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SAPTAMANA 3/ ( comparison of adjectives - comparatia adjectivelor)

Ex 72 /

Translate into English traduceti in engleza:

1. Cu cat vom fi mai multi, cu atat va fi mai vesel

The more we will be, the more cheerful it will be.
2. Cu cat se vor impaca mai repede, cu atat va fi mai bine pentru toata lumea
The faster they will reconcile, the better it will be for everybody.
3. Cu cat copii sunt mai mari, cu atat problemele sunt mai mari.
The higher children are, the bigger problems are.
4. Cu cat va veni mai devreme, cu atat vom termina mai repede.
The earlier he will come, the faster we will be finish
5. Cu cat vom invata mai cu sarguinta, cu atat vom sti mai mult.
The more diligently we will learn, the more we will know.
6. Cu cat vom lucra mai repede, cu atat vom termina mai curand.
The faster we will work, the sooner we will finish .


Ex 103 / formati comparativele si superlativele urmatoarelor adjective:

1. Shallow ( superficial) /shallower or more shallow( mai
superficiala)/shallowest or most shallow ( cea mai superficiala)
2. Tiny ( mic, infim) / tinier or more tiny ( mai mic) / tiniest or most tiny ( cel
mai mic)
3. Sly ( viclean) / slier ( mai viclean/ /sliest ( cel mai viclean)
4. Subtle ( subtil)/ subtler ( mai subtil)/ subtlest ( cel mai subtil)
5. Common ( comun)/ commoner or more common ( mai comun) / commonest
or most common ( cel mai comun)
6. Handsome( chipes) / handsomer or more hansome( mai chipes)/
handsomest or most hansome( cel mai chipes)
7. Gorgeous ( superba) / more gorgeous ( mai superba)/ most gorgeous ( cea
mai superba)
8. Slim ( subtire) / slimmer( mai subtire) / slimmest ( cel mai subtire)
9. Sacred ( sacru)/ more sacred ( mai sacru) / most sacred ( cel mai sacru)
Sorrowful ( trist)/ more sorrowful ( mai trist)/most sorrowful ( cel mai
Comic ( comic) / more comic ( mai comic)/most comic ( cel mai comic)
Tender ( tandru)/ tenderer or more tender ( mai tandru)/ tenderest or
most tender( cel mai tandru)
Distinguished ( distins)/ more distinguished ( mai distis)/ most
distinguished ( cel mai distins)
Idle ( inactive) / idler ( mai inactiv) / idlest ( cel mai inactiv)
Sudden ( brusc) / more sudden( mai brusc) / most sudden ( cel mai brusc)

Stif ( rigida))/ stifer ( mai rigida) / stifest ( cea mai rigida)
Kind ( amabil, bland)/ kinder( mai amabila) / kindest ( cea mai amabila)
Unkind ( nemilos, aspru)/ more unkind ( mai aspru)/most unkind ( cel mai
Hot( fierbinte)/ hotter ( mai fierbinte)/hottest( cel mai fierbinte)
Ugly ( urat) / uglier( mai urat)/ugliest ( cel mai urat)


Ex. 71 / Copy the following sentences choosing the necessary word

copiati propozitiile urmatoare alegand cuvintele potrivite:
1. Tom is (elder/older) than Mary
Tom is older than Mary
Tom este mai mare decat Mary
2. The ( next nearest)building was Richards house.
The nearest building was Richards house.
Cea mai apropiata cladire a fost casa lui Richard.
3. The street -car will not carry ( much more any more) than fifty people.
The street -car will not carry much more than fifty people.
Acest autobus nu va transporta mult mai mult de cincizeci de personae
4. The new factory was equipped with the (last latest) machinery
The new factory was equipped with the latest machinery.
Noua fabrica a fost echipata cu cele mai noi utilaje
5. I can walk ( farther/further) than you without becoming tired
I can walk farther than you without becoming tired.
Nu pot merge mai departe decat tine fara sa obosesc.
6. Youd better take this route which as the (least-fewest) turns.
Youd better take this route which as the fewest turns.
Ai tine mai bine acest traseu care are cele mai putine curbe
7. John is the ( oldest-eldest) of three brothers.
John is the eldest of three brothers.
John este cel mai mare dintre cei trei frati.
8. He bought the doil at the ( next-nearest) toy-shop.
He bought the doil at the nearest toy-shop
El a cumparat papusa de la cel mai apropiat magazine de jucarii.


Ex 3 / Complete the sentences with the Genitive case completati

propozitiile la cazul Genitiv
1. This is ( the car the manager)
This is the managers car/ the car of the manager.
Aceasta e masina managerului
2. ( the population the world) .is increasing every ten minutes.
The worlds population / The population of the world is increasing every ten
Populatia lumii e in crestere la fiecare zece minute
3. Ill buy some paint for ..( the door the garage).
Ill buy some paint for the door of the garage.
Voi cumpara ceva vopsea pentru usa garajului
4. She had .( a feeling disappointment)
She had a feeling of the disappointment
Ea a avut un sentiment de dezamagire.
5. It was terrible to see ( the wounded hand the girl)
It was terrible to see the girls wounded hand/the wounded hand of the girl
Afost groaznic sa vad mana ranita a fetei
6. ( the owner the car)..will have to pay the fine.
The owner of the car will have to pay the fine.
Proprietarul masinii va trebui s plteasc amenda.
7. It was .. ( a decision your husband).
It was a your husbands decision/ a decision of the your husband.
A fost o decizie a sotului tau.
8. I couldnt belive .. ( the boy the story)
I couldnt belive the boys story/ the story of the boy
Nu am putut sa cred povestea baiatului
9. After.( a day-work) she felt very tired.
After a day of the work she felt very tired.
Dupa o zi de munca ea s-a simtit foarte obosita
Go to ( the back the house)
Go to the back of the house
Du-te in spatele casei.

Ex 1 / In the following sentences use the correct form of the verb in

brackets - In urmatoarele propozitii folositi forma corecta a verbelor din
paranteza ( Infinitive mod - modul Infinitiv)
1. My T-shirt is too long. I must it.( to shorten)
My T-shirt is too long. I must shorten it.

Camasa e prea lunga. Trebuie sa o scurtez.

2. Your foot is very swollen. You had better it ( to x-ray)
Your foot is very swollen. You had better x-ray it .
Piciorul tau este foarte umflat. Mai bine fa-I o radiografie.
3. She went to the dentists to her decayed tooth ( to extract)
She went to the dentists to extract her decayed tooth .
Ea a mers la dentist pentru a-si extrage dintele cariat.
4. The roof of the shed is leaking, we should it ( to mend)
The roof of the shed is leaking, we should mend it .
Acoperisul magaziei are scurgeri, ar trebuie sa-l reparam
5. I badly need this article. Im going to it..( to copy)
I badly need this article. Im going to copy it.
Am mare nevoie de acest articol. O sa-l copiez.
6. The TV set is all right! We just it. ( to adjust)
The TV set is all right! We just to adjust it.
Televizorul este in regula. Noi doar sa-l reglam
7. Betty didnt like colour of her hair so she decided to .it.( to dye)
Betty didnt like colour of her hair so she decided to dye it.
Lui Betty nu i placea culoarea parului asa ca a decis sa-l vopseasca
8. Its a small house. Were going to enlarge)
Its a small house. Were going to enlarge it.
Este o casa mica. O sa o marim.
9. In cant read Italian, so I ..the documents.. ( to translate)
In cant read Italian, so I translate the documents.
Nu pot citi italiana, asa ca traduc documentele
10.I were you, I.. the brakes( to check)
I were you, I check the brakes.
Daca eram in locul tau, verificam franele.

ex 2 / Complete the sentences with verb phrases completati propozitiile

cu expresiile verbale.
1. Sometimes parents make their children .
Sometimes parents make their children to try something new
Cateodata parintii ii fac pe copii sa incerce ceva nou
2. When Im at a pub, I sometimes have the waiter
When Im at a pub, I sometimes have the waiter at my disposal to serve me
Cand sunt in pub, cateodata am chelnarul la dispozitia mea ca sa ma serveasca
3. Many people take their cars to gas stations to get the oil ..
Many people take their cars to gas stations to get the oil to go at work.


Multi oameni duc masinile lor la statii pentru a a le alimenta cu combustibil ca sa

mearga la munca
Teachers sometimes have their students .
Teachers sometimes have their students to guide them in projects
Cateodata profesorii au studentii lor pe care sa-I indrume in proiecte
Im more than willing to help you ..
Im more than willing to help you learn English language
Sunt mai mult decat dispus sa te ajut sa inveti limba engleza.
Before I left on my trip, I had the travel agent
Before I left on my trip, I had the travel agent which to guide me
Inainte de a pleca in calatorie, am avut agentul de turism ca sa ma indrume
My brothers jokes always make me ..
My brothers jokes always make me laugh
Glumele fratelui meu ma fac intodeauna sa rad

SAPTAMANA 5/ ex 182 ( modal verbs verbele modale)

Translate the following Romanian sentences into English, paying attention to the
modal verbs implied Traduceti urmatoarele propoziti din Romana in Engleza,
acordand atentie la verbele modale implicate
1. E posibil sa nu iti raspunda la scrisoare. Trebuie sa fie inca suparat. Ar trebui sa ii
ceri scuze pentru ceea ce ai facut. Nici nu stiu cum ai indraznit sa te porti asa cu
un vechi prieten.
It might not answer to your letter. It must be still angry. You should apologize
him for what you did. I do not know how you dared to behave like that with an
old friend.

2. E posibil sa ninga la noapte. Ar trebui sa iti iei haine mai groase daca maine pleci
devreme. Nu-i nevoie sa iei umbrela daca ninge. Trebuie intodeauna sa fii
imbracat potrivit anotimpului. Nu vrei sa iti iei si caciula de blana? Sa stii (eu
trebuie sa iti spun) ca iti vine de minune.
It may to snow tonight. You should take warm clothes if you are leaving
tomorrow early. You don't need to take your umbrella if it snows. You must to be
always dressed according to the season. Do you want to take your fur hat? You
know (I must to tell you) that fits you perfectly.
3. Ar trebui sa citesti ultimul numar al revistei. Daca nu-l mai gasesti la librarii sau
chioscuri, ti-l pot imprumuta eu. S-ar putea sa gasesti in ea unele articole
referitoare la munca ta.
You should read the latest issue of the magazine. If you dont find in bookstores
or kiosks, I can borrow it to you. You might find some articles related to your
4. N-ar trebui sa fi atat de ingrijorat. Doctorul a spus ca te poti da jos din pat de
indata ce va scadea temperature si te vei fi restabilit putin. Nu ai nevoie de mine
intre timp. As putea sa te ajut la transcrierea unor notite de care ai nevoie. Tu
trebuie sa stai linistit si va trebui numai sa-mi arati cu care sa incep.
I shouldnt to be so worried. The doctor said that you can get out of bed as soon
as the temperature will drop and you will have reestablished little. You do not
need me in the meantime. I could help you in the transcription of some notes
that you need. You have to stay rest and it is need only that you to show me
which one to start.
5. Cine ar fi putut spune asa ceva? Sa indrazneasca el sa faca asa ceva? Ar fi trebuit
sa ne ceara sfatul inainte de a lua o asemenea hotarare. Trebuie sa-l vad si sa-I
spun parerea mea. Vrei sa ma insotesti pana la el? Trebuie sa fie acasa pe la ora
aceasta. Nu trebuie sa mergem pe jos; putem lua un taxi. Sa-I telefonez ca
venim? Nu, nu e nevoie. Stiu ca in asemenea situatii el nu vrea sa vada pe
nimeni. Presupun ca trebuie sa facem ceva ca sa-l ajutam, cel putin de dragul
copiilor sai.
Who could say something like that? Dare him to do something like that? He
would ask our advice before taking a such decision. I have to see him and
have to tell him my opinion. Do you want to join me to him? He should be home
at this hour. We do not have to walk; we can take a taxi. Would I phone we
come? No, it does not need. I know that in such situations he does not want to
see anyone. I suppose we have to do something to help him, at least for the
sake of his children.

SAPTAMANA 6( Gerund mod modul Gerunziu)

Ex 262 / Traduceti in engleza , folosind expresiile its no use (nu e folositor sa),
its useless (e inutil sa)Its no good (nu e bine sa), it's good, its worth
(merita sa),
1. Merita osteneala sa vezi ce frumoase sunt noile cartiere
It is worth while seeing how beautiful are the new districts.
2. Asa un om este vrednic de toata lauda
Such a man is worth praising
3. N-are rost sa pierzi timpul cu fleacuri
Its no use wasting time on trifles
4. Nu are rost sa pierzi un film ca Becket
Its no good wasting a movie like "Becket"
5. Este inutil sa-I scrii o scrisoare acum
It is useless writing a letter now
6. Nu foloseste la nimic sa te superi pe el
It is no use getting upset to him
7. Merita sa citesti piesele lui Bernard Shaw daca nu le poti vedea jucate
It is worth reading the plays of the Bernard Shaw if you can not see played
8. Nu are rost sa te duci la cofor pe o asemenea ploaie
It is useless going to hairstylist on such a rain.
9. N-avea rost sa ma caute daca nu avea nimic nou sa-mi spuna
its useless looking for me if he does not have to tell me anything new
10.Nu merita sa cumperi ceva ce nu vei purta
It is no worth buying something what you do not will wear you .
11.A trecut o sptamana fara ca vreunul dintre noi sa primeasca vreo scrisoare de
It's been a week without any of us to receiving any letter from home
12.Tanarul spuse ca nu-si amintea ca cineva sa-I fi spus aceasta
The young man said that he does not remember saying him by anyone .
13.Nu ma supara daca imprumutati cartile mele, dar va rog sa mi le inapoiati
I do not mind borrowing my books, but it is good returning them
14.Iertati-ma daca ma amestec in aceasta problema
Please forgive me if I get involving in this issue
15.Trebuie sa renunti de a sta intodeauna atat de tarziu; dimineata iti va fi greu sa
te scoli
You must giving up to stay always so late; in the morning it will be hard to you
to getting up
16.Am auzit ca prietenului tau I s-a acordat o inalta distictie
I heard that your friend had been granted a highest distinction
17.Insist ca si ea sa fie intrebata asupra acestui lucru
I Insist that she had been asked on this working .
18.Ma surprinde faptul ca nu a participat la dezbateri
I'm surprised that he did not participated in discutions


ex 260 / Translate into Romanian, using the Gerund Traduceti in Engleza

, folosind Gerunziul
1. Copilul a inceput sa vorbeasca foarte devreme
The child started talking very early
2. Fiti optimisti! Degeaba va faceti griji.
Be optimistic! Nothing to worry about.
3. Va suparati daca deschid fereastra?
Would you mind opening the window?
4. Renunta la fumat si te vei simti cu mult mai bine.
Quit smoking and you'll feel much better.
5. Continuati sa cititi, va rog.
Keep reading , please/Reading on, please
6. Inchipuieste-ti a trebuit sa refac calculul, caci mi-era frica sa nu fi omis vreo cifra.
Imagine you that I had to recalculate, because I was afraid not omitting any
7. Nu am putut sa nu rad de el
I could not laugh to him.
8. Va multumesc pentru ajutorul dumneavoastra
Thank you for your helping
9. Insist sa invatati aceste reguli
I insist learning these rules.
10.Ai terminat de citit ziarul?
Have you finished reading the newspaper?
11.Nu pot sa nu il admir pentru curajul si altruismul sau
I can not admire for his courage and his selflessness.
12.Mi-a facut placere sa ma plimb cu voi
I liked walking with you
13.El era ocupat cu terminarea darii de seama
He was busy completing reports
14.Ce v-a impiedicat sa veniti ieri?
What did you prevented coming yesterday?
15.Nu si-a cerut scuze ca a fost nepoliticos cu noi
He doesn't ask apologizing that he was impolite with us
16.A reusit sa traduca mai multe paragrafe din romana in engleza
He managed translating more paragraphs from Romanian to English
17.Se gandea sa inceapa practicarea unui sport de iarna
It is going to start practicing winter sport
18.A inceput sa-si perfectioneze cunostiintele de engleza citind pubicatii englezesti
He began perfecting their English knowledges reading English publications.
SAPTAMANA 7 Past Tense Simple and Continous
Ex 263 / puneti verbele din paranteza la Past Tense, forma continua sau nedefinita
1. He came in while I ( to work)
He came in while I was working.

El a venit in timp ce eu eram la munca

2. What ( you, to do) yesterday at this time?
What did you do yesterday at this time?
Ce faceai ieri la acesata ora ?
3. William the Conqueror ( to land) in England in 1066.
William the Conqueror landed in England in 1066.
William Cuceritorul a debarcat in Anglia in 1066.
4. As he ( to cross) the road, he slipped and fell
As he was crossing the road, he slipped and fell
In timp ce traversa strada, a alunecat si a cazut.
5. My friend Tommy( to come) to see me yesterday.
My friend Tommy came to see me yesterday
Prietenul meu Tommy a venit sa ma vada ieri.
6. When I came home, your dog ( to sleep) in my armchair
When I came home, your dog was sleeping in my armchair
Cand am ajuns acasa, cainele tau dormea in fotoliul meu
7. I lost my wrist-watch, while I ( to walk) through the garden.
I lost my wrist-watch, while I was walking through the garden.
Mi-am pierdut ceasul de mana, in timp ce ma plimbam prin gradina
8. I ( to have) my breakfast when the bell rang
I had my breakfast when the bell rang
Imi luasem micul dejun cand clopotelul a sunat.
9. My friend ( to send) me some books the other day
My friend sent me some books the other day,
Prietenul meu mi-a trimis cateva carti alaltaieri
10.I ( know) him quite well when I was young
I knew him quite well when I was young
l-am cunoscut destul de bine cand eram tanar.
Ex 131 / insert the Past Indefinite or Past Continuos inserati Trecutul Nedefinit sau
1. She heard him sigh while he ( to read)
She heard him sigh while he was reading
l-a auzit suspinand in timp ce el citea.
2. He.her as she .slowly toward the door ( to call, to go)
He called her as she was slowly going toward the door
El a sunat cand ea se indrepta usor spre usa.
3. The water .brightly as it ..( to shine, to flow)
The water flowed brightly as it was shining.
4. While she ..the tea he.her ( to make, to watch)
While she was making the tea he was watching her .
El o privea in timp ce ea facea cafeaua.
5. He .with the closest attention while she ( to listen, to read).
He was listening with the closest attention while she was reading.
El asculta cu mare atentiein timp ce ea a citea
Ex 315 / puneti verbele din paranteze la formele corespunzatoare:

1. Conversation ( to be) really not a means of ( to learn) new words and expressions,
but only of practicein ( to hear) and ( to reproduce) what we ( already, to learn).
Conversation is really not a means of learning new words and expressions, but
only of practice in to hear and to reproduce what we have already learnt.
Conversaie nu este cu adevrat un mijloc de a nva cuvinte i expresii noi, ci
doar un mijloc de practic n a asculta i in a reproduce ceea ce am nvat deja.
2. In conversation e ( also, to have) the disadvantage of ( to hear) only the answers
to our questions, while we ( to have) no means of ( to know) whether our
questions( to be expressed) correctly, for it ( to be) very difficult to overhear the
natives asking questions which (to serve) as patterns for our own.
In conversation we also have the disadvantage of hearing only the answers to
our questions, while we have no means of knowing whether our questions are
expressed correctly, for it is very difficult to overhear the natives asking
questions which serve as patterns for our own.
n conversaie avem, de asemenea dezavantajul de a auzi doar rspunsurile la
ntrebrile noastre, n timp ce noi nu cunoastem dac ntrebrile noastre sunt
exprimate n mod corect, pentru aceasta este foarte dificil s auzi localnicii
punand ntrebri care servesc drept modele pentru ale noastre
3. Rash reproduction of what we (to hear) casually ( may, to land) us in vulgar,
ludicrously slangry or otherwise objectionable expressions.
Rash reproduction of what we hear casually may land us in vulgar, ludicrously
slangry or otherwise objectionable expressions.
Reproducerea grabita (rapida) a ceea ce auzim la ntmplare poate sa ne
conduca spre expresii vulgare, ridicole sau pe de alta parte innacceptabile.
4. The results of ( to pickup) a language entirely by ear from the beginning ( may, to
be seen) in uneducated adults who (to come) among a population speaking a
strange language: after yer of residence in the country they ( to be) often unable
( to utter) anything but a few words and phrases.
The results of pickuping a language entirely by ear from the beginning may be
seen in uneducated adults who come among a population speaking a strange
language: after year of residence in the country they are often unable to utter
anything but a few words and phrases.
5. Rezultatele alegerii unui limbaj n ntregime dupa ureche de la nceput pot fi
observate la aduli needucati care provin printre o populaie vorbind o limb
ciudat: dup ani de rezidenta, ei sunt adesea n imposibilitatea de s rosteasc
nimicmai mult decat cteva cuvinte i fraze.



Present Tense Simple and Continous

Ex 261 / Traduceti in limba engleza
1. Femeia care sta de vorba in curte cu sora mea este vecina noastra care locuieste
Woman who is talking with my sister in the courtyard is our neighbor who lives
2. Nu intra in birou. Tata lucreaza acolo si nu I place sa fie deranjat
You do not enter in the office. My father is working there and he does not
like to be disturbed
3. Vezi pe domnul acela din colt? Tocmai isi ia desertul acum. De indata ce pleaca
ne putem aseza la masa lui.
Do you see the gentleman in the corner? He is just taking the dessert now. As
soon he is leaving we can sit down at him table
4. Ai acelasi drum cu mine?
Do you have the same way with me?
5. Soarele straluceste, pasarelele canta; a venit vara
The sun shines, the birds sing; The summer came.
Ex 254 / puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul present, forma continua
1. What( she, to do) now? She ( to read) the newspaper.
What is she doing now? She is reading the newspaper.
Ce face ea acum? Ea citeste ziarul.
2. All the boys ( to play) football on the stadium
All the boys are playing football on the stadium
Toti baietii joaca fotbal pe stadion.
3. What ( the orchestra, to play)?
What the orchestra are you playing ?
In ce orchestra canti?
4. Mr. Brown ( to write) a letter now.
Mr Brown is writing a letter now
Domnul Brown scrie o scrisoare acum.
5. I ( to open) all the windows of my room
I am opening all the windows of my room
Deschid toate ferestrele camerei mele.
6. He ( to shut) the front door
He is shuting the front door
El inchide usa de la intrare
7. Mary ( not to learn) her English lesson; she ( to sleep) now.
Mary is not learning her English lesson; she is sleeping now
Mary nu invata lectia la engleza; acum ea doarme
8. Where ( you, to go) in such a hurry?
Where are you going in such a hurry?
Unde mergi asa grabit?
9. It ( to rain) heavily.

It is raining heavily.
Ploua cu galeata.
10.( you, to read) todays newspaper?
Are you reading todays newspaper?
Citesti ziarul de astazi?
11.Little Tommy ( to eat) an ice-cream; his father ( to smoke) a cigarette
Little Tommy is eating an ice-cream; his father is smokig a cigarette
Micul Tommy mananca o inghetata; tatal lui fumeaza o tigara.
12.Marys sister ( to look) out of the window at the people in the street.
Marys sister is looking out of the window at the people in the street.
Sora lui Mary se uita pe fereastra la oamenii de pe strada

SAPTAMANA 8 Past PerfectTense Simple and Continous

Ex 133 / Supply the correct tense, Past indefinite or Past Perfect, in the following
sentences - Completati timpul correct, Trecutul Simplu sau Trecutul Perfect, in
urmatoarele propozitii
1. She had a feeling that something .( to happen)
She had a feeling that something had happened
Ea a avut sentimentul ca ceva se intamplase.
2. Henry and Mary when Francis reached the house ( to arrive+neg)
Henry and Mary did not arrive when Francis reached the house .
Henry si Mary nu au ajuns acasa cand Francis a ajuns acasa.
3. I told him everything. He .and.., like a figure cut in stone, till I ..( to stand, to
listen, to finish)

I told him everything. He stood and listened, like a figure cut in stone, till I
I-am spus totul. El a stat i a ascultat, ca o scluptura n piatr, pn am terminat
4. They ..only just..breakfast when Bill unexpectedly joined them ( to begin)
They had only just begun breakfast when Bill unexpectedly joined them
Abia incepusera micul dejun cand Bill li s-a alaturat in mod neasteptat
5. Ruth and Helen waited until they ..( to go)
Ruth and Helen waited until they went.
Ruth si Helen au asteptat pana ei au plecat
6. He ..just..the hall when a stranger .( to leave, to enter)
He had just left the hall when a stranger entered
El tocmai parasise sala cand un strain a intrat.
Ex 144 / Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in the margin( Past
Indefinite, Past Continous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continous) - completati
spatiile libere cu timpul correct al verbelor din margine
1. It was cold in the room , even though the electric-fire ..for more than hour ( to
switch on)
It was cold in the room , even though the electric-fire had been switching
on.for more than hour .
Era frig n camer, chiar dac focul electric pornise de mai mult de o or.
2. When we entered the garden we . that grandfather . in his chair, with a
book fallen on his chest ( to see, to sleep).
When we entered the garden we saw that grandfather was sleeping in his
chair, with a book fallen on his chest ( to see, to sleep).
Cand am intrat in gradina am vazut ca bunicul dormea in scanul sau cu o carte
cazuta pe pieptul sau
3. His sister wrote to him but she .that their father.( not to mention, to fall ill).
He .in the hospital for some days and now he in bed motionless ( to be, to lie)
His sister wrote to him but she didnt mention.that their father had been
falling il. He was in the hospital for some days and now he is lying in bed
motionless ( to be, to lie)
Sora lui i-a scris dar nu a mentionat ca tatal lor cazuse bolnav la pat. El a fost in
spital cateva zile si acum e nemiscat la pat


Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous or Present Tense Simple or Continuous

1. Ti-ai cumparat deja biletul de tren?

2. Bucataria este haos total! Ce au facut copiii??

3. Julie invata sa conduca de 6 ani!
4. Nimeni nu a adus de mancare?
5. Cata cafea ai baut de dimineata?
6. Am facut tot ce trebuia pe ziua de azi
7. Gina a uitat cum se ajunge la mine acasa. S-a pierdut in centrul orasului
8. Studiez de cateva saptamani pentru ca am examen maine
9. Scriu la cartea asta de un an
10.Tata nu a reparat masina asa ca mergem cu masina saptamana aceasta
11.De mult timp vreau sa ma duc in vizita la colega mea
12.Nu am citit cartea ta
13.De cand locuiesti in Canada?
14.Am masina asta de 10 ani si i-am schimbat uleiul doar o data
15.A scris 2 carti deja iar astazi incepe alta
16.O vad pe Annie in fiecare zi si am observat ca s-a ingrasat in ultimul timp
17.Tatal meu nu a baut cafea de un an dar lumea a uitat si I se ofera mereu
18.El vorbeste engleza
19.El vorbeste numai engleza de 2 ani
20.Sunt foarte obosit in ultimul timp. Nu stiu ce am pentru ca nu ma simt obosit
21.Karen nu a facut de mancare nimic
22.Thomas scrie poezii de 10 ani, chiar acum scrie ceva pentru sotia lui
23.Am spart vaza de cristal, sa nu te enervezi, te rog.
24.Nu am calatorit inca cu avionul.

SAPTAMANA 9 / Expressing Future

Ex 3

Sunt sigur ca la ora aceea fratii tai vor dormi

Probabil ca elevii vor scrie inca exercitiile cand va suna clopotelul
Miine pe vremea asta sora mea va canta la pian.
Voi va veti juca in gradina toata dimineata
Aproape ca nu-mi vine sa cred ca vinerea viitoare ne vom plimba pe
malul Tamisei
6. Il voi anunta pe Tom de invitatia voastra deoarece il voi vedea la
teatru in seara aceasta.
Ex 5 / translate the following sentences into English using Future in
the Past Simple


John spera ca toti prietenii lui vor veni la petrecere

Paula ne-a anuntat ca trenul va sosi in zece minute.
Eram sigur ca o vei gasi acasa
Thomas mi-a promis ca imi va imprumuta cartea aceea a doua zi
Unde ai spus ca isi vor petrece ei vacanta de iarna?

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