The Boy, The Girl, and The Divine Pearl

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Alyssa Prydz

Period 6/ English 9H
The Boy, The Girl, and The Divine Pearl
There once lived a boy who was in love with a girl in the disheartening times where
disunity and division of social class thrived throughout the world. This boy and girl lived in a
town named Oceano, as the town was completely surrounded by the ocean. One day, upon first
encountering the girl, the boy absolutely thought her to be one of the most urbane as well as
sophisticated girls he had ever laid his eyes upon. When she walked by, it took the boys breath
away, but he was always too aloof and distant to approach her or talk to her. Besides,he said, I
am of the lower class and she is of higher class. In the town of Oceano, it was absolutely
obligatory that the lower class townspeople marry within their lower class status, and the higher
class marry within the higher class rankings. Yet, this was a rule that the boy thought to be
insignificant, as he thought that you should love and marry whomever you please.
The boy lived in the lower class side of the town where everyone had less food on the
table and struggled simply to survive. One day, the boy finally decided that he would not digress
or deviate from talking to the girl when he saw her with her family in the lower class side of
town. The girl saw the boy coming, and even though the boy thought the girl could never like
him because of his class, he did not know that she too thought he was personable and attractive,
ever so desiring to talk to him. As the boy began to approach her, he suddenly turned around and
walked away. He thought that since she was of higher class, he had to offer her a fine gift in
order for her to gain her love for him. As the boy walked away to start looking for a gift, the girl
murmured to herself, Oh how I wish the boy would come and talk to me and to not be so
prudent or cautious when coming over.

The girl headed off to the higher class side of town looking sad as if she just lost one of
her most treasured objects. The boy still trying to find the perfect gift for the girl, finally came up
with what he could offer her. He said to himself, How come I didnt think of this sooner. We are
surrounded by the ocean, why not get her some pretty seashells. The boy took off his clothes
and dove deep into the depths of the ocean and instead of finding shells he saw the most divine
pearl he had ever seen. He got out of the water and went back onto the saturated or wet shore of
Oceano. The boy said to himself, Haha, I am now adept as well as skillful at the art of seeking
the most precious and treasured gifts. He rushed to the higher class side of the town to gave the
girl of his dreams the pearl, and he hoped that she would be just as congenial or pleasant towards
The boy finds the girl with her family, and proceeded towards her, but then hears the
girls father say to the girls mother, Oh those flippant and disrespectful lower class folk, I shall
hope that one never goes near my daughter. The lower class folk are a disgrace to humankind and
I wish they never existed within our exquisite town of Oceano. The boy became peevish as well
irritable at the girls fathers statement. He was most upset at the fact that girls father made a
supposition or assumption that the lower class folk were a disgrace to humankind just because
they did not have as much material wealth as the higher class. The girls family went inside their
house while the girl stayed out and headed to the lower class side of town in hope that she would
find the boy of her dreams. As the girl strolled through the town, the boy came out of a bush he
had been hiding in before when listening to the girls father and finally brings up the courage to
talk to her. The girl was extremely surprised as the boy said a nice and warm hello to her. The
girl smiled at him and said, The boy of my dreams finally talks to me. The boy blushed, and
replied, Me!!! The boy of your dreams. You wanted me to talk to you. All I have ever wanted to

do was talk to you, the girl of my dreams. The boy told the girl about how he thought that she
would have to offer her a present in order for him to talk to her. The girl frowned and wondered
why the boy thought that she required a present. She then understood that since he was of lower
class, he thought that a high class girl would not want to talk to him unless without first offering
some sort of gift. This made her sad as she realized the division and total separation of the higher
class and lower class within Oceano. The boys said to her, I dove deep into the ocean and found
this truly authentic pearl for you. The girl thanks him and says to the boy, You did not have to
do this. I love just having you in my presence and having you within close proximity. The girl
says she must go back home and hopes to see him again soon and says bye. The boy was so
happy for this was the day where he gave the girl of his dreams a real pearl and not a tawdry, or
cheap necklace that showed nothing of his love towards her.
The next morning, the girls father notices the pearl she has wrapped around her neck and
asks her where she received such a beautiful gift. She said that it was from the boy in the lower
class side of the town. The father became really upset and told her to throw it away. The girl
could tell he was adamant and was not able to be persuaded him. The girl pretended to throw it
away and hid it in a safe place instead. The boy approached the house, and knocked on the door.
The father immediately realized who the boy was and began to display an omnipotent or all
powerful demeanor towards the boy. The boy smiled at the father in a polite manner saying how
he had a lovely daughter.The girl came out of her commodious and roomy house to tell her father
that she liked the boy and that he was kind. The father became angry and did not concur or agree
with the statement that the lower class folk were kind. The girl explained that the boy had
personally dove in search of the pearl and would never try to hurt her at all. The father was still
upset and disapproved. The boys said to the father, I promise you that I will care and protect her

with everything within me. Yes, I am of lower class folk,but that does not mean I am
disrespectful towards others. The father was no longer upset and realized all the horrible
misjudgments he had unjustly made towards the lower class folk.
After the father realized all these misjudgements he had made towards the lower class, he
begins a renaissance or revival in the town as the town began to see the injustice of social class
division. There were no longer lower class and high class labels, but only happiness and love
throughout Oceano. There was additionally a manifold or numerous amount of people marrying
whomever they wanted to matter regardless of what class the belonged to, all as a result of one
strong love between a boy and a girl. The boy and the girl ended up marrying each other and
were happy that their love broke away the division of social class. The legacy of the boy and the
girl was carried out for years and years by the heirloom that brought their love together, the
divine pearl.

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