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PT Bisa Mandiri Strategi Investasi

(BMD Street Group Corp)

Company Profile

Training & Consulting

Feasibility and Master Plant
Research & Technology Development
Analysis Market and Business Strategic

Competent and
Leading in quality of service

Head Office:
BMD Building Centre
Jl. Puspiptek Raya No.74B RT.01 RW.01 (Viktor) Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15310
Tlp: 021-7563091 Fax: 021-7563291 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230
Email:, Website:

Company History
In 2007, independently of our company has
been established. Began to develop program
a training and consultancy as the event
organizer with brands BMD (Bina Media
Development). Market opportunities of
training and consulting services increasingly
challenging, so to prepared in years 2012
our organization established as a company
under the name of PT Bisa Mandiri Strategi
With the growth that we feel very fast, in
order to maximize our services grow by
some members of the corporate division
(BMD Street Group Corp). Among them:
Training & Consulting Services, Research,
Technology and Equipment, Certification,
Laboratory of Proficiency Test, Online
Business Solution.

Our Services
Business Strategic, System Development
and Improvement:

KARS/JCI Accreditation

ISO and HSE Certification

Feasibility Study dan Master Plan

Assistance and Advocacy Program

Business Plant & Consultancy Program

Clinical Audit Program

Event Organizer

Setup and Improvement Management


Our Services
Course, In House Training, Technical Guide, Assessment/

System and Standardization

Decision Making, Strategic and Improvement and System


Technique Audit and Assessment

Clinical Audit Program

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

Specialist, Laboratory and nursing

Human Resources Development

Management Marketing and Facility

Finance, Insurance, and administration

Governance, Leadership and Direction (GLD)

Prevention and Control of Infection (PCI)

Anesthesia and Surgical Care (ASC)

Farmacy and Legal

Being a Company Human Resources Development and Business Management
National and International Scale.
Focus on Developing the Human Resource Competencies and Business Management
System According Customer Needs to Achieve Mutual Expectations..

Company Name

: PT. Bisa Mandiri Strategi Investasi


: BMD Street Consulting

Head Office

: BMD Building Centre Jl Puspiptek Raya No 74B (Viktor) Serpong Tangerang Selatan

Contact Information : 021-7563091 Fax: 021-7563291 Mobile: 0813 82807230


: AHU-05210.AH.01.01. Tahun 2012


: 100 71700 8937


: 503.09/1-062/BPPT/PK-00/I/2012


: 31.443.528.0-435.000





Our Team
Managing Director

: Ir Renaldo Moontri, MM

Finance Director

: Risky Elsa Putri Amelia, SPd

Operational Manager : Ali Akbarudin

Coordinator Division : Rachman Al Rasyid

: Lisiantoro, SPd

Team experts

Dr. Budi Hartono, SE, MARS, ACC

A. Heri Iswanto B.S., MHA., Ph.D

Fredy O Purba SKM, MARS

Mayarni, SKp. MKes

dr. Hasri Dinirianti, MARS

dr. Troupy Mirensy Langie

dr. Anugerah, MKK

Sri Rahayu, Ssi, MSi, Apt

Apriningsih SKM,MKM

dr. Hermawan Saputra, SKM, MARS

RR.Gadis Permata Julia NS

Drs.Cholid AR .MM.MARS. Apt

drg. Ita Astit Karmawati, MARS

B. Yudarini Hayarita P, SH, MH, MKM

Eka Suhartika, BSN

dr. Jusuf Kristianto, MM, MHA, MQIH

Yuli Irowati, SKM

Matheus Nugroho, MP

Ahmad Habibie, ST

Ir Iskandar Fadhoellah

dr. Hanny Dewajanti

Dr Syifa Silviana



Bimbingan Teknis Komunikasi Yang Efektif Bagi Staf Rumah Sakit

di RSUD Balaraja Kabupaten Tangerang

Bimbingan Teknis Persiapan Naik Kelas dan Akreditasi KARS Versi 2012
di Rumah Sakit Mekar Arum, Kabupaten Subang

Bimbingan Teknis Implementasi dan Setup Manajemen Farmasi

PUSKESMAS Kec. Cilincing dan Kelurahan Kalibaru Cilincing, Jakarta Utara.
di Hotel Amos Cozy, Melawai Blok M Jakarta Selatan

Bimbingan Teknis Implementasi Manajemen Bangsal Rumah Sakit

RSUD Tangerang Selatan di Hotel Sempur Park, Kota Bogor

Public Training Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja di Rumah Sakit

di Hotel Jentra Dagen Yogyakarta

Bimbingan Teknis Penghitungan Unit Cost Rumah Sakit RSU Cimacan, Cianjur-Jawa Barat
di UMM Inn Hotel Malang

Bimbingan Teknis Manajemen Farmasi Dinas Kesehatan Pangkalan Bun-Kalimantan Tengah

di The Arch Hotel Kota Bogor

Public Training Implementasi Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi

di Hotel Amos Cozy , Melawai Blok M Jakarta Selatan

Public Training Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja di Rumah Sakit

di Hotel Plaza Surabaya

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