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SONA reaction paper guide

Writers have different styles in writing a reaction paper,

but basically it is composed of three parts: Synopsis,
and Reaction.
Synopsis. This is a brief summary of the details of SONA
2014 including information on date and time, location,
attendees, and other important information like the
main theme or topic of the President's address.
Analysis. In
the highlights of the SONA, the talking points and
references the President made in his talk. What did the
examples/citations did he use? Did he miss on some
important details? You can answer those questions in
Reaction. In the last part of the reaction paper, you
may add your personal reaction and sentiments about
the SONA. You can answer the questions such as: Do
you agree with what the President stated? Have you
his administration? What do you think of the goals he
stated for his last 2 years? What thrusts should the
government give priority in the remaining years of his
Some people tend to complain because they FAIL or
REFUSE to see the whole picture...some people tend to
magnify the imperfections because they don't enjoy the
privileges they had before anymore, and utter
complaints as if they had contributed significantly to
the rehabilitation of this country... no system is perfect
and will ever be perfect... but I will always be thankful
to the Lord for giving us this president!
Aquino called on the people to choose a leader who
would, without a doubt, push through with the positive
changes over the past few years.
Aquino that his administration was investing in the
Filipino as the country's most important asset.
President Noynoy Aquinos 5th State of the Nation
Address #SONA2014
Philippine President Benigno Simeon BS Aquino will
be giving his fifth State of the Nation Address ( SONA)
soon. Just like his previous SONAs, we can all expect
him to start off with motherhood statements and then
proceed to bash the people he thinks are getting in the
way of his agenda. His previous SONAs have become so
formulaic so much so that some Filipinos think that hes
just wasting everybodys time.
The most annoying part of BS Aquinos speeches is his
use of the words po and bosses. His over-the-top
show of deference does not mean that he cares about
what the average Filipino thinks. On the contrary, the
bulk of his message actually gives the impression that
he thinks the Filipino people are stupid enough to
believe his propaganda.
It is hard to believe the President is being respectful
especially when he spews negative propaganda against
his political enemies and engages in the blame game in
the same breath. Yes, he plays the blame game every
chance he gets. His SONA will include blaming the
Marcos years and his predecessor. Never mind that in

four years, he could have done a lot to reverse the

damage if only he had real vision for the country and
had he not focused on persecuting his political
BS Aquinos fifth SONA will also include blaming the
Supreme Court Justices who got him in trouble for
ruling parts of his Disbursement Acceleration Program
(DAP) unconstitutional.
BS Aquinos fifth SONA could be dedicated to how the
DAP supposedly benefited the Filipino people. Of course
he will not mention that a big bulk of the funds went to
lawmakers whose priority projects include building
impractical structures and giving handouts to
individuals or groups of people who they think
deserve their help. Their so-called projects wont
likely help our country achieve First World status. What
these do achieve is help the lawmakers and their
families stay in power for years to come. You see, a lot
of Filipino voters love receiving freebies from public
servants who look generous giving away public funds.
A week before the Presidents SONA, the public already
got a taste of what they might hear. In a televised
speech defending the DAP, President BS Aquino gave a
veiled threat to the Supreme Court saying that if they
do not reverse their decision, he will have no choice but
to order his minions in Congress to intervene. Judging
by the move by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to
request for the justices statement of assets, liability
and net worth (SALN), we can all assume that
intervention means Congress could start impeaching
the justices one by one.
The threat could just be a bluff or a joke. As
Communications SecretaryHerminio Coloma insists, BS
Aquino is a joker and should not be taken too seriously.
The Presidents communication team has become so
good at spinning that they can turn around a joke that
has gone flat or a statement that has become a public
relations disaster. His threat to the SC for example, is
something they have denied as soon as there was
public uproar after his speech on the DAP.
Hopefully, the Supreme Court justices will not bow
down to the pressure from the Chief Executive and his
allies. If they have nothing to hide in their SALN, they
shouldnt have a problem even when BIR boss, Kim
Henares is breathing down their necks. If they still care
about the future of the Philippines and the democratic
system, they should not allow BS Aquino to bully them
into reversing their decision on the DAP. We can only
hope that the justices have filed their SALN correctly.
Otherwise, BS Aquino will have something to use
against them.
BS Aquinos fifth SONA will be interesting to some
people. During his previous SONAs the Presidents
popularity rating was high. Because of the outrage on
the DAP, he knows a lot more people will be taking
note of everything he says. The real question is, will he
behave or throw another tantrum?
i hope more progress in our country that even the poor
human can see or feel it
The President was silent on the 3 biggest challenges he
faced this year, and for the first time did not blame
former President Gloria Arroyo for the country's woes

In his 5th State of the Nation Address on Monday, July

28, President Benigno Aquino III was quiet on the West
Philippine Sea dispute with China, chose not to quarrel
with the Supreme Court, and did not mention the fact
that 3 Philippine senators are now in jail due to
the pork barrel controversy.
Are you happy with the performance of the highest
official of our country?

transformed into one of the most promising economy in

Asia. We are hopeless! other presidents made it worse.
Pinoy has at least the guts to fight corruption. Which is,
by the way, halos lahat ng government officials... and
the cause of our biggest downfall which started after
martial law...many officials will make him look worst to
the public para ma impeach sya so they can freely
corrupt again... its all black propaganda I think...

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