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SIN: Lapsus

JET StudiosSomewhere out there :D

The story in this Light Novel is a work of fiction.

Any resemblance to any real person or location is purely

Awakening: The Legend

Once upon a time, every human in the world enjoys the blessing from the seven
moons that the Bathala gave them

Yeah, right~! Thats some good ol mythology, and no one in the right mind will
ever believe that!, a cocky student side commented as he reads a book about Filipino
Mythology in the library of his school.

Yeah but were supposed to report those in class next week! Bear with it Jhay!,
answered by a guy in thick framed glasses.

Come on man! This doesnt make any sense! There were seven moons? Get
over it! We studied in our science class that the moon was created 4.5 Billion years ago
out of debris thrown into orbit of earth by a massive collision between a smaller protoEarth and another planetoid, about the size of Mars., Jhay replied.

Oh come on dude! You might sound smart but, at least say that without reading
it in Google!, Jhays classmate interfered.

Okay fine Jerome, Ill do it... Jhay started to read the book hes reading a while
ago. seven moons that the Bathala gave them. But one night, a large sea serpent
gazed fanatically on those seven moons, envying its brilliance it it started to devour
each and every moon in sight. ~ Oi oi, theres no serpent thats huge enough to devour
a moon!, Jhay yelled and gained every ones attention in the library.

Can you please be quiet? Youre disturbing every student here the librarian
behind them whispered in their ears.

Sorry. Ill keep my voice down. Jhay apologized.

Come on dude. Lets just get over it, okay? We have to pass that subject!
Jerome whispered.

Okay okay. Ill do it. Jhay answered annoyingly.

Time passed and the two decided to go home at four. Three hours after their
homeroom class. While rearranging the books theyve borrowed in the library, Jhay
bumped the Filipino Mythology book that hes reading a while ago and felled into the
floor. Upon picking it up he uttered smirking Seven moons huh, yeah right.

On his way home while waiting for a jeepney a vintage jeep a bright light
coming from the sky blindingly shone upon everyone in the area. Jhay tried to look
closely and he noticed that it is like a mini meteor that is about to hit him directly.

What the - ! Jhay exclaimed and the fire directly hit him. It burned his uniform
and started to spread to his body. Everyone in the area was so scared to help him,
some started to take picture using their smartphones, while others tried to fetch water
from anywhere possible but the unfortunate student was burnt alive to crisp.

Gahh! Why-! It hurts~! It burns~! Ahhhhhhh! Help!, the student shouted asking
for help. He slowly fell to the ground and died.

Everyone gathered around him and someone called the ambulance. The fire
slowly fade and the students body was burnt to crisp.

Hey! Let me borrow your body!, a voice whispered in his head.

What-!? the boy slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. Flashes of
images forced their way into his head.

Are these memories? Gah! the boy whispered, and a sharp pain in his head
followed the numerous number of images he saw inside his head.

Hey look! Hes alive! a bystander yelled.

Hey get up, we have to get out of here. The mysterious voice suggested.

Aaaaaah! How come youre alive!? You! Youre burnt to crisp! I saw it with my
eyes! an old woman yelled in shock. Everyone panicked and more people gathered
around the boy that is now in his knees.

A monster! You were hit by that fireball and youre still alive!

Shut up! the boy yelled, and a strange light flashed around his body.

Ill handle this. I can only use this once. Ill erase everyones memories. The
mysterious voice said.

Youre you what are you? the boy asked.

I am a god.

The light slowly fade and everyone blinks as if they wondered what they were
doing there. The bystander slowly walked away from the boy as if nothing happened a
while ago.

What have you done? the boy asked.

Let it be it will be hard to explain every little thing about it. For now lets go
somewhere we can talk.


The boy waited for a jeepney to go home. As he sat down the back seat of the
jeep. He felt drowsy so he paid for his transportation fee. After a while he fell asleep.

Jhay suddenly went spiraling and fell down a dark vortex as if it was sucking him
down. In the midst of chaos he saw a golden door and he immediately held on it. As
soon as he touched the door it went fully open and it sucked him in.

He woke up in a room not just a room it seems like he saw it before. A throne
room, one of the things he saw in the images that entered his mind. At the center of the
golden pillar room with red curtains, marble floor and red carpet lies a golden throne

and at the back is a fiery wall with golden fire. He noticed the entity that is sitting in the
throne as if looking down on him.

What do you want!? Jhay angrily yelled.

Let me use your body. You see, I know you saw everything when I entered your
body. So all I have to do is explain everything. The man in red cloak said.

I am Gugurang, the Guardian of fire, fiery god of Mount Mayon. The man


Indeed. I am one of the seven guardians the sealed Bakunawa to stop it from
causing catastrophe in our world.

Bakunawa? You mean the one in the legends!? The one who tried to eat the

Yes. Although he succeeded in eating the other six moons.

Then why am I involve in all of this? Im just a high school student! Cant you find
someone else? Jhay angrily said.

No. I believe I cant do that. You are one of the chosen few who will serve as one
of the seven vessels of the seven guardians who sealed Bakunawa in ancient times.
Gugurang explained.

But what should I do?

Find the other vessels and reseal Bakunawa. I myself is weak from centuries of
keeping the seal around him

Im not buying any of this.


If youre not going to leave Ill force you!

Human! You dare to say that in to my face?! Who do you think you are?!

I am Jhay Bagas! A high school student and I am the one who will kick your butt
and make my way home! My moms gonna kill me if I dont get home soon!

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