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Alyssa Prydz

English 9H/Period 6
Final Score: 23/25
We are a nation that was built through slave labor and the inhumane treatment of others.
To become a truly great nation, we must strive towards creating a society that values and
genuinely respects diversity through the equal and just treatment of all individuals. Community
is most definitely an essential part of life because in order to achieve greatness, we must work
together as a whole. Martin Luther King Jr. explains how we must have acceptance and equality
for all individuals in order to become a community with cohesion. Aurora Levins Morales states
that we need to value our differences and cultural backgrounds because these qualities are what
make us a diverse and unique nation. Nadine Gordimer writes that we need to have respect for
one another within a community, because without respect, there could be dividing and
devastating consequences. Consequences such as a white familys son dying because of the
segregation or wall that divides the whites from the blacks. These authors emphasize the key
aspects that are essential for creating a strong and united community. Community can be an
extraordinary entity when it is comprised of individuals who strive toward cohesion and support
through respect, acceptance, equality and valuing differences.
The most important aspect of a strong community consists of all individuals accepting
each other differences while genuinely practicing equality through just and humane treatment of
others. For instance, King writes in Letters of Birmingham about African-Americans rights for
peaceful demonstrations, I would not hesitate to say that it is unfortunate that so-called
demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham at this time, but I would say in more emphatic
terms that it is even more unfortunate that the white power structure of this city left the Negro
community with no other alternative. (, pg. 282). King writes this to explain that

demonstrations are taking place because of the unjust and unequal treatment of AfricanAmericans. These demonstrations reflect how unequal treatment of others causes discord and
resentment within the community. King argues this because of these injustices through the white
power system, African-Americans were feeling oppressed and have a right to protest peacefully.
It is clear that the unequal treatment of others based on perceived differences will cause great
division and conflict within a community, and as such it is vital that we strive toward acceptance
and equality to create a strong, cohesive society.
Although accepting differences is important in creating a cohesive community, valuing
differences is also essential. Some may say that valuing differences is not critical towards
creating a community, but its is necessary in developing a productive and successful society, as
this allows for everyone to work together for the benefit of one another. For example, in Child of
the Americas, Morales states that she is one of the Americas despite her different cultural
backgrounds, I am new. History made me. My first language was Spanglish. I was born at the
crossroads and I am whole (Morales, lines 18-20). Morales celebrates and values her diverse
ethnicities, but yet claims that she is whole meaning she is one of a whole community in
America. She explains how her first language was Spanglish which emphasizes her pride as a
Puerto Rican as well as an American. In valuing differences, it makes her special and these
differences are what create a rich community filled with diversity. Without diversity, America
would not be as special as there is much to be valued in all the various cultures in our
Not only should we accept and value our differences in our community, but we must also
have respect for each other, because if not, a community will be filled with hatred and ill-manner.
For instance, in Once Upon a Time, Gordimer writes about how the son of a rich white family

suffers a horrible tragedy as a consequence because of the apartheid system, ...he dragged a
ladder to the wall, the shining coiled tunnel was just wide enough for his little body to creep in,
and with the first fixing of its razor teeth in his knees and hands and head he screamed and
struggled deeper into its tangle. (Gordimer, pg. 16). This quote, along with other quotes in the
story, portray the effects of a divided nation where fear and hatred for the Africans results in
misfortune. The act of separating and and fearing the Africans as well as calling them thieves,
rather than including them as part of essential members of a society creates friction and hostility
among individuals. Without respect for one another, a community is destined to have tragic
consequences including chaos, which does not allow a community to thrive. In order to create a
strong and successful community, we must have respect as it allows us to work together and
collaborate in an effort to construct a unified community.
All in all, respect, acceptance, equality, and valuing differences of individuals are key to
having a community that will flourish and prosper because with these, individuals will most
definitely come together to accomplish incredible tasks as one nation and community. Respect
allows individuals to listen to one another in order to work collaboratively towards a common
goal. Valuing differences will help individuals within the community appreciate the diversity that
contributes towards creating new ideas and growth. Acceptance and equality are most crucial as
these provide the foundation that makes a community humane and just for all. Through respect,
acceptance, equality, and valuing differences, we achieve greatness and the community is able to
allow the individuals to feel included, treated with dignity, compassion, and contribute to the
overall greater good.

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