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INMATEH Agricultural

Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010






Assoc. Prof. Florea Gh. , Prof. Chiriac Al. , Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Srcin I. ,
Ph.D. Eng. Pandia O. , Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Gheorghe M.
University Dunrea de josof Galai; University of Craiova; Politehnica University Bucharest
Abstract: In the 90s a third group of technologies was
added to the well-known technologies used until the
beginning of 90s, those of processing by material
removing (lathing, milling, adjustment, electro erosion,
laser technology, ultrasounds) and those of processing by
material redistribution (forging, punching, drawing,
extrusion, casting). Those technologies differ from the
other ones because they are based on a new principle for
pieces materialization, the rapid creation technologies of
prototypes, technologies known under the name of Rapid
Prototyping - RP which create the piece adding the
material as much as it is necessary and where it is
necessary. The 3D prototypes different materials, without
resorting to the usual machine-tools which remove the
material but guarantee the products performances are
created through rapid prototyping. The procedure
presents the advantage of being able to practically create
pieces irrespective of their shape. These procedures allow
even the creation of colored objects, being able to
evidence some details of the object, of the model, or of
the respective work.

Rezumat: Cunoscutelor tehnologii utilizate pn la

nceputul anilor 90, cele de prelucrare prin nlturare de
material (strunjire, frezare, rectificare, electroeroziune,
prelucrarea cu laser, ultrasunete etc.) i cele de prelucrare
prin redistribuire de material (forjare, tanare, trefilare,
extrudare, turnare, etc.), li s-a adugat, n anii 90, o a
treia grup de tehnologii, care se deosebesc de celelalte,
n sensul c are la baza un nou principiu pentru
materializarea pieselor, tehnologiile de fabricare rapid a
prototipurilor, tehnologii cunoscute sub numele de
Prototipare Rapid (sau Rapid Prototyping RP) care
realizeaz piesa prin adugare de material att ct este
necesar i unde este necesar. Prin prototipaj rapid se
realizeaz prototipuri 3D, din diferite materiale, fr a se
mai recurge la obinuitele maini unelte care
ndeprteaz material, dar cu garantarea perfomanelor
produsului. Procedeul prezint avantajul de a putea
realiza practic piese indiferent de forma acestora. Aceste
procedee permit chiar creearea obiectelor n culori,
putndu-se astfel pune n eviden anumire detalii ale
obiectului, modelului sau operei respective.

Keywords: 3D model, design, dimensional precision,

Prototyping, solidification

Cuvinte cheie: design, model 3D, precizie dimensional,

prototyping, solidificare

The 3D models are the most efficient way of presenting
a project before even existing in the real world. The
utilization of the 3D models brings many advantages both
in designing and in presenting it to a potential client.
If the presentation of a project is wanted to be as
realistic as possible we can use the fourth dimension: the
The models come to life and allow an easier
understanding of the work or the analysis of the technical
and esthetical impact that those can bring on the
environment where they will exist and function.
To the great majority of RP systems the models
creation process is completely mechanized so that the
operator can let the machine working alone even during
the night. The process lasts for several hours depending
on the dimension, the geometrical complexity and the
number of pieces simultaneously created.
The rapid prototyping is also accessible to the
industrial utilization. These technologies become more
and more efficient and accessible because many
machines were developed in this direction. Among the
users of rapid prototyping we can include the sculptors,
the art foundry-worker, the dentists, the designers, the
architects etc. The majority of rapid prototyping
techniques are based on material addition. These are the
most often used methods to create in a very short period
of time prototypes with complex configurations both inside
and outside of them, and also niches and cavities (pieces
often impossible to create with the traditional procedures).
The ideology of a piece rapid creation (prototype) is
based on the computerized design in 3D-CAD, the

Modelele 3D sunt cel mai eficient mod de a prezenta un
proiect chiar nainte ca acestea s existe n realitate. Folosirea
modelelor 3D aduce multe avantaje att n timpul proiectrii
unui produs ct i n cazul prezentrii acestuia unui potenial client.
Dac se dorete prezentarea ct mai realist a unui
proiect, putem apela la folosirea celei de a patra
dimensiune timpul.
Astfel, modelele 3D prind via i permit nelegerea
mai uoar a funcionrii sau analiza impactului tehnic
sau estetic pe care acestea le au asupra mediului n care
vor exista i funciona.
La marea majoritate a sistemelor RP, procesul de
construire al modelului este complet automatizat, astfel
nct operatorul poate lsa maina s lucreze singur,
chiar i n timpul nopii. Procesul dureaz de regul mai
multe ore, n funcie de mrimea, complexitatea geometric
i numrul pieselor construite simultan.
Prototipajul rapid este accesibil si practicii industriale.
Aceste tehnologii devin tot mai performante i abordabile,
pentru c numeroase maini s-au dezvoltat n aceast
direcie. Printre noii utilizatori ai prototipajului rapid se afl
sculptorii, turntorii de art, stomatologii, medicii, designerii,
arhitecii etc. Majoritataea procedeelor de prototipaj rapid
(rapid prototyping) se bazeaz pe adaosul de material.
Acestea sunt metodele cele mai des utilizate pentru
realizarea ntr-o perioad scurt de timp a prototipurilor cu
configuraii complexe att la interior ct i la exterior, dar
n egal msur a intrndurilor i cavitilor (piese adesea
imposibil de realizat prin procedeele tradiionale).
Ideologia formrii rapide a unei piese (prototipului) se
bazeaz pe proiectarea computerizat a acesteia n 3D-


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010

preview on the computer, the optimization of the building
according to the designers demands and the functional
characteristics, the complete modification of the threedimensional model in models with two coordinates and
many layers, the verification of the reproduction possibility
of this amount of layers models, namely the materialization
of thismodel as an entity, as a solid physical piece (fig.1).

INMATEH Agricultural


CAD, vizualizarea pe calculator, optimizarea construciei

funcie de cerinele designerului i caracteristicile
funcionale, transformarea modelului tridimensional, n
totalitate, n modele n dou coordonate i multe straturi,
verificarea posibilitii de reproducere a acestei totaliti
de modele n straturi, adic materializarea acestui model
ca un tot unitar, ca pies fizic soild (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - The main stages of the RP method: a- the 3D-CAD model; b- the amount of 2D-CAD models; c- the piece made of layers /
Principalele etape ale metodei RP: a-modelul 3D-CAD; b-totalitatea modelelor 2d-CAD; c-piesa construit din straturi.


All the technological procedures from the Rapid
Prototyping concept follow the same basic stages, namely:
- the CAD model creation which contains a complete
description of the piece using a program and a method
adequate to those technologies;
- the CAD model transfer to the division processor;
The division can be made, in many cases, just by the
CAD program used for modification. The most commune
method is the models approximation with triangular plane
-the models triangularization so that would be
prepared for division and for creation.
These can represent two different operations or the
division can be made during the creation. The last
parameter, the sections thickness, is introduced in the
system in order to be created.
The creation raises a series of problems, and the
solution particularizes each process, as follows:
- The type of the material and under what form this will be used;
- The way of support for the model during its creation;
- The way of addition of a new layer;
- The way of fixation of the new layer on the previous one;
- The way of marking the forms for each section;
- The way of marking the area between the external and
internal form of a section.
- cleaning and facing are operations where the clamps
used for building and the material surplus or other
operations of processing (including the mechanics) are
eliminated by means of which it is followed the improvement of
dimensional precision and of surfaces quality.
In order to obtain a 3D folder one of the already existing
3D programs can be used as a starting point. The STL,
VRPL and PLY formats are international standard formats
which are used by the majority of software engineers.

Toate procedeele tehnologice din cadrul conceptului de
Rapid Prototyping urmeaz aceiai pai de baz i anume:
- realizarea modelului CAD care cuprinde o descriere
complet a piesei, folosind un program i o metod
adecvat acestor tehnologii;
- transferarea modelului CAD spre procesorul de secionare.
Secionarea poate fi fcut, n multe cazuri, chiar de
programul CAD folosit pentru modelare. Cea mai comun
metod este aproximarea modelului cu elemente
triunghiulare plane.
-triangularizarea modelului astfel nct acesta s fie
pregtit pentru secionare i construcie.
Acestea pot fi dou operaii separate sau secionarea
poate fi fcut n timpul construciei. Ultimul din
parametrii, grosimea seciunilor, este introdus n sistem n
vederea construciei.
Construcia, ridic o serie de probleme, iar soluionarea
individualizeaz fiecare proces, astfel:
- tipul materialului i sub ce form va fi folosit;
- modul de sprijine a modelului n timpul construciei lui;
- modul de adugare a unui nou strat;
- modul de lipire a noului strat de cel precedent;
- modul de marcare al contururilor pentru fiecare seciune;
- modul de marcare a ariei dintre conturul exterior i
interior al unei seciuni.
-curirea i finisarea sunt operaii n cadrul crora se
elimin suporii folosii la construcie i materialul n exces
sau alte operaii de prelucrare (inclusiv mecanic) prin
care se urmrete mbuntirea preciziei dimensionale i
a calitii suprafeelor.
Pentru a obine un fiier 3D se pleac de la unul dintre
programele 3D existente. Formatele STL, VRPL i PLY
sunt formate standard internaionale care sunt folosite de
cea mai mare parte a informaticienilor.

There are several techniques of rapid prototyping
including the 3D printing. The procedure, like all the
methods of rapid Prototyping, allows, in several hours, the
creation of three-dimensional physical models of the
designed objects starting directly from the 3D CAD/CAM
electronic format, the 3D printer being the only machine
used as it can be seen in the figure 2.

Exist mai multe tehnici de prototipare rapid, printre
ele numrndu-se i imprimarea 3D. Procedeul, asemeni
altor metode de prototipaj rapid, permite realizarea n
cteva ore de modelele fizice tridimensionale ale
obiectelor proiectate pornind direct de la formatul
electronic 3D CAD/CAM, unicul utilaj folosit fiind
imprimanta 3D asa cum vede din figura 2.


INMATEH Agricultural

Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010


Fig. 2 - The principle of a model creation on a 3D printer /

Principiul realizrii unui model pe o imprimanta 3D

The printer creates 3D physical prototypes by the

solidification of the deposited layers of powder using
binder liquid. By definition 3DP is an easy and an
adaptable process, creating geometries of a various
complexity in hundreds different applications, supporting
many types of materials.
The general schema can be observed in figure 3. A
charged roller with multiple channels similar to that from
an ink-jet printer is moved in the xy coordinates on the
platforms surface. Instead of the printers ink, this
charged roller drops grains of adhesives from the tank,
which willconsolidate in contact with the material particles
deposited in a thin layer on the working platform.

Imprimanta creeaz prototipuri fizice 3D prin

solidificarea straturilor de pudr depuse utiliznd binder
lichid. Prin definiie 3DP este un proces uor i uor
adaptabil, realiznd geometrii de o complexitate variat n
sute de aplicaii diferite, suportnd multe tipuri de
Schema general se poate observa n figura 3. Un cap
de depunere cu canale multiple asemntor celui de la o
imprimant cu jet de cerneal este plimbat n coordonate
x-y pe suprafaa platformei. In locul cernelei imprimantei,
acest cap de depunere las picturi de adeziv din
rezervor, care se vor ntri n contact cu particulele de
material depuse ntr-un strat subire pe platforma de lucru.

Fig. 3 - The general schema of the three-dimensional printing procedure /

Schema general a procedeului de tiprire tridimensional

Once a layer is finished, the piston from the working

vat descends with an increment the platform, the piston
from the material container will lift, and after that the roll
will lay down another material layer on the working platform.
The charged roller will place the adhesive in the zones
corresponding to the section among the piece, created in
that moment. The process continues in a similar way until
the complete materialization of all sections. (fig.4).

Odat un strat terminat, pistonul din cuva de lucru

coboar platforma cu un increment, pistonul din
containerul cu material se va ridica, dup care rola va
intinde un nou strat de material pe platforma de lucru.
Capul de depunere va plasa adezivul n zonele
corespunztoare seciunii prin pies, realizata in
momentul respectiv. Procesul continu n mod similar
pn la materializarea complet a tuturor seciunilor (fig. 4).

Fig. 4 - The principle of a model creation / Principiul realizrii unui model


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010

INMATEH Agricultural


After the finalization of the creation process layer by

layer, the piston rises and the piece is extracted from the
mass of powder remained unused.
A 3D printer creates physical models by digitalization in
several hours instead of days. It is quick and simple, allowing
the engineers to produce a chain of ideas of models and
tests of functional elements, at a reasonable price.
This printer is based on a monochromatic prototyping
system. It quickly prints and it easily creates complex
geometries, very thin sides of walls, as well as very small
The principle subcomponents of a type of printer are:
the charged roller, the working platform, the tank of
adhesive, the piston, the working vat, the material
container and the role which lay down the material layer.

Dup finalizarea procesului de construire strat cu strat,

pistonul se ridic i piesa se scoate din masa de pulbere
rmas nefolosit.
O imprimanta 3D creeaz modele fizice prin digitalizare
n cteva ore n loc de zile. Este rapid i simpl,
permind inginerilor s produc un lan de idei de modele
i teste ale elementelor funcionale, la un pre convenabil.
Aceast imprimant are la baz un sistem de prototipaj
rapid monocrom. Imprim rapid i se realizeaz uor
geometrii complexe, pri foarte subiri ale pereilor,
precum i suprafee foarte mici.
Subcomponentele principale ale unei astfel de
imprimante sunt: capul de depunere, platforma de lucru,
rezervorul cu adeziv, pistonul, cuva de lucru, containerul
cu material i rola care mprtie stratul de material.

The models created by rapid prototyping represent the
future technology, the procedure that allows obtaining in a
few hours complex models, starting directly from the
design dates.
The prototypes improve the communication between
the specialists because the understanding of threedimensional objects is made more easily, this thing
leading to costs and time economies.
The creation planning is made more easily because as
the same time as the products mark is created the packing
technology can be designed before the products creation.
The prototypes are also used to test a certain product
in order to verify if it is working properly and in this way
some improvements can be brought.

Modelele realizate prin prototipaj rapid reprezinta
tehnologia viitorului, procedeul care permite s se obin
n cteva ore modele, complexe, pornind direct de la
datele de proiectare.
Prototipurile mbuntesc comunicarea dintre specialiti
deoarece nelegerea obiectelor tridimensionale se face
mai uor, acest lucru conducnd la economii de cost i
Planificarea produciei se face mai uor, deoarece
odat cu fabricarea reperului produsului se poate proiecta
si tehnologia de ambalare nainte ca produsul s fie realizat.
Prototipurile se mai utilizeaz la testarea unui anumit
produs, pentru a i se vedea dac funcioneaz aa cum
trebuie i astfel se pot aduce mbuntiri.

[1]. Florea Gh., Chiriac Al., Marginean I. (2008) Performant methods for castings, Europlus Publishing
House, Galati, Romania;
[2]. Florea Gh., Chiriac Al., Marginean I., Croitoru Gh.
(2008) - State-of- the art casting, Europlus Publishing
House, Galati, Romania;

[1]. Florea Gh., Chiriac Al., Marginean I. (2008) - Metode
performante pentru piese turnate, Editura Europlus,
Galati, Romnia.
[2]. Florea Gh, Chiriac Al, I. Marginean, Croitoru Gh.
(2008) - Ultima tendin la turnare, Editura Europlus,
Galai, Romnia.


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