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Principle of Management

Submitted to

= Sir Sufyan Majid

Submitted by

= HM Afrasyab

Roll no

= 0213


= 03-10-2016


= Uses of Social responsiblitiy of

Organization and against

Government college and university Lahore


: Social responsibility is the idea that businesses should balance profit-

making activities with activities that benefit society it involves developing businesseswith
a positive relationship to the society in which they operate.

Types of the social responsibility of organization

1 - Responsibility towards share holders
2 Responsibility towards employees
3 Responsibility towards consumer

1-Responsibility towards shareholder :

1- To ensure a reasonable rate of return over time.
2- To work for survival and work for growth.
3- To build reputation and goodwill of the company.
4- To remain transparent and transferable.

2- Responsibility towards employees :


To provide a healthy working enivornment.

To grant regular and fair wages.
To provide welfare service
To provide reasonable working standards and

3-Responsibility towards consumer :

1-Supply socially harmless products.

2- Fair competition.
3- Adopt fair pricing.
4-Maintaing consumers grievances cell.

Uses of the social responsibility of organization

1-Public expectations:
Social expectations of business have increased dramatically since the 1960s.
Public opinion in support of business pursuing social as well as economic goals
is now well solidified.

2- Long run profits:

Socially responsible businesses tend to have more and secure long run profits.
This is the normal result of the better community relations and improved
business image that responsible.

3- Ethical obligation:
A business firm can and should have a conscience. Business should be socially
responsible because responsible actions are right for their own sake.

4- Public image:
Firms seek to enhance their public image to gain more customers, better
employees, access to money markets, and other benefits. Since the public
considers social goals to be important, business can create a favorable public
image by pursuing social goals.

5- Better environment:
Involvement by business can solve difficult social problems, thus creating a
better quality of life and a more desirable community in which to attract and hold
skilled employees.

6- Discouragement of further government regulation:

Government regulation adds economic costs and restricts managements
decision flexibility by becoming socially responsible, business can expect less
government regulation.

7- Balance of responsibility and power:

Business has a large amount of power in society. An equally large amount of
responsibility is required to balance it. When power is significantly greater than
responsibility, the imbalance encourages irresponsible behavior that works

against the public good.

8- Stockholder interests:
Social responsibility will improve the price of a businesss stock in the long run.
The stock market will view the socially responsible company as less risky and
open to public attack. Therefore, it will award its stock a higher price earning

9- Possession of resources:
Business has the financial resources, technical experts, and managerial talent to
provide support to public and charitable projects that need assistance.

10- Superiority of prevention over cures:

Social problems must be dealt with at sometime. Business should act on them
before they become serious and costly to correct and take managements

energy away from accomplishing its goal of production goods and


Arguments that against the social responsibility of organization


Violation of profit maximization:

This is the essence of the classical viewpoint. Business is most socially
responsible when it attends strictly to its economic interests and leaves other

2- Dilution of purpose:
The pursuit of social goals dilutes businesss primary purpose: economic
productivity. Society may suffer as both economic and social goals are poorly

3- Costs:
Many socially responsible activities do not pay their own way. Someone
has to pay these costs. Business must absorb these costs or pass them .

4- Too much power:

Business is already one of the most powerful institutions in our society. If it
pursued social goals, it would have even more power. Society has given

5- Lack of skills:
The outlook and abilities of business leaders are oriented primarily toward
economies. Business people are poorly qualified to cope with social


6- Lack of accountability:
Political representatives pursue social goals and ar6e held accountable for
their actions. Such is not the case with business leaders. There are no
direct lines of social accountability from the business sector to the public.

7-Lack of broad public support:

There is no broad mandate from society for business to become involved
in social issues. The public is divided on the issue. In fact, it is a topic that
usually generates a heated debate. Actions taken under such divided
support are likely to fail.

8-Violation of profit maximization objective.

9-Burdon on consumer.
10-Lack of social skill.
11-Lack of broad public support.
12-It create better impression

on social and moral issues is not economically feasible. Corporations

should focus on earning a profit for their shareholders and leave social issues to others.

14-Assuming social responsibilities places those corporations doing so at a

competitive disadvantage relative to those who do not.

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