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Thimerosal thoughts: MMR, Mercury and the Mystery surrounding my book

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This blog aims to provide
information about various
troubling health matters mainly
affecting children. The one over
riding issue is that of Thimerosal,
a preservative used in vaccines
since 1930. This preservative is
It collects in the brain and organs
such as the kidneys. It interferes
with our DNA and can affect our
brain and immune system. It also
affects the retina.

SU NDA Y , 1 5 JUL Y 2007

MMR, Mercury and the Mystery surrounding my

Tomorrow at the General Medical Council will start the case against Dr
Andrew Wakefield and two other Doctors who raised concerns about
children they assessed in the nineties, very worried that the problems
they found were linked to adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine.
As there has been an almighty reaction by the Pharmaceutical lobby there
has been NO public debate on exactly what has been going on.
In my book, Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry, having seen too many
children with what I called 'tapestry impairments' many of which


developed following the DTP and in fewer cases, the MMR, I suggested
there may be a 'tapestry' causal effect with vaccines as one thread.

2007 (49)
June (23)

I mentioned Thimerosal and included some lawyers details here and in

July (10)

the US.

"All drugs have side

effects" Glaxo Smith
Kline qu...
Mercury side effects courtesy of Tami in
UK finally gets there - WE
'Chemical exposure'
linked to autism MERCURY IN ...
Mail on Sunday highlights
the terrible suffering
Victory for parents Weldon succeeds in
Florida Today on Weldon's
victory to take Mercury

The launch of the book was at a CHADD conference in Anaheim California

in October 2001. Eli Lilly were on the next stand and bought a copy of the
On my return to the UK there was no contact from the publisher.
Within weeks of my book being published parents were being told by
Amazon that it was a 'rare book' and that it would take a year to get and
would cost $79 plus post and packing!!!
There were none in the shops.
There were none in the warehouses of the retailers.
There were none in the Distributors.
The UK National Autistic Society carry all the books on Autism - except
Probably nothing to do with my concerns about the vaccine, a small part
of the book incidentally, or about my concern about the use of the label
Munchausen Syndrome by proxy when children were genuinely ill - many

MMR, Mercury and the

Mystery surrounding
my book

had suffered reactions to vaccines. The fact that during the time my

Dan Olmsted on 'the story

of a lifetime'environm...

Paediatrics and Child Health, I am sure was total coincidence.

Nancy Hokkanen and Kim

Stagliano - on the
Cover up...

Editor was working on the book he was invited to change jobs and work
on the MSBP/Factitious Illness Guidlelines at the RCPCH - Royal College of

Guess I'm just paranoid when it comes to the things done by the powerful
vaccine lobby and the need to protect the vaccine programme more than
the public...
Prior to the documentary My Family and Autism being aired on the BBC,
over a year after the trip to Anaheim, in which I am seen undertaking an

August (1)
September (13)
October (2)

assessment, I was able to at least get the book made more accessible.
If just one person is allowed to speak about their concerns without being
leapt on from a great height, I might have confidence that the vaccine

2008 (29)

programme is safe - but I think they have gone too far and protested too

2010 (1)

We all now want to know WHY???


Posted by BB at 08:52
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I am a British Psychologist
specialising in Autism and
related disorders with

23/06/2014 11:22

Thimerosal thoughts: MMR, Mercury and the Mystery surrounding my book

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longstanding and growing

concerns about: How much
certain vaccines have affected
certain children. How much
Thimerosal, a preservative
which is 49.6% Mercury, has
damaged certain children over
77 years. How much MMR has
damaged certain children and
the synergistic effect of the
effect on the immune system
of: DTP (with Thimerosal) and
MMR on certain children. How
spin and political pressure has
been used to dismiss real
scientific evidence of biological
damage. How spin has been
used to blame parents for
deaths and damage to children
following certain vaccines. How
spin has been used to vilify
professionals including myself
for raising these deeply moral
issues affecting our most
vulnerable citizens. Some
years ago I wrote a book Reweaving the Autistic
Tapestry, now available on
Amazon but not without a
struggle. See the stories
unfold over the next days and
weeks about how the
Pharmaceutical Industry with
Government agencies have
done so much to hide the truth
about the damage they have
View my complete profile

23/06/2014 11:22

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