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Sampling Equipment

Numerous types of sampling equipments have been devised. Howecer, the sampler
design is generally immaterial except for dissolved gases or constituents particularly
affected by atmospheric gases. Sampling equipments are briefly described below: Grab Samplers
Grab samplers can be divided into discrete (surface or sp. depth) and depth
integrating samplers. A grab sample may be taken using a sampling iron with an
appropriate bottle or a pump type sampler. Composite samples can be made from
several grab samples mixed in equal proportions or in proportion according to the
flow at the time of sampling.
Depth Integrating Samplers
This apparatus is a device, which is made of iron and painted with a rust inhibitor.
The weight of the sampler is approximately 2.7 kg. Typically, design permit the use
of 2 litre sample bottle when the bottle neck holder is in the upper position, smaller
bottles may be used when the holder is located in lower position.
The sample bottles are placed in the sampler and secured by the neck holder. In
some cases, sampling iron may have provision of additional weights to ensure a
vertical drop in the strong currents. A depth-integrated sample is taken by
permitting the sampler to sink to the desired depth at a constant rate and then
retrieving it at approximately the same rate. The rate should be such that the bottle
has just been filled when reaching the surface.
Discrete Samplers
Discrete samplers are used to collect water at specific depth. An appropriate sampler
is lowered to the desired depth, activated and then retrieved. The kemmerer style
sampler is one of the oldest types of messenger operated vertical samplers. The
samples should be taken at a known depth and without aeration. Depth samples can
be collected with a bottle which can be closed by stopper, controlled by a cord
permitting samples to be taken at any given depth. The bottle is required to be
clamped in to a weighted containers. The total weight to be lifted out of the water
will be at-least twice that of the sample.

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