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What is the

effect of
games in
grade 9
Students in


Chapter 1
Background of the study:
Controversies about computer gaming
addiction being linked to violence have been
rampant since the 80s.Studies show that
most delinquents have had some time playing
video games before doing a crime. Although
little to no proof is exhibited till today, we
hope to share our insights on this matter. This
research provides an exemplary background
concerning a specific addiction amongst teens
which is gaming, Be it Pc or console, this
research paper tackles the psychological
aspect of a gamers behavior from consistent
influence with factors emanating from games
ranging from violent to educational ones, for
as computer games grow in popularity, the
negative and positive effects of usage should
be studied.
Statement of the Problem:
This study aims to answer the following. What
psychological reason implies to game

addiction.How violence is usually associated

with certain gaming genres. How game
developing should be continued or
discontinued? If game can affect human
behavior dramatically that it can change the
very being of a person. If simulation can
replace human interactions in the future.
Significance of the study:
This section will provide brief description on
the various significances of the study given
the three categories Educational,
Technological and Psychological. To students,
The proposed study serves the students as
their reference or guide to todays temptation
with present day technological marvels. It will
also help students into taking computer
related courses to enlighten the next
generation on the matter on computer
addiction. To experts, The proposed study will
help psychologist and sociologist to have a
deeper understanding to the said matter. By
this study they will come up with easier and
effective treatment varying from correction to

prevention. To future researches. The

proposed study will benefit and help them as
a guide. The study can also open in
development in association to whatever
obstacle lies in the future with reference to
this subject.
Scope and definition:
This research paper focuses on the nature of
how PC/Console games contribute to todays
society, mostly students, for they are what
make up the majority number of gamers, and
whether it be negative or positive, this
research paper aims to give a better
understanding of how this form of
entertainment can give such a huge impact to
todays society.

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