S2 reaching X, Y, and
(b) What are the absolute phase differences of
waves emitted from S1 and S2 reaching X, Y, and
(c) At
constructive/destructive interference?

Problem 4 (5 pts): In this problem, we shall give an

alternative derivation to the condition required for
constructive interference in a two slit interference
set-up. Consider the set-up illustrated below.
Monochromatic light of wavelength is incident on
the slits.

(a) (1.0 pt) Give expressions for PS1 and PS2 in terms of , , and only. At this point, do not make any
approximations yet. (Hint: Use the Pythagorean theorem.)
(b) (1.0 pt) Using your expressions in part (a), show that the path difference is:
(Hint: Use =

( + ) + 2 + ( ) + 2

(c) (1.0 pt) Show that by making suitable approximations, the path difference is approximately

2 +2

sin .
(d) (1.0 pt) From part (c), we can immediately determine the condition for a bright line to appear at P. Show
that the vertical positions of the bright lines are:

[1 ( ) ]

where = 0, 1, 2,


(e) (1.0 pt) In the lecture discussion, the additional factor [1 (

in part (d) was not present. For the

specific case = 500 nm, d = 0.5 mm, at which values of m will this additional factor be significant?


Solution (continued):

Problem 5 (5 pts): Consider a film of oil (noil = 1.582)

with thickness on a puddle of water (nwater = 1.333).
Light of wavelength 0 = 500 nm in air (nair = 1) is
normally incident on the interface between air and oil.
The incident light is represented by ray AB. (In the
figure, the incident light is given a very small angle of
incidence for clarity.)

(a) (1.0 pt) Give an expression for the wavelength of light in oil in terms of the given quantities. (No numerical
values, please!)
(b) (1.0 pt) Consider the reflected rays BC and DE. Which of these reflected rays suffered a -phase change due
to reflection? (Hint: The indices of refraction are relevant here.)
(c) (1.0 pt) Consider the light path B-D-E. What is the total phase change of light, in terms of 0, t, and noil, as it
traversed that path? (Hint: The path length and the wavelength of light in oil are known. Phase changes due to
reflection must be taken into account.)

(Problem 5, continued)
(d) (1.0 pt) Show that the phase difference between points E and B is = . (Hint: Phase changes due

to reflection must be taken into account.)

(e) (1.0 pt) From your answer in (d), what is the minimum thickness of the oil film so that the incident light is
strongly reflected? Provide a numerical value for the minimum thickness.

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